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单词 taxing
释义 Word family  noun tax taxation adjective taxable taxing verb tax  tax·ing /ˈtæksɪŋ/ adjective  DIFFICULTneeding a lot of effort 繁重的,累人的,费劲的 SYN demanding The job turned out to be more taxing than I’d expected. 后来发觉这个工作比我原来想的要辛苦。Examples from the Corpustaxing• On the Home Front, women's tasks were diverse and often physically taxing.• The job was taxing, but there were some good moments.• It is an extremely physically taxing competition.• Later in the pregnancy when the drive to work was getting too taxing, I worked at home two days a week.• You need a sound night's sleep to prepare you for the taxing journey tomorrow.• Perhaps the room revived a taxing memory of what had happened.• Some day the theme may find its historian, who will find many taxing questions to answer.• For most of them it will be without doubt the most taxing year they can·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  of effort Corpus needing a lot




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