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单词 Spreading
1. There are three ways of spreading news-- telegraph, telephone, and tel-a-woman. 
2. Rain is spreading from the west.
3. Religious fundamentalism was spreading in the region.
4. Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading.
5. Discontent among junior ranks was rapidly spreading.
6. Serve by cutting the scones in half and spreading with jam and lashings of clotted cream.
7. We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was hopeless.
8. Felix watched his men move like soldiers, spreading out into two teams.
9. A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines.
10. Evidence suggested that the AIDS virus was spreading very quickly among the heterosexual community.
11. They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.
12. The work of monks was crucial in spreading Christianity.
13. They're spreading out in the market.
14. His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.
15. Don't blacken my name by spreading rumours.
16. They took action to prevent the disease from spreading.
17. The disease is spreading fast.
18. Andy loves spreading rumours about his colleagues.
19. The tentacles of satellite television are spreading even wider.
20. Cities such as Tokyo are spreading out.
21. They want to stop the disease spreading.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Spreading her wings,() the bird headed for the island.
23. He accused them of knowingly spreading falsehoods about him.
24. The disease is spreading with alarming rapidity.
25. Someone has been spreading malicious gossip about me.
26. He loves spreading alarm and despondency.
27. Sneezes are devastatingly effective at spreading infection.
28. "It was huge," he announced, spreading his arms wide.
29. There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.
30. Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry.
1. Rain is spreading from the west.
2. Religious fundamentalism was spreading in the region.
3. Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading.
4. Discontent among junior ranks was rapidly spreading.
5. Serve by cutting the scones in half and spreading with jam and lashings of clotted cream.
6. We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was hopeless.
7. Felix watched his men move like soldiers, spreading out into two teams.
8. A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines.
9. Evidence suggested that the AIDS virus was spreading very quickly among the heterosexual community.
10. There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.
11. They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.
12. His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.
13. Spreading her wings, the bird headed for the island.
14. Don't blacken my name by spreading rumors.
15. Acidity in soil can be neutralized by spreading lime on it.
16. The firemen pulled down some nearby sheds to stop the fire spreading.
17. The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.
18. The President's enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.
31. The disease was spreading more rapidly than expected.
32. A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt.
33. His enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.
34. The disease is quickly spreading in the world.
35. These stories are spreading like wildfire through the city.
36. Don't blacken my name by spreading rumors.
37. Factories were spreading outwards from the old heart of the town.
38. Measles, mumps and whooping cough are spreading again because children are not being vaccinated.
39. I'd like to start the speech by dispelling a few rumours that have been spreading recently.
40. She ran from office to office, spreading the exciting news.
41. Acidity in soil can be neutralized by spreading lime on it.
42. She kept gazing at him, while spreading jam on the bread.
43. With its spreading stems, ivy makes good ground cover .
44. The firemen pulled down some nearby sheds to stop the fire spreading.
45. They are spreading the word about the benefits of immunization.
46. The city's problems are symptomatic of the crisis that is spreading throughout the country.
47. He had been crippled by a rare type of paralysis spreading from his ankle.
48. The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.
49. They want to prevent the infection spreading to other parts of the body.
50. David made a gesture, spreading out his hands as if he were showing that he had no explanation to make.
51. Management is looking at ways of spreading the workload between departments.
52. The disease is spreading,(http:///spreading.html) and all children under five are at risk.
53. He's taken it into his head that I'm spreading rumours about him.
54. Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.
55. The President's enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.
56. In his room, Tom was spreading out a map of Scandinavia on the bed.
57. Immediate action must be taken to stop the fire spreading.
58. You could face up to eight years in jail for spreading rumours considered prejudicial to security.
59. Word has been spreading fast of the incidents on the streets.
60. The president toured the country spreading the message of national unity.
61. 'You were right-someone's been spreading rumours about you.' 'I knew it!'
