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单词 Lexical
1. We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the languages.
2. Representation of lexical information and lexical coverage.
3. This process is known as lexical access.
4. What pragmatic principles govern lexical acquisition?
5. Lexical semantics refers to the meaning of individual words.
6. We can now re-define a lexical unit.
7. But one can not simply associate high lexical density with writing, and low lexical density with speaking.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Yet lexical access stands in the same relation to these levels as the acoustic front end stands to lexical access.
9. It concentrates just on lexical access - there is no syntactic or semantic component - and its lexicon contains only 211 words.
10. Lexical access is not an autonomous process which a central processor can direct towards any part of the utterance.
11. Dialect, accent, lexical choice and grammatical structures are all interpreted by speakers and addressees as signifying status.
12. In each lexical domain, children appear to make the same assumption: newly acquired words contrast with those already known.
13. In this case, the relative weighting of lexical:syntax:semantics could be 4:2:1.
14. These lexical items act upon the grammar to constrain the temporariness sense since as lexical items they denote temporary activities.
15. Acceptable word candidates remaining after lexical look-up are stored for further analysis.
16. We wish to distinguish between lexical input systems, lexical output systems, and a semantic system.
17. I have time to discuss only one lexical myth: this is the signpost which points us in the direction of precision.
18. It is suspected that the issue of lexical acquisition will form the basis of further studies.
19. For it is easy to think of other examples where the lexical choice will lead to a further proliferation of senses.
20. Others are more fixed and allow little room for adjustment, and these we might think of as more lexical in character.
21. Correspondingly, we shall have to consider three aspects of the delimitation of a lexical item.
22. It can be marked by very low pitch, even on lexical items, loss of amplitude and a lengthy pause.
23. Bottom-up parsers are very susceptible to problems arising from lexical ambiguity.
24. The language work develops awareness and build students' knowledge in lexical and linguistic areas most typical of academic prose.
25. The second reason for Bock's claim about relations between syntactic form and lexical accessibility in production is an empirical one.
26. For example, at the lowest level a phoneme lattice was produced for processing by the lexical access component.
27. The function of the initial segments in gilt and kilt for example is to distinguish between two lexical items.
28. Taken to its natural conclusion, the stages of pattern recognition and lexical checking could become interactive processes.
29. Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
30. Even if one does know that a compound exists there is no guarantee that the lexical information will be available.
31. The performance of lexical access is often measured by number of words correctly identified.
32. The system's linguistic knowledge is expressed by means of declarative rules and lexical entries.
33. It may be wondered why it is necessary, or even advantageous, to have two sorts of unit for lexical semantics.
34. For example, the validity of a string of phonemes depends on what is in the lexical data base.
35. Suppose the lexical procedure had been damaged whilst the non-lexical procedure remained intact.
36. Informally, these are rules which change the form of a basic sentence type without changing its lexical content.
37. At this level of specificity, therefore, these facts are of limited significance for a general study of lexical semantics.
38. It involves retrieval of single items from a lexical output system of the kind described in Chapter 6.
39. The use of such lexical representations allows knowledge to be embedded within lexical representations, rather than rules about those representations.
40. Again this needs further evaluation, but a useful lexical database structure has been established.
41. The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.
42. Within the category of lexical items, I include the formulaic patterns I referred to earlier.
43. However, they can be disentangled sufficiently to allow our study of lexical semantics to proceed.
44. Light is therefore, according to the test, an ambiguous lexical form, and 10 and 11 manifest different senses.
45. The restrictions embodied in the lexical graph will eliminate some of the paths through the phoneme graph.
46. Since reports were in sign the lexical identification of individual items often derived from the other parameters.
47. Each lexical item was also tagged with a syntactic category.
48. In all the above cases, the lexical form in question has only one established sense.
49. Contrast also grants priority to lexical expressions that conventionally convey a specific meaning.
50. In the second place, the modal meaning is derivable from the canonical lexical meaning but not the other way round.
51. Some lexical sets are also included, such as homographs and homonyms, compound nouns, and academic subjects.
52. There will also be cases when a stray candidate from the lexical look-up is rejected by the later stages of analysis.
53. We have been speaking, so far, of the effects of context on the meaning of a single lexical unit.
54. Each sentence could be studied in isolation and be analysed in terms of grammatical construction, lexical content and so on.
55. Lexical, syntactic and semantic information needed for the system can be obtained from a machine-readable dictionary.
56. In Chapters 5 and 6 the Chart is allowed to run to completion in order to determine the worst-case effects of lexical ambiguity.
57. Lexical lookup is more demanding of storage and processing but is better at rejecting unacceptable letter strings.
58. From our point of view, all idioms are elementary lexical units.
59. Stemberger compared the frequencies with which these three types of error occurred with open and closed class lexical items.
60. A more satisfactory way of delimiting lexical units is to look for grammatical differences which correlate with differences of meaning.
61. Even if lexical information can be used to limit subsequent registrations, it will not be done on a word-by-word basis.
62. Let us now return to the question of assigning lexical units to lexemes.
63. Instead, there would be a set of lexical rules indicating which affix had to be added to produce each inflected form.
