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单词 Higher education
1. I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. 
2. A higher proportion of Americans go on to higher education than is the case in Britain.
3. Higher education is a continuing developmental process .
4. Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes.
5. The expansion of higher education will continue.
6. Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education.
7. The university awards diplomas in higher education.
8. efforts to increase access to higher education .
9. Financial considerations are inhibiting access to higher education.
10. They are demonstrating in favour of free higher education.
11. Higher education is relatively autonomous from the state.
12. The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses.
13. Government policy towards higher education contains little to cheer university students.
14. The book will be invaluable for students in higher education.
15. From the point of view of higher education, the cuts will be a disaster.
16. Some believe that the extension of higher education has leveled down university standards.
17. Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.
18. These changes will shift the balance in higher education more towards science subjects.
19. She played a pioneering role in opening higher education to women.
20. The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change.
21. Belief in the utility of higher education is shared by students nationwide.
22. The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education.
23. There has been an increase in the number of mature entrants to higher education.
24. The government has announced plans to open up access to higher education.
25. The universities have expanded,() thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.
26. There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education.
27. I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions.
28. Cuts in public spending mean that fewer people can go on to higher education.
29. The government aims to double the number of students in higher education within 25 years.
30. A popular weekly evening class is the Access Course, which is designed for those considering higher education.
1. The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education.
2. There has been an increase in the number of mature entrants to higher education.
3. The government has announced plans to open up access to higher education.
4. The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.
5. A higher proportion of Americans go on to higher education than is the case in Britain.
6. Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.
31. Access to higher education has been unduly restricted for people with disabilities.
32. Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards.
33. And higher education has enjoyed excess capacity.
34. In a higher education curriculum, second-handedness is eschewed.
35. We will continue to expand higher education and training.
36. Higher education administrators also provide student services.
37. They prepare simultaneously for both higher education and employment.
38. What are the main issues in professional higher education?
39. Higher education reinforced the cultural barriers to economic growth.
40. Apart from higher education, other cultural developments were retarded.
41. Again, though, higher education can not rest there.
42. The rankings guide Britain's four higher education funding councils in allocating resources.
43. It happened when learned men, interested in higher education, introduced a new subject into the curriculum.
44. Yet finding out what happens in higher education is of utmost importance in understanding the patterns of gender inequality that exist.
45. The state could face social apartheid if minority students do not have access to higher education.
46. Higher education for the deaf receives the same lukewarm support.
47. I did make my escape from Roundhay - by a route taken by many of my contemporaries: higher education.
48. In fact open admissions was often posed as the means to desegregate higher education.
49. When funding for schools and higher education are combined, education accounts for 55 percent of the state general fund.
50. If the Board of Higher Education had decided to punish City for its impertinence, it had succeeded admirably.
51. The latter argument is based partly on the growing importance to higher education of mature students and continuing education.
51. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
52. Some of the respondents to our academic staff survey clearly believed that discrimination in higher education was widespread.
53. The question of who should receive higher education was an indirect way of asking what higher education was for.
54. Secondary education was available for the more fortunate and higher education was reserved for the privileged few.
55. Poverty made mere housing a luxury; and poverty forced families to forgo kindergartens and higher education for their children.
56. It is offered by universities, polytechnics and other colleges of higher education.
57. Colleges and universities Higher education funding in the proposed budget keeps step with the third year of a four-year agreement.
58. In public sector higher education there is also a steady stream of requirements for special lists or figures.
59. Families could withdraw funds for higher education from the new IRAs without penalty.
60. In its second phase, a number of the techniques will be tested within a selected number of Higher Education institutions.
61. This is the model which is most appropriate for evaluation activities within higher education institutions.
62. The work tends to be geared towards managers in higher education institutions.
63. Higher education and expanded trade would be available at the regional level.
64. In short, to borrow a voguish term, they acquire the competencies which are characteristic of higher education.
65. There is some justification for treating user education in universities, polytechnics and the colleges of further and higher education separately.
