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单词 Smut
1 There's an awful lot of smut on television these days.
2 He can entertain audiences without resorting to smut.
3 Patrick's conversations are always full of smut.
4 I won't have smut like that in my house!
5 The tabloid papers are full of smut.
6 There's too much violence and smut on TV these days.
7 I noticed the powder smut from the shot on the white skin around the wound.
8 A little smut, it must be said, does go a long way.
9 Most countries would prefer to do without the smut and the anti-government invective, but none wants to risk being left out.
10 Or is he a smut peddler who is using it to enhance the sale of his magazines?
11 There is smut on the windows.
12 Head smut fungus from corn did not infect sorghum.
13 His illness was diagnosed as smut.
14 Northern corn leaf blight(NCLB) and head smut in maize, caused by fungi, have been the prevalent diseases in the world, which can cause heavy losses in corn production.
15 A near commercial line of sugarcane, resistant to smut, has been produced through in vitro mutagenesis.
16 Efficacy of controlling loose smut and head smut are more than 95%.
17 Head smut reduces maize yield severely because of its damage on ears right.
18 There were great difference of resistance to kernel smut among foxtail millet varieties, of which there were 79.5% varieties with disease affication or high disease affication.
19 A 0 signifies harmless fun; a 5 means gore, smut, rough language or adult themes lurk ahead.
20 Proponents say the law would protect kids from on-line smut.
21 When pocketbooks are empty, the master said, brains fill with anger and smut.
22 It is presumed that chlamydospore may be the major primary infection source of rice false smut and begin to infect the panicles of rice before or after florescence.
23 The prevention and cure effect of 6.9% corn seed coating of isofenphos-methyl triadimefon and tebuconazole on hypogeous pests and corn smut were studied with the method of plot experiments.
24 Changes of activities of protective enzymes were able to play an important role in resistance to head smut in foxtail millet.
25 It's very necessary for resistance breeding to enhance the collection and evaluation of maize germplasm to head smut.
26 From above , a feasible evaluation system for sugarcane smut resistance was established.
27 The air current dissemination funation of the spore of rice false smut, Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) Takahash, is confirmed by capturing air-bornetechnique.
28 The distribution of different yellow greenish spore balls of false smut on single panicle was observed.
29 This method resolved the problem of poor yield of DNA from smut teliospore thick wall, and efficiently avoided the false negative result of PCR.
30 The aim of this study was to assess of genetic diversity, identificate of covered smut resistance, and mapping covered Smut resistant QTL in oat germplasm resources.
1 There's an awful lot of smut on television these days.
31 Here comes the smut, Martha. Dad is drunk and cursing heaven again.
32 So we can draw a conclusion that the disease incidence of head smut can be reduced if we keep suitable water after seedling stage.
33 In the test of mycelium constraint, the antiseptic combination has obvious preventative effect on rice blast fungus, rice false smut fungus and rice sheath blight fungus.
34 Artificial inoculation techniques for false smut of rice (caused by Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) Takahashi) was studied under field condition.
35 The relationship of soil temperature, soil humidity, sowing time and occurrence of maize head smut were studied.
35 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
36 The relationship of soil temperature, soil humidity, seeding time and occurrence of maize smut were studied.
37 Using false smut of rice (FSR) sclerotia isolation, the pathogen of FSR was cultured in PSA medium.
38 Really? Why not? There's nothing wrong with a bit of smut occasionally.
39 Improvement in alkaline etching and smut removing before zincate treatment was summed up.
40 The relationship of soil temperature, soil humidity, seeding time and occurrence of maize head smut were studied.
41 The variety, Jidan180, is of a better resistance to maize head smut and leaf spot.
42 The results show that the major factors affecting the occurrence of rice false smut are fungus resource, rice variety, weather condition and rice growth period.
43 I find the media'sgrowing obsession with smut and sensation deplorable.
44 The results showed that resistance of Foxtail millet varieties to grain smut were different.
45 Sheath blight and plant hopper damaged severely in Mile County; Brown spot, sheath rot and false smut were serious in Zhanyi County.
46 The results showed that after foxtail millet were infected with head smut, three enzymes activities all increased significantly.
47 The paper reported 30 smut fungus species that grew in feed plants and crops in Gansu Province, which belonged to 8 genera.
48 But we know few about the disease-resistant mechanism of head smut, especially the enantiopathia respond involved in the signal conduction way and the correlation gene research are also very poor.
49 In 2007 and 2008, 302 new maize varieties from Yunnan Province were identified for their head smut resistance by the inoculation with soil carrying 1% teliospore in two disease nurseries.
50 A callus of sugar cane was inoculated with smut crude toxin ( Ustiagoscitaminea syd ).
51 And the same mix of disinformation, ridicule and smut would eventually be employed against the Japanese.
52 The study showed that resistance of foxtail millet varieties to grain smut were different.
53 The product organ of water bamboo (Zizania latifolia Turcz. ) is the enlarged flesh stem infected and caused by water bamboo smut fungus (Ustilago esculenta P.
54 The invention discloses health-care food, and particularly relates to a convenient rice nutritious food comprising sorghum smut fungus.
55 The head smut is one of three serious disease on corn in China and its pathological physiology and cytology are very important problems for study in the world of today.
56 The average effect of spraying 30%DT WP in booting date on controlling rice false smut was 89.6%. The method is effective in controlling rice false smut.
57 There is a smut dealer just near the high school.
58 Optimum control period of false smut is from the end of boot stage to the rupturing stage of rice.
59 For the aim of high yield, good quality, low toxicity and low cost, the best way to solve the damage of green smut of rice is to select and use disease resistant cultivars.
60 The comparative studies on the microstructure of rice false smut balls and colonies of Ustilaginoidea virens on different media were conducted by SEM.
61 Using false smut rice ( FSR ) sclerotia isolation, the pathogen of FSR was cultured in PSA medium.
62 Scientists want to investigate the relation between xerophthalmia occurrence and smut contiguity.
63 The prevention from maize head smut and effect on corn growth by dose of diniconazole seed coating chemical and treatment was confirmed through pot experiment, field test and regional test.
64 Soil borne diseases are major diseases threatening maize production such as . stalk rot?head smut?sheath blight.
65 Playboy has whipped open the bathrobe on its latest plan to combat falling sales and the ready availability of free net smut – an online version of the magazine's entire 57-year back catalogue.
66 Its main Chinese competitor, Baidu, is just as good at finding smut.
67 Head Smut is one of the most important diseases of maize in the world.
68 Therefore, corn smut fungus as a kind of rich nutrition edible fungus is the development of health food quality natural raw materials, it has broad prospects for development and application.
69 The hybrid is resistant to head smut aphids, leaf disease, lodging, drought and waterlogging.
70 Developing disease resistant variety is the most economic and efficient measure to control northern corn leaf blight and head smut in maize.
71 Six varieties were compared on incidence, severity and loss rate of false smut of rice ( FSR ).




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