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单词 Heavier
1 He's heavier in build than his brother.
2 My brother is much heavier than me.
3 The bottles of wine made the bag even heavier.
4 The males are seven times heavier than the females on average.
5 She kept weighing herself to see how much heavier she was getting.
6 The French team are the heavier crew, which should work in their favour .
7 The solid wax gives heavier protection.
8 But, with heavier stocking, even grass leaches more nitrate.
9 The air raids were becoming heavier and more frequent.
10 Determination weighed the heavier in his conflicting emotions.
11 Would they be able to lift this heavier load?
12 Cotton is warmer and more durable but heavier.
13 The rain grew heavier, slicking the ground.
14 My legs still pumped but became heavier, denser,[] as the water in my body boiled into the air.
15 Thinking that it was heavier than it looked, he undid the straps and buckles and threw back the flap.
16 The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal. Criss Jami 
17 Idleness and pride tax with a heavier hand than kings and parliaments. Benjamin Franklin 
18 The mist was getting heavier; so, too, was the rank odor of damp earth.
19 They were heavier and more noisy than wood - and quite hard on the tummy when they were pushed into the ground.
20 The rain grew heavier and thunder rumbled over the mountains.
21 The heavier the motors, the bigger the batteries needed to power it.
22 Frequent absence from responsibilities means a heavier workload for fellow-workers. 3.
23 Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
24 Anyway, I'm not overweight - my bones are just heavier than most people's - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
25 And he began experiments in which half the belts conformed to existing practice, while half were made three times heavier.
26 First there is a vibrating belt, which bounces the lightweight shells away from the heavier nuts.
27 And it is generally felt that traffic will get heavier when the new A3 Petersfield bypass opens.
28 Radio ad revenues shrink in a recession and debt could become a much heavier burden.
29 Have student volunteers compare the weight of the two grapes in their hands and tell you which feels heavier.
30 Before 800AD, bones dug up in the Ohio valley are relatively poor in the heavier form of carbon.
1 He's heavier in build than his brother.
2 My brother is much heavier than me.
31 With increased power, the field of view becomes smaller, and with increased aperture the binoculars become heavier.
32 The original porous bone has been consolidated to become much heavier than it would have been in life.
33 We dined among men with heavy watch chains and heavier bellies.
34 People can not afford to bear a heavier burden, and we shall not put a heavier burden on them.
35 Any other arrangement would be heavier, more expensive and inconvenient.
36 Do these tyres put an extra strain on the vehicle as they are bigger and probably heavier than Michelin 7.50 x 16.
37 The farmers who have undoubtedly profited from producing heavier crops of higher-yielding varieties that rely on nitrates also share the blame.
38 Bubba has the broader face, is a hair heavier and more laid back than his brother.
39 Astronauts experiencing 4g during launch would feel five times heavier due to the acceleration8.
40 For the movie, he has to pad his body to make himself look 25 pounds heavier.
41 And the debt burden will be even heavier next year - at least £44 billion.
42 A combined phone-palmtop will be much bigger and heavier than the palmtop, much of whose value stems from its portability.
43 Brachiosaurus was even heavier than Brontosaurus and had front legs longer than its rear ones, the opposite of Brontosaurus.
44 You could tell it was heavier than normal, probably wooden, clad on a solid steel frame surrounded by high-ratio sound-proofing.
45 Every time I weigh myself I seem to have got heavier!
46 The plan contained no provisions for the long-term clean-up that would have been necessary if the tanker had been carrying heavier crude.
47 But we're still making much heavier going of getting to grips with these and many other environmental issues than seems justified.
48 They said the cotton was heavier at dawn because of the dew and you could make more money than in the afternoon.
49 Should she don her heavier serge walking dress or be optimistic and wear the foulard she had planned?
50 The Kentish turn-wrest plough was used throughout the county but here on the Downs it was slightly heavier.
51 And got heavier as they left the small station and straggled down a steep, cinder path.
52 Heavier passengers will cause greater injury to others in an accident if they are not wearing a seat belt.
53 They did acquit themselves well with heavier strings and a flat pick, but in the main they were seen as fingerpicking guitars.
54 The 20-year-old was burdened with a far heavier load during those pre- dawn hours.
55 Three years later, he returned; heavier, slower, but with a new kind of fire in his belly.
56 Most of the people at her hotel seminar were about fifteen to forty pounds heavier than the ideal.
57 Cotton threads expand in the wet which means that the fly, although heavier, becomes more taut and more weatherproof.
58 Although exercise becomes more difficult as weight is gained, you expend more energy simply staying alive the heavier you are.