66. These questions are important ones, because they get to the heart of our concern about higher education.
67. In addition, some authorities have transferred to their colleges of higher education advanced courses previously located in other major establishments.
68. More women than ever are going on to higher education.
69. While she affirmed learning across social classes, Jane Addams was a critic of higher education.
70. In some areas new modules have been written to meet the needs of students seeking entry to higher education.
71. It is on the fringes of higher education, through its contribution to research, which provides an educational resource for students.
72. These three types of academic curriculum are distributed unevenly across the higher education system.
73. He said the increase might force cuts in prisons and higher education and prevent any tax cut this year.
74. The economic climate in higher education is also a constraint, says George Steele.
75. Now those agreements had been nullified, and the faculty negotiating team replaced, on orders from the Board of Higher Education.
76. Sixth form colleges offer a half-way house providing a link between school and higher education or work.
77. A Harvard University survey found that Americans significantly overestimate the cost of higher education.
78. This seems to be an accurate description of the initial decisions about seeking entry into higher education.
79. They are available at three levels and are aimed primarily at those seeking entry to higher education.
80. The jobs themselves are poorly paid, but the benefits, especially in higher education, are incalculable.
81. The question, though, is whether or not, qua institutions of higher education,(http:///higher education.html) they have an obligation to sponsor research.
82. The report provides considerable evidence that the traditional performance indicators of higher education success are quite inadequate.
83. Higher education accounts for about 13 percent of general fund expenditures.
84. For the Committee chaired by Lord Robbins, there was an essential link between higher education and culture.
85. Mr. Howarth My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the changing pattern of higher education.
86. John F.. Kerry Wednesday described the governor as an enemy of higher education masquerading as an election-year friend.
87. If higher education is not involved, school-to-work will not succeed.
88. In further and higher education, the gap has also been declining in recent years.
89. Clearly, much research goes on in institutions of higher education.
90. A similar dual focus rests uneasily in higher education libraries and invariably has met with failure.
91. This was by no means simply a matter of higher education becoming more utilitarian.
92. In the meantime, the Higher Education Funding Council needs to be persuaded to help fund it.
93. All colleges and institutions of higher education are required to carry out some assessment of student performance and potential.
94. The soulless, impersonal State had reared him since then, putting him through higher education and choosing his career for him.
95. President Bill Clinton vetoed that, and proposed instead some small tax credits and tax deductions for higher education.
96. Not only did they disclaim any career but motherhood, they even began to question the need for the higher education itself.
97. Data from the 1990 census indicate exactly how crucial higher education is in determining earning power.
98. Findings show that A-levels continue to play a dominant role in regulating entry to Higher Education.
99. They report that 21% withdrew before completing their higher education course, but only 12.5% withdrew because of failure in assessed work.
100. The thrust of the Council's case was higher participation and widened access to higher education.
101. But that does not mean that either institutions of higher education or their staff are obliged to conduct research.
102. The state recently unveiled its master plan for higher education.
103. These models were derived from quite different perceptions of the cultural function of higher education.
104. Via teaching or research in tertiary and higher education establishments.
105. Higher education staff see their academic imprimatur as more important in career terms than being accepted by a commercial publisher.
106. Research and learning, then, are conceptually unrelated, whereas higher education and learning are conceptually interwoven.
107. Names and addresses Two white papers on further and higher education included a proposal to abolish the distinction between universities and polytechnics.
108. Open Learning would be extremely useful to chemists unable to attend or travel to an institute of higher education.
109. Not all in higher education have had the inclination to cover up or resist community service.
110. In short, rationality is a condition of the full realization of the meaning of higher education.
111. I argued in Chapter 5 that the image of the ivory tower in no way describes the contemporary position of higher education.
112. Figures 5.16-5.18 give some basic statistics about student numbers in higher education, comparing polytechnics and colleges with universities.
