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单词 Holmes
(1) Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories.
(2) The police were baffled, and Sherlock Holmes was called in to investigate.
(3) Sherlock Holmes is a famous Sherlock in stories.
(4) Holmes sat thinking deeply .
(5) Holmes used an informal, chatty tone in his essays.
(6) Sherlock Holmes gave him a piercing glance.
(7) Holmes matched Boulmerka stride for stride down the home straight to finish second.
(8) Before I could say anything more, Holmes had rushed off towards the station.
(9) Holmes was gregarious, a great wit, a man of wide interests.
(10) Sherlock Holmes has nothing on you you're a real detective.
(11) What would Sherlock Holmes do in the circumstances?
(12) This central tower represents a lighthouse, Holmes.
(13) Holmes had made a deduction regarding Watson himself.
(14) This represents a pair of scissors, Holmes.
(15) Holmes calculated a ratio of approximately 2.4:1.
(16) Far left is Andrea Holmes, world synchronised trampoline champion.
(17) Holmes halted before the next exhibit in some perplexity.
(18) I could see that Holmes still looked doubtful.
(19) Sherlock Holmes held up a small buff envelope.
(20) I felt distinctly baffled, but Holmes was nodding thoughtfully.
(21) But Holmes, for once, was wrong.
(22) Holmes is a popular fictional character.
(23) Holmes read the letter over the phone Thursday.
(24) Mr Holmes, we are delighted to see you.
(25) At least a lifer, Holmes.
(26) Sherlock Holmes is the prime example.
(27) Holmes confessed to the murders shortly before he died.
(28) I went outside the hut, and there was Holmes.
(29) It sounds contrived to me, Holmes.
(30) He played Holmes as deeply neurotic.
(1) Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories.
(2) Holmes used an informal, chatty tone in his essays.
(31) Sherlock Holmes had many adventures.
(32) I looked at Holmes, who was staring ahead rigid.
(33) The police Holmes computor system, set up for major crime investigations, is being used to collate information from across Britain.
(34) I must confess, Holmes, I had thought there were few more futile questions than speculations about the existence of atoms.
(35) My other problem, Holmes, is that the subject matter can really be a little dry.
(36) Holmes pointed to a man standing by a hansom cab, from which he had evidently just dismounted.
(37) Peggy Holmes, who is in her 60s, is now recovering in the City Hospital.
(38) Really, Holmes, I would swear there is something spooky or supernatural about cats.
(39) The written word did not however really help me train Holmes.
(40) No, Mr Holmes, we use the computer to solve the murder.
(41) There came a roar of rage from Challenger, and Sherlock Holmes hastily flung open the door.
(42) I was up early in the morning, but Holmes was up earlier.
(43) I wanted to find out if you really were Sherlock Holmes.
(44) It was Mr Oliver Wendell Holmes who said that a mind stretched to a new idea never returns to its original shape.
(45) Do not trouble to don your hat and gloves, Holmes.
(46) Holmes sought their identities,[] so he could prosecute them for violating laws regarding grand jury secrecy.
(47) Mr Holmes says he reported the matter to the ferry company, and they told him the air conditioning wasn't working.
(48) Harry Holmes senior was competing for the last time, having raced thirty-seven times between 1933 and 1969.
(49) Holmes looked grave, and stood deep in worried thought for a minute or two.
(50) Cabs carrying Sherlock Holmes did better than that, and you couldn't grow roses using Armstrong's exhaust.
(51) We entered to find Holmes had made no attempt to straighten up his posture.
(52) Holmes stood still, apparently in deep thought, as the Viscount paced nervously about.
(53) Holmes is alone, leaning back in his chair, reading a manuscript piled on his desk.
(54) He was a great role model-he had even clerked for Oliver Wendell Holmes.
(55) Holmes says that the rivalry between the two companies has been exaggerated.
(56) Suddenly, Holmes rose from his chair and emitted a ghastly cry.
(57) There is just one thing still troubling me, Holmes, although you will think it absurd.
(58) It is a process of diminishing returns, as Arthur Holmes showed mathematically nearly 30 years ago.
(59) Then Chris Holmes broke a period of Basingstoke pressure with a long break from the 22.