59 It is natural for some people to carry a slightly heavier load because of ability, experience, motivation or pride.
60 However, the risk of damage for heavier drinkers becomes severe when higher doses of acetaminophen are taken.
61 More whole wheat usually means a slightly heavier bread that has a tighter gluten network but is perfectly satisfy-ing.
62 California oil is a heavier and inferior grade of oil, compared with other crude oils.
63 They were much heavier and harder to maintain than tracks but also possessed much stouter defensive armor and greater firepower.
64 Fulfilling some aspects of the accord is exacting a heavier toll on the United States than many expected.
65 Three months after discharge, they were a pound heavier than infants who had not had the lights out at night.
66 The Inland Revenue has released a consultative document that proposes a heavier tax charge for certain cars.
67 She knew the determined stamp of her younger daughter, but there was also a heavier tread.
68 The buttresses themselves became larger, heavier and richly ornamented with carving and panelling.
69 There was a sense of menace as the snow fell heavier and the wind blew rope out across the face.
70 General practitioners have had to bear a much heavier load than even the most pessimistic were expecting.
71 The darker boy rallied and eventually landed more and heavier blows.
72 Advertisers luring people into heavier and heavier reliance on cleansing products would be prosecuted and their bank accounts confiscated.
73 With two of Athene's editorial staff off sick, a heavier load was falling on the shoulders of those remaining.
74 Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods,[Sentence dictionary] and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover.
75 Traffic was a little heavier now and there were more people on the sidewalks.
76 Serious offences such as murder are tried by juries in crown courts, which have powers to hand down heavier sentences.
77 Corn oil is slightly heavier and more distinctive in flavour - I find it too heavy for salads.
78 Her left elbow was still stiff since her injury in the air raid and she failed a medical for heavier work.
79 Some had a better grip, while others were heavier and harder for us to swing.
80 Rowans will grow in alkaline soils, but prefer heavier acid loams.
81 Heavier plate ensured attachment to the fuselage and the team created a crude cradle for their baby.
82 Fans up to 35 pounds can be installed in a secured junction box, but anything heavier will need additional support.
83 Each gear is a lower tone, heavier and more laboring.
84 Heavier traffic flows caused by lorries on bridges and roads also added to the ministry's problems.
85 Business, first-class and Concorde passengers will be permitted two larger, heavier carry-ons.
86 Eventually, however, the hydrogen in the core runs out and so nuclear reactions involving heavier elements take over.
87 A lot of the younger officers tended to be very career orientated, and far heavier and aggressive.
88 I hear leather soles smacking the flagstones rapidly, they stop, then heavier, rubber footfalls, then voices.
89 A heavier penny coinage was introduced by Offa to conform with contemporary Carolingian developments.
90 Crime rates have fallen over the past few years, a statistic that is cited in support of heavier jail sentences.
91 Women informal carers are also likely to be carrying heavier responsibilities than male carers.
92 Young said he expected a 60-40 mix in the offense, heavier on the passing.
93 In this country, it is used largely for heavier garments.
94 But I am heavier and headed in the wrong direction.
95 They wore weird slippers, they quoted the heavier bits of the Koran at you.
96 One-piece iron casting base allows heavier cuts.
97 He outboxed bigger and heavier opponents.
98 In printing, a heavier version of a particular typeface.
99 The firing got heavier and heavier.
100 Neutron is neutral and slightly heavier than the proton.
101 A plain white cotton cloth , heavier than muslin.
102 The thickness of this region decreased in relation to heavier daily consumption of cigarettes and the number of years a person had been a smoker.
103 If the quark is one of the heavier, unstable types, it quickly transforms itself back into an ordinary quark , a process that often produces an additional lepton .
104 At the time of the giant impact, Theia and Earth would have been large enough to be molten, enabling heavier elements, like iron,[] to sink to the center to form their cores.
105 As the researchers report tomorrow in Nature, they found that HLX-1 is spewing10 times as much x-radiation as stellar-mass black holes normally do, suggesting that the object is much heavier.
106 With heavier brake pedal application , the conventional friction brakes also come into play.
107 It's a squashy gel ball with a slightly heavier polymer core.
108 Upgrades in duty cycles use heavier motors to handle heat built up from extended operation.
109 Why does my schoolbag become heavier ang my glasses become thicker?
110 Because the coal-pulverizing system has been in a manual state, it leads to higher power consumption, lower economic value and heavier working intensity.
