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单词 Weakened
1. She weakened as the illness grew worse.
2. His grip weakened as he was tired.
3. The flood weakened the dam.
4. A succession of military defeats weakened the aggressor.
5. He is in a weakened condition.
6. This new story has severely weakened the President's position.
7. The team has been weakened by injury.
8. The regime was fatally weakened by the unrest and violence.
9. The recession has weakened so many firms that many can no longer survive.
10. This had weakened his hold on power.
11. The explosion had weakened the building's foundations.
12. Julia was weakened by her long illness.
13. Her weakened body cannot be easily vitalized.
14. His health was weakened by overwork.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. He was much weakened constitutionally by the disease.
16. The dollar has weakened in international currency trading.
17. The earthquake in Cairo weakened a number of structures.
18. Jennie weakened, and finally relented.
19. He weakened as the illness grew worse.
20. Hunger and disease had weakened his constitution.
21. The enemy weakened in face of our attacks.
22. Disease often follows starvation because the body is weakened.
23. The weakened battery was no longer discharging.
24. The pound has weakened against the dollar.
25. A bomb blast had weakened an area of brick on the back wall.
26. Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury.
27. The verdict hasn't weakened his resolve to fight the charges against him.
28. The absence of this witness has weakened the case against the accused.
29. Over the last two years the president's position has weakened.
30. When she begged him to let her stay, he weakened.
1. She weakened as the illness grew worse.
2. His grip weakened as he was tired.
3. The flood weakened the dam.
4. A succession of military defeats weakened the aggressor.
5. He is in a weakened condition.
6. This new story has severely weakened the President's position.
7. The team has been weakened by injury.
8. The regime was fatally weakened by the unrest and violence.
9. Over the last two years the president's position has weakened.
10. The recession has weakened so many firms that many can no longer survive.
11. In his weakened condition, he is very susceptible to cold.
12. Disease often follows on starvation because the body is weakened.
13. Central authority has been progressively weakened since the outbreak of the civil war.
31. In his weakened condition, he is very susceptible to cold.
32. Changes in policy have weakened the power of the trade unions.
33. Many a strong man has weakened before such a challenge.
34. Mother weakened the liquid medicine for her baby by adding water.
35. The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles.
36. Disease often follows on starvation because the body is weakened.
37. It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy.
38. England's attack has been weakened by the injury of certain key players.
39. Central authority has been progressively weakened since the outbreak of the civil war.
40. If a load-bearing wall is weakened, the building could fall down.
41. Their bargaining position with America was weakened by their foot-dragging over the Gulf.
42. They were weakened by a diet that was low in protein.
43. The city's defences had been weakened by enemy shelling.
44. Recent moves have weakened his grasp on power.
45. Inside the house the heat weakened only slightly.
46. The mujaheddin attack was further weakened by internal rivalries.
47. The political control of the Bakufu was also weakened.
48. Troops savaged the weakened enemy army.
49. But since 1981 oil prices have weakened.
50. In other areas, however,[] corruption has weakened population controls.
51. The explosion severely weakened the foundations of the house.
52. The arms scandal had fatally weakened the partnership.
53. Respect for elders, already severely weakened, will further diminish.
54. In effect the Unity Campaign was already seriously weakened.
55. The elimination of Gustavo has weakened the drug cartel.
56. We are all economically weakened by lost productivity.
57. Her long illness has weakened her so much that she has difficulty walking.
58. The increased conformational flexibility of L703766 may also explain the weakened interaction with the receptor.
59. Either polyunsaturated fatty acids enhanced mucosal resistance or the oleic acid supplement weakened the defensive mechanisms.
60. Because of her weakened state her imagination had run riot.
61. Lomnitz argues that this situation is exacerbated and class identity weakened by the lack of informal ties and solidarity between workers.
62. Frequent washing weakened the fibres, so items taken in strict rotation made it necessary to keep a well-stocked cupboard.
63. Murrain was usually fatal, while hoof and mouth disease permanently weakened animals without causing death.
64. This is a physical indication that the protections on the Castle have been weakened.
65. Overcrowding has weakened the cherished tradition of extended families living together.
66. To the degree that competition declines, the market system will be weakened as a mechanism for efficiently allocating resources.
67. Industry watchers fear that weakened chip sales will lower demand for networking equipment.
68. Ignore the fact that a nut may be weakened by repeated use as hammer.
69. The civic culture may be weakened but it has not collapsed.
70. Smith was targeted by environmentalists for supporting bills that they said would have weakened the Clean Water Act and other laws.
