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单词 Genome
1. Wild type and deleted mitochondrial genome maps.
2. Genome: the genetic complement of a living organism.
3. The human genome bears witness to this process, too.
4. Human Genome Sciences gain boosted shares of other biotechnology companies, many of which are based in southern Maryland.
5. The potential for abuse and misuse of genome and cloning technology has always been a quiet threat.
6. Firing alien genes into a different genome is exactly the same thing as introducing exotic species into a foreign eco-system.
7. But the argument is that the genome is public property -- it needs a different structure of ownership.
8. The first step in genome expression, i.e. transcription, was studied in order to test these hypotheses.
9. Proponents of the Human Genome Project imagine great progress in diagnosis of diseases and in their therapy.
10. Genome Therapeutics Corp., which develops therapies based on genetics, had a 300 percent return.
11. On other occasions, the genome seems to rearrange itself for its own ends.
12. Once the entire human genome has been mapped and sequenced it will become amenable to manipulation.
13. The Human Genome Project was launched in 1990 and is due for completion in 2005.
14. The complete genome replicates in twenty minutes-whereas it takes hours in somatic cells.
15. The publication of the research may puzzle those who thought that the race to the human genome was over last June.
16. YACs 229C7 and 223E11 do not contain DNA from this region of the genome.
17. This sequence of events may represent a model for the dispersal of gene family members throughout the genome.
18. The mammalian gut has been stable for many millennia and acts to constrain the flexibility of E. coli's genome.
19. This drosophila strain is an interesting model to study the consequence of this type of mitochondrial genome deletion.
20. Most are now inactive, but when they first arrived they were able to hop from place to place in our genome.
21. Hence, there was an increase in the number of mitochondrial genomes per nuclear genome in the mutant strain.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. For the last 20 years researchers have been able to calculate genome sizes and mutation rates.
23. In the late 1980s, the United States embarked on a major undertaking: the human genome project.
24. Many knowledgeable people have a deep dislike of the Human Genome Project.
25. There might also be mistaken matches with the many duplicated regions of the human genome.
26. Billions of dollars will have been poured into the human genome project.
27. Another mechanism, called transposition, can also increase the frequency of one variant through the genome.
28. In the late 1980s, the US embarked on a major undertaking: the human genome project.
29. Hubbard agrees that it ought to be possible to overlay the mouse on the human genome.
30. Celera announced this week that it had finished sequencing the genome of that laboratory workhorse, the mouse.
31. They are accumulated at the rate of about one hundred per genome per generation in mammals.
32. Foreign genes can readily be inserted into the virus genome and expressed at high levels.
33. J., and is the fourth microbial genetic blueprint Human Genome has determined.
34. The mouse genome is extremely similar to ours, differing by as few as 200 to 300 genes.
35. The human genome project opens up the possibility of eliminating certain inherited, genetic diseases.
36. At the two-cell stage the mouse genome is clearly active.
37. Until now I have abstained from commenting on the possible effects of the Human Genome Project on society in future.
38. This result suggests that the 16S rRNA gene is present in one copy per genome.
39. Autotetroploid rice has double genome compared with diploid rice.
40. Genome of Mosquito That Spreads West Nile Virus Sequenced.
41. The human genome contains thousands of these LTR fragments.
42. Research and analysis of the genome of Gossypium arboreum.
43. Genome analysis of Festuca and Lolium hybrids.
44. The Human Genome Project has several objectives.
45. Our field of study is genome mapping.
46. The genome of the honeybee is yielding some clues.
47. Eventually a whole genome?" Hecht said.
48. Therefore, functional genome systematics comes into forth.
49. The human genome project is ultimately flawed.
50. The pinot noir genome is sequenced. GM wine, anyone?
51. Have you ever heard of Human Genome Project?
52. Complete Sequence Determination and Analysis of Bombyx mori Mitochondrial Genome.
53. Does the Human Genome Project affect the moral standards of society?
54. The genome projects comprise the structural genomics focusing on determining the complete sequences of the genome and the functional genomics focusing on elucidating the biological function of genes.
55. On page 1921 in this issue, Morrison et al. describe such a genome from the diplomonad protist Giardia lamblia,(http:///genome.html) a human intestinal parasite.
56. Researchers just mapped the genome of a female platypus from Australia.
57. OBJECTIVE:To explore the status of mitochondrial genome length instability in different tumors and its possible role in the tumorigenesis.
