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单词 Gunfire
1. The aircraft were met by a hail of gunfire.
2. I heard a burst of distant gunfire .
3. They were awakened by the sound of gunfire.
4. The gunfire panicked the baby.
5. Seventy protesters were killed by indiscriminate gunfire.
6. We covered his retreat with bursts of gunfire.
7. Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.
8. Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
9. We heard the rapid crackle of automatic gunfire.
10. The sound of gunfire was too close for comfort.
11. He died of starving oxygen but not from gunfire.
12. The soldiers stood firm under gunfire of the enemy.
13. The sound of gunfire and explosions grew closer.
14. The sound of gunfire panicked the crowd.
15. A burst of gunfire echoed across the square.
16. The tense silence was punctuated by bursts of gunfire.
17. Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire.
18. Several people were killed during the exchange of gunfire.
19. The sound of gunfire echoed into the night.
20. They raked the room with gunfire.
21. The navy tied the enemy down with gunfire.
22. The wall sheltered the soldiers from gunfire.
23. The gunfire panicked the horses.
24. Their luncheon was brutally interrupted by gunfire.
25. Heavy gunfire broke out in the capital last night.
26. He had a narrow escape from gunfire.
27. We heard gunfire in the distance.
28. The gunfire rumbled like dull thunder.
29. Two gunmen riddled the bus with gunfire.
30. Suddenly[/gunfire.html],() the building echoed with the sound of gunfire.
1. The aircraft were met by a hail of gunfire.
2. I heard a burst of distant gunfire .
3. They were awakened by the sound of gunfire.
4. The gunfire panicked the baby.
5. Seventy protesters were killed by indiscriminate gunfire.
6. We covered his retreat with bursts of gunfire.
7. Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.
8. Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
9. We heard the rapid crackle of automatic gunfire.
10. A convoy was hit by gunfire.
31. People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.
32. He exposed himself to the enemy's gunfire.
33. They threw the enemy back with gunfire.
34. Peter heard the sound of gunfire.
35. The army responded with gunfire and tear gas.
36. A convoy was hit by gunfire.
37. 300 men fell to the enemy gunfire.
38. The soldiers pushed their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.
39. Naval gunfire and ground-based artillery are generally less accurate than many aircraft-borne weapons.
40. At the sound of gunfire the horse suddenly broke into a gallop.
41. Gunfire was heard at an army base close to the airport.
42. People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of gunfire.
43. The sound of gunfire made the crowd scatter in all directions.
44. I could hear gunfire.
45. We could hear the crack of gunfire in the distance.
46. The sound of gunfire struck fear into the hearts of the villagers.
47. The soldiers in the open field were exposed to the enemy's gunfire.
48. They were killed in an exchange of gunfire between riot police and demonstrators.
49. Gunfire broke out early this morning around the seat of government in Lagos.
50. The terrorists boarded the bus and sprayed the passengers with gunfire.
51. Two men were shot in an exchange of gunfire with the police.
52. The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.
53. A school bus was hit by gunfire which exploded the fuel tank.
54. An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire.
55. It's still not known how many died in the volleys of gunfire.
56. Our army is still pushing towards the next village[Sentence dictionary], under heavy enemy gunfire.
57. Within two minutes, Adams heard gunfire on his radio.
58. Joseph sprinted away to dodge the volley of gunfire.
59. The tanks' positions made them vulnerable to enemy gunfire.
60. The sound of rebel gunfire rumbled in the hills.
61. In the distance there were bursts of gunfire.
62. I then heard gunfire, a couple of shots.
63. Sporadic gunfire continued through the night.
64. Enemy gunfire could be heard from several kilometres away.
65. She realized he was expecting to be dodging gunfire.
66. Outside, now: gunfire, screams, sizzling.
67. Guerrillas raked the room with gunfire.
68. There was scattered gunfire and looting in the area.
69. About the same time I heard gunfire.
70. At the sound of gunfire, people ran for cover.
71. The earth shook with the sound of heavy gunfire.
72. The sporadic gunfire, explosions and shouting in the depths of the forest, seemed to belong to a different world.
73. There had been gunfire, real bullets, employers with private armies of goons.
74. As the police visibly tighten the noose around the mansion, the guerrillas respond with rhetoric and warning bursts of gunfire.