111 Below this kind of trend, computer memory is assuming heavier and heavier pressure.
112 A heavier arrow loosed by the longbow would have had a significantly reduced exit velocity.
113 Current debt burdens feel heavier than they did previously, and that's going to continue to impact household consumption and investment.
114 Male skulls tend to be larger than female skulls, with heavier bones and a larger braincase.
115 His state of an illness is not become heavier at least.
116 Notice no heavier strike or libration in course of moving.
117 In view of the heavier calculation burden and worse real-time of asynchronous fusion center, a multi-sensor asynchronous data fusion algorithm based on estimate covariance control was proposed.
118 The results revealed a vegetation compostion change by Lasisus flavus. The density of the Leymus chinensis in the two communities became higher, and the fruit was less, but heavier.
119 A terrific deep-water crappie rod for big, brush-filled lakes where you might need slightly heavier tackle.
120 Famous British generals, such as Lord Kitchener and Lord Baden-Powell preferred the lightweight cotton of trench coats to the heavier, rubberised Macintoshes they had been used to.
121 Based on the analysis of logging data, it is found that effect of porosity and shale content on acoustic velocity is heavier than that of water saturation on it.
122 The lighter version used liquid hydrogen, the heavier used hypergolic propellants.
123 Any functionary of the securities regulatory body that conducts any insider trading a heavier punishment.
124 Keepers measured their weight and found all had gotten plumper, some up to 22 pounds heavier just during the summer.
125 Bold : Typographic term for a heavier than standard weight of a type face.
126 Use a heavier rope to fasten an inflated balloon, heavier enough to resist the buoyance of the balloon in order to keep it still in the air.
127 He was " heavier " than of yore and looked older; he stood there very solidly and sensibly.
128 The heavier the matrix element mass, the more severe the suppression effects.
129 But no, there on a heavier chain stood the barrel-chested villain.
130 Oppositely heavier or high - density particles just rolled along the air distributor plate until arriving the exit.
131 Those who knowingly fail to do so will face heavier punishment and possibly their licenses.
132 The giant, or Derby, eland is reddish Brown with a Blackish neck and vertical white stripes and horns heavier than those of the common eland.
133 Mister Wegener said the lighter continental rock floated up through the heavier basalt rock of the ocean floor.
134 And the epee is heavier than the foil,[http:///heavier.html] and its blade is stiffer.
135 Of course no one actually is the statistically average woman so don't fret if you're heavier or lighter or rounder or squarer.
136 Typically, human males are 10 percent taller and 20 percent heavier than females.This suggests that, throughout history, humans have been mildly polygynous.
137 Whether it is heavier birth weights, amplified testosterone levels or simple, hair-raising high jinks , boys seem to take an extra toll on the women who gave birth to them.
138 The result also shows that the hurt of chromium chloride was heavier than that of manganese vitriol to oocyte.
139 Deep discharge-type batteries differ from automobile starting batteries: deep discharge units are designed with heavier, thicker plates for better deep discharge performance.
140 It looks like any other big, black intermediate single-lens reflex camera: much more compact than a professional model, but much bigger and heavier than a pocket camera. An S. L.
141 A heavier disciplinary action shall be taken for the act set out in subparagraph 3 or 4 above.
142 Rhinos are lightly armed with only a pintle-mounted storm bolter, but variants can sacrifice some or all transport capability to mount heavier weapons.
143 This album will definitely pose challenges to some of you, the listener, as it is "heavier" and raver in every aspect than my previous works.
144 The loss could have been heavier, but that was cold comfort.
145 C Robert Boyle suggested that some fire particles must have been trapped in the calx , thus making it heavier.
146 My punching power was heavier, stronger than that of a super heavyweight boxer.
147 I say "catastrophic" because carbon dioxide is heavier than air , and a ground-hugging cloud would suffocate anyone it enveloped.
148 The eutrophication in scenic body was heavier comparing with that in 2000.
149 The environmental burden was became heavier due to cow's faeces and urine.
150 Her basket had grown heavier with every step of the way home.
151 So supposed that this one-- I'll just guesstimate, this one feels heavier.
152 Breeders in this country had developed a type which is heavier in weight than the Staffordshire Bull Terrier of England and the name change was to distinguish them as separate breeds.
153 Thicker and heavier than leather, hide armor is composed of skin from any creature that has a tough hide, such as a bear, a griffon, or a dragon.
154 With fulcrum at end of shaft , the center of gravity is changed and clubhead feels much heavier.
155 Conditions are then suitable for the formation of heavier elements.
156 Much of their explosive power comes from fusing together hydrogen atoms to form heavier helium atoms, which releases far more energy than a fission bomb.