58. The foundation of AFLP experimental system that was suitable for sugar beet apomixis was confirmed by the analysis of sugar beet leaf genome DNA.
59. The key to its hopeful success is the company's Music Genome Project, a 15 man-year undertaking to analyze more than 130,000 songs and break them down to more than 400 characteristics.
60. To find out how many migrations there were, Willerslev's team compared the Aboriginal Australian genome with Han Chinese, European and African genomes.
61. The results showed as follow:1. The genome DNA of Cycadaceae with high concentration and purity could be obtained with the improved method of CTAB, which is good enough for RAPD amplification.
62. It was characterised by neutralisation test, hemagglutination inhibition test and complete sequencing of the genome.
63. The launching point is when the human Genome Project is complete.
64. The genetic map, or genome, took six years to complete.
65. The objective of the Human Genome Project is simple to state.
66. A tiny, translucent water flea that can reproduce without sex and lives in ponds and lakes has more genes than any other creature, said scientists who have sequenced the crustacean's genome.
67. But it turns out that about 80 percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalis—the western clawed frog native to sub-Saharan Africa.
68. It provides numerous links to developmental biology research resources, including dynamic development, axolotl colony, genetic and molecular data for drosophila, mouse embryo and cancer genome etc.
69. Many components of SENS entail alteration of the genome in many different cell types.
70. If the genome is the parts list of the human cell, certain proteins are the production managers, activating and deactivating genes as needed.
71. In this paper, 16 sequenced phytopathogenic bacteria complete genome were analysed, As a result the pathogenic genes were speculated and classified basic on their function analyse.
72. Both hygromycin resistance detection and PCR amplification confirmed that the target gene had been integrated into the genome of transgenic rice.
73. Genome mapping and structure of Streptomyces hygroscopicus 10-22 is the prime interest of the present study.
74. With epigenetics you look at how the genome responds to the environment. How things like toxins and diet and other things turn on the switches that regulate how certain genes are expressed.
75. With epigenetics you look at how the genome responds to the enviornment. How things like toxins and diet and other things turn on the switches that regulate how certain genes are expressed.
76. Genome library methodology was adopted for cloning of endoglucanase encoding genes.
77. We show that another function of the C-terminal domain is to translocate the genome into the procapsid.
78. This is the first genome completed for a mumber member of the legume family.
79. We report a high - quality draft sequence of the genome of the horse Equus caballus.
80. Aegilops tauschii is commonly accepted as the D genome donor of common wheat and contains a much wider genetic background. Therefore, it is important genetic resources in wheat breeding.
81. It compares the genome of Brugia malayi, a parasitic worm,( ) with those of two other organisms to identify genes specifically associated to parasitism.
82. The development of molecular biology and genome project have fostered much interest in the structure and function of centromeric heterochromatin.
83. The bovine genome sequencing project found that cow genome contains 22,000 genes.
84. In 2010, that work culminated in the publication of the Neandertal genome.
85. Strict patrilineal heredity is also obeyed by parts of our genome, the Y chromosome non-recombinating portion. Therefore, men sharing a surname are expected to have similar Y chromosomes.
86. Instead, all our DNA -- the genome -- must be seen as one immensely complex system.
87. It's a virtual gold rush to mine the mountain of potentially valuable data the genome contains.
88. Politus populations Chapter 2: Replenishment of the mitochondrial genome of Scolopendra multilan.
89. If you have the mutant gene, that might be co-expressed with favourable components of the human genome.
90. His interests have also encompassed physical mapping, as exemplified by the Lander-Waterman formulas, and genome sequence assembly using an Eulerian path method.
91. Single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) is another new genetic marker studied after human genome project.
92. Rapid progress in rice genome sequencing has facilitated research in the rice functional genomics.
93. Ancient genome duplication ( events ) have been identified in diverse organisms , such as yeast, vertebrates, and Arabidopsis.
94. Objective To study biochemical function and therapy of the NP(nucleocapsid protein) gene of NDV(new castle disease virus). Methods The purified genome RNA of NDV were used for template.
95. With the completion of the rice genome sequence, functional genomics becomes a major task in functional genomics.
96. IBM hasn't specified how fast a strand of DNA can be read, though researchers say a fully functional device could sequence the entire genome in "hours."