75. A sudden burst of gunfire from behind the workbench riddled the wall harmlessly behind her.
76. Off in the distance, sharp cracks of gunfire and the occasional dull blast of dynamite interrupted the rural drumming.
77. It was the kind of haggling that sometimes was punctuated by gunfire.
78. The gunman began shooting from a watchtower, then chased the girls down a hill, spraying gunfire as he ran.
79. No sound of gunfire yet; no sign of battle: but the emptiness of that raised, exposed highway was eerie.
80. Five police officers and 10 civilians were reported to have been injured following gunfire and stone throwing outside the Transport Ministry.
81. In Timisoara, there were reports of more gunfire being heard yesterday morning.
82. There was a sudden crack of gunfire, and the crowd scattered.
83. People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of sirens and gunfire.
84. The gunfire, when it began, was without echo in these big, level spaces, under this sky.
85. At the sound of gunfire, the crowd scattered in all directions.
86. In that same instant, the deafening crash of gunfire filled the narrow confines of the alley.
86. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
87. Three tourists were reported to have been wounded by gunfire in separate attacks on Nile cruise ships during October.
88. A soldier was killed during an exchange of gunfire at the border station.
89. They all take cover at the sound of gunfire, like well-trained troops.
90. Gunfire and the occasional grenade explosions accompany raid after raid on jewellery shops.
91. The blacks retaliated by killing white delivery men and greeting white raiders with gunfire.
92. As Isaacs continued around Hungerford's narrow streets, he heard the crack of gunfire, at about 9.50.
93. At least 4 people were killed by gunfire when police stormed the building.
94. As a result they were met with a 45-minute barrage of gunfire.
95. She heard gunfire and felt a slap at her back....
96. When I put my head back down, I heard gunfire in the distance.
97. The next night some hundred men from all companies set forth, but were literally massacred by violent gunfire.
98. The sound of gunfire gradually receded and then ceased altogether.
99. On 29 August, after hurrying away from the sound of gunfire, the royal army marched into Inverness.
100. Explosions and gunfire from the east side of the city suggested an attempt to retake the civilian centres was under way.
101. Gunfire could be heard in the city all day, she said, but the violence escalated late in the evening.
102. In the evening, gunfire and huge explosions erupted along the former front line, but no further injuries were reported.
103. Chahine Yavroyan's sound-design is a mosaic of distant gunfire, creaking hulks and elegiac music.
104. Gunfire rattled against his pectoral shields, and he staggered backwards from the blast.
105. Two border surveillance cameras, mounted on large steel poles, have been destroyed by gunfire.
106. In answer to a prosecution question, he stated that he did hear indistinct gunfire, but had thought no more of it.
107. The gunfire that rattled from the house was not designed to deter.
108. The suppressed sound of the gunfire was still in his ears, and the sweet cordite smell hung at his nostrils.
109. The bombing had stopped, and all we could hear was the occasional burst of gunfire.
110. Lepine turns around and starts spraying the students in the front rows with gunfire.
111. There was no indication the shots were fired at police, nor was there an explanation for the gunfire.
112. Maybe he had lost it when running away from the fracas of metal and hollow clacking of gunfire.
113. Six passengers were killed in a blaze of automatic gunfire.
114. Rolls of thunder joined the gunfire now, like giant echoes, and it began to rain, reducing visibility.
115. Buildings were set ablaze in the black neighborhood; whites and blacks exchanged gunfire.
116. They'd been caught up in gunfire at home in Beirut,[http:///gunfire.html] which left them paralysed.
117. He sprayed two bursts of gunfire into a crowd outside the defence ministry and injured 10 people before he was fatally wounded.
