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单词 Deathly
1. The deserted village was filled with a deathly silence.
2. She was deathly pale, and looked as if she might faint.
3. There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement.
4. After he had spoken, a deathly silence/hush fell on the room.
5. He went / turned deathly pale at the news.
6. A deathly hush followed the explosion.
7. A deathly silence hung over the square.
8. There was a sudden deathly hush.
9. A deathly silence hung over the town.
10. The deathly pallor of her skin was frightening.
11. The house was deathly still.
12. A deathly hush fell over the room.
13. There was a deathly hush in the theatre.
14. Bernadette turned deathly pale.
15. He turned deathly pale.
16. She went deathly pale.
17. She turned a deathly shade of white when she heard the news.
18. The deathly pallor of her skin had been replaced by the faintest flush of color.
19. Sharon went deathly pale and looked as if she might faint.
20. A deathly hush fell over the room as he walked in.
21. Her skin had a deathly pallor.
22. Her face was deathly pale.
23. There was a deathly hush over the whole show.
24. This time round there was a deathly silence.
25. His face turned deathly pale.
26. He went as thin as a rake[http://](), and deathly pale then for a couple of weeks.
27. He stared back at the ancient church, his eyes wide and face deathly pale.
28. They fussed around until the doctor left, when everything went deathly quiet, and I slept like a log until morning.
29. I heard the short noise of a zip being opened, before a deathly silence set in.
30. But here was the great enemy of my people lying deathly ill and I had nothing going.
1. The deserted village was filled with a deathly silence.
2. She was deathly pale, and looked as if she might faint.
3. There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement.
4. After he had spoken, a deathly silence/hush fell on the room.
5. Bernadette turned deathly pale.
31. "What did you do during the war?" Rob asked. There was a deathly silence, and everyone looked down at the table.
32. But be prepared to entertain yourself: The expensively appointed restaurant usually is subdued and was deathly quiet on a recent visit.
33. My mother, her mother whispered, had avoided acquaintance with the deathly versions.
34. She turned on the external floods, filling the bay with deathly white light.
35. His words landed like a bomb. After the explosion there was just a deathly quiet, the engine throbbing softly.
36. All he was aware of was the deathly cold of the gun barrel.
37. A deathly hush envelops the scene, a silence that seems almost sinister.
38. A deathly hush fell, in which the sound of some one talking too loudly behind the main stand could clearly be heard.
38. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39. The weather was deathly cold, the frost nipping at every part of our exposed flesh.
40. Dead rats, floating in the brown swill of beer with teeth bared in a last deathly snarl.
41. I am very uneasy every Sunday, which is cloudy and deathly still and filled with silent accusing whispers. 5.
42. Her daughter-in-law was deathly pale, looking as if she would faint.
43. May become deathly pale if the room is overheated; kick off the bed covers if they are able to.
44. He was deathly pale and obviously still in the first shock of grief but it had taken him differently.
45. I was sitting on a seat in the park, enjoying the sunshine, when suddenly I felt deathly sick.
46. From these deathly origins Nizan's life span was to proceed in an anguished spiral.
47. She was deathly pale, her face almost swollen as if she had spent her life in tears.
48. Then, when all was deathly quiet again, he decided to investigate.
49. I took a deathly dull job.
50. There was a deathly silence in the room.
51. He is deathly afraid of black crows.
52. At this almost brutal speech Morrel turned deathly pale.
53. Could the mirror be related to the Deathly Hallows?
54. In newly released stills from the forthcoming Part 1 of Deathly Hallows, Daniel Radcliffe is seen looking into a broken mirror, sporting an unshaven, stubbly look.
55. The PC powers, said Bob O'Donnell, an analyst at IDC, were "deathly afraid of the cannibalization of the regular notebook market, but it really didn't happen."
56. Mo Kan - cheng stood to one side, his head drooping and his face deathly pale.
57. According to distributor Warner Bros, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" crossed the one billion dollar mark in worldwide box office sales.
58. The man looked at him and saw that he was deathly pale.
59. Earlier, actor Warwick Davis, who plays Griphook in the Deathly Hollows movie, led the Hogwarts Frog Choir, a musical group made up of Hogwarts students and six singing frog puppets.
60. Are the Deathly Hallows objects that have remained beyond the veil in the Otherworld and must be retrieved such as in the legend of the Hallows of Britain?
61. Deathly Hallows: A Passage Through the Veil? By Lady Lupin.
62. Deathly Hallows is a wonderfully evocative - without - telling - us - much title; one that can only leave us enthralled in speculation.
63. And the night got deathly quiet, and his faced lost all expression.
64. Here she is in November 2010, going short and sexy at the world premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I.
65. He went deathly pale.
66. He looked deathly pale, his head drooping to the side and his mouth frothing.
67. A young soldier, with a face of deathly pallor, still stood facing the pit on the spot upon which he had shot, his shako falling backwards off his head, and his fuse dropping on to the ground.
68. However, in the title and modified by deathly,[] it is clearly a noun.
69. Will the Deathly Hallows be the souls of the departed who, in their untarnished and undamaged state, can assist with the destruction of Horcruxes?
70. And when I put a face to the East, I saw the deathly features of Leonid Brezhnev (or, even worse, his terrifying-looking wife, Viktoria).
71. She lay deathly still.
72. The figure I saw was the deathly figure of the infamous Jack the Ripper.




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