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单词 Class war
1. Ultimately, in an episode of the class war, a lower class succeeds in overthrowing the highest class.
2. With class war anaesthetized by the Cold War and affluence, the generation gap and teenagers became a subject for serious observation.
3. Then, Washington might learn what class war really is.
4. We are up to the neck in the class war.
5. While the class war in Athens was not quite as gruesome as, for example, in Corcyra, where the democrats butchered almost the entire oligarchic ruling class, it was nevertheless bloody at times.
6. The charge of class war is particularly obtuse. Consider simply these two facts.
7. The class war raged as unions took on the government and business.
8. But, really, would any president risk declaring class war and following the Workingmen’s Party into oblivion?
9. The rhetoric of rights, which is engendered by this question, is a recipe for class war, and civil war.
10. The house of his father contained all the acquisitiveness and greed that promised the paroxysm of class war.
11. Maybe I was just another minor victim of the class war that continues unabated, especially in large cities.
12. As Victor Hugo said, Waterloo is a first - class war, and winning is rate generals.
13. New Labour was so afraid of being cast as a cloth cap, northern party of dying industries that Tony Blair proclaimed "the class war is over".
14. To refer to this effort as if it had suddenly introduced class war into US politics is either dishonest or based on ignorance of what federal tax policies have actually been.
14. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
15. Republicans accused the president of engaging in the politics of class war and pandering to his base.
16. Or it's a standard bromance, with a bit of class war table-turning and behind-every-successful-man-there's-a-strong-woman.
17. If the national debate wants seriously to use a term like "class war" to describe Washington's tax policies, then the reality is that the class war's winners have been corporations and the rich.
18. The means used to achieve that redistribution, such as higher rates of income tax, are often decried by conservatives as representing the "politics of envy", a misguided Marxist desire for class war.
19. The vasectomy, he explained, was because children could weaken a fighter emotionally, distracting him from the cause of waging class war and destroying capitalism.
20. Mao Zedong, the face on the banknotes used to purchase the sweatshop-made merchandise, considered contradiction the motive force of the class war.
21. On the contrary, it’s people like Mr. Ryan, who want to exempt the very rich from bearing any of the burden of making our finances sustainable, who are waging class war.




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