118. Borja ordered the armed forces to intervene after violent clashes, including gunfire, between the security forces and the demonstrators.
119. They drove round a corner and the next thing they heard was gunfire.
120. Just then Grant heard shouts and running feet from various parts of the house, converging on the sounds of gunfire.
121. From below he heard shouting and running feet, and from further off came the muffled sound of more gunfire.
122. Acrid fumes from the gunfire drifted round the silent room.
123. I kept hearing aircraft passing low overhead and sporadic gunfire from automatic weapons.
124. He heard a burst of gunfire and saw a car disappearing down the Glen Road.
125. He added that any further approach would be greeted by gunfire.
126. The sounds of gunfire and shelling didn't do anything to calm my fears.
127. Hours later, three short bursts of automatic gunfire sent police scurrying for cover Wednesday morning.
128. You hear the rattle of gunfire here as often as you hear cars tooting their horns.
129. I got dizzy with the smell of the dust and the noise of the gunfire, and I prayed not to faint.
130. There was a burst of gunfire and 22 men lay dead.
131. Armed men in ski masks crept up on the van and raked it with gunfire.
132. He traded gunfire with them for hours last April before they forced their way in and shot him at point-blank range.
133. His show was accompanied by artificial sounds of gunfire and explosions, as if it were a huge video game.
134. Two guards, who had been alerted by the gunfire, ran towards the gates.
135. The roar of his shot coincided with the answering crash of gunfire from his enemies' weapons.
136. The only thing that surprises me is there was no gunfire.
137. It was soon hit again by gunfire and the long-range tank in the fuselage caught fire.
138. Although no member of the pursuing teams was hit by this gunfire, on several occasions, shots hit very close.
139. Heavy gunfire dislodge the rebels from the jungle.
140. The soldiers were mown down by enemy gunfire.
141. He heard a spatter of gunfire.
142. The soldiers hit the dirt when they heard gunfire.
143. Eyewitness said the gunfire lasted at least a minute.
144. A gun carriage conveyed him ; a gunfire salute accompanied him into the earth.
145. Cadets are having to use football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly.
146. Future versions of the Puffin may have more than two rotors to help the aircraft survive gunfire and other issues like bird strikes.
146. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
147. The Heavy Machine Gun is the perfect weapon for suppressive fire. It can blanket an area with gunfire and provide effective cover fire.
148. We awoke one Sunday morning to gunfire. A neighbor's son was the target of a drive-by shooting. We was frightened and disturbed.
149. Not one ship visibly sank or even flamed under continuous heavy gunfire.
150. Residents reported exchanges of gunfire between Fatah and Hamas despite a two - day - old ceasefire.
151. They screamed a battle cry, momentarily drowning the sound of gunfire and explosion.
152. Munley, a diminutive cop nicknamed Mighty Mouse who was serving on the base's Special Reaction Team, moved quickly to take him down and was shot in the leg and arm in the ensuing exchange of gunfire.
153. Thunder [ The gunfire ] is rumbling in the distance.
154. Her worst campaign mistake trail was to claim that she had arrived in Bosnia under gunfire (and not to realise that footage of the cheerful welcoming committee inevitably existed).
155. The Mexican baseball league has been forced to suspend a game in progress because of gunfire at a stadium.
156. On the footage you can hear gunfire and mortar rounds.
157. Though they were putting up a storm of antiaircraft fire, the gunners were missing with great consistency. A few unlucky planes were hit, but most eluded the gunfire.
158. Despite the enemy's heavy gunfire, our troops stood steadyfast and unmoved.
158. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
159. Looked the competition stretches out the microcheiria gesture pistol's shape, between lips simulation the rat-a-tat sound of gunfire.
160. For three days India's most cosmopolitan city and aspirant international financial centre echoed with gunfire.
161. Gretchen pulls a double cross and shoots Carruth. She gets shot in the gunfire.
162. The officer orders the soldiers to plough on in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.




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