97. A seemingly harmless collection of information from the advancement of the Human Genome Project.
98. These patterns of gene expression are governed by the cellular material — the epigenome — that sits on top of the genome, just outside it (hence the prefix epi-, which means above).
99. To reduce that disparity, Mars helped fund a project to sequence the genome of the cacao tree.
100. With the human genome sequencefield of cancer research is moving beyond genomics to proteomics.
101. The procedure and system could meet the demands for genome SRAP amplification in Cucumis melo L.
102. A research team led by entomologist May Berenbaum at the University of Illinois compared the whole genome of honeybees that came from hives that had suffered from CCD with hives that were healthy.
103. Six years ago I jumped at an opportunity to join the international team that was identifying the sequence of DNA bases, or "letters, " in the genome of the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes).
104. The zebra finch recently had its genome decoded by Warren et al.
105. Scientists from Cardiff University have sequenced the genome of peregrine and saker falcons for the first time.
106. Phylogenetic tree based on the whole genome showed that YNQD38 formed a distinct group.
107. Genome and transcriptome analyses will complement the proteome and genetic information available today.
108. Since then, we have also started to amass genome data from A . alternata.
109. To ensure free access to information on the human genome sequence.
110. That genal genome may lead to better treatment and control of diseaesthe disease.
111. Using maize ( Zea mays L. ) inbred line B73, the complete set of disease resistance candidate genes that encode NBS was identified in the genome.
112. Mapping the Caprine Genome is the genome database of goat provided French Biotechnology Laboratory.
113. Venter defied his critics and deciphered the human genome with startling speed about eight years ago.
114. Reovirus includes 3 serotypes. Homology of proteins encoded by S1 genome segment was less than 26% between serotypes, while that of viral proteins encoded by other 9 segments was all more than 86%.
115. The Human Genome Project has promoted the development of nucleic acid sequence analysis technology.
116. Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma.
117. Scientists estimate that 8.3 percent of the human genome can be traced back to retrovirus infections.
118. But mopping mapping the genome is only the first step.
119. Alterations in nucleosome structure affect the accessibility of the DNA and can generate specialized domains of chromatin in the genome.
120. The Denisovan genome has already revealed that the ancestors of modern New Guineans interbred with them.
121. With the improved CTAB protocol, high quality genome DNA of the Lespedeza populations were obtained for RAPD amplification.
122. The Complete Sequence Determination and Analysis of Bombyx mori Mitochondrial Genome.
123. Toxicogenomics has been developing with the rapid advances in Human Genome Project in recentyears.
124. GM uses laboratory techniques to insert artificial gene units into the host plant's genome – a process that would never happen in nature.
125. Darwin taught us that it takes many generations for a genome to evolve, but researchers have found that it takes only the addition of a methyl group to change an epigenome.
126. Celera's stated goal was " to substantially, complete the sequencing of the human genome " in 2001.
127. Many plant cells have the property of totipotency , that is, each cell carries in the genome the complete information required to give rise to an exact copy of the parent plant.
128. The analysis of PCR product from rice total DNA showed that other linked genes were present in rice genome.
129. Conclusions ALR pseudogene is found in rat's genome, implying that there is an ALR multigene family.
130. Genome - based Celera Genomics, the private company involved in the effort.
131. Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cell.
132. Imagine allying synthetic biology with the genome of Neanderthal man that was described earlier this year.
133. He confronts Darwin daily in his work as head of the human genome project.
134. The Aspergillus fumigatus genome was not detected in this group of surgical febrile patients.
135. The swine major histocompatibility complex or swine leukocyte antigen(SLA)is one of the most gene-dense and the most polymorphism regions in the swine genome.
136. In this study, the team began by cloning the native M. mycoides genome into yeast by adding a yeast centromere to the bacterial genome.
137. "Considering the fact that up to 90 percent of the human genome is transcribed into RNA, it becomes clear that RNA is one of the most important biopolymers on which life is based, " said Jaeger.
138. So Peter Meinhold rewired the yeast genome, replacing genes that controlled ethanol fermentation with genes for a enzymatic pathway that would produce isobutanol.
139. Some virus genome of vaccinia subgenus in poxvirus encoded IL-18BP gene, which can block IL-18 activity but no sequence similarity to membrane IL-18 receptors.
140. Although the Human Genome Project has expanded the parts list for cells, there is no instruction manual for putting them together to produce a living cell.
