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单词 Took
1. I took the liberty of cancelling your reservation.
2. Would you mind if I took you out?
3. She took it very well , all things considered.
4. She took pleasure in shocking her parents.
5. It took me an hour to skim the book.
6. I took the hint and left at once.
7. Their marriage took place amid a blaze of publicity.
8. The policeman took the thief by the wrist.
9. The men took in sail when the storm approached.
10. They took a long time to mend the roof.
11. He took his shoes and socks off.
12. First the curtains took fire and then the bedclothes.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. The visit took place amidst tight security .
14. He took lessons in Thai cookery.
15. She took up residence in Canada.
16. He took one step and fell.
17. He took a tortuous route through back streets.
18. It took her a mere 20 minutes to win.
19. The reporter took notes in shorthand.
20. The illness demoralized him and recovery took several weeks.
21. We took a roundabout route to avoid the accident.
22. He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex.
23. The city took a real hammering during the war.
24. He took a deep swig from the bottle.
25. It took ten guardsmen to overpower him.
26. He took the car without the owner's consent .
27. The local police took swift action against the squatters.
28. It would be better if you took a bus.
29. The exchange of prisoners took place this morning.
30. The connection of our telephone took hours.
1. She took it very well , all things considered.
2. The policeman took the thief by the wrist.
3. First the curtains took fire and then the bedclothes.
4. He took one step and fell.
5. The reporter took notes in shorthand.
6. The illness demoralized him and recovery took several weeks.
7. He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex.
8. He took the car without the owner's consent .
9. Edgar took a slug of his drink.
10. She took off her left shoe.
11. We took adequate food for the holiday.
12. He took the heavily laden tray from her.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. He took a case full of files with him.
