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单词 Relegating
1 Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.
2 Some people believe that Communism has been relegated/consigned to the scrap heap of history.
3 She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job.
4 He has been relegated to the position of an assistant coach.
5 I have been relegated to the role of a mere assistant.
6 Their football team was relegated.
7 We were relegated to the Fourth Division last year.
8 She was then relegated to the role of assistant.
9 If Leigh lose, they'll be relegated.
10 We shall relegate this problem to the organizing committee.
11 Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.
12 Will Spurs be relegated to the third division?
13 I don't believe Real Madrid will be relegated to the second division.
14 The material which is of no consequence will be relegated to appendices.
15 He has spent 19 million pounds,[] lost three cup finals and been relegated. So much for money.
16 He relegated the incident to the back of his mind.
17 The old chancellor who had offended against the emperor was relegated to the distant boundaries of the country.
18 The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper.
19 If Southampton lose again they may be relegated from the Premier League to the First Division.
20 This is, unashamedly, a policy of relegating by expediency rather than by any stated objectives.
21 Until now, it has been relegated to sketches by Hollywood types with active imaginations, Elliott said.
22 She had dismissed him quite brutally, relegating him to the status of a passing fancy, or less.
23 SOAP 1.2 has somewhat relaxed the dependence on the special encoding (relegating it to a separate "adjuncts" section), and most players are now on board with SOAP, including ebXML.
24 The group eventually split into three segments, relegating distinct roles and tasks.
25 For the accepted. the psychological factors in relegating literature makes them feel less sad emotion, because of the same feeling and their own encouragements.
26 So, for instance, Taylor and Urquhart found that the cost of relegating by expediency rather than by stated objectives.
27 In 1987 the state announced plans to renovate the bridge, which would have smote the smoot, relegating the stripes to the stuff of nonmap legend.
28 Similarly, digital automation has emancipated painter, composer and architects, by relegating repetitive task to computer and by saving their time to expand creative possibilities.
29 One of the objectives of introducing MakeConnection is to limit its impact on nontransport code, thus relegating MakeConnection to simply another transport mechanism.
30 China's car market exploded in 2009, propping up an ailing global industry and relegating the U.S. to the second spot.
31 And yet there need be no hesitation in relegating the Fourth Book of Esdras to the ranks of the apocrypha.
32 But in fact, gun ownership in the United States has been declining steadily over more than three decades, relegating gun owners to minority status.
33 To Lincoln, the Constitution was of no value if the Union it governed came apart, so he positioned himself as its chief arbiter, relegating the other branches of government to supporting roles.sentence dictionary
34 To use the words of Martin Buber, the great Jewish philosopher, segregation substitutes an "I-it" relationship for the "I-thou" relationship, and ends up relegating persons to the status of things.
35 I am against it because relegating a side like Juventus would also hurt third parties.
36 Dinosaurs rose up as rulers of Earth around 230 million years ago, eventually dominating all other species and relegating mammals to the shadows.
37 Relegating literature is a special angle which researches the relationship between literature Creating activity and the subject"s aesthetic psychology ."
38 The former Liverpool striker is reportedly on his way out of Real Madrid after the Spanish giants signed both Julio Baptista and Robinho - relegating Owen to fifth choice striker at the club.
39 In an energy security brief accompanying the letter Gorbachev warned of the dangers of continued reliance on oil, gas and nuclear power while relegating renewable energy to secondary status.
40 A November 13, 1956, Supreme Court ruling held unconstitutional the policy of relegating blacks to the back of the bus.
41 Changing teams among leagues is not a matter of chance but the best advancing team changes with the worst relegating team.
42 It had seen off Apple, relegating its rival to the role of a boutique computer maker.
43 Instead of relegating himself to one media, Tuominen employs photography, printmaking, and painting, often mixing the techniques together to conjure the impression of memory.




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