141. The genome will answer, too,(http://) the age - old question of original sin.
142. The power of optical mapping lies in its ability to reveal the size and large-scale structure of a genome.
143. They were comparing notes on each other's progress towards solving that most taxing of all puzzles: the riddle of the human genome.
144. In fact, recent evidence from the sequencing of the Neanderthal genome suggests interbreeding, meaning we are part caveman.
145. Fusion peptide coding DNA sequences were retrieved from 95 HIV - 1 complete genome entries of GenBank.
146. This wild mustard variety is the first plant to have its genome sequenced, an achievement expected to have widespread implications for agriculture and perhaps human medicine as well.
147. Precomputed comparisons can be selected from a database covering all the completed bacterial chromosome and plasmid sequences in the Genome Reviews database.
148. This makes it likely that geneticists will publish the complete genome of this hirsute beast before long.
149. ObjectiveThe goal of this study is to analyze the genetic diversity of chloroplast genome among hexaploid wheat populations and their relatives.
150. However comparing with the genetic map of tomato and Arabidopsis, the genetic map of Cucurbita need to be more saturated, in order to cover the whole genome.
151. The monopartite genome of tobacco mosaic virus is a plus - strand RNA molecule of 6395 nucleotides.
152. Cellular aging is linked to deficiencies in efficient repair of DNA double strand breaks and authentic genome maintenance at the chromatin level.
153. He's the head of an eminent financial group and an expert on the Genome theory.
154. I offer insight gained from the fire ant genome project.
155. The results suggested that rice, as model plant for Poaceae, should have significant genomic synteny with bamboos, and its genomic sequences are important resource for bamboo genome research.
156. The third part analyzes the genome structure of Arabidopsis thaliana and develops an ab initio eukaryotic gene recognition program.
157. Using genome linkage scan and association studies, multiple potentially causative genes have been identified.
158. To the date, approximately 20 connexin genes were identified in mouse while 21 connexin genes in human genome, 19 of which would be expressed in both and showed high homologues.
159. Initial analysis indicates that genome size and intron density is positively correlated to total intron size.
160. GXD is implemented as a relational database and integrated with the Mouse Genome Database (MGD) to enable global analysis of genotype, expression and phenotype information.
161. In this paper, we are aimed to improve the spinosyn-producing strain by genome shuffling, optimization of fermentation process and scale-up of fermentation processes in 2.
162. Duplication can be created by unequal crossing over, retroposition, or whole genome ( or chromosomal ) duplication.
163. The role of MSI and LOH is not very clear in the oncogenesis and process of esophagus squamous cell carcinoma, as well as of MMR genes and genome instability.
164. Not just any DNA relic, Harbinger3_DR is an ancient transposon—a so-called jumping gene, able to cut itself out of an organism's genome and reinsert itself in a different location.
165. It is also true that Drosophila melanogaster, which does not methylate its genome, suffers a very high rate of spontaneous mutations—from 50% to 85%—through the action of transposable elements.
166. We also have constructed two shuttle vector plw 9 , psc 11 m 1 which can recombine to FPV genome.
167. PCR and Southern dot blot analysis revealed that CFL gene had been integrated into the gloxinia genome.
168. Meaning that it consists of a proteinaceous core particle that has the viral genome inside of it in the form of double stranded DNA.
169. During the 1990 s, he also served as the first chief of the Human Genome Project.
170. DNA double strand breaks are among the most dangerous lesions that can occur in the genome of mammalian cells.
171. Myostatin ( MSTN ) gene was isolated from Japanese flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus ) by homology cloning strategy and genome walking.
171. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
172. Aegilops species with D genome are the secondary gene pool of hexaploid common wheat for exploiting desired genes of wild species and enhancing the genetic diversity of commercial wheat varieties.
173. Polipotency - postnatal stem cells genome ability to change the profile of pluripotency when transplanted into the recipient's new tissue and is related only to adult body ESC.
174. Finally, I discuss an approach undertaken in a follow-up project based on the fire ant genome sequence.
175. Recently, with using of whole genome genotyping and linkage analysis, some chromosome regions have been related to human dermatoglyphic patterns.
176. Aegilops tauschii is D genome donor of common wheat, and the useful genes of Ae.
177. Secondly, candidate gene analyzing and genome scanning were performed by homozygosity mapping.
178. Comparative genomics is one important part of human genome plan.
179. A few years ago, Dr. Richard Gibbs, director of Baylor's Human Genome Sequencing Center, asked Lupski to participate in sequencing the genome of James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA.
