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单词 Followers
(1) He enjoined obedience on his followers.
(2) The Prime Minister's policy alienated many of her followers.
(3) She still has many local followers.
(4) His confident leadership inspired his followers.
(5) the holy followers of Buddha.
(6) Followers of the president jostled for position in front of the TV cameras.
(7) The officer basked in the adulation of his followers.
(8) He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers.
(9) in the opinion of her devoted followers.
(10) To his followers he was a god.
(11) She was an inspiring example to her followers.
(12) His courage infected the followers.
(13) She inspires great loyalty among her followers.
(14) His ardour for the cause inspired his followers.
(15) His revolutionary ardour was an example to his followers.
(16) His followers are booming John for U.S.
(17) Hunt followers deny the sport is cruel.
(18) The king bestowed lands and titles upon his followers.
(19) He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God.
(20) Just stay with me a minute longer(), my followers. No man will dare to bully you under my protection.
(21) Marx and his followers were convinced that capitalism would destroy itself.
(22) His influence is so strong that crowds of followers freeze onto him wherever he goes.
(23) His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.
(24) I deserted for half a century did not wait for my followers.
(25) This temple is a place of great holiness for the religion's followers.
(26) The king was not powerful enough to command respect among his followers.
(27) The leader's influence was so strong that many people fastened onto him and became his followers.
(28) The rebelion chieftain was opposed by the masses and deserted by his followers.
(29) The enemy chieftain was opposed and deserted by his followers.
(30) The myth says that he led a small band of followers to seek their fortune in distant lands.
(1) The Prime Minister's policy alienated many of her followers.
(2) She still has many local followers.
(3) His confident leadership inspired his followers.
(4) the holy followers of Buddha.
(5) This temple is a place of great holiness for the religion's followers.
(6) Followers of the president jostled for position in front of the TV cameras.
(7) The enemy chieftain was opposed and deserted by his followers.
(31) Like all tyrannical leaders, he demanded unquestioning obedience from his followers.
(32) As usual,those followers were looking over their shoulders at their master.
(33) The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him.
(34) She had great personal influence and power over her followers.
(35) The three monotheistic religions with the most followers are Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
(36) The leader of the religious sect and thirty of his followers killed themselves in a suicide pact last year.
(37) Followers feel energetic, confident, and never more alive.
(38) The camp followers however caused problems with the authorities.
(39) His followers all walk along with him.
(40) Followers were prepared to live a life of poverty.
(41) The early followers of Jesus were mostly Jews.
(42) Followers claim that she has levitated frequently during prayer.
(43) Already his followers were calling him a saint.
(44) Followers of the sect espouse pure love and nonviolence.
(45) His followers lavished him with riches.
(46) But this leaves out sports followers.
(47) When will this lady and her followers face facts?
(47) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(48) In short, he went as far toward Jeffries and his followers as he could without forsaking his own integrity.
(49) His few educated or moneyed followers came from among people rendered marginal by ethnicity or factional misfortune.
(50) After serious trouble at Sham gigs, for example the one at the London School of Economics, they also deserted their followers.
(51) But slowly and surely the followers of Chaos gained the upper hand.
(52) Merbah announced his intention of forming a new political party to rally followers of the late President Houari Boumedienne.
(53) The Maharishi's followers say that 7000 is a magic number.
(54) But they were two leaders determined to understand each other, and to broaden the area of agreement among their followers.
(55) The historical case studies carried out by Lakatos and his followers certainly lend some support to that latter claim.
(56) If his followers found all this reasonable enough, critics at a distance tried to put it in perspective.
(57) It was near his palace, on the edge of the city where all his followers lived.
(58) A huge and devoted group of followers pay $ 39 a head to attend her motivational hotel seminars.
(59) His own followers cheered him repeatedly as the rhetoric boomed out through the slight electronic distortion of the public address systems.
(60) I should say, it was the scum fringes of each group, not the majority of decent followers of the game.
(61) Less forceful, less certain, and less articulate followers may find it impossible to challenge the leader.
(62) Both were marauding, tribal war-leaders whose main aim was to bring military glory to themselves and their followers.
(63) The shoguns themselves lacked the personal charisma of their early predecessors and divisions within the Bakufu hierarchy and Tokugawa followers increased.
(64) The confrontation ended April 19 with a fire that consumed the compound and killed Koresh and about 80 of his followers.
(65) Not until his death and resurrection could that same Spirit become readily available for his followers.
(66) Seth and his followers quickly grasped their opportunity and immediately closed the lid and fastened it securely.
