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单词 Tectonics
1. Plate tectonics is not the same as continental drift.
2. In the interim before the next collision, plate tectonics resumed but subduction did not.
3. In continental plate tectonics what seems static, the surface of the earth, is in reality in constant flux.
4. The theory of plate tectonics explains these phenomena and is commonly regarded as one of the cornerstones of modern geophysics.
5. In the superficially simpler terms of plate tectonics, these are the repeated effects of plates splitting and coming together.
6. For once the theory of plate tectonics took shape, a series of implications for the deep earth quickly tumbled into place.
7. Any plate tectonics model of the Andes must in fact account for the uplift essentially in terms of vertical tectonics.
8. Lured by the excitement of plate tectonics, some felt that earth science would be a practical way to apply their knowledge.
9. Yet with the advent of plate tectonics, this model had to evolve.
10. Plate tectonics is now almost universally accepted.
11. Many scientists are studying of the tectonics.
12. Tectonics is a new definition of space construction.
13. Now called plate tectonics, it's conventional wisdom.
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14. The active tectonics is closely related to environmental disaster.
15. What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain?
16. Could you explain the testability of plate tectonics?
17. Plate tectonics and water are inextricably linked.
18. The story of plate tectonics begins with the German scientist Alfred Wegener in the early part of the twentieth century.
19. In the light of geodynamics and global tectonics, this paper delves into the generation and evolution of Mesozoic Cenozoic back arc basins along the western Pacific active continental margin.
20. Active tectonics is the important manifestation of the present crustal deformation.
21. Rocks & the rock cycle, plate tectonics and earth's atmosphere.
22. Tectonics can cause inland areas to become coastal or vice versa.
23. Such was the excitement in the field as the new theory of plate tectonics was taking shape.
24. Once viewed as a relic, continental drift and seafloor spreading evolved into the modern concept of plate tectonics.
25. The organic response to the changes in the physical environment induced by plate tectonics can be considered under three headings.
26. This is because of the process known as plate tectonics.
27. It is well known that the Syenite-gabbro association may originate from either the evolution of a single magma or two independent magmas which are usually related to intraplate extensional tectonics.
28. The idea of sea - floor spreading actually preceded the theory of plate tectonics.
29. In this area, there are lots of sequential sediment revealed adequately. The problems for Tectonics, such as the upheave of Dabie Mountains and the sedimentation of Huaihe river, will soon ravel out.
30. Conclusion The record of deposition-magmatism of Xiangshan Group reflects that the environment of continental slope and deep ocean plain formed in the background of spreading tectonics.
31. Why this elaborate analogy with plate tectonics and continental drift?
32. The strike-slip system is a "vertical belt-like" thick-skinned tectonics at the crust scale.
33. Therefore, plate tectonics is not entirely applied to continental tectonics as well.
34. Pangaea began to break apart about 225 million years ago due to geological processes related to plate tectonics, which eventually spread Earth's landmasses into the continents we see today.
35. The altimetry geoid undulation is mainly conducted by convergence between two or three plates, and its components at short wavelength characterize tectonics within basins.
36. The gliding tectonics is always formed in rather soft strata.
37. This paper analysed characters of geophysical fields, tectonics and geodynamics of eastern of Chinese continent and East China Sea region.
38. Plate tectonics as a field of study rests on the firm establishment of two essential discoveries.
39. The depression - splitting basins are related to the uplift and depression of paleoplate tectonics, but not to the thermal - tectonic system of the circum- Pacific deep - seated faults.
40. The highest peaks in the seven continents in the world global tectonics.
41. With the rapid development of satellite observations, we can use the altimetry geoid to study submarine tectonics and geodynamics.
42. The quantitative research of geomorphologic evolution in bedrock channel fluvial landscape plays a significant role in the discussion of the relationship among tectonics, climate, and surface process.
43. The relevant terminology, block and matrix characteristics, genetic mechanism(/tectonics.html), palaeogeography and tectonics are discussed in this paper together with their distinction from melanges.
44. According to tectonics deformation, evolution characters and geological conditions, we studied the relationship of between Daba mountain thrust nappe and the formation of oil-gas.
45. The platform deposits and rocks footwall are affected by fault tectonics.
46. This paper deals with the reservoir description block by and characters of tectonics and sediment.
47. There is a close relation between the terrigenous clastic rock and the plate tectonics.
48. In geology tectonics, the faultage is a cataclasm face formed after when the stratum had shaped.
49. Plate tectonics, the geologic process responsible for creating the Earth's continents, mountain ranges, and ocean basins, may be an on-again, off-again affair.
50. Beyond Plate Tectonics: What Do We Do in Structural Geology?
51. The main A-type subduction fault and large scale thin-skinned tectonics clearly reveal that the Yangtze Plate subsides towards Dabie orogenic belt.
52. Geologists describe the motion of the plates and the consequences of such motion as plate tectonics.
53. Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics An eelpout fish swims near tube worms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean.
54. But under the control of NE-SW tensile stress field of Early Cretaceous, in the eastern part of "Ergun Block" sag belt was formed and the basement tectonics is NE-NNE direction.
55. Geology: tectonics, is a mid - and late Paleozoic uplift of the land into the North China platform.
56. The surface, or crust , of the Earth is shaped by a process called plate tectonics.
57. Some important information about ancient plate tectonics and crustal evolution may be obtained from grey gneisses.
58. In addition, the formation and evolution models of planation surface under various climate and tectonics still need to be generalized and abstracted.
59. The mountainous area accounts for 94% in Yaan. There is a great difference in the height of hypsography, and stream is rapid, and the tectonics cross the west geosyncline and east platform.
60. The paper presents a review of the value of archipelagic ocean model, archipelago model of intraplate orogenesis and composite arc-basin system tectonics since plate tectonic landing.
61. Block tectonics implies that blocks of the solid earth move in relation to each other.
62. The theory of plate tectonics describes the motions of the lithosphere.
63. The cycle of geosyncline formation and orogeny can be integrated with the plate tectonics concept of opening and closing oceans in a simple and natural way.
64. The extensional system is a "horizontal layered" thin-skinned tectonics at the crustal scale.
65. And that supports the idea that plate tectonics was in motion.
66. The identification of the ocean _ ridge basalt is important understanding regional tectonics and its evolution.
67. Basins in China offshore that their origins are bound up with the deep geologic process (Mantle Plume Tectonics), are in accord with the special geologic background of East Asia.
68. In this research, tectonics is integrated with coal geology to propose a new frontier, coalforming tectonics.
69. Combining with development history of basinal tectonics, it was pointed out that there were several periods of formation of hydrocarbon pools in the area.
70. Using geomorphological theory to study active tectonics is a relatively mature and traditional methods.
71. The upsurge of extensional tectonics is based on the establishment of theory of recent tectonic geology.
72. Likewise, the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizers for the earth.
73. Scientists have developed a theory, called plate tectonics, that explains why most earthquakes occur.




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