180. The control gene(S) for chromosome segregation existed in the P genome of Agropyron, thus causing formation of functional gamete and self-fertility of the hybrids involving Agropyron.
181. Scientists say they have reconstructed around half of the genome of the woolly mammoth, a species that became extinct at the end of the last Ice Age some 11,000 years ago.
182. Genome informatics is a scientific discipline that encompasses all aspects of genome information acquisition, processing, storage, distribution, analysis, and interpretation.
183. Molecular evidence demonstrated that lysine-rich protein gene had been integrated into the genome of transgenic Tremella fuciformis strains.
184. The primary structure of globin moiety is determined by the plant genome.
185. To date 12 whole genome sequences from various samples are available in public - domain database.
186. Objective To make genotyping for Chinese type 2 diabetes mellitus(NIDDM) pedigreed genome DNA and localizing the loci related genes with NIDDM.
187. Objective: To clone, sequence and analyze genome segment 1(S1) of new isolated reovirus strains.
188. Along with the development of human genome project and human genome diversity research, pharmacogenomics is established from pharmacogenetics recently.
189. In a separate development, another team reported completing a genome of the organism responsible for late blight.
190. Microsatellite loci distributing on genome randomly act as effective genetic markers.
191. "It proved to be distinct from every known wild species of yeast, but was 99.5 percent identical to the non-ale yeast portion of the lager genome," said Hittinger.
192. They sequenced a 368 base pair fragment from the mitochrondrial genome and then compared it to sequences from ancient dogs, as well as to sequences from modern dogs, wolves, and coyotes.
193. In the post-genome era, the emphasis of the human genome project (HGP) is transferred to the study of functional genomics, which has become the hotspots of modern medicine.
194. But it is only about a quarter of what the Human Genome Project cost.
195. In the case of the research from structural gene to functional gene, the inspiration from the research on the essence of Chinese medical"pattern"by the method of genome is investigated.
196. The nuclear genome contains approximately 50% repetitive DNA sequence in rice. Amplification and introgression of repetitive DNA sequences in the genome of higher eukaryotes are unknown clearly.
197. Later this fall the company plans to release the raw sequence data of the Cannabis indica genome as well as a full genome annotation.
198. Because of the huge genome and high ratio of repeat sequences in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum), identifying and cloning of genes with important functions from wheat meet many difficulties.
199. The genome data sheds light on the process of Africanization by suggesting that Apis mellifera originated in Africa, then spread to Europe and Asia in two separate migrations.
200. LOOK at the genome of a sea squirt and you'll get a nasty surprise.
201. We construct a quasi likelihood ratio test (LRT) for the case-only data utilizing the information of unlinker markers in the human genome.
202. Codon bias of NAD-ME of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. was significantly different from those of E. coli and yeast genome.
203. A preliminary draft of the full Neandertal genome is in the works.
204. "The landscape of the human gut is truly terra incognita, " says Jeffrey Gordon,(Sentence dictionary) a genome scientist at Washington University in St. Louis whose research team is spearheading this effort.
205. For the complexity of genome of hexaploid wheat, construction of molecular marker genetic linkage maps of wheat and QTL analysis are far behind of other cereal crops, like rice, maize and so on.
206. A review focused on recent advances on genetic linkage mapping in domestic sheep genome.
207. The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Zamia furfuracea L. f. and Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Baillon.
208. Human genome project, human cloning and stem - cell research are the real big events of postmodern bioscience.
209. In 2008, Dr. Katzourakis and his colleagues discovered fossil S.I.V. in the genome of the gray lemur, a primate that lives in Madagascar.
210. The results indicate that the sequence analysis of the hotspot region is a very powerful tool to investigate genetic variations of chloroplast genome in Triticum and Aegilops.
211. Breakthroughs have been made in human genome research along with the implementation of human genome project.
212. Although the mapping of the human genome will certainly have an impact on health care, it is a complex web to unweave.
213. The current cost to sequence a human genome is just a few thousand dollars, though companies that perform the service charge $20,000 to $48,000.
214. This paper introduces the development in DNA molecular markers and its application in genome mapping, gene cloning , analysis of relationship of species relationship, as well as disease diagnosis.