(60) His signing to fight Larry Holmes, after retiring a second time, provoked worried comment.
(61) Holmes did not wait to pay the cabbie, but ran inside.
(62) Now he is gone and the work is public property, Sherlock Holmes can legally be seen in this kind of twaddle.
(63) He is clearly a man of means, Holmes: not only is the suit expensive, but the shoes also.
(64) Holmes repeated his experiments to verify the existence of atoms.
(65) Holmes had subpoenaed Lenhart to name the jurors[], so he could prosecute them for violating laws requiring grand jury secrecy.
(66) But the stories never swept the reading public off its feet the way the Sherlock Holmes tales did.
(67) Holmes repeated his warning that Sir Henry should not go on the moor at night, and should not go anywhere alone.
(68) There had been much talk of curses like those said to afflict pyramid robbers, which Holmes had angrily pooh-poohed.
(69) Philip Holmes is keeping it topped up with water during the drought conditions.
(70) Holmes J. considered that in these circumstances the payment was made under duress.
(71) Holmes had subpoenaed Lenhart after she quoted two grand jurors in a Sept. 29 story about a controversial police slaying.
(72) Inference is what Sherlock Holmes did: one fact is deduced from others.
(73) I tried to argue, Holmes, but somehow my words carried insufficient conviction.
(74) On the way back to Baker Street in the taxi, Holmes sat thinking deeply.
(75) Holmes came with rather bad grace, but I was glad of his presence.
(76) Holmes provides practical information about the hidden dangers of food and how to overcome them.
(77) Beside it our hero would be making notes - a gentleman astronomer like that gentleman chemist,[] Sherlock Holmes.
(78) Well, the crackpots will have a field day with these revelations, Holmes!
(79) Unfortunately, the cast is part of the problem, with Mark Greenstreet downright unconvincing as Holmes.
(80) We were expecting a visitor at half-past ten, and I wondered whether Holmes would finish his breakfast before our visitor arrived.
(81) Lestrade appeared a little baffled at her effusive thanks, but Holmes swept us up the stairs before explanations could be made.
(82) She rushed out the front door, which Mr Holmes can not have closed properly behind him.
(83) Holmes turned to urge the cabbie on, as the horror dawned on me.
(84) Holmes brushed aside an offer to wait, and we descended a set of echoing stone stairs.
(85) Jon Scott was next on the scoresheet after a classy movement, and Witchard and Holmes added their second tries.
(86) Of enormous importance, Holmes: all the hopes of modern medicine depend upon it.
(87) Well, Holmes, he looks just like the popular caricature of a mad scientist.
(88) Holmes did not want to know too much about the people in his cases.
(89) Holmes repeated the experiment several times and got the same results.
(90) No, the sound of crunching from the hallway confirmed that Holmes was having a remote control snack.
(91) A white envelope lay on the mat. Holmes felt considerable relief.
(92) But there is something else through which light travels, Holmes.
(93) Holmes, the grandfather of realism, maintained a remarkable correspondence with Laski.
(94) The relaunch expenses paid off, doubling sales at many outlets, according to marketing director Peter Holmes.
(95) Anxious to round off his story soas to be ready for whatever Holmes may propose, Ward heads for the library.
(96) Richard Holmes was something of an expert at the game, but he ended up as a down-and-out by the end.
(97) The man behind the anniversary jump is veteran parachutist Geoffrey Holmes from Henley-on-Thames.
(98) Holmes scooped the cat up and presented her to Mrs Hudson.
(99) In 1969 there were three generations of the Holmes family taking part, father, son and grandson.
(100) But McHale will also consider youngster David Holmes, who has resumed training after recovering from a thigh injury.
(101) Speaking for the Court, Justice Holmes declared the act constitutional under the treaty-making provision of the Constitution.
(102) Holmes wants Lenhart to reveal the names of grand jurors who contacted her about a controversial Bellaire police slaying.
(103) My curiosity about beekeeping was aroused when I read that Sherlock Holmes story.
(104) A major conduit for the translation of many of these ideas into legal thought was Oliver Wendell Holmes.
(105) Mr Holmes a Court is thought to have taken advantage of the share's rapid progress, selling his 2 percent stake.
