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单词 Expired
1. I was on a three-year contract that expired last week.
2. The old woman expired in agony.
3. The lease on the flat expired on June 14th.
4. The whales expired with a rushing sound.
5. Her visa expired six months ago.
6. The sparks expired in the ashes.
7. Now her passport has expired.
8. The chairman's term of office has already expired.
9. He was deported from Ecuador when his visa expired.
10. The period of validity of the agreement has expired.
11. He expired at midnight.
12. His visa expired on June 30, 1972.
13. It closed only last Christmas, when the lease expired.
14. The allotted air time had expired.
15. Arthur and his driving licence expired last Thursday.
16. They said he expired in a gas attack.
17. She retired six months before her contract expired.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. After offering a prayer, the virgin expired.
19. For most tribes, that expired in late 1995.
20. Apply before the first priority period has expired.
21. The old agreement expired October 28.
22. The offer expired at midnight yesterday as scheduled.
23. When Watt's master patent for his separate condenser expired in 1800, he retired from active work.
24. Indeed, it had expired almost on the short journey home.
25. Between 1775 and 1800, when their patent expired, 321 steam-engines were built.
26. I am sorry I do not know true love there expired.
27. Barnes was resolved to moving on when his contract expired.
28. He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitor's visa expired.
29. They renewed the war as soon as the truce expired.
30. The lease was acquired on 28 April 1989 and expired on 25 March 1991.
1. I was on a three-year contract that expired last week.
31. Last week the deadline for finding eight thousand pounds to pay back a loan from a mortgage company expired.
32. This presumably means that leave must be sought to file a supplementary statement where any time limit for filing evidence has expired.
33. The reader does not disclose the term of the original lease which expired on 25 March 1991.
34. With the tax expired, most airlines also have cut their fares accordingly.
35. Unless the Commission extends this period, parties may conclude a merger after the three week period has expired.
36. Superior products would evolve and stiff competition would sprout up as Roundup patent protections expired around the globe.
37. The lease has now expired and a compulsory purchase order has been placed.
38. Her exalted moment of remembrance expired, she sighed in her relief and in her certainty of purpose.
39. This set me up so that, when the lease expired, I found backers to move one.
40. The offer expired at 12: 00 midnight, New York City time, on August 30, 2000.
41. Just after the two-man advantage expired, Alfredsson had another strong bid on Ranford but the goalie turned it back.
42. We bought a fridge for our caravan that developed a fault several months after the guarantee expired.
43. They include a credit for companies that boost the amount of research they do that expired for the 1995 tax year.
44. By the time this letter is published, the Faculty examination consultation period will have expired.
45. In the natural scheme of things, Glover should have expired on the day Johnson was born.
46. Waves broke on the shore and eventually expired in a froth and myriad of bubbles.
47. Tomorrow, talks are scheduled to begin on a new musicians contract to replace the collective bargaining agreement that expired Friday.
48. The Senate Whitewater Committee hearings proved nothing, and its license to continue its fishing expedition has expired.
49. The state had 30 days to appeal, a period that expired this week.
50. In such circumstances the seller is not entitled to refuse delivery unless the agreed period has already expired.
51. The Plan expired on June 30, 1988, and was in effect for approximately five years....
52. The payment had originally been due on April 1 but the Toronto-based company had a grace period which expired on Thursday.
53. How does it happen that an auto writer winds up with a new vehicle with expired plates?
54. Scalfaro met with Dini after the premier told parliament the mandate for his 11-month-old government had expired.
55. Richard spent two years in Beverly Hills and had to leave when his work permit expired.
56. He went home, confessed, made his will, took the sacrament and quietly expired!
57. I'm afraid we can't accept this credit card -- it expired last week.
58. As the original lease had expired, a new Committee was appointed to consider how best to make the garden viable.
59. In time honoured tradition, the players returned well after the curfew time had expired.
60. And if it was tossed around more than a couple of weeks ago, the thread might have expired.
61. His visitor's visa expired.
62. Shah made a counter offer, which expired last night, with a £1m premium.
63. The collective bargaining agreement between the educational employer and educational employees, if any, has expired. 5.
64. Instead he sent off a cheque last month for a new licence when his old one expired.
65. The tax expired last Dec. 31, a casualty of a congressional budget impasse in Washington.
66. By then, the three-year statute of limitations may have expired.
67. When Ottawa's programme expired in April, pressure mounted on the provinces to provide assistance.
68. The city dropped the age limitation just before a law enforcement exemption to federal age discrimination laws expired in 1993.