157 With its Tactical Cruise Missiles, the Flapjack has almost twice the range and firepower of the Lobo . It also features heavier armor and a stabilizer system that allows it to fire when on the move.
158 This flak's getting heavier. We'll only be able to make one pass.
159 The speed of a heavier pellet is lower in the same airgun versus a lighter pellet.
160 The squad machine gun variant has a heavier barrel for higher firing range.
161 Our mute tank adopts S-shaped intake and exhaust air structure with two heavier mufflers.
162 Deeper reaction degree and the catalyst with strong heavy oil crackability would be a prior selection to meet cracking requirements due to heavier fractions in hydrogenated residue.
163 Screening separates much of the heavier trash by use of different - sized screens.
164 Strictly speaking, the sumo wrestler will make a slightly louder sound because of momentum conservation, but the difference will be small,[http:///heavier.html] in spite of the fact that his arm may be 20 times heavier.
165 It is a colourless , odourless and tasteless gas, slightly heavier than air.
166 Version 2 was heavier with a wood block for support.
167 The snowfall was becoming heavier ; it was sticking to the ground now.
168 ARC troopers employ an advanced version of the clone trooper armor, and carry heavier weaponry or mission-specific gear such as reverse-polarity pulse grenades or PLEX-1 portable missile launchers.
169 It predicted the existence of the W and Z bosons, the gluon and two of the heavier quarks (the charm and the top quark).
170 Carbon dioxide in pure form can asphyxiate because it is heavier than air.
171 Want to know, muscle bulk becomes direct ratio with muscle strength, load is heavier, sarcous is surrounded degree bigger also.
172 By analyzing different hyperon decay processes, we derive the general formula for the decay contributions of heavier hyperons to hyperon production rates and final-state hyperon polarizations.
173 This imposes a heavier tax burden on and makes them vulnerable to accusations on accounting errors.
174 Clerk: The letter is a little bit heavier. Please affix another stamp.
175 The heavier boiling fractions remain, in liquid form on the manifold wall.
176 Today's heavier noontime traffic seemed to be building up earlier than usual.
177 The hydrocarbon generating potential of source rock is weaker in the hanging wall and the heavier relatively in the lower plat of upper Paleozoic in the west margin belt.
178 The balcony uses natural stone, brick or mosaic more, because marble is easy efflorescent , and granite is heavier.
179 Placer mining is based on the FACT that heavier substances can be separated from lighter ones in water.
180 While those given cows' milk became heavier than normal rats, those drinking asses' milk put on less weight.
181 You can swap out some components and get a marginally heavier bike for under $ 3300.
182 A heavier object takes a greater force and a longer time to accelerate and decelerate.
183 The Hot Pot Room is located on the south side of the first floor, providing you with the unique Hong Kong and Macau seafood heavier yearling lamb flavor hot pot.
184 A worn steering knuckle arm on a motor vehicle may cause heavier steering operation, the reasons are studied in this paper according to the steering trapezium principle.
185 Odorants such as acetophenone and deuterated acetophenone, for example, have the same molecular structure; one is just built from a slightly heavier hydrogen atom, known as deuterium.
186 Do you think that saltwater is heavier or lighter than plain water?
187 Jaffe and his colleagues modeled one family of universes in which the down quark was lighter than the up quark, and protons were up to a percent heavier than neutrons.
188 More reactive are the heavier isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium.
189 Joe is Mexican. His skin is an ashy light brown and his lashes are heavier than mine, and he has short fat eyebrows and shit-brown eyes, and thick hair that flops about his fat pumpkin head.
190 With that in mind, the compression cycle controls the motion of the vehicle's unsprung weight, while extension controls the heavier, sprung weight.
191 It’s similar to a bodybuilder being able to lift heavier weights than the average person.
192 Obstacles include a restricted vehicle range, due to an on-board fuel storage system that is currently much larger and heavier than a gasoline tank, and a limited distribution and refueling network.
193 Any of various rodents of the genus Microtus and related genera, resembling rats or mice but having a shorter tail and limbs and a heavier body.
194 I'm close to five pounds lighter ( heavier ) than I was last winter.
195 Put a pile of heavier books like phone books or hardbound novels or text books on top of the book holding the leaves.
196 When trim, Maradona has the imposing muscularity of Sylvester Stallone; when he's having one of his heavier days, he resembles the big-boned one out of Lost.
197 The sea water is heavier than the freshwater, so its pressure is greater, too.
198 A heavier denim will hold you in better and hide body flaws.




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