(106) A Sherlock Holmes encyclopaedia has been published in Japanese.
(107) Sherlock Holmes can get it wrong.
(108) Sherlock Holmes solved many murder cases.
(109) Sherlock Holmes is a famous English detective.
(110) He seems to Be a Sherlock Holmes.
(111) He is, as it were,[http:///holmes.html] a modern Sherlock Holmes.
(112) Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered.
(113) He's said to be China's answer to Sherlock Holmes.
(114) The Sherlock Holmes stories continue to exercise extraordinary power.
(115) You are Holmes, the meddler .
(116) He is another regular Sherlock Holmes.
(117) The man is, as it were, a modern Holmes.
(118) Whodunit: A Shakespearean stage vet, Rathbone became a cultural sensation after starring in 14 Sherlock Holmes films from 1939 to 1946.
(119) The Narrative of John Smith was written when Conan Doyle was 23, and just a few years before the author published his first Sherlock Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet.
(120) By 1927, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes could characterize the Equal Protection Clause as the "usual last resort of constitutional arguments," one that had little effect on the legal system as a whole.
(121) Holmes erroneously assumed that ideas are more likely to spread if they are honest.
(122) Alas, though, exonerate Holmes as we cannot make a great writer out of him.
(123) Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes: all three, great men to their own age, have dwindled subsequently.
(124) Created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes picks up on the smallest clues and solves the most impossible cases.
(125) They would be likely to agree on some meeting-place beforehand, "remarked Holmes."
(126) So we can see it does not take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that King David did NOT use the modern symbol called the "Star of David".
(127) "Holmes is dead, " he said. "I have done with him. " Ten of Sir Arthur's sixty books are about spiritism .
(128) Holmes says drought and rising food and fuel prices have heightened the crisis along with on-going conflicts in many nations, particularly in Somalia.
(129) In any case, I still considered myself bound to the ROTC commitment if Colonel Holmes called me on it.
(130) Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his gigantic client.
(131) The UN's Humanitarian Envoy John Holmes warned of a possible guerrilla war.
(132) It was the second time she had been seen wearing stack-heeled, T-bar shoes with peep-toes, and led to Ms Holmes and Mr Cruise being criticised.
(133) I only wish that Holmes could be here too, but, as you may know, he has now retired to the country to study the art of apiary - beekeeping , as it's more commonly known.
(134) We all know that Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle in the late 19th century.
(135) Yet Holmes rejects the notion of any future collaboration with the PDC.
(136) In Schenck v. United States, Justice Holmes explained that free speech should be protected unless it creates "a clear and present danger" of bringing about "substantive evils."
(137) "The number of people being reached with the basic food they need, rice and ready-to-eat meals where appropriate is scaling up in the way we all want to see," Holmes said.
(138) " (Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was more pithy when he described a word as "the skin of a living thought.
(139) Wendy Brown Scott , Oliver Wendell Holmes on Equality and Adarand . Howard Law Journal ( Fall 2003 ).
(140) Whodunit: DiC Entertainment and Scottish television teamed up to resuscitate Sherlock Holmes for a distant future featuring a Moriarty clone on the rampage.
(141) In the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mycroft Holmes is the famous detective's more intelligent older brother.
(142) Whodunit: Gosho Aoyama, the Japanese artist who merged his love of Sherlock Holmes, Akira Kurosawa and Arsene Lupin III into the long-running manga and anime series Detective Conan.
(143) I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes, the meddler.
(144) Whodunit: In The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, actor Jeremy Brett nailed Arthur Conan Doyle's super-sleuth cold from 1984 to 1994.
(145) Holmes, a fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was born in England in 1854.
(146) Winthrop often treated kids with his top secret cure-all "rubila, " later revealed by Oliver Wendell Holmes to be a mix of antimony and saltpeter, a precursor to the explosive potassium nitrate.
(147) Luxury retailers are trying to trim down the amount of time it takes to obtain a visa from China, in part because a Chinese tourist's primary activity is shopping, WSJ's Elizabeth Holmes reports.
(148) Holmes is the most representative translation theorist in the Low Countries.
(149) People who like to read detective stories always compare Sherlock Holmes with the other famous detectives like Hercule Poirot or Father Brown.