62. They set about spreading their memories of the books.
63. Political turbulence is spreading throughout the country.
64. Word was spreading among the crowd.
65. The UN was powerless to prevent the war spreading.
66. It could be toxoplasmosis spreading through his spine.
67. Her hands spreading over my bare chest.
68. Our immediate concern was to stop the fire spreading.
69. The fire is spreading out of control.
70. Executive share option schemes are also spreading.
71. The tractors were busy at the December spreading.
72. News of the disaster was spreading quickly.
73. Lisa felt a dull ache spreading up her arm.
74. Plus, employee involvement was spreading to other departments.
75. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John spreading the gospel.
76. And religion is not just spreading among pro athletes.
77. How much is evoked by spreading stain!
78. Keep spreading the gospel, it needs to be heard.
79. The epidemic is spreading at an alarming rate.
80. Someone's been spreading nasty rumours about me.
81. The calcium waves spreading through glial cells may constitute a long-range signalling network acting in concert with conventional neuronal networks.
81. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
82. When she reached the bushes, Geoffrey was spreading his jacket on the grass between the stream and a weeping willow.
83. Finally, restricting has the inevitable consequence of spreading unhealthy fear throughout an organization.
84. With the money economy spreading extremely slowly, he could only centralize very limited financial resources.
85. Now back home, they are spreading the new gospel of dissent.
86. And then the slow ink spreading outwards and the wheels turning and a voice, it was Vasco's, warning him.
87. His / her negativity should be dealt with by encouragement to prevent it from spreading.
88. The result may be a wave of call attempts spreading like a tsunami, at the speed of light.
89. The real-wage declines that began in the United States are now spreading across the industrial world.
90. This spreading effect in phase space has another remarkable implication.
91. They could make the house shake when they were in full flow, the vibrations spreading from the kitchen.
92. Back-arc spreading may be initiated within the volcanic arc because the high heat flux from below weakens the lithosphere.
93. Once nasty enough, this virus would start spreading by more conventional means.
94. The spreading leprosy taints ev'ry part, Infects each limb, and sickens at the heart.
95. It takes more than a strip at the edge of a field to stop pollen grains from spreading round the countryside.
96. They come in various shapes: erect, for instance, or conical, or rounded or with horizontal, spreading branches.
97. Thus the dentist can not see how fast it is spreading, if at all.
98. When triggered, the alarm seems to call in squads of immune cells that surround tuberculosis bacteria and keep them from spreading.
99. Cairns itself is a spacious city with large areas of grass under low spreading forest trees and tall Alexander palms.
100. The tramp had fallen forward on to his face, his body twitching madly(), blood spreading out around his head.
101. The clearance of brush around houses helped prevent the fire from spreading.
102. Gently touch this drop on to the surface of the spreading solution.
103. There were a few people around, polishing and sweeping, and maybe spreading incense for all I knew.
104. The patients have been isolated to keep the disease from spreading to the rest of the population.
105. Mr Babangida and his predecessors have tried to meet competing ethnic demands by spreading power around regional governments in a federal system.
106. Such conditions were ideal for spreading the disease; men contracted it in growing numbers and brought it home.
107. In the last two weeks, the situation has become more serious, with riots and strikes spreading across the country.
108. With a whoop he leapt over a huge spreading puddle where a drain was blocked with litter.
109. Indeed, hundreds of foreign corporations in Hong Kong have shifted assets to other regions, spreading their risk.
110. He was due to stand trial for spreading Kurdish propaganda.
111. By inspection this will correspond to a point in the spreading region.
112. Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it. Alfred Hitchcock 
113. The ashram consisted of a group of low, white-washed huts in a grove of spreading trees.
114. This will prevent the signal from spreading out through space.
115. Now there are three large areas where outbreaks are intensifying and spreading.
116. At that time we had to make the assumption that the disease was spreading and take action to stop it.
117. I envisaged a deadly tarantula creeping slowly into my bed, spreading its legs over me, about to bite!
118. Seated there, she would bend slightly over the typewriter, spreading her full muscular jean-clad thighs.
119. The brain drifts back to full consciousness now that there is a vague hint of light spreading across the eastern sky.