(67) There's a lot more to Jefferson Airhead than rent-a-baggy camp followers.
(68) Haider and his followers have been gradually building their support at the ballot box for the past decade.
(69) But the caution of other princes may not have blinded their followers to the possible propaganda value of the Laudes.
(70) The reality was the allegiance to Rome of the local aristocracies which in turn conditioned the behaviour of their clients and followers.
(71) Anomie theorists and their subcultural followers reversed the classical position on these matters,() and in doing so encountered serious problems.
(72) After all, as scrupulous followers of the Talmud, dishonesty and corruption were abhorred.
(73) The latter prevailed, but on 18 March 978 was assassinated by his rival's followers at Corfe in Dorset.
(74) His followers are to trust in the goodness and providence of their heavenly father and abandon their care about the material world.
(75) Two of the clearest examples are to be seen in the courses followed by Gerry Healy and Michel Pablo and their followers.
(76) His top priority is survival, not the mandate for sweeping change his followers won in recent parliamentary elections.
(77) Large as icebergs they drifted off to the north carrying the remaining followers of the Witch King.
(78) In some traditional reading books there was a clear assumption that boys were leaders and girls were followers.
(79) Newman had realised that, because of cultural inequalities,(http:///followers.html) many people were not ardent followers of drama as presented in the Theatre.
(80) LeroiGourhan and his followers have catalogued some 400 of them.
(81) Second, there is the inclination of followers in some circumstances to collaborate in their own deception.
(82) In his introductory essay, Vincent Scully maintains that Kahn would be disappointed by contemporary architecture and the work of his followers.
(83) Tribal leaders are accused of inciting their followers to attack rival tribes.
(84) He gave no clue Sunday night about which option he would choose, though he asked his followers for financial support.
(85) The tragedy of 1914 was that neither side could accept this obvious compromise because neither could sell it to their own followers.
(86) Yahweh and six followers had been convicted in May of federal conspiracy charges.
(87) It's time for sports followers to be given their say.
(88) Candidates in local elections can expect their followers not only to vote for them but to campaign for them as well.
(89) So leaders, and their followers on the frontiers of empire, often looked like disobedient and violent men.
(90) Silver waited calmly, his pipe in his mouth, as he watched his followers.
(91) The Reformers might be followers of Erasmus; but they had no hesitation in drowning the dreadful Anabaptists.
(92) Rank, a cocaine addict, commits suicide, but his followers continue his work.
(93) But Zechariah also prophesied that the Messiah, descended from David, would be pierced and killed, and his followers scattered.
(94) The objectives of immature followers will be reviewed at shorter intervals than those of mature workers.
(95) Loyal party followers viewed Deri as a scapegoat in the scandal for both Likud Party operatives and the legal establishment.
(96) If it does not stand as a moral example to the followers of the Church, it counts for nothing.
(97) A few of his followers had joined him on the dais.
(98) Charles and Lothar were not simply deceiving each other; still less did they try to deceive their own followers.
(99) The band still has a large number of faithful followers.
(100) Through it all Giap remained an intellectual, often aloof from his barely literate followers.
(101) There had always been more in common between the front benches than either had in common with their followers in the country.
(102) The second strand, industrial democracy, had found its advocates in Robert Owen and his followers.
(103) And it may even be too sanitized for some of his most ardent followers.
(104) The extent to which Pythagoras and his followers may have been influenced by oriental ideas has long been a subject for argument.
(105) To followers, he is more than just a guiding light - he is the Messiah.
(106) Yet, while many of his followers fretted about it, de Gaulle viewed the situation with remarkable sang-froid.
(107) Everything has moved forward, everyone has moved on, except Berry and his followers.
(108) In other words, charismatic followers seek out their own charismatic leaders.
(109) Records, is among the thousands of devoted followers who have raised figure skating to new heights of popularity.
(110) How long can leaders claim to lead when followers do not follow?
(111) Gregory came from the same aristocratic milieu as Sidonius and his followers.
(112) The charges against Abu Bakr and 113 of his followers included murder, kidnapping and the illegal possession of arms and ammunition.
(113) Some of Biko's followers resented his friendship with a white journalist.
(114) Diet gurus offer their followers many different paths to lightness, though each believes that theirs is the only true way.
(115) Zeno and his followers rejected Plato's two-worlds theory of ideal forms and sense data.
(116) Gwytherin became a place of pilgrimage to followers of her cult.
(117) Duke lost the governor's race, but his followers want him to run for president.
(118) His followers halted with him, their banners a gentle flutter of blue and gold against the grimy background.
(119) In concluding this section on subsurface detection, we may refer in passing to a controversial technique that has a few followers.