64. These articles, definite and indefinite, now increase the specificity of the lexical meaning of the nouns.
65. Lexical variation of this type is widespread in Durham and is not restricted to items belonging to any particular grammatical class.
66. Although words can be processed by a number of different routes, for skilled readers the lexical route is the most attractive.
67. First,(/lexical.html) the considerable degree of lexical inventiveness which was present.
68. The lexical look-up technique is preferable to statistical methods since it does not have a built-in error rate and guarantees lexical output.
69. Such examples confirm the view of the infinitive proposed here because they evoke its lexical content as something prospective.
70. This model allowed only semantic analysis, output from the syntactic analysis and feedback to the lexical and syntactic analysis was forbidden.
71. Hence it is not unnatural to speak of a lexical unit standing in a particular semantic relation to other lexical units.
72. At the lexical level the frame of discernment consists of words expressed as ordered sets of phonemes.
73. These often show a dissociation between the stem of a lexical item and its affix.
74. Most basic of all are lexical units which become operative in minimal, or neutral, contexts.
75. But the only difference between these two sentences lies in the choice of the lexical item as object.
76. Thus, the lexical access component may have to match each word against every possible alignment of the input with the lexicon.
77. We must now confront the rather more daunting problems of differentiating lexical units paradigmatically.
78. The Chart model has a far larger lexicon, however, containing 4,000 lexical items.
79. The conceptual or lexical meaning is sufficient for its indexical purpose on this occasion.
80. Our first aim was to examine the lexical access components of a number of existing speech recognition systems.
81. Much better reduction is given by the lexical check of candidate strings compared with the n-gram results.
82. A dictionary contains lexical entries for a large number of words.
83. Word order is not the only conceivable grammatical device for enhancing the indexical precision of lexical items.
84. Again, signer 2 differed notably from the others in his inability to use two lexical items simultaneously.
85. A full sense-spectrum is not a satisfactory lexical unit: it does not, for instance, enter into any recognised lexical relations.
86. Each lexical item is given its own card and is filed alphabetically.
87. Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same, however.
88. The lexical items in a taxonomy may be thought of as corresponding to classes of things in the extra-linguistic world.
89. Like many distinctions, that between open and closed classes of lexical items is not an absolute one.
90. The lexical procedure depends upon the reader having previously learned and stored information about the pronunciation of a letter string.
91. Further evidence that children are attentive to Conventionality comes from the repairs they make to their own lexical choices.
92. The lexical information for the constituent words is probably incorrect in the environment of the compound, leading to errors.
93. The use of a morphologically-based lexicon can lead to a large reduction in the storage requirements for the lexical information.
94. However, for the moment we will accept the division of lexical items into open and closed classes.
95. Lexical access in turn produces a list of word matches over some portion of the utterance which are ordered by score.
96. We shall characterise a lexeme as a family of lexical units.
97. We am concerned with the theoretical and practical motivations behind the development of the lexical access component used here.
98. Structural semantics refers to the way in which lexical meanings combine to produce complex semantic expressions.
99. In understanding spoken language,(http:///lexical.html) lexical access is achieved by using information from the acoustic representation of a word.
100. The keys for lexical access are stressed syllables in the word corresponding to the input syllable type.
101. Thus all the senses of mouth discussed earlier will represent lexical units belonging to a single lexeme.
102. The method of lexical representation used was one which allowed efficient representation and search.
103. Conclusion Lexical development offers critical insights into the process of language acquisition.
104. A lexical unit is then the union of a lexical form and a single sense.
105. We increased the acoustic information by incorporating lexical stress into the representation.
106. What other kind of lexical sub-system might be accessed when one reads a word aloud?
107. The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer.
108. This is the lexical analysis of the design stage.
109. The problems English learners often meet in lexical learning.
110. Transformational synonymy and lexical synonymy show important synonymous relationships in discourse analysis.
111. The lexical word forms are the main keys, and each entry manages word senses, synonym sets, glosses, and pointers.
112. Being a special compile tool, the source program of LEX is simple. The compiled lexical analyzer constructed by LEX has high efficiency.
113. Megametaphor is a major means to go beyond lexical sentential level and into textual metaphor.
114. Hence L2 lexical entry cannot develop naturally to the integration stage and L2 lexical knowledge cannot turn into lexical competence.
115. The support vector machine(SVM) and a group of annotation rules were used to support documental level annotation and lexical level annotation.
116. Neology is the embodiment of economical principle and the outcome of self-adjustment in the lexical system.
117. It is an integrated technical processing system which is supported by the technique of word segment, lexical analysis, retrieval, entity recognition and answer extraction.
118. At the end of the file, the lexical variable $x holds 20, and the package variables $main::x, $A::x, and $B::x are still undefined.
119. The theory of lexical cohesion is obviously quite useful to English teaching.
120. Chapter four analyses the disadvantages the lexical - syntax pedagogical model.
121. The word failure in the title may be more obvious at least in its lexical form.
122. In Experiment 2, lexical decision responses were faster when the disyllabic primes were identical to the disyllabic targets than when the prime-target pairs shared nothing in common.