120. Massage can help cramp and can prevent it spreading to other areas.
121. But out of sight the roots from which they grow are spreading rapidly.
122. Press down, spreading the dough out, then fold the spread dough back toward the center.
123. Spreading literacy has meant more printed materials of all kinds, whether books, pamphlets or periodicals.
124. Malaria that is invulnerable to drugs is spreading across the world.
125. The whole of Berlin seemed to be on the move that day, spreading itself along the barrier like ivy.
126. The new system has usurped almost all health care in California and is rapidly spreading nationwide.
127. In return, Music Hall carried photographs and articles about Tiller's achievements, so spreading his fame still further.
128. These self-appointed assistants sped swiftly up and down the corridor, wakening their companions and spreading the good news.
129. Other contract services include straw and silage baling, cultivations and drilling, manure spreading, and grain haulage with two lorries.
130. Justice in such societies is not left to the unguided, even if experienced, sage sitting under the spreading oak tree.
131. The thermal input from hydrothermal springs along submarine spreading centers may drive major patterns of deepwater circulation.
132. I report what I feel, as well as the rumour that is spreading.
133. Management should effect redundancies at one point in time rather than spreading them over a long period.
134. About 50m messages are sent each day, turning mobile phones into a convenient medium for spreading rumours about the president.
135. This spreading is part of the process of entrainment for a turbulent flow.
136. Everywhere, to a woman, the spreading of the news drew the same reaction.
137. I know perfectly well that metastases are not just a characteristic of malignant cells, spreading from organ to organ.
138. You finish the first sip of beer, and you can feel the coolness spreading down to your stomach.
139. The goal is to create a firm surface tension that allows the bread to rise without spreading out sideways.
140. Read in studio Addiction to the drug crack cocaine is spreading into the shire counties.
141. Travis stripped off his shirt and tossed it aside before unrolling the sleeping-bag and spreading it before the fire.
142. The researchers irradiated all of the tumor cells to render them incapable of spreading once returned to the patients' bodies.
143. Slowly but surely,(sentence dictionary) the benefits of the new prosperity are spreading to embrace all parts of the province.
144. Once viewed as a relic, continental drift and seafloor spreading evolved into the modern concept of plate tectonics.
145. Wickham thought it extraordinary how the frivolity of the journalists was spreading.
146. Seafloor spreading becomes tangible in the rift valleys of the mid-ocean ridges.
147. VDUs are suspected by some of causing eye strain, postural problems and even of spreading harmful radiation across the room.
148. Low branching and twisting then produces bundles of diverging and spreading fibrils which eventually fill out into the characteristic spherical structure.
149. It seemed unstoppable, spreading like green fly and just as blind to the disapproval of fellow citizens.
150. Here the spreading main branches show up well against the snow.
151. These had developed true leaves, large spreading structures with which to collect as much light as possible.
152. The managers of such funds are on the stump, spreading the message that their day has come at last.
153. It penetrated a stained-glass window, spreading lozenge shapes of iridescent purple, yellow, red and blue on the tiled floor.
154. A closed door stops draughts spreading the flames, and dramatically slows the progress of a fire.
155. He developed new psychologies to explain conversion but not new techniques for spreading it.
156. They were continually spreading the message that the library is an integral part of the school's operation.
157. By spreading woodchips over the ground, gardeners then create the perfect habitat for fungi of all sorts.
158. They are spreading the idea that the contest is already all but over.
159. The whole spreading fortress was surrounded not just by a moat, but by a deep artificial lake.
160. President Clinton has said he will act to stop the war spreading to Kosovo, but few in Kosovo believe his promises.
161. BHart said the organization, though well-intentioned, might be spreading itself too thin.
162. And since it provides the opportunity of personal contact with the discharger, it is a means of spreading advice or warnings.
163. The town gossips had been spreading rumours about Bruce for months.
164. Ticketless travel, which actually began several years ago, is spreading rapidly throughout the airline industry.
165. Now the Derbyshire tradition has crept into Yorkshire, it seems it may be spreading.
166. Spreading the benefits too thinly, however, might undermine the viability of the most needy practices.
167. Recently she's begun spreading her wings, taking courses in real estate.
168. Emily moved to the desk and sat down, spreading the pages of figures out before her.
169. The forest fires in the Northwest are spreading out of control.
170. With that, the DiFranco phenomenon began, spreading from coffee houses to folk festivals, then to bars and small theaters.