215. This makes the "centenarian genome" a key resource for identifying "longevity genes", an invaluable step in understanding the physiological processes underlying long lives.
216. Both groups had announced last June that they completed human genome sequencing.
217. Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine sequenced the genome of the Patagonian yeast and found it was a near-perfect match to the element used to brew lager.
218. The Human Genome Project is inspiring, particularly the new avenues in genetic testing it's opened up.
219. Specific methylase enzymes were isolated from M. mycoides and used to methylate the M. mycoides genome isolated from yeast.
220. The banding patterns of B genome of hexaploid wheats are basically same, but N-bands have definite differences among species of B genome of tetraploid wheats.
221. The primary function of the influenza virus nucleoprotein(NP) is to encapsidate the virus genome for the purposes of RNA transcription, replication and packing.
222. Methods: Family - based nonparametric genome - wide linkage analysis was performed in by either an HLHS or BAV proband.
223. Courses cover genome analysis, pharmacology, genetic screening, targeted gene delivery, ethics, and more.
224. Human Genome Project ( HGP ) displays us the vast foreground in human genetics.
225. In their new study, the scientists screened the entire human genome and teased out a profile of genes that they think are involved in breaking nicotine addiction.
226. Climbing Mount Genome - i . e . sequencing the full complement of human DNA -- was actually rather easy.
227. Indeed a new scientific discipline called 'genomics' evolved to study the functions of individual genes in an organism's genome.
228. Dr Dan Sargent, from East Malling Research, in Kent, said: 'The wild strawberry is an important genome to sequence because it is closely related to a number of important things that we eat.
229. For example, the genome of the serotype M18 group of Streptococcus pyogenes associated with acute rheumatic fever contains 178 ORFs not present in the genomic sequence of an M1 serotype .
230. In May a landmark genome analysis determined that humans most likely interbred with Neanderthals, and that as much as 4% of the modern human genome seems to be from Neanderthals.
231. By mapping the plant's genome scientists can locate the genes that control various traits, like colour, starchiness and flavour, leading to the creation of improved varieties at a much quicker pace.
232. The zebra finch genome provides a tool that allows this exploration, " he told Reuters."
233. It also provides the collections designed to optimally represent each gene in the genome as well as conventional software analysis system and some relevant databases and experiments etc.
234. The final genome to be cracked, Culex quinquefasciatus, was published in Science last week (1 October).
235. Compared with other monocotyledon, the rice's genome is smaller, so it has been considered as the model plant to study monocotyledon.
236. Scientists have sequenced the genome of one of the parasites that causes elephantiasis, a move that could lead to new drug targets for the disease.
237. Objective Using RAPD technique to study genetic diversity of smooth-shelled Oncomelania hu- pensis in China and to gain more information on genome DNA level.
238. The genome plasticity of the virus is surprisingly high for an arthropod-borne virus.
239. The killer mould behind potato blight has a giant genome, say scientists.
240. HBV gene was examined in the genome of DNAs from larvae of housefly by PCR.
241. New genome shares many features with other known lepidopteran genomes . It differs however for its Aandskew.
242. Proteomics means the large-scale analysis of all the proteins encoded by the genome. It can be divided into expression proteomics and functional proteomics.
243. This includes the unique packaging and structure of the sperm genome along with its paternally derived RNAs in preparation for their delivery to the egg.
244. Genetic analysis was conducted on genome DNAs from 15 polyploid sugarbeet varieties by RAPD markers.
245. They then found the same virus lurking in the genome of the three-toed sloth.
246. Pseudogene is regarded as biologic fossil in genome evolution and key in research of biologic evolution and dynamic genome because it keeps information of ancient genes.
247. There are many hypotheses, none conclusively established,(http:///genome.html) for how junk DNA arose and why it persists in the genome.
248. It has been developed with the objective of serving as an annotated and curated database comprising complete genome sequences of viruses, value-added derived data and data mining tools.
249. Along with science of medicine's development, will give disease take the human genome as the foundation nutriology research to treat brings a revolution.
250. When DNA co-discoverer James Watson published his genome in 2007, he left one tiny bit out: the piece that would have told him which version of the APOE gene he has.
251. The relationship among 5 micro-satellite DNA markers from chicken genome and growth traits of 97 Bian chickens was studied by the least square analysis.
252. FMDV is a member of the picornavirus family. Non-enveloped FMDV has a single stranded positive-sense RNA genome.




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