(150) In 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of the Supreme Court wrote that "the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.
(151) While Watson was a man of average intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for ratiocination made him a superb detective.
(152) In 1931, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said when speaking about the Delaware River: "A river is more than an amenity; it is a treasure."
(153) The polymath Doyle tried to kill off Holmes at the turn of the century, but public outcry encouraged the author to resuscitate the archetypal detective in 1901's The Hound of the Baskervilles.
(154) Tony Holmes wiped the smile off the faces of his rivals with a solo 30-second win.
(155) This I presume is your celebrated friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes?
(156) Mary Holmes of Rockford is coming to stay with me a few days next week.
(157) May 2001: Were Sherlock Holmes a cosmologist, he might have said, "It's filamentary, my dear Watson."
(158) Danny Holmes fouled by Marc Pugh, the ref awards a free kick.
(159) Holmes crossed two compatible races of ceratocystis ulmi, the causal agent of Dutch elm disease.
(160) Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantelpiece and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case.
(161) Oliver Wendell Holmes once remarked that "To fight out a war, you must believe something and want something with all your might."
(162) For my part I think it a less evil that some criminals should escape than that the government should play an ignoble part(Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
(163) A hard-hitting and often controversial figure in British media, the Irish-born Holmes became a lifelong Manchester United fan because of one man: George Best.
(164) For Holmes, society was Boston, the city of which he was poet - laureate.
(165) J. T. Holmes of Squaw Valley, California, who has made about a thousand wing-suit jumps, says, "It's as close as human beings can get to flying like a bird."
(166) Doyle's Holmes was a cokehead and tobacco user,[sentence dictionary] and even dabbled in morphine.
(167) He quoted Oliver Wendell Holmes, the late Supreme Court justice. He quoted Bobby Kennedy.
(168) NASA's Spitzer Space Telescopecaptured this image of comet Holmes in March 2008, five months afterthe comet suddenly erupted and brightened a millionfold overnight.
(169) CNN's Jonathan Wald, Nic Robertson, Michael Holmes, Jennifer Deaton, Erin McLaughlin, Chelsea J.
(170) "I went into this campaign with the feeling that if we did half the sales of the last record, that would be great, " said Dave Holmes, Coldplay's manager.
(171) Holmes thinks that snobbery is the biggest obstacle to improving sales. People undervalue salespeople.
(172) The officer in charge of the program, Colonel Eugene Holmes, told me he was taking me because I would be of greater service to the country as an officer than as a draftee.
(173) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle introduced Sherlock Holmes to the reading public in 1887 in his novel A Study in Scarlet.
(174) Foul by Danny Holmes on Marc Pugh, free kick awarded.
(175) In the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his friend, Dr Watson, describes Holmes as “eccentric, with no regard for contemporary standards of tidiness or good order.
(176) Whodunit: Doyle created original super-sleuth Sherlock Holmes, but he also did some crime-fighting himself.
(177) "Some excellent remarks were made on immortality, but mainly borrowed from and credited to Plato" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. ).
(178) I am Brad Pitt, Sherlock Holmes and Charles Dickens all rolled into one.
(179) OK! named Holmes, the 28-year-old wife of Tom Cruise, a beauty queen because of her "refreshing girl-next-door look " and sporty cropped haircut.
(180) Fish and chips, Sherlock Holmes and Monty Python have joined cricket, pubs and red double-decker buses on a growing list of England's national treasures.
(181) I had a brother - in - law , Robert Holmes , master of a sloop that traded between Boston and Delaware.
(182) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes and a noted spiritist , died today at his home, Windlesham, in Crowborough, Sussex. He was 71 years old.
(183) LONDON (Reuters) - Fish and chips and Sherlock Holmes have joined cricket, pubs and red double-decker buses on a growing list of England's national treasures.
(184) Arthur Holmes proposed that the heat in the interior of the Earth, some of which was generated by radioactive decay, could be driving a convection that drags around the continents at the surface.
(185) OK! named Holmes, the 28-year-old wife of Tom Cruise, a beauty queen because of her "refreshing girl-next-door look " and sporty cropped haircut. Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez also made the cut.
(186) "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, " said Oliver Wendell Holmes — but that was a long time ago.