171. It went against normal principles of materials suspended in liquid spreading randomly and as uniformly as possible.
171. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
172. Clothes had to be boiled to prevent the disease from spreading.
173. Each of these areas of continental lithosphere are thought to have overridden regions of hot asthenosphere associated with former mid-oceanic spreading ridges.
174. Ethnic unrest is spreading throughout the south-western republics of the former Soviet Union.
175. In one, the businessperson allocated time, spreading the project over several weeks.
176. This theological argument for differentiation was to assume the greatest importance in spreading the Copernican theory.
177. He felt a relieved smile spreading over his face and something like freedom in his heart.
178. The dead plants, the puddle of water spreading out across the floorboards.
179. She reached the coast road and a fire engine charged into view, spreading a bow wave.
180. There was a spreading honeycomb of a wine-rack, full and expensive looking.
181. A single tractor was slowly spreading fertilizer over a huge wheatfield.
182. There is a danger of the conflict spreading into the bordering countries.
183. Categories this year have been changed with the aim of spreading the £2,150 plus training grants further.
184. But the liquid spreading rapidly on the pretty floral sheets wasn't the sweetish, colourless amniotic fluid.
185. Trade unions are spreading: teachers staged a long strike last year.
186. Logan said government agents are still spreading disinformation about leaders of the political reform movement.
187. I felt its coldness spreading through my body, killing off the cells, one by one.
188. It is spreading to schoolkids and to people who want to do better than they ever did before.
189. A table for two had been set in a sort of bower beneath a canopy of spreading palms.
190. You can speed things along by spreading a thin layer of soil and compost over bare areas and planting more grass plugs.
191. His hair was sticky with blood and a purple bruise was spreading across his temple.
192. Gandhi lay on a white cot in the prison yard under a spreading mango tree.
193. For more than four hours they battled to bring the blaze under control and stop dangerous fumes spreading across Cheshire.
194. Overall, though, it's a case of spreading a good idea a little too thinly this time around.
195. The disease first came to international public notice in the 1860s, when leprosy was reported to be spreading in Hawaii.
196. The surface area of a plate is reduced at a subduction zone whereas it is increased along a spreading ridge.
197. Rob lifted the candle and could make out a sheet of water, spreading.
198. Much of the redistribution shown in Table 2.1 results from the spreading of wealth among family members through trusts.
199. In part two: Cancer lifeline ... the new drug that could stop a killer spreading. Rising star.
200. They were of modest size with an underground stem, but without spreading roots.
201. This idea became known as seafloor spreading, and hard geophysical evidence to support the concept began accumulating in the early 1960s.
202. Although there have been cases of viruses spreading on shrink-wrapped software, these are relatively rare.
203. They were spreading rumours that Mac and I knew the starter and that I had got away with a false start.
204. The frosting will harden as it cools and, as you are spreading it, it will cool more rapidly.
205. I don't want the mess spreading back into my working world.
206. At this distance, the heat from the rapidly spreading flames was almost unbearable.
207. The practice of segregating children by ability in schools seems to be spreading.
208. They could write off all investments in the year they are made rather than spreading them out over a period of years.
209. The use of the new printing technology helped in spreading the word.
210. At St Louis every round-arched opening was made an excuse for a riot of sculptural detail spreading out into a great fan.
211. The clouds running before the sun were spreading across the pink of the sky.
212. Brush the glaze while still hot over a fruit cake, but allow to cool slightly before spreading over a sponge cake.
213. Soon they were spreading all over the city, spread by Tower opponents inside and outside the Senate.
214. Cholera is spreading through the refugee camps at an alarming rate.
215. And then, unless they had sufficient funds to buy several stocks, they might not be spreading their investment sufficiently.
216. Both were seen as sources of disease, bodily or spiritual, moral corruptions which were spreading throughout the land.
