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单词 Particulars
1. The nurse asked me for my particulars .
2. For further particulars I refer you to my secretary.
3. Send your particulars to the address above.
4. Your mother must be anxious to know the particulars.
5. Her account is correct in every particular/all particulars.
6. We have all your particulars on file.
7. For particulars apply to Mr. Brooker.
8. For further particulars , contact the College secretary.
9. He gave full particulars of the stolen property.
10. I had better give a few particulars about myself.
11. The police officer took down all the particulars of the burglary.
12. He descended to particulars.
13. You may be required to give particulars of the change in your financial position.
14. All particulars should be carefully checked and verified; nothing should be taken for granted.
15. Once you have registered your particulars with an agency and it has banked your cheque, the process begins.
16. Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office.
17. Tel:, ext 2314, from where further particulars are available.
18. Potential applicants are encouraged to apply for further particulars.
19. Let me give you my particulars.
20. It is always risky to generalise from particulars.
21. Hann's analysis is right in almost all particulars.
22. An example of written particulars is given below.
23. Dad gave particulars of his own complaint.
24. It is apparent from these particulars that in relation to some of the payments the S.I.B. does not know the identity of the investors.
25. There's a form for you to note down all your particulars.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. This is only a rough idea; I'll go into top particulars later on.
27. I wish you would come down from generalities to particulars.
28. On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment.
29. They agreed as to the grand outlines,()but quibbled over particulars.
30. The nurses at the admission desk asked her for particulars.
1. For further particulars I refer you to my secretary.
31. The only consequences will be those relating to the effect of omissions and errors in the registered particulars.
32. Listing particulars A company which is seeking a listing on the London Stock Exchange is obliged to prepare and publish listing particulars.
33. The directive contains requirements for the contents of prospectuses which broadly mirror those for listing particulars under the listing directive.
34. The particulars in fact also act as a ready reference in certain respects.
35. The number plate tallied with the particulars they, and the local Securitate, had on record.
36. The further particulars given must incorporate the request or order.
37. The procedure for the obtaining and giving of further particulars of defence is the same as appertains in relation to further particulars of claim.
38. The Listing Particulars Directive of 1980 sought to harmonise disclosure requirements, with a view to eventual mutual recognition of listing particulars.
39. If counsel settled the pleading for further and better particulars, his name should appear at the end.
40. This contains the particulars, site plans and photographs of the properties and freehold and leasehold sites included in the sale.
41. It is essential to read the small print on the auction particulars, especially where obligations are being passed to the purchasers.
42. Documents must not be handed to drivers or otherwise issued with blank spaces for recording particulars of tare weights or net weights.
43. But if we are uncertain about the particulars, we have been offered explicit guidance on the principle.
44. And although the particulars of their initiatives might differ, the underlying causes of success or failure will provide lessons learned.
45. In what follows, I propose to pursue this question further by considering critically four different philosophical theories of particulars.
46. Particulars of Claim Order 6 deals with particulars of claim.
47. Now, what we don't want are detailed particulars of the shop, the salesperson's home address and physical attributes.
48. One of us takes the tiniest moment and holds it in our hands, recalling it in all its particulars.
49. The twentieth-century writing curriculum, then, was focused on the particulars of usage, grammar, and mechanics.
50. Except in the shortest of particulars of claim, allegations should be divided into paragraphs and numbered consecutively.
51. As regards the registration of further particulars a number of points need to be emphasised.
52. Listing particulars contain detailed information about the issuing company, its securities and certain future issues.
53. Enter the particulars of the guests listed below who are in residence at the Atlas Hotel on an analysed visitors tabular ledger.
54. The physical realm is the realm of contingent, temporal, concrete and fuzzy particulars.
55. A defendant who pleads that he was erroneously convicted is putting up a positive case and can be asked for particulars.
56. The designer and the White House are mum about colors and particulars.
57. If a listed bidder is proposing to issue its own securities as consideration under the scheme then listing particulars may be required.
58. Historically, where there has been a demand for sport,(http:///particulars.html) the particulars of participants seem to lose significance.
59. The application must give the particulars specified in the rule.
60. This includes the address of the company's registered office and particulars of the directors and secretary.
61. Above all these particulars hovered one central fact: the Church had changed.
62. But to generalize from such sensational particulars as these is to ignore both commonsense and political geography.
63. More particulars about these growers can be located in the Village Directory of Champagne Growers.
64. We are all familiar with the rose-tinted particulars produced by some of the less reputable estate agents.
65. Writers of all ages see particulars of their lives as grist for the mill, as resources for writing.
66. What the Government is trying to do is to persuade the estate agents that they shouldn't give false particulars at all.
67. The underlying themes of Adam Smith parallel those of Lord Mansfield, even if there is rarely a coincidence in particulars.
68. Forms of particulars of claim are supplied by the court office to parties in person.
69. Two particulars simultaneously occupying two different places are in virtue of this very fact two different particulars.