71. And hopes weakened of a long-awaited cut in interest rates which would give a real boost to the Government's election prospects.
72. Steer and heifer prices remained firm throughout the week, however, young bull prices weakened slightly.
73. Weakened by warfare, imported diseases and the excessive demands of their overlords, they were obliged in the end to submit.
74. In a secular society these practices have been weakened for many, leaving us bewildered about how to handle our grief.
74. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
75. But on the day of reckoning a divided Kurdistan could be a fatally weakened one.
76. If left untreated, they stop suckling and quickly get weakened.
77. More significantly, Walesa's proposals for constitutional change were withdrawn, after amendments had weakened them.
78. Giscard's position has been weakened by his refusal to declare his candidacy and the animosity between him and Mitterrand.
79. Few of them starved to death: diseases take a deadlier toll of weakened bodies than undernourishment.
80. A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril. Winston Churchill 
81. The tying of aid for imports has seriously weakened the policy of standardizing equipment.
82. Having weakened the bull, the matador in this Madrid fight at the last moment refused to deliver the fatal thrust.
83. This energy is called ch'i and can stagnate, become blocked or weakened, or have its flow reversed.
84. The passing of the years has not weakened his artistic ability.
85. The president had hoped to negotiate an end to the country's long-running, though much weakened, left-wing insurgency.
86. These joint actions of yours and mine that have weakened it.
87. Decaying steelwork and water leaks have weakened the tunnel structures, and many stations are in need of major refurbishment.
88. The rector felt suddenly weakened, as if the anger had seeped into his own bones, his own spirit.
89. Each time a ray of light passes through a lens it is slightly weakened.
90. Elsewhere, typhus carried off many who had been weakened by starvation; in Chesterfield the pestilence was almost certainly bubonic plague.
91. First, the male - female bonding is weakened owing to the low frequency of male interactions with most of his female companions.
92. He looked at her without animosity and for a moment her knees weakened.
93. The result has been that major reforms are completely avoided and every minor reform is weakened or sabotaged.
94. The general election was called only after months of on-again, off-again dithering which damaged our economy and weakened our democracy.
95. The disagreement weakened efforts to demand positive government policy and to insist that perpetrators of racially motivated violence against blacks be punished.
96. That is one reason so many Republicans want him to remain in place even in a weakened condition.
97. The Court at St Germain, however, was riven with personal rivalries and intrigues, which weakened Jacobite organisation considerably.
98. A general lack of understanding of factor analysis, however, weakened the impact of the study and its effect was minimal.
99. Doctors reasoned that limbs left untreated would draw into deformity by strong muscles pulling against weakened ones.
100. Had his anti-female attitude been weakened during an unguarded moment?
101. On Terrible Tuesday, the weakened market rallied and the Dow rose 102 points, then 187 on Wednesday.
102. But a spiraling deficit and weakened franc forced him to adopt austerity policies in 1983.
103. In this way their credibility would be undermined and their power weakened.
104. The needle immediately showed a reading,[http:///weakened.html] which then strengthened and weakened as he moved about the warehouse.
105. The older trees grow spindly and, their immune systems weakened, fall prey to infestation of beetles and disease.
106. Traditionally, that has meant injecting people with a weakened or killed version of the virus itself, triggering antibodies.
107. But he was in a weakened condition with a smart man like Teal.
108. By launching the new forum Mr Heseltine is getting his own back on the now weakened Mr Lamont.
109. This omission certainly weakened his position during the struggle that lay ahead.
110. Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
111. He laid siege to the fortress and gradually weakened it to the point of collapse.
112. Instead all she had was a heart condition, which progressively weakened her until she died at fifty-five.
113. Could it be that this underlying sense of obligation has weakened over time?
114. After about 12 months the host mistletoe is usually either dead or severely weakened.
115. Various new findings have weakened the position of the sceptics on climate change.
116. Last year's event was weakened by the fact that it coincided with the now defunct Tokyo Art Expo.
117. Was he really so psychologically weakened that public humiliation would become a sort of perverse fame?
118. I put it to Assemblyman Keene that this weakened the bill, and restricted the freedom of action of patients and doctors.
119. Then, as the yen weakened again to 104. 2 in mid-September, the Nikkei bounced back to 18474. 38.
120. They know that the removal of the dictator who so brutalised their community has weakened their claim for total independence.