217. Then a fierce wind howled through the forest and over the camps, spreading alarm everywhere.
218. She nods her head, steps back a step out of the way of him spreading toward her white shoes.
219. If the idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain.
220. Its appeal is its ease of spreading and lower calorie content volume for volume.
221. As the world approached the cusp of a new millennium, the fire was still spreading.
222. Transfer butter to a sheet of wax paper, spreading butter out to form a rough log shape.
223. It is a smooth spreading sausage, similar in texture to a fine liver sausage, with a bright pink colour.
224. Spreading the philosophy of quality improvement among our suppliers will also yield enormous benefits.
225. And with a little help from its friends, the big multinational companies and landowning farmers, it is spreading its roots.
226. Even so, Viktor had seen the red stain spreading amongst the bright colours of the makeshift shroud.
227. Nothing could be further from costume drama or the spreading of cloaks over puddles.
228. In the latter painting we stare straight into the ventricles of a human heart, the veins spreading out like branches.
229. A coldness spreading across her shoulders and racing through her limbs ....
230. There is also the danger of spreading resources too thinly and separating teams from local authority power structures.
231. The space race had broken clear of Earth and was spreading throughout the inner solar system.
232. It's a sort of triangle, spreading further and further out till it reaches the sides of the river.
233. In this respect, it is quite capable of spreading from one building to another through a thick party wall.
234. Many farmers are rediscovering the largely abandoned practices of crop rotation and manure spreading.
235. The only way to stop the virus spreading is by slaughtering all infected animals.
236. Forbes is traveling the country at an impressive clip, spreading his flat-tax message and pocketing IOUs from Republican pols.
237. Computer use is spreading into every home but more than 80 per cent of Internet users are male.
238. It normally took the form of shearing, combining, baling, muck spreading, etc.
239. Everybody in the Summerdale station was under suspicion, and the scandal was spreading faster than the plague.
240. She kneads my buttocks, shaping them to her hands, spreading them apart.
241. Boulders lay around the waterside, ash trees spreading finger-like leaves overhead.
242. Above the sink, ivy had burrowed its way through the walls and was now spreading in profusion towards the ceiling.
243. By the late 1880s , the spreading fascination with the occult sparked a new direction among several young artists.
244. There was a large park spreading in front of me.
245. The fire was spreading, fuelled by escaping petrol from the damaged tanker.
246. The wall tore open, rips spreading around the torus as the air rushed outwards.
247. When heat styling, use a vent brush which allows hot air to circulate through the brush, spreading the heat evenly.
248. The beautiful brocade coat stretched taut across the back, spreading to an intimidating width with his angry, indrawn breath.
249. Such back-arc spreading is analogous to that encountered behind some intra-oceanic island arcs.
250. The firemen tried to stop the flames from spreading, but it was hopeless.
251. President Banzer, to quell the spreading demonstrations, announced cancellation of the water privatisation on April 5.
252. I said I always imagined the pattern starting at the N1 cam and spreading out to the point cams.
253. Spreading the work around will help us meet the project deadline.
254. He kept silent, a feline grin spreading across his face.
255. On its way down, the bundle unfolded, spreading wings left and right.
256. He could see a hurt, misunderstood look spreading across Karen's face.
257. How do we do that without spreading too widely the ability to make bombs?
258. The lawsuit charged the magazine with spreading lies about the company and its products.
259. By spreading nitrates it is possible to obtain good yields of wheat or barley, which take nitrogen from the soil.
260. Refugees have entered the south of the country and are spreading northwards.
261. He reached out and felt Connie's soft spreading buttocks.
262. Spreading shades of dusk cover the earth.
263. He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character.
264. There was a small park at the water edge with fine chestnut trees huge and spreading.
265. On the other side, hacker attack, virus spreading and mixed network attacks add increasingly,(http:///spreading.html) so that the network security defensive line is full frailness .
266. This process of separation and spreading out of particles by random walks is known as diffusion.
267. Bureaucracy is ever desirous of spreading its influence and its power.
268. Modeling and realizing of RBF network requires outstanding programming capability, which greatly prevent the neural network technique from spreading and application.
269. Keep in mind that it's the small dimension of the slit which does the spreading out.
270. The north- subtropic zone in Anhui province is located in the middle part of China. It serves as the passage for spreading between the northern species and the southern species.




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