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单词 Spoilt
1, The rain has spoilt my painting.
2, Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.
3, Ben was a spoilt brat .
4, The spoilt child sat there pouting.
5, He is a spoilt child.
6, She is perceived as vain, spoilt and promiscuous.
7, The dignity of the occasion was spoilt when she fell down the steps.
8, The small boy spoilt the picture by smearing it with ink.
9, Stop acting like a spoilt child.
10, The ravages of time had spoilt her looks.
11, The oil spill has spoilt the whole beautiful coastline.
12, The bad news has spoilt my day.
13, A spoilt child is rarely popular with other children.
14, Only children are sometimes spoilt.
15, The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot.
16, Her husband behaves just like a spoilt child.
17, The presence of some uncontrollable children spoilt the evening.
18, Her poor delivery spoilt an otherwise good speech.
19, Those children are thoroughly spoilt!
20, The film is spoilt by a slightly treacly sentimentality.
21, The noise really spoilt her enjoyment in living there.
22, Peaceful summer evenings can be spoilt by mosquitoes.
23, Stop acting like spoilt children!
24, At lunchtime,[http:///spoilt.html] MPs are spoilt for choice in 26 restaurants and bars.
25, He's a spoilt brat and it's about time he learnt to behave properly.
26, In the end I think the film was spoilt by a weak story line.
27, The heavy rain has spoilt the flowers in the park.
28, Part of / A part of the meat was spoilt.
29, Mr Harvey, unable for once to do exactly as he wanted, sulked just like a spoilt child.
30, There's so much good theatre and cinema in London, really one is spoilt for choice.
1, The rain has spoilt my painting.
2, Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.
3, Ben was a spoilt brat .
4, The spoilt child sat there pouting.
5, He is a spoilt child.
6, She is perceived as vain, spoilt and promiscuous.
7, The dignity of the occasion was spoilt when she fell down the steps.
8, The small boy spoilt the picture by smearing it with ink.
9, Part of / A part of the meat was spoilt.
31, There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt by the flood.
32, That little girl is terribly spoilt her parents give her everything she asks for.
33, In the West Country, buyers are spoilt for choice.
34, We are spoilt for choice with insulins.
35, I had become spoilt and pampered.
36, For nothing. Spoilt brats, I say.
37, Anyway, the upshot of it all was that they were not actually spoilt for choice as to locations.
38, There isn't a hotel restaurant, but when it comes to eating out in Stuttgart you're spoilt for choice.
39, In many states the number of blank and spoilt votes exceeded the number of valid votes cast.
40, Spoilt for choice A government's plans are sometimes implemented with little or no regard for an individual's family plans.
41, He's a spoilt brat.
42, People staying in Les Menuires are spoilt for choice when deciding which direction to take for the day's skiing.
43, If, like me, you prefer the sporting life, then you are spoilt for choice here.
44, Doing as she had bid herself, she walked into the cottage and then spoilt it all by slamming the door.
45, She wasn't a spoilt beauty with no brains, was she?
46, The view had been spoilt, and the drains became complicated.
47, There was such a vast variety of decorated bowls and jugs and plates that she was spoilt for choice.
48, Just as he spoilt the old humanity, he now tries to spoil the new one./spoilt.html
49, The assassination attempt has definitely spoilt the previously positive atmosphere between the opposing parties.
50, I have behaved like a spoilt child wanting its own way, she said to herself.
51, It can still be seen, looking innocent enough, though rather spoilt by a barbed-wire fence only inches away.
52, The story is the journey of Kuzco's character from spoilt brat, through hairy llama, to born-again nice guy.
53, And as soon as you start selling cards you will be spoilt for choice as their representatives start beating a pathway to your door.
54, But it is the derogatory, spoilt image which sticks as the group image.
55, Egalitarian Rousseau lived out his life as the spoilt plaything of eccentric aristocrats.
56, Available in white, green, red, black or mustard, you're spoilt for choice.
57, Rather like a spoilt child, he can force you into feeling that his survival depends on your constant presence and care.
58, He was born when Brigitte was at the top, living as a spoilt star with actor-husband Jacques Charrier.
59, And you hounded him at work, wanting his attention all the time like a spoilt child.
60, With so much within easy reach, we were clearly spoilt for choice and decided to sleep on it.
61, After such a spoilt dreamy flight it is hard not to trample carelessly over the end of the night shift.
62, Pampering parents often have spoilt children.
63, Today, I babysat my neighbour's spoilt bratty twins.
64, Denis used to say that the twins were spoilt.
65, Many an evening was spoilt by their intrusion.
66, I never knew one could be spoilt for choice!
67, Ann is so frightfully spoilt.
68, An unsportsmanlike player will often get into a temper when he is being defeated, and throw the game away in a pet,[] like a spoilt child.
69, Probably you have been spoilt by the West where freedom is licentiousness and where they do not even know, except the few, what real discipline means.
70, My pupil was a lively child, who had been spoilt indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward.
71, The HSM - Queen is spoilt for choice - because several candidates are trying to win her heart.
72, He grew tired of the spoilt - child act and Mourinho ? s sense of entitlement.
73, He compliments its beauty and greatness, sympathizes with the spoilt nature, and satirizes man's arrogance and conceitedness.




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