113. But in the prevailing higher education culture they seem to represent neither one thing nor the other.
114. This is the hallmark of a genuine higher education: the ability to conduct a critical dialogue with oneself.
115. It was widely believed that he had been fired by the Board of Higher Education.
116. The early 1960s were a hopeful time, and it was then that California devised its system of higher education.
117. The equation between study in higher education and social mobility still holds in curiously similar ways.
118. The ability to keep an eye on oneself-a critical eye, at that - is the taken-for-granted sinequanon of a higher education.
119. By Feb. 9 sympathy strikes had broken out at higher education establishments in several cities.
120. It never satisfied the White Paper's interest in another, shorter, flexible model of higher education.
121. But it is still wrong to think that here research and higher education are one and the same thing.
122. Arguably, the most productive area of research into higher education over the past 20 years is that concerned with student learning.
123. Equally important, it would erect ladders to both higher education and employment, not to just one or the other.
124. Advanced degrees in higher education administration, educational supervision, and college student affairs are offered in many colleges and universities.
125. The first cycle could take the form of a degree or a new qualification, a two-year Diploma in Higher Education.
126. And the average contribution of parents continues to fall in real terms, higher education minister Alan Howarth has announced.
127. Advertising has become an $ 88-billion industry-more than the whole country spends on higher education annually.
128. A call for collaboration between the four Thames regions and higher education institutions is made.
129. All these examples are speculative(), but all have surfaced in the recent debate on higher education.
130. So far, little attention has been paid by feminist sociologists to higher education.
131. The 55 students were studying at 26 different higher education institutions.
132. There were constituencies that had no interest in the civil rights issues, but great interest in expanded access to higher education.
133. Meanwhile, the number of students having the advantage of higher education at universities or polytechnics has risen from 780,000 to 1,060,000.
134. To account for this process revisionist work has focused attention on the experience of students in higher education.
135. Access to higher education qualifications for people from Black/Ethnic minority backgrounds. 8.
136. These pressures both reflect and contribute to an uncertainty about the role of teacher education within higher education.
137. They have discretionary power to support students in further or higher education, including those who study part time.
138. Each has argued for higher education to preserve the cultural fabric of society.
139. Gateshead has a large number of low-income families and has traditionally had a poor participation rate in further and higher education.
140. The situation was considerably better among Baptists where half the ministers had received some form of higher education.
141. Community colleges are the bottom rung of the state's higher education ladder.
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142. In fact, only about half of young higher education students live in privately rented accommodation.
143. Natfhe also rejected the interim pay offer from the Polytechnic and Colleges Employers' Forum for polytechnic and higher education college lecturers.
144. For people who were too poor to leave home, it was the only path to higher education.
145. Access to further and higher education has been unduly restricted for handicapped children and this should be improved.
146. The degree of collaboration between secondary and higher education, if any reform is to be envisaged, must always be daunting.
147. But admission is merely the first hurdle a student must clear in higher education.
148. For surely they lie at the heart of higher education.
149. Meanwhile, the number of mature entrants to higher education has risen by 65 percent since 1979.
150. In certain areas of higher education - physics and engineering, for example - they make up a tiny proportion of students.
151. President Clinton is asking Congress to increase federal aid to higher education by more than 50 percent by the year 2002.
152. Fourth thesis: Higher education is open whereas research is closed Research is highly specific.
153. In fact there are some nice examples of mixes of higher education and new technology thriving in sharply defined cultural niches.
154. I think you should admit that the government's plans for higher education are now dead in the water.
155. Edinburgh's integrated approach to teaching, research and institutional behaviour on environmental matters leads the way for others in higher education.
156. Shortage of money was not the only impediment to higher education.
157. An alternative way of looking at higher education is to see it as a continuing process in the reproduction of gender relations.
158. This is the main impetus behind the expansion of further and higher education in the past dozen years.
159. In both these areas of higher education women have always outnumbered men.
160. Ball argues that the main engine in the shaping of higher education should be informed student demand, not manpower planning.
161. All this is desirable and, indeed, essential; but higher education can not rest there.
162. More than eighty higher education institutions now participate in this scheme.
163. It is iniquitous that higher education still discriminates against state school children.
164. In other words, the pretence that research and higher education are inseparable results in driving out higher education.