70. If one is to avoid this simple circularity, then one must explain standing for in terms of some natural relation between particulars.
71. They reject individual justice, in favour of grand statements that brush aside particulars.
72. For further particulars and application forms, please contact the Centre as soon as possible by letter or telephone.
73. On 23 April the second defendant took a letter to the plaintiff containing particulars of this offer by Mr. Perot for Caliban.
74. The assumption is that error can be eradicated by zeroing in on the particulars of language.
75. And the particulars of such a seeming unequal struggle are of little immediate help to the Kids from La Fama.
76. Most of the particulars of his description have not been improved upon.
77. Product particulars relating to Midland Pensions including details of charges will be provided with your illustration.
78. The particulars of this bishop are a union of tales.
79. I did notice that Eva's absorption in the particulars of Dad's life had waned.
80. KEEP a register of members with personal particulars.
81. I won't go into particulars about my past relationships.
82. You will find all the particulars in Chapter 9.
83. Are you particulars dispelled by sea breeze?
84. You need not go into particulars.
85. He was urgent with me to disclose further particulars.
86. Particulars are too meagre to form a decision.
87. You'd better condescend upon particulars.
88. For further particulars apply to our personnel office.
89. For particulars, please apply to the information desk.
90. Give me a general description of your plans. You don't have to go into particulars.
91. If there is more than one nominator for the same candidate, please photocopy this page for providing particulars of the other nominator(s).
92. The particulars of cheap money are different this time, but the logic is dishearteningly similar.
93. I declare that the statements and particulars in this proposal are true and no material facts have been misstated or suppressed .
94. Please be assured that your particulars will be kept confidential and I will need to tape record this discussion for my transcribing purposes only.
95. The law takes into consideration the majority of cases, the typical and average situation, but it cannot condescend upon particulars.
96. If any particulars given by you in this application are found to be false or if you wilfully omit or suppress any material facts, any offer of employment may be withdrawn.
97. The particulars of individual tenement account attached or detached are set out in the list overleaf.
98. Please fill in this proposal form with particulars about yourself and the state or your health.
99. The ship's particulars are not completed, short of ship's GT.
100. If you have the intention of buying the goods you can send a specific enquiry including the name of article and quantity and other particulars as well.
101. All personal particulars collected through this Project Proposal Form will solely be used for purposes related to the "Community Involvement Projects on Maintenance 2009-10".
102. The Engineer shall give notice to both Parties of each agreement or determination, with supporting particulars.
103. Under separate cover , we are air mailing you full particulars of the specifications and packing.
104. Note that if you don't close a path but call the fill() method, the path will be closed implicitly. Please consult the reference page for particulars.
105. They do not preach learning precepts , they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.
106. Moreover, nine merits of utilitarianism are listed and explained, seven of which are common to all forms of utilitarianism, and the remaining two are particulars to UUT.
107. I hereby certify that this is a true statement of the particulars herein set forth.
108. Starting a relationship with a contract that sets forth the particulars of what will happen upon death or divorce can engender a sense of lack of trust.
109. Or it leaves the concrete thing as a ground, and by setting aside the unessential-looking particulars, brings into relief a concrete universal, the Genus, or Force and Law.
110. The applications of the structure conceptive design on some detailed designing of the construction plan and constitution particulars are discussed in this paper.
111. The expert refused to go into particulars about certain topics.
112. These attributes define some particulars of how GDI drawing functions work.
113. I herby declare that the particulars as contained in Parts I and II above are true and correct.
114. The policewoman wrote down his particulars, ie his name , address, etc.
115. The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for particulars respecting their business standing and trustworthiness.
116. It was my first implicit appreciation of the principle of extensionality by which I have set such store down the decades: the universal is no more than the sum of its particulars.
117. I don't want to go into particulars now, I'll tell you all the details later.
118. Has the claimant sustained other losses of the same nature? If yes, please give full particulars.
119. For further particulars, we refer you to the surveyor's report enclosed.
120. No final or interim claim for payment for any such work or expense will be considered which has not been included in such particulars .
121. They were even boastful of its eminence in those particulars.
122. Shipping particulars including marks and port of entry must be advised to the Sellers before 20th July, 1982.
123. If we know that the best criteria we have for the re-identification of particulars have been satisfied, then we know that objects continue to exist unperceived .
124. The form of application shall not contain such particulars as are not directly related to the matters involved in the application for administrative permission.
125. Then, the elementary theory and concept of software support the platform of virtual environment, and go into particulars the simulation analysis of vehicle braking performance.
126. Men who love wisdom should acquaint themselves with a great many particulars.
127. The author relates several particulars of the YAHOOS. The great virtues of the HOUYHNHNMS. The education and exercise of their youth. Their general assembly.
128. Please check that your particulars as indicated above are correct. If not, please inform your school immediately.
129. If we can re-identify particulars , then we have satisfiable criteria on the basis of which we can make re-identification.




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