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单词 Heralded
1. Flashing blue lights heralded the arrival of the police.
2. This invention heralded the age of the computer.
3. Her reappearance was heralded with cheers.
4. The singing of the birds heralded in the day.
5. Bill Clinton heralded at his Second Inaugural Address that the journey of our America must go on.
6. When it opened, the hospital was heralded as a new way forward in nursing care.
7. This drug has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer.
8. The report is being heralded as a blueprint for the future of transport.
9. Janet Jackson's new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign.
10. The fine winter weather heralded a good start to the year.
11. A fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the King.
12. I was heralded into his large office by his secretary.
13. According to Danto this heralded the end of art.
14. The end of the Second World War heralded major changes in the conduct of politics at the global level.
15. The event to a large extent heralded the return of order and culture.
16. The abolition of excise duty in 1853 heralded a period of growth and prosperity for the soap industry.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. David Murray's arrival at Ibrox sparked the much heralded Rangers Revolution.
18. The fireworks display that heralded the opening of Antwerp 93 went off like a damp squib.
19. The sound of bagpipes heralded the return of the hometown hero.
20. The sinking stomach pains which heralded this loss were always welcome to me(), and afterwards I would feel triumphantly clean.
21. A flash of lightning and a peal of thunder heralded torrential rain.
22. Tonight's clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being heralded as the match of the season.
23. The squall was a prelude to a fully-fledged gale, heralded well in advance by warnings from the meteorologists.
24. The appointment of John Simon as first Medical Officer heralded the replacement of the grandiose principles of sanitary engineering by preventive medicine.
25. For patients with complicated infarctions requiring intensive insulin therapy the recovery phase will be heralded by a diminishing insulin requirement.
26. The incipient spouses are of course excited by the adventure, the new life, heralded by marriage.
27. Though Apple had serially assigned several programmers to update the heralded product, the revisions were late and not particularly innovative.
28. The Israelite army greets it with the same great shout as bounced off the walls of Jericho and heralded their demolition.
29. The Callaghan government never recovered from the sense of ungovernability and social chaos heralded by the winter of discontent.
30. As so often seemed to be the case, the cavorting sea creatures heralded bad weather.
1. A flash of lightning and a peal of thunder heralded torrential rain.
31. It was heralded by more than one hack as being just another gadget.
32. It had gradually enlarged and began to leak some six weeks before his death and was heralded by the onset of headaches.
33. The procession wound through the town, heralded by music and laughter, leaving perplexity and sadness in its wake.
34. The party continued well into the early hours and was heralded as a great success by all.
35. The opening of the £133m Manchester Metrolink in April was heralded as the new age of the tram.
36. Or consider that some of the nations long heralded as family planning success stories have faltered on the road to re-placement fertility.
37. Among numerous accomplishments, he ushered in the Jazz Age and heralded the fabled Harlem Renaissance.
38. Dean Rusk, deputy under secretary of state at the time, heralded the change in his characteristically bland style.
39. Each team was heralded with proclamations that, finally, we had made it as a major-league metropolis.
40. The razzmatazz on the quay heralded the style of the crossing.
41. A hacking cough from the porch heralded the arrival of Nancy Little and the Doctor.
42. Taxol has been heralded as a breakthrough in cancer treatment.
43. A blast of superheated rock fragments heralded the Doctor's arrival into a huge circular chamber.
44. His decision to purchase the mill heralded the start of a thorough and extensive process of restoration.
45. Jennifer already knew that such a meeting nearly always heralded the arrival of a secret visitor - usually a priest.
46. This undramatic event witness by some 40 or 50 people, heralded the start of a new era for lifeboats./heralded.html
47. Formerly it heralded special occasions and, it is said, will be blown to announce the coming of the Messiah.
48. Naturally, Hanoi heralded the bombing halt and the peace talks in Paris as great victories.
49. Haute French Cuisine is not heralded at L'Idiot Restaurant.
50. Later, her own divorce from Lord Snowdon heralded a cavalcade of failed royal marriages.
51. America's War of Independence heralded the birth of three modem nations.
52. In Cold Blood, which he immodestly heralded as a new form of non-fiction novel, was received with delirious approval; Norman Mailer dubbed Perry as one of the great characters in American literature.
53. The Government virtually had to climb down over its much heralded.
54. This invention heralded ( in ) the age of the computer.
55. His rise to power heralded the end of the liberal era.
56. The ceremony was heralded by hymns and Christmas carols, and was led by a young priest who asked the congregation to "pray for the holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, and the Chinese bishops."
57. America's War of Independence heralded the birth of three modern nations.
58. The dawns were heralded by the descent of a chill stillness.
59. Every time a new Cloud API is announced, its "RESTfulness" is heralded as if it was a MUST HAVE feature.
60. Of course, a complete list , including less - heralded awards, would be much longer.
61. During this period, Germanys expansionist policy of trade with China and the economic power it had accumulated heralded a large-scale aggression against China in William II administration.
62. Professors around the world have heralded his work as groundbreaking.
63. As heralded previously, we are now ready to move to a new open source community model.
64. And the much heralded African Science and Innovation Fund has yet to see the light of day.
65. The lateralized activity heralded the onset of bradycardia, hypotension, and clinical symptoms.
66. Arugula has been heralded as an arousal aid since the first century.
67. The French Revolution of 1789 heralded other bourgeois revolutions in the 19 th century.
68. Billboards heralded the municipality's future: "Livable Chongqing" and "Safe Chongqing,(/heralded.html) " but also "Forest Chongqing" and "Iatrical Chongqing."
69. The disappearance of hysteria has been heralded at least since the 1960's.
70. These men recognized this fact and willingly heralded the achievements of their contemporaries and predecessors.
71. Public opinion must take cognizance of the hidden agenda behind this alleged humanitarian undertaking, heralded by the heads of state and heads of government of NATO countries as a "Just War".
72. Heralded as the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, the Iguazu Waterfalls are a true wonder of nature.
73. Some people say that Ashurbanipal's death heralded the collapse of the Assyrian Empire.
74. This dispossession of American labor has been heralded by offshoring's pimps in the major universities as "the New Economy."
75. The crowds outside heralded the arrival of the Liberation Army.




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