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单词 In accord
1. I am in accord with your plan.
2. Such an act would not be in accord with our policy.
3. The project is completely in accord with government policy.
4. These results are in accord with earlier research.
5. This action would not be in accord with our policy.
6. Such statements are not in accord with sound international relations.
7. Most people are in accord with their desire for peace.
8. All the follow-through was in accord with these themes.
9. Painting ought to be in accord with the physiological nature of man.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. First, the in-flight schedule is sometimes arranged in accord with time in your departure zone.
11. In accord with its graphic image, the desired detachment stands half-way between a mild staccato and a legato.
12. It is that the probabilistic idea is in accord with a kind of empiricism.
13. This is not in accord with the facts.
14. This is not in accord with parliamentary procedure.
15. We are in accord, summoner.
16. His words are in accord with his ideas.
17. This is in accord with his intention.
18. The relationship is in accord with Arrhenius' equation.
19. Hence at that particular period self was in accord.
20. We are in accord with your proposal.
21. Your views are not in accord with mine.
22. The department most in accord with media and Congressional criticism became, unintentionally, its focus.
23. Improvement shall be in accord with the company's mission statement.
24. The coated plug gauge, precision of which is in accord with demands of origind design, can be directly put into use without any pretreatment.
25. in accord in agreement with: This action would not be in accord with our policy.
26. Perhaps, because I had really addressed myself to him for the first time, he thought we were in accord.
27. The subjects must continue to live their normal routines, but now in accord with the new local time.
28. An output sawtooth thereby is produced having one endpoint determined by a fixed voltage source and the other endpoint in accord with the capacitance ratio of the timing and switched capacitors.
29. Taking natural thermo-potential difference as natural draft pressure is ambiguous in theory and not in accord with the actual condition of mines.
30. Everyone also occasionally inspects selfishness and promptly corrects areas in daily speech and comportment that may not be consistent with formality or in accord with Dharma.
1. I am in accord with your plan.
2. in accord in agreement with: This action would not be in accord with our policy.
3. Most people are in accord with their desire for peace.
31. The momentum fluxes by VTand EC both have many apices, and smaller at dawn and dusk than the rest of a day, whichacts in accord with the diurnal variation of the wind speed in grassland.
32. Although this assumption is not in accord with physical movement of merchandise in most business, there is a strong logical argument to support LIFO method.
33. That is the second level of humaneness, and is in accord with principle.
34. Any Counter Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant in accord with Arbitration Rules, including the Counter Claim filing fee.
35. Human essence is a cultural existence in accord with purposefulness, and a product of actual social relation.
36. For example, the company has developed more than 70 Islamic indexes to help individuals invest in accord with Islam's Shariah laws.
37. Some Chinglish may be in accord with English - speaking habits while it's not syntactically correct.
38. The results are as follows: the formation and development of the embryo and endosperm is in accord with the typical graminaceous plants.
39. These results are in accord with real economical development situation and elastic demand of tobacco commodity.
40. In evaluating the planeness error, the keypoint of the least region method is whether it is in accord with the least condition.
41. Simulation and site fault recording date test results have shown the effectiveness of these algorithms and that they were in accord with the accuracy requirements of fault location in site.
42. Recently in the analysis of active sonar signal detecting performance, the statistical model of reverberation envelope is assumed to be in accord with Rayleigh-distribution in computer simulation.
43. This paper presents card punching processes in accord with the above - mentioned ways of loom mounting.
44. This model is capable of predicting the queue length at the saturate signalized intersection, and its prediction result is strongly adaptive and in accord with the practical traffic flow condition.
45. I could only envy her that sort of easy congruity — how wonderful, it seemed, to feel in accord with what others thought of you.
46. Israel and Palestine have not yet been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription.
47. Men prosper and succeed who work in accord with natural forces.
48. It is shown that calculated crystal lattice parameters are in accord with the values of experiment.
49. Being in accord with the rules and customs of a parliament.
50. They pursued economic policies in accord with the national interest.
51. When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with himself.
52. Applying this method to dynamic weighing for automobile, practice indicates the dynamic measurement result is not in accord with the static measurement result, with an error below 1.5%.
53. Development of CNC machine center with three axes can meet products'demand of large-medium furniture enterprises, in accord with development of industry equipment.
54. It concludes that results are in accord with analyses in theory, and anticipative purpose is obtained.
55. It is in accord with the interest of the people.
56. Being in accord with or characteristic of the normal functioning living organism.
57. Of or relating to Gregor Mendel or in accord with Mendel's laws.
58. The results of theoretical analysis are in accord with that of experiments.
59. Results 100% of the diagnosis of urachus fistula, urachus cyst and urachus diverticulum is in accord with ultrasonography, 50% of the diagnosis of urachus sinus is in accord with ultrasonography, 66.
60. Basins in China offshore that their origins are bound up with the deep geologic process (Mantle Plume Tectonics), are in accord with the special geologic background of East Asia.
61. To pursue this economic policy is in accord with the national interest.
62. Results: The result of assessment was in accord with the actual condition.
63. The aim of Einstein using ideal experiment is that emphasize inherent logic coherence and law of causation of quantum theory, and this was in accord with his philosophy idea .
64. The principle of non bis in idem are more in accord with the reality of China.




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