165. Higher education was reinforcing likely outcomes instead of altering them.
166. Introduce a tax to repay the costs of higher education for those who take courses. 5.
167. There are tendencies towards closure, partiality and sheer irrationality in society, and these admittedly affect higher education.
168. More young black men are now in the penal system than in higher education.
169. We are putting in place new mechanisms to ensure that academic standards are maintained in higher education.
170. Mr. Howarth Our policy is to promote wider participation and more opportunity in higher education.
171. I want to develop the stronger thesis that criticism is the essence of higher education.
172. What is so special about higher education as opposed to any other part of the educational system?
173. The breakdown in inhibitions may be moving up the status hierarchy in higher education.
174. How can we justify our practices, our structures of knowledge(Sentence dictionary), and our interactions in higher education as manifestations of reason?
175. Measures affecting higher education saw the universities granted greater autonomy in running their own affairs.
176. The values or ends for which higher education stands are seldom raised as a serious matter for discussion.
177. Equally they can provide a route to University or other Higher Education.
178. President Clinton has been able to include in the forecast his proposed spending for Head Start and tax benefits for higher education.
179. What, though, are the connections between criticism and this sense of intellectual freedom embedded in higher education?
180. Without a student grant, I'd never even have gone into higher education.
181. The beneficiaries included teachers in higher education, bureaucrats, trade union leaders, welfare organizers, and leaders of public corporations.
182. A genuine higher education is unsettling; it is not meant to be a cosy experience.
183. Two were carrying on at a polytechnic, and one was training to be a teacher at a college of Higher Education.
184. The first is to promote liberal arts higher education, both at general degree and sub-degree levels.
185. This clearly is a constitutionally permissible goal for an institution of higher education.
186. They were to be based on existing regional and other colleges already substantially engaged in higher education.
187. The value of higher education, on this view, is in direct proportion to the critical capacities of its graduates.
188. Of all the EU countries, Britain spends the least on higher education.
189. Knowledge elites and technical elites are now emerging from our higher education institutions.
190. That is the part which deals with the ending of the binary system in higher education.
191. There is, accordingly, an element of uncertainty about the educational processes in higher education.
192. The North has a positive disproportion of higher education institutions, and so the intellectual power of centres of research.
193. This study is a review of issues associated with increasing participation in higher education.
194. The higher education White Paper proposed abolishing the distinction between universities, polytechnics and other higher education establishments.
195. This is very important for it can decide acceptance or rejection by universities and other higher education establishments.
196. Test results can be used to promote those in employment or as an indication of ability for higher education courses.
197. More often, though, they - like degree courses at universities - are termed higher education.
198. Higher education had only just resumed with some semblance of normality after the disruption of the previous decade.
199. Predictably, this putative development has aroused considerable opposition within public sector higher education.
200. Institutions of higher education, like most powerful social institutions, are dominated, numerically and culturally, by men.
201. Academic freedom in higher education is something we prize highly.
202. About one third of high school graduates who proceed directly to higher education enter community colleges.
203. In Britain, 15 percent of the 18-24-year-old population are enrolled on higher education courses.
204. In Tony Crosland he found a ready listener, and the Woolwich speech marked a sharp redirection of policy in higher education.
205. The U.S. community college system is the largest system of higher education in the world.
206. They are to lose control of polytechnics and institutes of higher education.
207. One accrediting agency is Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
208. a promise to broaden access to higher education.
209. One accrediting agency is the Coucile for the higher education accreditation.
210. Only then is a diploma issued by the Ministry of Higher Education.
211. The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory.
212. Newman was a well known English educator on higher education.
213. Higher education is being forced to prostitute itself to market forces.
214. The next higher education fair fairs in the Asia are October.
215. A key issue for higher education in the 1990's is the need for greater diversity of courses.
216. One accrediting agency is the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
217. We looked in the almanac published by the Chronicle of Higher Education.




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