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单词 Jerking
1 'What'll we do with them?' he asked, jerking his thumb at the suitcases.
2 "What's wrong?" she asked, jerking her head up.
3 Look, the old man's limbs are jerking.
4 "This is Brady Coyne," said Sam,[] jerking his head in my direction.
5 She had woken then, jerking bolt upright, her heart pounding against her ribs.
6 She laughed often; a great sudden masculine sound, jerking her arms as if elbowing the air out of the way.
7 There he swung, thin legs jerking, the white, thick-soled running shoes looking incongruously heavy for the bony legs.
8 Dyson half expected him to come jerking back for a reprise of the First Collect.
9 Press the button gently but firmly and without jerking the camcorder each time you start and stop.
10 The kettle began to boil, its ill-fitting lid jerking under the pressure of the steam inside.
11 Polly caught her breath, instinctively jerking backwards away from him.
12 The ride was rough, the wheel jerking out of my grip.
13 But she was breathing very heavily and jerking her legs in a funny way, as if something hurt her.
14 There was no spasmodic jerking, nothing but the angry resurgence of the phosphorus embers as the bullets slammed home.
15 He sat there shivering until dawn, nodding occasionally, jerking awake with a cry.
16 Paul was a distant puppet, jerking and leaping and throwing back his arms and whacking the bomb repeatedly on the side.
17 The boat moved forward with a jerking motion as the line to the police launch slacked and tightened in the swell.
18 The animal lay on the ground, its whole body twitching and jerking.
19 'Is that the only way out of here?' he asked, jerking a thumb at the door.
20 Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.
21 I stood there in front of him with my chin jerking.
22 But everybody says I put on a show with the big ones, stiffening up and then jerking all over.
23 They begin to go through motions of dancing, holding on to the steel poles that support the ceiling, jerking mechanically.
24 As if she could even stand up with only one on without it instantly jerking her off balance.
25 Some of the hedgehogs embellish their self-protection with an upward jerking movement.
26 The polluted streets are crowded by people with pasty faces, running noses, rheumy eyes and strange, jerking motions.
27 Oscar was hurled through the windscreen like a fighter pilot jerking forward at G-speed.
28 There isn't a moment when the lad isn't twitching or jerking or going into spasm.
29 It circled the small clearing warily, catching the light and jerking as it did so, moving quickly into shadow.
30 Fig. 8 Arm muscles Ballistic stretching is more vigorous, as the name suggests, and involves bouncing and jerking movements.
1 The animal lay on the ground, its whole body twitching and jerking.
2 'What'll we do with them?' he asked, jerking his thumb at the suitcases.
31 The parietal lobes are probably what keep our visual experiences from looking like an amateur videotape, jerking from here to there.
32 He turned up the handle, drew the bolt back, drove it forward, Jerking the handle down.
33 Slowly Tommy placed his arm on the floor, his whole body jerking with fear.
34 Bonaventure, but none of them reported any of the jerking movement,[] incontinence or tongue-biting that usually accompanies seizures.
35 Then the drop and the slim, lithe body jerking violently at the end of the rope.
36 Instead of jerking on the lead, he gave a mighty push to the bear's head and the man-animal rolled over backwards.
37 He Wrked the handle, brought the bolt rearward, then drove it forward jerking the handle down.
38 He staggered, jerking the flaccid weight higher on his shoulder.
39 Even the swings troubled her, dark shapes jerking up at the limit of her vision.
40 Gradually straighten the legs until you are standing upright, then lower slowly to the floor without jerking.
41 His head keeps jerking.
42 Again people are asking why, while politicians' knees are jerking frantically.
43 He flung himself at her, springing the top button of his jeans and jerking them down as he did so.
44 It suddenly moved, walking in an uncoordinated and jerking movement, straight towards her.
45 It was like a jagged knife, jerking in her solar plexus.
46 Jerking back from the dais, the Doctor slipped back through the circle of megaliths.
47 A group of boys were found jerking off there.
48 Look at me; Jerking off in the shower.
49 " No,'she cried vehemently, jerking away.
50 Look at me: jerking off in the shower.
51 Now, don't be jerking your chin at me.
52 The groom at the head looked back , jerking the leading rope.
53 " Now, don't be jerking your chin at me, " warned Gerald.
54 In the bank. Listen , Tommy, stop jerking off, we'll never.
55 Jerking off, self pleasuring, beating around the bush, letting your fingers do the walking, answering the bone-o-phone.
56 They cannot give an order without jerking a gun out.
57 Today whilst chatting with my mum on msn she unintentionally sends me an animated emoticon of a penis jerking off repeatedly.
58 If you are a sensible creature, please stop jerking off with your mediocre plain texts arranged in the name of verses.
59 Learn to lean on things to gain support. Squeeze off the shutter, smoothly and without jerking.
60 There was much jerking of heads, and looking down the line.
61 Even the clumsy stealth of jerking off was a matter for shared joking—the unsuppressed moan, the vibrating sheet glimpsed in the dawn light.
62 Stop jerking my chain . I'm trying to study here.
63 So now, if you are a sensible creature, please stop jerking off with your mediocre plain texts arranged in the name of verses.
64 Then the theatre was dark. There was the jerking flicker of a reel starting and stopping, conglomerate unhuman figures and motion,[] whistles from the audience.
65 Depending on the fortune teller's response can make the difference between success or jerking off.
66 And if you don't stop jerking off, your tennis elbow will never get better.
67 This engine also tends to create a jerking or bucking problem at very high speeds.
68 Stop jerking me around and give me my money back.
69 He rustled the pleated pages , jerking his chin on his high collar.
70 Jerking from coincidence to coincidence, they were obviously the work of an original intelligence.
71 As we walk toward the shed, a Belgian Shepherd begins barking furiously, jerking its iron chain and baring sharp teeth.
72 Jack speeds off, jerking Carroll back and forth backseat, and then quickly slams on the brakes.
73 He was surrounded by the wild frenzy of jerking chains and suffocating cries.
74 Again, the same thing may happen to you. Sometimes you'll be having sex/getting a blowjob/jerking off and you won't be able to cum.
75 Typical jerking movements, mostly in the extremities and face, may affect speech and swallowing and range from mild to incapacitating ; attacks last several weeks and recur frequently.
76 A device, such as a drill, that operates with a jerking or jolting.
77 Mike kept snatching him up by the collar and jerking him up.
78 The seizures ariled from jerking and twitching of the face to salivating igorously.
79 Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that can cause involuntary tics such as coughing, yelling, head jerking and blinking.
80 A few of the boys who had escaped from the school were found jerking off in the bushes.




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