(120) There were followers of Dionysus who never drank wine at all.
(121) Followers of our Placepot feature were in the money yet again yesterday with a £98 payout to an £8 stake at Towcester.
(122) But the Earl's followers - and among them was his young nephew William Marshal - told a very different story.
(123) In a vision given to one of his followers, the Heavenly Father stated that the Bible contained errors.
(124) Thus, Hindu religious processions often passed Mohammedan mosques at prayer time and that irritated the followers of the Prophet.
(125) She had once been a warm Methodist and so too, probably, had been most of her followers.
(126) Dissent in the county none the less survived powerfully through the eighteenth century in the persons of Phillip Doddridge and his followers.
(127) Banks, accountants, advertising agencies and many other providers of professional services are the camp followers of the multinational army.
(128) Madani and Belhadj, citing this concession, asked their followers at evening prayers in Algiers to end the strike.
(129) At least 11 people were killed as Jess's followers were expelled from the city.
(130) Slightly to one side stood Liessa and Hrun, with some of the woman's own followers.
(131) Over-enthusiastic followers have been known to backfire on valid and well intentioned initiatives in education.
(132) Northampton Town's followers bestowed the well-meant, if dubious, honour on Graham Reed, a vigorous and gritty right-back.
(133) He died in poverty, surrounded by a few loyal followers.
(134) His followers made it a legal tender at the stores for everything they wanted.
(135) Scattered among them were the camp followers: women and young boys driving loaded mules and donkeys.
(136) Generals, recognizing this, turned blind eyes to the excesses of their troops and were sure to provide camp followers.
(137) But for Aristotle and his followers,(http:///followers.html) the belief held that the only knowledge we can acquire originates in sense-perceptions.
(138) Followers of Kenny favored movement as soon as possible, which was hastened by hot packs.
(139) Unlike Cage and his followers, Glass leaves no room for the intrusion of the random, his music being highly structured.
(140) Angel One and his followers had made good their escape.
(141) Consequently, after Frederick's burial, some of his followers were so devastated that they committed suicide.
(142) Far from being pitiable victims, the Hollywood 10 and their followers have the blood of millions on their hands.
(143) As penance, Gandhi fasted three days and asked his followers to fast twenty-four hours.
(144) Both parties had their own organisations to co-ordinate the activities of their followers and ensure party unity.
(145) The homeboys who should be amongst Dance Energy's most loyal followers diss him.
(146) Were they morally justified in lying to Mrs Keech and her followers and maintaining this lie for several months on end?
(147) Much of the hidden diversity of the ancient camp followers remains, silent and unaltered, within the stocks of today.
(148) When he came up the steps on to the terrace, most of his child followers had fallen away.
(149) Some of Mr Sharif's infuriated followers then kidnapped the secretary of the provincial assembly, Chaudry Habibullah.
(150) The followers of this cult are, nevertheless, looking to the future and investing considerable sums of money in it.
(151) One by one he gained the confidence of his followers.
(152) Don Juan asserted confidently that he had the firm support of numerous followers.
(153) Rhee and his followers had tried to liquidate the guerrilla movement in the south but had failed.
(154) His followers closed in, looking for an opening to join the fight and pin Bigwig down.
(155) The majority of the camp followers were however, good honest women who were the wives and sweethearts of the troops.
(156) The followers of Aenarion became ever more brutal, cruel and merciless, lost in a dream of endless slaughter.
(157) All the members of their community were followers of the Belzer rebbe, half of whom made a living as religious copyists.
(158) Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.
(159) The Prime Minister's policy alienate many of his followers.
(160) He came out with a troop of followers.
(161) His adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers.
(162) His followers did not rape or carouse, like the troops of many warlord armies.
(163) Adolf Hitler flew again to Nuremberg to review his faithful followers.
(164) He has forbidden his followers to pay tribute to the emperor, Consul!
(165) The leader's refusal to abase himself before his followers irritated the king.
(166) This chivalrous attitude was not endorsed by their followers in the party.
(167) His followers are called on to worship him with devotion ( bhakti ).
(168) His nonchalance and aplomb in times of trouble always encouraged his followers.
(169) His followers, under various leaders, took Damascus, Antioch, Jerusalem, Persia and Egypt.
(169) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(170) His followers pressed him, telling him his magic was all a pretence.
(171) His words caused a great deal of dissension among his followers.
(172) Every king had 11 followers, thus a pack had 144 cards.
(173) Nick Clegg , the party's leader and the deputy prime minister , is different , and followers know it.




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