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单词 bone
释义  Related topics: Humanbone1 /bəʊn $ boʊn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  BODY[countable]HBHHBA one of the hard parts that together form the frame of a human, animal, or fish body 骨头,骨 The X-ray showed that the bone was broken in two places. X光检查显示有两处骨折。hip/leg/cheek etc bone (=the bone in your hip etc) 髋骨/腿骨/颧骨等 He broke his collar bone. 他锁骨骨折。big-boned/fine-boned/small-boned etc (=with big etc bones) 骨架大的/纤细的/小的等 She was tall and big-boned. 她个子高,骨架子很大。 Amelia had inherited her mother’s good bone structure. 阿梅莉亚遗传了母亲的优美骨架。2  [uncountable] a substance made of bones 骨质物 the bone handle of his dagger 他短剑上的骨质手柄3  the bare bones SIMPLE/NOT COMPLICATEDthe simplest and most important details of something 最基本的内容,梗概 I can’t tell you more than the bare bones of what happened. 我只能把发生的事情说个大概给你听。4  make no bones about (doing) something HONESTto not feel nervous or ashamed about doing or saying something 对(做)某事毫无顾忌,对(做)某事毫不犹豫 Mary made no bones about enjoying a drink. 玛丽大大方方地喝了一杯。5  bone of contention DISAGREEsomething that causes arguments between people 争执的原因,争议的焦点 The examination system has long been a serious bone of contention in this country. 考试制度长期以来都是这个国家争议很大的话题。6. be chilled/frozen to the bone COLDto be extremely cold 寒冷刺骨7  skin and bone very thin 瘦得皮包骨的 She was all skin and bone. 她瘦得皮包骨。8. a bag of bones THIN PERSONsomeone who is much too thin 骨瘦如柴的人,骨头架子9  feel/know something in your bones PREDICTto be certain that something is true, even though you have no proof and cannot explain why you are certain 从内心里感受到某事,凭直觉确信某事为真,预感到会有某事 She knew that something good was sure to happen; she could feel it in her bones. 她觉得肯定有好事要发生了,她有这样的预感。10. have a bone to pick with somebody spokenARGUE used to tell someone that you are annoyed with them and want to talk about it 对某人不满,对某人有怨言11  close to the bone HONESTa remark, statement etc that is close to the bone is close to the truth in a way that may offend someone 〔言论等〕过于直率的,露骨的 His jokes were a bit close to the bone. 他的玩笑有点露骨。12  cut something to the bone REDUCEto reduce costs, services etc as much as possible 把〔成本、服务等〕削减到最低程度 Shops cut prices to the bone in the January sales. 1月份大减价的时候,各个商店都把价格降到了最低。13  on the bone DFmeat that is served on the bone is still joined to the bone 〔肉〕带骨的 a boiled ham on the bone 煮熟的带骨火腿14  off the bone DFmeat that is served off the bone has been cut away from the bone 〔肉〕脱骨的,去骨的 roasted duck, off the bone 去骨烤鸭 → dry as a bone at dry1(1), → work your fingers to the bone at work1(29)n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + bone brokenThe doctor thought that I had a broken bone in my wrist.Luckily the bone wasn't broken.a thigh/hip/ankle etc boneHe was so thin that his hip bones were sticking out.human/animal bonesThey dug up a lot of human bones from under the castle.verbsbreak a boneI hope you haven't broken a bone.fracture a bone (=to break a bone so that a line appears on the surface)Sally fell, fracturing a bone in her leg.bone + NOUNbone structure (=the shape of your face, formed by the bones in it)She had beautiful eyes and fine bone structure.bone diseaseHe suffered from a rare bone disease.Examples from the Corpusbone• My son feels long and stringy now, all sinew, veins and bone.• The hip and femur bones were fused together and no movement was possible at that joint.• Fatigue seeps like ice water into bones and joints.• They flowed into the taut nostrils and along the prominent bones in the cheek.• Rib chops are identified by the slightly curved rib bone and the presence of the rib-eye muscle outside of the curve.• A gust of wet wind blew down the alleyway, chilling me to the bone.• They have looked upon the bones of the prehistoric dead and seen evidence of a Stone Age holocaust.• Did you give this bone to the dog?• Trampling Another source of modification to bone that begins soon after death is dispersal and breakage by trampling.• She broke two bones in her arm.bone structure• He says it can distort bone structure, even cause heart problems.• She had excellent bone structure, a well-shaped determined chin, a good figure and long legs.• As she tilted her face upwards to answer, her bone structure was thrown into transitory relief.• The neck itself is subject to a form of clinical exposure, its bone structure shifting and projecting.• Maxine has the right bone structure to be a model.• Paula Grey, a raven haired girl in her early thirties with strong bone structure, had just entered the office.• Under the microscope even the bone structure of these dinosaurs looks more like that of living mammals than cold-blooded reptiles.• His features were delicate; he had the bone structure of a professional model.• This is a young woman whose bone structure is not fully developed.Related topics: Foodbone2 verb [transitive]  1 DFto remove the bones from fish or meat 剔掉…的骨头,去掉…的骨 boned breast and thigh meat 去骨的胸脯肉和大腿肉2 bone up on something phrasal verb STUDYto learn as much as you can about a subject, because you need the knowledge, for example for an examination 〔为考试等〕钻研,苦读 I have to bone up on criminal law for a test next week. 我得苦读刑法准备下个星期的考试。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbone• Scrape meat away from leg:, bone and remove bones.• boned salmon• I spent the time before it boning up on things like Troops Out.Origin bone1 Old English banbone1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1bone2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus parts the that hard one of




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