69. The deadline for registration, which had been extended in January, expired on Feb. 29.
70. No action shall be taken until the 28 days notice of appeal has expired.
71. The sentences of many of them had expired 17 years ago.
72. But a judge dismissed the criminal case a few months later, because the statute of limitations had expired.
73. His present term as central bank governor expired on July 24, 1992.
74. The agreements expired in 1992 and were not renewed, because they afforded the kind of protection banned under international trade agreements.
75. It expired April 30, but the Bush administration wants to extend it.
76. The 70 day time limit had expired, and the prosecutor sought an extension of time, which was refused.
77. One day, Cyprian called for new elections for steward, even though the old terms had not expired.
77. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
78. He moved his family to Beverly Hills in 1919 and made twelve pictures before the contract expired.
79. A tax break also expired for hiring young people, certain veterans and other targeted groups, according to Woolf.
80. He endured excruciating ago-nies before he finally expired.
81. The term of office has expired.
82. This copy of Netscape has expired.
83. These rent control provisions expired on December 31, 1998.
84. The semaphore timeout period has expired.
85. His furlough expired on Tuesday.
86. The housing market wobbled again, as tax credits expired.
87. My motor insurance expired recently.
88. Just because my employment contract expired.
89. How to return a house lease expired?
90. Cipher: Our free trial of kungfu has expired.
91. My car insurance expired yesterday.
92. If expired on Jan 23, will be paid by Feb 6, etc.
93. Acute treatment includes dilation of the central retinal artery by rebreathing expired carbon dioxide, breathing carbogen (5% carbon dioxide with 95% oxygen), or sublingual nitroglycerin.
94. A structured approach for automatically cleaning the HTTP session when objects are no longer useful guards against potential use of expired objects.
95. By dispatching from a queue's head and placing expired threads at a queue's tail, execution happens in a round-robin fashion within a priority.
96. Insurance records indicate that $1,245 of the insurance expired during the year.
97. Or the Nanchang drinks company that scraped off the sell-by date that had expired and added a new one to the bottles.
98. We provide 29 days grace period for domain name renewal after expired.
99. The housing market slumped after temporary tax incentives to buy a home expired.
100. If the Party B intends to the supplementary contract, should write in the supplementary contract application within one month before the term of contract has expired.
101. Clean-up documents, expired or not the long-term need to archive documents prepared for the archives, some of the temporary removal of expired documents of all clean-up.
102. Only about 30 percent of this could be used, he said; the rest either expired, or was inaccessible because of restricted distribution by the Israelis, who control what gets into Gaza.
103. The glut of houses up for sale has kept prices low and the market has struggled to regain traction since a home buyer tax credit that helped buoy the market expired last spring.
104. Millay: I was your girlfriend expired , only drink it with Coke expired .
105. After the trade fair has finished or the lease of the counter has expired, the consumer may also demand compensation from the organizer of the trade fair or the lessor of the counter.
106. Monitor inventory quality , obsolete slow moving stock and expired stock etc.
107. Your visa has expired. Please and it renewed the consulate.
107. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
108. The rules expired in 2002 and Congress is considering whether to reinstate them.
109. The CA certificate has expired and the certificate must be re-issued with an unexpired date.
110. Lacklustre performance failed to convince many to stay once the moratorium expired, however, prompting RAB to review its business and move to delist – a move formally announced last Friday.
111. Affected by visa "tightening", quite a number of the African laborers here do not have legal residence permits, while many visas and passports are also expired.
112. No cancellation will be accepted before the contract period expired.
113. Expired or missing paperwork can delay your trip and add costly charges for expedited applications.
114. Your session with the server may have expired because of inactivity.
115. After his NCAA eligibility expired following his 2003 season with the Bears, Ervin left Cal academically as well as athletically.
116. The defendant may also move to dismiss if the statute of limitations has expired.
117. If the term of performance of the secured claim has not expired, such insurance indemnity, compensation or indemnity may be placed in escrow.
118. Despite aggressive treatment, including emergency fasciectomy, the patient expired due to uncontrolled sepsis from a secondary wound infection 2 months after admission.
119. If your card has simply expired, you do not need to contact the Call Centre.
120. Beforehand, take out the files that are unexpired , and destory the expired files; save you time and space.
121. When a user requests a protected resource but has not yet authenticated (or their authentication session has expired), the initial request does not reach the back-end servers.
