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单词 Wildflower
1 I became totally enamored of the wildflowers there.
2 The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain.
3 I can see wildflowers crouched among the blown grass blades.
4 Along the roadsides, spring wildflowers dot the shoulders like stars in sparse constellations.
5 A Mason jar of early wildflowers sat in the center, along with a deep-dish apple pie, fresh from the oven.
6 This has produced noticeable improvements in wildflowers, and insect and bird populations.
7 Laundry hangs like wilted wildflowers over faltering balconies, and clusters of trash skitter up windswept drives.
8 He collected wildflowers and pressed and arranged them in a Bible; or he laboriously printed letters to public figures.
9 Whenever we pull over, a frosting of wildflowers comes into focus, like the dots in pointillist paintings.
10 Applications and potential applications are popping up like wildflowers after a spring rain.
11 Seven and a half mile route. 5 Wildflower walk on the chalk grassland of the Downs.
12 She can bake wonderful cakes full of wildflowers, but she never quite finds the sweetness she craves.
13 Even Packard admitted to himself that the unusual wildflower must have been a fluke, or misidentified.
14 This spring, I started wildflower garden in our yard.
15 After two days of wildflower rockeries, we left.
16 This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard.
17 Some 400 wildflower species live in the tundra. In summer they provide unexpected explosions of color, like this fireweed grove near a roadside in Denali, Alaska.
18 Pesticide-free wildflower havens, adds Buchmann, would also bolster populations of useful insects such as blue orchard bees—an extremely effective pollinator of almonds in California.
19 Winter Walk threads evergreens, and Springtime Path shows off the wildflowers blooming in that season.
20 It turned sharply, giving panoramic views over the valley, but fell away beyond the wildflowers into nothingness.
21 Smitty was carrying the plastic can up the side of a rock where wildflowers grew.
22 This created a natural nursery for every kind of indigenous wildflower, shrub, and tree.
23 As another exam-ple, the border between deciduous forest and wildflower prairie in the midwest is remarkably impermeable.
24 The ground was a grass parkland, in springtime carpeted with wildflowers.
25 Mr Ward dropped in with his hands full of wildflowers, and then Frank Sargent on his way fishing.
26 Within weeks, showy evening primroses spread their petals, joining a wildflower pageant 650 species strong.
27 The former residence of Lord Kitchener, rebuilt to a new magnificence, Wildflower Hall recreates the grand style of the colonial era.
28 BEFORE becoming synonymous with conflict, the word Kashmir evoked wildflower meadows and crystal mountain lakes.




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