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单词 Stay put
1. The policeman ordered him to stand up and stay put.
2. Stay put until I get back.
3. Just stay put with the cases, while I go and find a taxi.
4. The baby wouldn't stay put long enough for the photo to be taken.
5. Then he tried to get the mirror to stay put.
6. He chose to stay put while the rest of us toured the area.
7. You expected them to stay put.
8. He wanted simply to stay put.
9. The egg in the mixture makes it stay put(sentence dictionary), instead of running all over the place as most cheese mixtures do.
10. A reporter's job is to stay put and tell us what she can, even if it means crawling to objectionable people.
11. If we stay put they can stay up there and fry the valley bottom, and us with it.
12. He won't stay put long enough for me to take his photo.
13. I've decided to stay put until after Christmas, but after that I want to start looking for a new apartment.
14. If you stay put, you'll be even more miserable in a year's time.
15. I'm just going to stay put unless you need me to help you.
16. Charman, who decided to stay put, began logging gigs in a tour diary.
17. She told Clarissa to stay put and say no more until she herself came round to Clarissa's flat.
18. Two families decided to stay put and continued to live alongside the squalor.
19. Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth. Will Rogers 
20. It was very tempting to just stay put but the longer we put it off the worse it would be.
21. Nigel says for the moment he is very happy to stay put in Lyon.
22. These people could afford to retire to Florida but they'd just as soon stay put.
23. The alternative is massive retaliation by missiles aimed at the enemy's cities, which will stay put.
24. His friend van Rappard joined the fray, urging him to stay put, as he was doing.
25. It could be the question, whether to plump for a great evolutionary jump or stay put in the icy brine.
26. Those which happen to come to rest in a non-absorbing direction will absorb no more photons, and will thereafter stay put.
27. He tries to drag her home, but she struggles to stay put.
28. But I'd had my fill of merrymaking and decided to stay put a while until my headache eased.
29. Water exchange is limited, and any pollution will just stay put.
30. If he was right she had no alternative but to stay put.
1. The policeman ordered him to stand up and stay put.
31. The main options may be for him to stay put or live temporarily with his grandparents.
32. He ordered them to stay put.
33. Even today, Americans seem to stay put.
34. He said he would stay put for a while.
35. I commanded my dog to stay put.
36. Stay put until I come back.
37. Odder still , he intended to stay put.
38. Try to stay put. I think you might have fractured your leg.
39. I like to stay put by the fire on a cold day.
40. Santino Corleone : What is it? Paulie, I told you to stay put.
41. One of the rather patronising defences often put forward about why such relics should stay put is that they will be better cared for, or reach a wider public, than if they were to be returned "home".
42. That kind of people stay put in one job all their lives.
43. You stay put here while I go and buy the tickets.
43. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
44. "We have mujahideen from the time of the emirate, but we have new fighters too, " Mawlawi Jalali told me. "The young are keen to join, but we tell them stay put, finish your madrasa now and then come.
45. She tell the child to stay put and wait for her return.
46. She told the child to stay put and wait for her return.
47. Oh, no, no. Stay put. I don't think so. Aah!
48. Burchard shaped the new material into rough-textured lightning bolts of foam that locked together to stay put under the weight of heavy, priceless objects.
49. I told the small fry to stay put while I went to the call box.
50. He was forced by his condition to stay put and remain out of politics.
51. Tom, who'd been an Eagle Scout, knew it was best to stay put and wait for rescuers.
52. My grandmother said she had nowhere to go and wanted to stay put forever.
53. If he decides to stay put, again he might be criticized for being insincere and uncreative.
54. There is much speculation as to who will stay put.




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