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单词 Allah
1, It is the will of Allah.
2, Now, brother, repeat after me, "All praise to Allah, Lord of All the Worlds".
3, That she still believed in Allah and prayed regularly at the nearby mosque.
4, He reported back to Allah that he could find only an idol worshipper.
5, In her time of distress she prayed to Allah to help her.
6, Allah naturally inflicted total defeat on him, from which he never recovered.
7, I ask Allah to grant us and you forgiveness.
8, But Allah is witness that they are indeed liars.
9, Allah! There is no god but He: of a surety He will gather you together against the Day of Judgment,(http:///allah.html) about which there is no doubt.
10, Islam, Allah is a respected word that you need to have ablutions before saying.
11, In his mercy, Allah had seen fit to spare Juffure once again.
12, "Thanks to Allah the people and the mujahideen are together in this area, " said the Mawlawi Sahib.
13, We prayed that Allah may give him 200 years to live, Khan said.
14, But Allah, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
15, Fountain where the Devotees of Allah do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance.
16, Allah has time to listen; do you have time to pray?
17, And besides, investigators came back, what does Allah look like?
18, Moremore Pakistani are turning to Allah instead of diligence when suffering.
19, There are 99 prayer beads - one for each way Allah can be glorified in the Koran.
20, For instance, take the following quotations from the Qur'an about Allah.
21, Over and over again, for twenty-five minutes, the heads rose and fell before the final triumphant cry of Allah hu-Akbar!
22, Because a mosque stood next door it was said that the cinema had been rejected by Allah as an unworthy neighbour.
23, Her prayer beads were constantly moving and a steady stream of soft petitions to Allah were just audible.
24, They were his chosen weapons to achieve an understanding with the enemies of Allah.
25, Sufi holy men from India to Turkey sought to find Allah by gazing upon the beauty of beardless youths.
26, "Dinosaur" is a humorous action movies, which mainly tells a called Allah dale"s small iguanodon adventure course, it consists of a group of lemurs, eventually raised to his brothers and sisters side.
27, Months passed, and Ibrahim continued to receive the food that Allah had promised with unfailing regularity.
28, Fatimah Az-Zahraa', the daughter of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), was patient and forbearing, and she feared Allah.
29, Therefore, it behooves every Hajji to forward due gratitude to Allah for being chosen to perform those acts of worship and, at the same time, to beseech Him for acceptance.
30, Could you imagine yourself to be one of those who cast stones at the beloved of Allah and said to him, "Your way is not for me."
31, Do they seek for other than the Religion of Allah?
32, He has returned to Allah. We shouldn't be too sad.
33, Once a person accepts Allah as his Creator, Sustainer and Lawgiver, he cannot follow other gods.
34, The first form of this submission is to believe in Him. Allah is the Arabic name for the One True God and it is very similar to the Hebrew Elohim and the Aramaic Ella.
35, Her social circle included Dorothy Parker, Robert Benchley and other New York intellectuals who had settled at the Garden of Allah hotel while writing and acting in movies.
36, Listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat.
37, Verily Allah will judge between them as amongst them, on the Day of Judgment.
38, Gujarati, Punjabi, and Marathi there is much poetic literature, written by Muslims and commencing with the Islamic invocation of Allah, which nevertheless betrays strong Hindu influence.
39, Both scholars received knowledge at the hands of one of the most knowledgeable persons in the Muslim Ummah, Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him).
40, You should declare the Shahadah another time preferably in front of some witnesses and pray to Almighty Allah to give you insight and enlighten your way.
41, I really believe that Allah made me this way, he said.
42, But speak to him mildly ; perchance he may take warning or fear ( Allah ).
43, The Grand Mufti , Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili exhorted Muslims to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty.
44, Allah loves and honors the warrior; the thief he holds in contempt.
45, I have spent this week learning to perform Salat and reflecting on the greatness of Allah.
46, Allah sees the black beetle in the black stone, and the black rock.
47, And Allah will defend thee from men ( who mean mischief ) .
48, For Allah, I determine to perform two rakaats of the Sunnah Jumah Prayer.
49, For Allah, I determine to follow the Imam to perform two Rakat of Eid - ul - Fitr Prayer .
50, He has persisted for three millennia—an omnipresence in art, folklore, churches, and census rolls. To Muslims, he is Daoud, the venerated emperor and servant of Allah.
51, But at Allah Made Me Funny's show in London only a few atheists and a lone Jew identified themselves in response to a good-humoured request from the stage.
52, They were even superior to them in strength, and in the traces (they have left) in the land: but Allah did call them to account for their sins, and none had they to defend them against Allah.
53, Such is Allah, your real Cherisher and Sustainer: apart from truth, what (remains) but error? How then are ye turned away?
54, Rather a pilgrim is to supplicate Allah and ask Him whatever he desires.
55, However, when one remembers Allah and ignores Satan, then Satan feels dwarfish and grovels .
56, " Say: "Allah hath certainly power to send down a sign: but most of them understand not.
57, “I was just praying to God that he would free me,” said the fighter, Allah Mohammed Agha, 22, recounting his escape from Sarposa Prison, where he had been held for 28 days.
58, He smiled at everyone and joked with everyone in a decent way. Alone he was always crying and entreating Allah for forgiveness for his Ummah.
59, For Allah , I determine to perform the Janazah Prayer with four Takbirs Imam.
60, This can in sha Allah be reinforced when you are praying together as salat in sha Allah is a reminder of the Haq and what being Muslim is all about.
61, Otherwise I will be so desperate like a dervish losing the belief to Allah.
62, It is to safeguard human beings against this that Allah has provided Divine Guidance through His prophets and messengers.
63, What if Allah answered our prayers the way we answer His calls?
64, Ibn 'Abbas in the explanation of the Statement of Allah.
65, Almighty Allah, the Highest, the Omniscient and the Wise, knows more.
66, The invisible hand of Allah has given OPEC most of the world's oil.
67, Then how shall ye, if ye deny (Allah), guard yourselves against a Day that will make children hoary-headed ?
67, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
68, There is nota good deed which ye do, but Allah is well - acquainted therewith.
69, Afterward, Muhammad began to develop a code of behavior that he said had come from Allah , or God.
70, For Allah, I determine to perform two rakaats of the Sunnah Fajr Prayer.
71, "Allah is great and he sent me my miracle child to keep our people safe," she told Reuters, adjusting her tight purple hijab which crowns a multi-colored kaftan.




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