(187) Because within a week or two, another sculpture, this one a large magnifying glass, something Sherlock Holmes might have used but in paper form, appeared at the Central Lending Library.
(188) Shylock Holmes is created by the novelist Conan Doyle's detective, GM has now become the world's best detectives were synonymous!
(189) With episodes based on the original mysteries and a mix of CGI and hand-drawn animation, Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century is a technocultural reboot worth the crate-digging.
(190) Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed that every profession is great that is greatly pursued.
(191) A woman never forgets her sex. She would rather talk with a man than an angel, any day. ---Oliver Wendell Holmes.
(192) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, who served on the court from 1902 to 1932, said, "I like to pay taxes.
(193) Professor Moriarty could be described as the dirty dog of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
(194) PONCE DE LEON — A heterosexual high school junior sued the Holmes County School Board on Thursday, claiming she was prevented from peacefully supporting gay rights.
(195) Created by novelist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes was an investigative genius who could routinely assess seemingly random clues and solve the mystery.
(196) "Whenever you have negative interest rates, which we have today, and you have continuous deficit spending, gold becomes an attractive asset class,[]" Holmes said.
(197) Oliver Wendell Holmes (a Supreme Court justice from 1902 to 1932) commented that public scrutiny provided the security for the proper administration of justice.
(198) To rebut Bernet's testimony, Robinson called in his own expert: psychiatrist Terry Holmes, the clinical director of Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute in Chattanooga, Tenn.
(199) I once played Sherlock Holmes , and I always insisted on authentic props.
(200) The fog-shrouded London of Sherlock Holmes is also enchanted territory, as well as Lewis Carroll's dreamscapes, and it's no coincidence that Holmes and Alice have attracted dedicated annotators .
(201) Whodunit: Next to Batman, the 21st century's most recognizable Sherlock Holmes replicant is the irascibly brilliant Dr. Gregory House (played by Hugh Laurie).
(202) But as Conan Doyle made abundantly clear in the first novel (A Study in Scarlet) that Holmes and Watson had not previously met, diehards don't hold this movie in the same regard as some of the others.
(203) A negotiator should observe everything. You should be part Sherlock Holmes , part Sigmund Freud.
(204) "Inspiration is a bunch of hooey," Ms. Holmes says. "You can teach someone how to put together things that are funny."
(205) Lindelof : It's the Sherlock Holmes - and - Moriarty scenario, the perfect example of artistic integrity.
(206) In October 2009, Guernsey Post issued a set of stamps commemorating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes.
(207) Holmes was not prone to friendship, but he was tolerant of the big Scotchman , and smiled at the sight of him.
(208) Sherlock Holmes immediately became popular, especially among those who enjoyed mysteries.
(209) Kudo Shinichi is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes."
(210) Sherlock Holmes was pacing up and down the platform, his tall, gaunt figure made even gaunter and taller by his long gray travelling-cloak and close-fitting cloth cap.
(211) Six months on from the end of the Olympics and Holmes is doing her bit for the much-vaunted legacy.
(212) One of the people fooled by the prints was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series.
(213) I didn't remember and didn't find Jeff Dwire's tape relaying his friendly conversation with Holmes in March 1970, after I was out of the ROTC program and back in the draft.
(214) Dr. Watson is a character in the Sherlock Holmes stories.
(215) Holmes turned to his desk and, unlocking it, drew out a small case-book, which he consulted.
(216) And the photos were taken as genuine by such luminaries as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle—the great exponent, in his Sherlock Holmes stories, of logic.
(217) With only a few facts, Holmes could hypothesize the explanation.
(218) There’s no deerstalker and no pipe, Holmes is played by an American (Robert Downey Jr), and the director is Guy Ritchie (a decade on from his last great film) — what could possibly go wrong?
(219) McGee is a hard-nosed "salvage expert" — actually a private eye who lives on a boat (called The Busted Flush) and is one of the most memorable detective characters since Sherlock Holmes.
(220) Like Christian, Holmes was also expecting gold to spike during Operation Desert Storm.
(221) 'Victoria has been thrilled to be socialising with Katie Holmes. But it's like he's just left struggling to adjust. '




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