123. Deviat ion in lexical meaning is a common phenomenon int ranslat ion.
124. "Concept words", "predicate", "lexical item" and "concept" are four different notions, their relationship are quite complicated.
125. The meaning morphemes convey may be of two kinds: lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.
126. Since a lexical analyzer is actually nothing more than a parser optimized to process data into token streams, Spirit treats both parts of the process virtually identically.
127. Lex takes a specification file and builds a corresponding lexical analyzer, coded in C.
127. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
128. Nominal ambiguity is classified into two kinds: nominal lexical ambiguity and nominal structural ambiguity , two of which can produce ambiguity when moved from D-structure to S-structure.
129. Onomatopoeic words were seen as a special lexicon in modern Chinese for long, but as to its speciality, there aren't any detailed lexical studies now.
130. According to their categorization (1976, 1985), lexical cohesion is composed of reiteration, synonymy, hyponymy and collocation, etc.
131. In other words, these linguistic tests for lexical semantic relations provide a building block for a verifiable and language independent theory of lexical semantics.
132. About 14 % of those receiving thee - mail removed information on lexical sexual behavior.
133. Headline is an important component of a newspaper with peculiar language features; Here a preliminary survey is made on the English headlines, mainly on its lexical and grammatical features.
134. The manner expressing time in Chinese has two: by lexical form or by grammatical form; they have different degrees of grammaticalization.
135. Semantic primitive is an important concept in lexical semantics. However, it has not been widely studied in the current research of computational linguistics.
136. Words and expressions mark aspect, discuss the aspect of function diverse, lexical category widespread, quantity is rich, and use freedom.
137. According to lexical meaning, main verbs can be dynamic and stative .
138. Semantics is generally divided into lexical semantics and sentence semantics.
139. By understanding closures and lexical scope, you begin to perceive opportunities for new development patterns and idioms.
140. This is really only a hack, though -- generally you shouldn't rely on the lexical representation of an XML document.
141. Some acronyms as scientific terminology are used as a lexical item.
142. Lexicalization, as a process of language change, is usually referred to cases in which materials like sentences or phrases develop into or are recruited to form lexical items.
143. Lexical representation and development in a second language can be divided into three stages: formal stage, L1 lemma mediation stage, and L2 integration stage.
144. Chapter three touches detailedly on the characteristics of business English from four aspects: lexical level, syntactic level, textual level and social level.
145. Lexical analysis stage is to build the first phase of the process.
146. In culture, transfer will appear in two areas: lexical meaning and pragmatics.
147. Compiler Construction Principles, based on the JAVA realize, lexical analysis.
148. The grammar and structure of French are precise and the lexical meanings are affirmable. The significant world literatures all have French versions.
149. For example, are overlaps in word meaning, or lexical gaps, being explored?
150. This thesis proposes a document clustering method combining ontology and lexical chain clusters to compensate the disadvantage of only using lexical chain.
151. However, if two people "know" the meaning of a particular lexical item , their lexical knowledge may not be identical.
152. Lexical analysis stage of the process is to compile the first phase.
153. Word form, lexeme and lexical bundle in Russian are different concepts, with different characteristics.
154. The semantic features of the predicate verbs have restraints on the lexical selection of the depictive adjunct predicates.
155. Fortunately, the anonymous function definitions are within the lexical scope of the htmlElement argument of the object constructor.
156. In XML Schema 1.1, the yearMonthDuration datatype is derived from duration by restricting its lexical representation to contain only the year and month components.
157. Ambiguity is an inherent property of language. It can be divided into phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.
158. One limitation of inner classes — and lambda expressions too — is that they can only refer to final local variables from their lexical scope.
159. Garden path sentences are caused either by lexical ambiguity or syntactic ambiguity.
160. With adequate examples, this paper analyzes three forms of the lexical deviation used in advertising discourse, that is, parody, anagrammatical spelling and coinage.
161. Perspective taking is closely related to the process of lexical choice.
162. This thesis was written to try to exemplify the lexical non - equivalents between Chinese and English cultures.
163. Lexical analyzer function is an input source(sentence dictionary), output word symbols.
164. Design tasks to prepare simple language syntax analysis of lexical analysis procedure.
165. Therefore, a culture-specific word in the present thesis refers to a lexical unit that has at least one type of culture-specific meaning.
166. I aim at revealing some most commonly-used devices of constructing opinions in news discourses by analyzing macro-structure, syntactic process, and lexical choice respectively.
167. Lexical analysis of the main tasks are: to scan source code character by character from left to right, resulting in one word (Token), also check the source of lexical errors.
168. Traditional way of lexical teaching is obviously characterized with certain deficiencies, such as uninterestingness, low class participation of language learners, unfirmness of learners' memory.
169. For a certain lexical item, its argument structure or valency structure determines its syntactic structure.
170. English ambiguity can be divided into three types: phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity, grammatical ambiguity.
171. In this homework, you will explore corpus - based approaches to lexical semantics.




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