121. But this resistance is weakened in the present context by allegations of misuse of power by the security services.
122. The Cartalist view suggests that the fiscal authority of the member states will be significantly weakened.
123. Some of her married friends will still invite her to their homes, but her ties with others will be weakened.
124. The ice is fickle, sometimes weakened by sunlight, or corroded by trapped air.
125. Johnston and his colleagues believe that almost all mid-plate quakes have taken place in such weakened areas.
126. More potent still was the dismay which gripped Washington whenever it contemplated the implications of a permanently weakened or uncooperative Britain.
127. The sensation that ran through her body into her limbs weakened and scared her.
128. That so weakened the plane that the fuselage broke in two, just forward of the leading edge of the wings.
129. Moreover his domestic position was seriously weakened by his obvious lack of success as a diplomat and a military commander.
130. Thus a balance of forces can result from a weakened infection which induces a weakened immune response, leading to persistence.
131. But the unions' unpopularity in the wake of the Winter of Discontent and Labour's electoral decline also weakened the movement.
132. The ultimate effect is greatly weakened if an older drug is ineffective against the mutated virus.
133. A weakened mind always sees everything through a black veil. The soul makes its own horizons; your soul is dark, which is why you see such a cloudy sky. Alexandre Dumas 
134. Over the next few months I often felt stiff which I just associated with a weakened back after my pregnancy.
134. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
135. The Soviet government. although weakened, confused, and groping toward an uncertain future, was still intact.
136. But when enterococcus spreads into surgical wounds or the bloodstream of very ill patients with weakened defenses, it can turn deadly.
137. They provide a wholly convincing study of the way white Rhodesians were weakened by their own propaganda.
138. The krona weakened to 4. 6080 against the mark from 4. 5500.
139. The influence of the trade unions has been weakened as a consequence of legislation, our economic circumstances,() and demographic decline.
140. Miss Tish had grown so frail, weakened in mind and spirit.
141. A century-long succession of political reforms also gradually weakened the parties' hold on their constituents.
142. This weakened the Section's influence at a crucial time and correspondingly strengthened the hand of the Treasury.
143. Hartman was weakened by flu, but still managed to play.
144. Mosfilm remains weakened by economic hardship, but employees were confident the worst was over.
145. Last Saturday, a weakened Gloucester side struggled to overcome Rosslyn Park.
146. Then, because of their geographical position, they were seriously weakened by the Viking onslaught down the east coast.
147. Indeed, they have probably risen in public sympathy precisely because they have been attacked and weakened.
148. But this would be weakened if we were to be deflected from our existing targets.
149. Our witness, our purpose, our task to proclaim the glorious and liberating truth is so weakened by our disunity.
150. Weakened by his excessively long kip, the Castle Master easily overcame him.
151. In the case of spending and tax legislation, majority rule is thus further weakened.
152. Four years of drought and rapidly declining business had left all five branches of the Inyo County Bank severely weakened.
153. Different types of experimentation were introduced as a conventional barrier between theoretical science and the practical arts was weakened.
154. Boris Yeltsin's victory at a recent session of the parliament has weakened them. 2.
155. When a tree falls in the forest, it has usually been weakened by a fungus.
156. How Rab sat, his weakened state: his first night out, and he thought to be seeing things.
157. None was more despairing than Otto, for if the pope died Otto's position would be immediately weakened.
158. This weakened his position as a symbol of the national struggle.
159. Infections in the bloodstream, urinary tract or lungs usually are dangerous only to people with other illnesses and weakened immune systems.
160. Most observers believed that he caved in only because of his weakened political position due to the Watergate scandal.
161. Planning rules weakened, making it easier to build on greenfield sites.
162. Pilger had agreed but had apparently not realized how this weakened his position.
163. The krona weakened to 4. 6250 against the mark, a record low for the year.
164. The consequent collisions with state power weakened its impetus.
165. The way companies are run globally also weakened their viability.
166. Cooper's sea stories are sometimes weakened by the necessity for a heroine.
167. The one given by mouth contains live but weakened virus.
168. Moreover,[] the Supreme Court weakened its responsibility in protecting civil liberty.
169. It was imprudent for France to indulge this trait when she was so grievously weakened.
170. The caste system although weakened is still prevalent in the society especially among the less educated.
171. The sea - stories are sometimes weakened by the necessity for a heroine.
172. Australia's rugby union team for the return clash with New Zealand is weakened by injury.




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