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单词 Tensed
1. He tensed his muscles for the leap.
2. The athletes waited, with all their sinews tensed.
3. He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.
4. The muscles in my face tensed.
5. She tensed, hearing the strange noise again.
6. Brian got so tensed up he could hardly speak.
7. Players get very tensed up before a match.
8. I tensed every muscle in my body in apprehension.
9. She tensed, hearing the noise again.
10. Every time the phone rang, she tensed.
11. Jane tensed her muscles to stop them from shaking.
12. She tensed up as she heard the explosion.
13. He tensed himself, listening to see if anyone had followed him.
14. GRE tensed him up.
15. The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.
16. You seem very tensed up. Are you still waiting for that phone call?
17. Neal tensed slightly as the plane took off.
18. A muscle tensed a fraction in his jaw.
19. He stood tensed, straining his ears./tensed.html
20. She tensed, trembling. Heavy footsteps were mounting the stairs.
21. She tensed, struck by a sudden brainwave.
22. Every time the vestibule door opened, he tensed up.
23. He spread his legs and tensed his fingers.
24. Francesca's neck muscles tensed every time she took a breath and her nostrils dilated.
25. He walked hesitatingly forward, his skin tensed for the feeling of metal tearing flesh.
26. Richmann tensed as the approaching engine noise reached a peak.
27. Her hands tensed against the solid wall of his chest, feeling the warm, muscular tautness of him.
28. Their women were tensed forward on their seats, almost in a crouch of inquiry or solicitude.
29. He put his arm around me, and I tensed up.
30. Her hand froze against his cheek as the realisation tensed every muscle in her body.
1. He tensed his muscles for the leap.
2. He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.
31. Juliet tensed as she spooned drinking chocolate into two mugs.
32. For answer Tom's whole body on the bar stool tensed up.
33. The Monsignor tensed with the sound of flatware clanking and tinkling in the kitchen.
34. Your muscles are tensed, your breathing irregular, first shallow, then deep.
35. Guy tensed the instant she moved,(http:///tensed.html) as though bracing himself for resistance.
36. Newman's stomach muscles tensed.
37. She tensed; very softy he blew into her ear, until she quivered as his warm breath passed through her.
38. He - An alien noise stopped her thoughts mid-flow, and she tensed, straining her ears to recapture the sound.
39. It was only when they tensed, curling and tightening their grip on the floor, did he realise they were alive.
40. I tensed up, but he was talking about what dumb videos they had at the mall.
41. And remembering it - it seemed more as if she relived it - her whole body ached, tensed, fidgeted.
42. Every muscle tensed, and she swallowed nervously, but she carried on with her appointed task with renewed concentration.
43. I tensed on the controls, involuntarily leaning forward, ready to take off.
44. The dark eyes were glowing with hostility and the man's whole body had tensed.
45. Their hands pushed against each other, fingers tensed and shaking.
46. She tensed; as if some buried defence had been touched by this ultimate surrender, some distant alarm bell sounded.
47. All the tensed heads came up hopefully, all the too quiescent bodies braced, all the wary eyes gleamed.
48. She tensed with the need to resist the powerful feelings he was evoking.
49. For a second or two Ben knelt there in front of him threateningly, his whole body tensed as if to act.
50. My fingers gripped the telephone receiver; my body tensed in a familiar effort to fight the rising emotion.
51. She tensed involuntarily, looking into his eyes with growing panic.
52. During practice sessions on relaxation techniques, Patricia recognized that when she had an anxious thought, her muscles tensed.
53. Fred rechecked his assault rifle, his extra magazines, and then tensed preparing to run.
54. As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds.
55. US presidential race hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton walked somberly into a press conference Tuesday and stood before microphones. Reporters tensed, sensing something big might be afoot.
56. He tensed as the big West Indian gripped his shoulder.
57. The policeman fires again, tensed against the recoil, unleashing round after round at his assailant.
58. They believe virtuous work means getting all tensed up and doing things they loathe.




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