122. This domain name has expired. Please contact your domain name service provider to renew domain name.
123. It is the first report on new home sales since a home buyer tax credit expired on April 30.
124. Asset Evaluation expired become one of the reorganization of the controversy.
125. PC only accept requests for a given period of time, do not vote expired an abstention.
126. Lamivudine is produced by GSK of the UK and the duration of new drug protection and administrative protection of Lamivudinein in China has expired.
127. If the message's TTL had already expired at this point, then the message may appear in the sender's Dead Letter Queue.
128. The Rockets knocked away the long inbound pass as time expired.
129. Once the set period of grace with the threat to refuse acceptance has expired without effect, there is no longer entitlement to delivery.
130. For the bank draft inquired about by the agent bank of the drawee, the refund may be processed only after the time limit for presentment for payment has expired.
131. The server licensor certificate has expired. Install new server licensor certificate to enable the server to accept new license requests.
132. The time he promised with God expired. Coincidently, the girl married at the last day.
133. The patient expired 6 weeks after the presence of cutaneous metastasis.
134. It's about a man from Maryland who sent us his story –a middle class college graduate whose health insurance expired when he changed jobs.
135. The output ET shows the expired time since turning input IN on until the input state of IN is put through to output Q.
136. "Some women may develop a peri-oral dermatitis from using some old, expired makeup that might irritate the skin and cause little red bumps that look like acne, " adds Dr. Bowers.
137. Any lives with critical injuries requiring air transportation would expired.
137. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
138. Beforehand are unexpired, and destory the expired files; save you time and space.
139. A better-than-expected report on home prices was largely written off as getting a lift from a now expired home buyer tax credit.
140. Pierce got the ball, waited out the clock and then took a high-arcing fallaway jumper in the final seconds that bounced off the rim as time expired.
141. PSCO: Your ship's Load Line Certificate expired a few days ago because the annual survey hasn't been carried out.
142. A patentee may not conclude a patent licensing contract with another person in respect of his patent after such patent has expired or been invalidated.
143. Usually in the completion of the project , the construction loan has expired.
144. In 1961, the Marshall Plan expired after distributing more than 12 billion dollars in foreign aid.
145. Home sales have tumbled since a home buyer tax credit expired at the end of April, despite mortgage rates falling to record lows.
146. But Cheney has said statute of limitations has expired on many of his secrets.
147. The debit portion of the entry allocates this expired cost to expense.
148. An old kitchen spatula or expired credit card will work fine for a spreader.
149. The inspection certificate of competency for one cargo lift had expired on 27th June 2006.
150. Garnett started things off by throwing the ball away, and then James made a fallaway jumper as the shot clock expired to give Miami an 88-86 lead.
151. The waterspout lasted around five minutes and expired before landfall.
152. The second chapter the reason which expired to the epicycle real estate regulation the inquisition.
153. Check your medicine cabinet for expired or unidentified medicines. Flush them down the toilet.
154. Guarantee Period is a contractual period designated by parties to circumscribe the creditor, s rights to claim the creditor, s rights after the primary liability is expired.
155. The markets began to plummet even before the 15 - minute voting period expired on the House floor.
156. Love is only a terminable commodity, it must be expired one day.
157. The debit portion of the entry allocates this expired COST to expense.
158. When the subject exhaled maximally, not all of the gas was expired from the lungs.
159. If holding over at the end of the lease (i. e. lease has expired) and holding over does not exceed six (6) months.
160. Players could sign with any team once their contract expired, as sports economist Andrew Zimbalist explains.
161. Meanwhile, there is a goad opportunity for domestic pharmaceutical companies to develop Chinese antiepileptic drug market when the patent of the vital products expired.
162. We had been shown numberless skeletons of a kind of little fly, called an ephemera, whose successive generations, we were told,[http:///expired.html] were bred and expired within the day.
163. Since the patent of levetiracetam has been expired and the development of new antiepileptic drugs has been not satisfied the global antiepileptic drug market would grow slower in the coming years.
164. For example, Duke Dougherty, a rookie haggler in Williston, N.C., asked for — and received — 10% off a $4, 000 John Deere lawn mower at Lowe's, even though the sale offer had expired.
165. The original Icelandic law site's domain registration expired, and a pornographer purchased the domain name.




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