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单词 Flub
1. Several of the actors flubbed their lines.
2. Several cast members flubbed their lines.
3. Flubbed high notes or an obvious memory lapse during an important opening-night performance can erode a reputation.
4. Der Rhein ist der groeBte FluB Deutschlands.
5. The Cast Aluminium Wheel flub is a part of the wheel. It must n't leak.
6. And a NASA flub of a robot rendezvous in 2004 resulted in the active satellite accidentally hitting — but not damaging — its target satellite.
7. You stumble over your words. You flub a tough question.
8. The flub appeared to play up Obama's inexperience, and the Republicans used the same interview to hammer Obama today, a sign of Clinton's increasing reliance on negative attacks.
9. Job hunters also regularly flub by submitting their resumes to multiple recruiters and hiring managers at a single firm.
10. More troubling, she said, is what Google's flub may portend for the future.
11. You are paralyzed by the thought that you can totally flub up by missing a step.
12. He is not a man for lofty speeches; faced by cameras, he routinely flubs his sentences.
13. The U. S. government declared that the bombing of the Chinese embassy was unintentional and the result of a targeting flub .
14. In every interview, there comes a moment that doesn't go according to plan. There's an awkward silence. You stumble over your words. You flub a tough question.
15. He had been so conditioned to put that ball through the hoop that it took all of his concentration and a good deal of practice to flub even one.
16. EXAMPLE : If I don't check the data carefully, I could flub the whole project.
17. Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who unveiled both products, made a nod to the iPhone flub at Wednesday's event.
18. By attributing a statement to a character in the galaxy, the authors could blame the inaccuracy on a misperception , rather than have an omniscient narrator make a continuity flub.
19. She is my bride, my lover; I do not permit you to flub dub and gulf!
20. Your work is especially "quiet", you have achieved to keep away from the blatancy and flub dub.
21. Would you explain how chief justice John Roberts could flub the oath of office.




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