14. We took shelter from the rain in a cave.
15. She took a mouthful of water.
16. He took out a blank check.
17. When their child died they took it very hard.
18. We took the children to a puppet show/theatre.
19. The mother took her child by the hand.
20. She took a file from her desk drawer .
21. He took not notice of his father's threat.
22. Here's your pen, I took it by mistake.
23. He tied up the bag and took it outside.
24. He took several books off the shelf.
25. It took us an entire week.
26. Tom gratefully took in the comfortable sitting room.
27. We took an hour lunch break.
28. He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.
29. He took part in a television quiz and won a prize.
30. I took a taxi from the station to the hotel.
31. Edgar took a slug of his drink.
32. It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.
33. She took off her left shoe.
34. Greek warriors took the fortress with little effort.
35. I took his bag by mistake.
36. We took adequate food for the holiday.
37. I took advantage of his weakness.
38. The descent of the mountain took nearly two hours.
39. He took the heavily laden tray from her.
40. I undid the package and took out the books.
41. He took a case full of files with him.
42. We took a brief walk around the old quarter.
43. I took a taxi back home.
44. The war took a heavy toll of human life.
45. He opened the drawer and took out a cheque.
46. The street vendors often took advantage of the customers.
47. It took an extraordinary amount of work.
48. We took shelter from the rain in a cave.
49. She took a mouthful of water.
50. He took out a blank check.
51. The PCs took her to the local station.
52. His doctor took him off tranquillizers.
53. He took a used envelope bearing an Irish postmark.
54. He took a little cake and spat it out.
55. He took a long slow breath[/took.html], inhaling deeply.
56. He took a hesitant step towards her.
57. She took two paces forward/She advanced two paces.
58. He took up the cause with evangelical fervour.
59. We took measures to undergird the ship.
60. When their child died they took it very hard.
31. Today's award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.
32. She took the news of her father's death very badly.
33. He took an almost gleeful delight in showing how wrong they can be.
34. She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly spat it out.
35. The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.
36. He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.
37. It took me a year to get the necessary materials together.
38. I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then / then and there .
39. It took the firm five years to recoup its losses.
40. It took them only 1 minute to spring from the plane.
41. It took Mary weeks learning how to steer into the garage.
42. It took three years to repay my student loan .
43. It took two hours to put out the fire .
44. It was a visit that took him to Mogadishu and southwards to Kismayo.
45. He took a long puff at his cigar and began his story.
46. She took the offensive, challenging her critics to prove their allegations.
47. As the whisky took effect, he gradually fell into a drunken stupor.
48. They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won.
49. Celebrating a promotion, I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail.
50. It took Vikram Seth three years to write his 1,349-page novel 'A Suitable Boy'.
51. It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone like new.
52. On the presumption that the doctor knows best, I took the medicine.
61. We took the children to a puppet show/theatre.
62. The mother took her child by the hand.
63. I took your pen by mistake.
64. She took a file from her desk drawer .
65. He took not notice of his father's threat.
66. The medicine quickly took effect.
67. It took hours to get the house straight.
68. She appeared unannounced and took control of the meeting.
69. That piece of music really took me back .
70. Here's your pen, I took it by mistake.
71. The little girl screamed and it took us aback.
72. He tied up the bag and took it outside.
73. I took the initiative in blood donation.
74. The plane took off an hour late.
75. He took several books off the shelf.
76. We have incontrovertible evidence of what took place.
77. It took us ages to choose a new carpet.
78. The trial took place amid a blaze of publicity.
79. The professor took the students to the chemistry.
80. She took in the waist of her dress.
81. It was a hard job,[] he took it though.
82. It took us an entire week.
83. The Battle of Actium took place in 31 BC.
84. Her chin took on a stubborn slant.
85. The tanker took on 200,000 barrels of crude oil.
86. He took a book down from the top shelf.
87. She took a tight hold of his arm.
88. The boxer took up a fighting stance.
89. I took this picture with a red filter.
90. Shelly took the sick cat to a veterinarian.
91. Labour took its pre-election campaign to the North-West.
92. Tom gratefully took in the comfortable sitting room.
93. Police overpowered the criminal and took him away.
94. We took flight CA925 to Tokoy.
95. Alberg took the portrait down from the wall.
96. The team took a terrible beating.
97. The doctor took / felt my pulse.
98. I took a taxi to the airport.
99. Sarah took the glass proffered by the attendant.
100. It took three days to enrol the new students.
101. The strikers took over the factories.
102. She took them to visit her sedate, elderly cousins.
102. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
103. She took an aspirin and went to bed.
104. He took up the cause with evangelical fervor.
105. On the way home, we took an indirect route.
106. We took an hour lunch break.
107. The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.
108. He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.
109. He took part in a television quiz and won a prize.
110. People who took football too seriously aroused deep loathing in me.
111. He took an oath of allegiance to his adopted country.
112. There's nothing in the drawer - I took everything out.
113. Would it be all right if I took a picture here?
114. Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.
115. She took a slice of chocolate cake and smothered it in cream.
116. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.
117. I took a taxi from the station to the hotel.
118. It took me a whole Sunday to whitewash the wall.
119. A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair.
120. The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher's time.
121. Today's award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.
122. She took the news of her father's death very badly.
123. He took an almost gleeful delight in showing how wrong they can be.
124. She took a pair of scissors and cut the string.
125. She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly spat it out.
126. The barman took her by the scruff of the neck and threw her out.
127. He took a mouthful of water and swirled it around his mouth.
128. He took off his clothes and got into the bath.
129. The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.
130. She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.
131. He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.
132. She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside.
133. It took me a year to get the necessary materials together.
134. It took years of hard work to speak good English.
135. I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then / then and there .
136. They took him to hospital last night and he's already been operated on.
137. There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place.
138. Since she'd offered to babysit, I took her up on it.
139. Hangings took place outside the prison as a public spectacle.
140. We checked in at the airport an hour before our plane took off.
141. Even as the funeral took place, guerrillas hidden nearby fired/let off a fresh volley of machine-gun fire.
142. It took us a whole day to reach the destination.
143. My shirt was in shreds when I took it out of the washer.
144. It took the firm five years to recoup its losses.
145. She took one of the parcels from her father to lighten his load.
146. It took them only 1 minute to spring from the plane.
147. She took a deep breath and lifted the receiver off its hook.
148. It took Mary weeks learning how to steer into the garage.
149. It took three years to repay my student loan .
150. The robber vaulted over the counter and took $200 in cash.
151. He took the precaution of locking his door when he went out.
152. He took off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso.
153. He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.
154. It took two hours to put out the fire .
155. He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.
156. He took it apart brick by brick, and put it back together again.
157. To assuage his wife's grief, he took her on a tour of Europe.
158. What they could not take by political intrigue they took by 'gunboat diplomacy' .
159. It was a visit that took him to Mogadishu and southwards to Kismayo.
160. He took a long time to settle in to big-time football.
161. She took/got/exacted revenge on him for leaving her by smashing up his car.
162. She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep,[http:///took.html] tremulous breath.
163. John took one child into the crook of each arm and let them nestle against him.
164. The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.
165. She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething.
166. He took a long puff at his cigar and began his story.
167. She took the offensive, challenging her critics to prove their allegations.
168. The agency sent a letter, but took no punitive action.
169. This government has systematically run down public services since it took office.
170. Office workers fled in panic as the fire took hold.
171. Marie took an apple as she walked past the tree.
172. As the whisky took effect, he gradually fell into a drunken stupor.
173. They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won.
174. He took two aspirin immediately and washed them down with three cups of water.
175. They took off their hats by the grave in silent salute.
176. It took him ten years to work up to the position of general manager.
177. The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.
178. He took a dictionary to hold down the test papers for fear that they might be blown away by the wind.
179. It took us half an hour to inflate the dinghy.
180. Witnesses said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them.
181. It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty.
182. Celebrating a promotion, I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail.
183. It took Vikram Seth three years to write his 1,349-page novel 'A Suitable Boy'.
184. When the clock stopped, he took it apart, found what was wrong, and put the whole thing together again.
185. He took a deep breath and knocked at the door.
186. She took revenge on her ex-boyfriend by smashing up his home.
187. It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone like new.
188. It was during the period of 1943-1945 that his political awakening took place.
189. He took her arm and steered her towards the door.
190. His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.
191. We took the children to the dock to see the ships.
192. The pound took a nosedive on the foreign exchange market today.
193. He took the unprecedented step of stating that the rumours were false.
194. During her lecture on her discoveries,[http://] she made/took several sideswipes at the management.
195. It only took me an hour to learn/pick up the rudiments of skiing.
196. On the presumption that the doctor knows best, I took the medicine.
197. I'm sorry I'm late; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow.
198. After losing his job, he took to drinking and went to pot.
199. It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. Pablo Picasso 
200. Haters are those, that never were given any chances, that blew their chances, or that never took the chance. Anthony Liccione 




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