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单词 Activation energy
1. Because of the low activation energies, such reactions are often readily reversible at room temperature.
2. Activation energies may often be obtained from rate measurements by using transition state theory.
3. The activation energy of clinker formation is reduced.
4. ENZYMES enhance reaction rates by lowering the activation energy.
5. Catalysts reduce the activation energy barrier between reactants and products.
6. At present, it is recommended that the apparent activation energy of hydration reaction at early stage may be used to evaluate the efficiency of anti-freezing admixtures.
7. The overall activation energy grows with the proportion of TMI increases in the monomer.
8. The pyrolysis characteristics and activation energy of coal blends are decided by the blending rate.
9. The apparent activation energy of the inhibitory reaction is 86.
10. In chapter 2, the hydrolysis rate constant and activation energy of main active ingredient in Cortex Fraxini aesculin was studied.
11. The apparent activation energy of oscillating period and oscillating induction period are 72.
12. Catalysts that lower markedly the activation energy of the reactions are required.
13. The activation energy of conductivity in the orthorhombic phase was higher than that in the rhombic ; moreover, the activation energy dropped with Ca content increasing.
14. The total curing characteristic, apparent activation energy and co-curing reactivity of tetra-glycidyl amide, glycidyl ester and aliphatic cyclo type epoxy resins cured with IMI were also i...
15. The reaction rate constant and activation energy of two pathway of n - heptane and n - hexadecane is got.
16. The variation of the desorption activation energy of dichloromethane on activated carbons was discussed hardbase ( HSAB ) princi.
17. The effect of raising the temperature is to make the individual molecules move faster, so that collisions can overcome the activation energy.
18. We can use the Arrhenius equation to look at the effect of the temperature and activation energy on reaction rate.
19. Enzymes increase the rate of a specific chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy needed for the reaction to proceed.
20. An evaluation method for sysneresis rate of gel is presented. The syneresis of gel at any temperature can be predicted by means of the activation energy of syneresis reaction.
21. The formation of protonic point defects need hydrogen (protons) jumping and its activation energy is higher than that for the self-diffusion of water molecules.
22. Based on Arrhenius relationship, the linearized relationship between life and temperature is derived, and the meaning of activation energy and B parameter,(/activation energy.html) and the acceleration factor are discussed.
23. It is indicated that thermal activated nucleation possesses very small activation energy, which is compatible with relevant experimental investigations.
24. In this work, the effect of textural property of activated carbons on desorption activation energy and adsorption capacity for benzothiophene was investigated.
25. The centrifugal pressure has an impact on the cast structure mainly because jt lowers the critical nucleation energy, raised the diffusion activation energy, which made the grains refined.
26. The weight loss curves of three-ply wood were obtained based on the pyrolysis experiment, and the corresponding kinetic parameters, i. e. activation energy E and frequency factor A, were calculated.
27. It is discovered that there are compensation relations for flowing activation energy and freq...
28. The average life period of active center is a function of activation energy and polymerization temperature, it can be expressed asf ?
29. The kinetics of mesophase transformation of Shengli residue oil was discussed and the reaction order, reaction rate constant and apparent activation energy were calculated.
30. The result shows that the decrease of iron modulus can decrease the activation energy of clinker formation , improve the reaction rate constant and make the formation of licker fast.
31. The influences of phosphate slag on the formation kinetics of portland cement clinker were investigated. The activation energy and reation rate constant of clinker formation reation were got.
32. The initial energy management assembly is connected to the thermoelectric generator and is adapted to receive and condition the electrical activation energy produced by the thermoelectric generator.
33. The activation energy of titanium-tritium is obviously higher than that of titanium hydrogenation and deuteration from comparing with the reported data.
34. The variation of the desorption activation energy of dichloromethane on activated carbons was discussed with the help of the hard soft acid base(HSAB) princi.
35. The association chain implied is general reactivity, delocalization, heat of reaction, activation energy, velocity constant.
36. In order to obtain a more accurate activation energy, we give a method to eliminate the influence of the accessional conductance and testify its feasibility by theory simulation.
37. The activation energy for dehydration reaction has been calculated by Freeman - Carroll method.
38. The influences of slag on the formation Kinetics of portland cement Clinker have beeninvestigutea. The activation energy and reaction rate constant of Clinker formation reactionhawe been gotten.
39. The calculating results of activation energy show that the diffusibility of nanometer Ni is better than Ni foil in diffusion layer at joints.
40. The reaction of combustion to produce ethylene is a spontaneous reaction judging by reaction activation energy.
41. The Kinetics of thermal conversion reaction of Huanxiling vacuum residue were also studied with the determination of the order of reaction and apparent activation energy.
42. The coefficient of a binary solution, like that of a single liquid, can be expressed as an exponential function of activation energy and temperature.
43. The apparent activation energy of voluminal reduction on MOOFCC by microwave heating is very low (9.
44. On the basis of activation energy changes and experimental statistical method, we suggest two methods for the rapid estimation of thermal life of enamelled wires.
45. According to the speed of coal oxidation, doing the theory research on spontaneous combustion period based on activation energy with standard situation.
46. A better agreement is found in the geometry between semiempirical and ab initio transition states, and a greater deviation in the activation energy, in which.
47. Catalysts reduce the activation energy Barrier Between reactants and products.
48. The relationship between rheological behavior, viscous flow activation energy and compositions of the copolymers was studied.
49. And the apparent activation energy was calculated by the Arrhenius equation.
50. The thermoelectric generator is adapted to generate an electrical activation energy with sufficiently high voltage in response to a temperature gradient acting across the thermoelectric generator.
51. Kinetic model, frequency factor and Arrhenius activation energy make up a 'kinetic triplet', which is the key section in model-fitting method.
51. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
52. Adsorption model, the thermodynamics parameters, sticking probability and activation energy of fluor hydronium on modified coke powders were investigated.
53. The order, the velocity constants and the apparent activation energy were obtained.
54. The activation energy of the resin system was estimated by the isoconversional method. The reaction mechanism was assumed to subject to an autocatalytic equation.
55. This is very significant to both determining the rate constant and estimating the activation energy.
56. Generally speaking, the most dangerous exothermic reaction system is such that has low activation energy and high frequency factor.
57. Besides, the kinetic rate constant of the reaction and the activation energy of deamination can be calculated.
58. The activation energy and the frequency factor of the reaction were calculated by Arrhenius formula.
59. The mechanism equation of pyrolysis reaction, activation energy (E) and frequency factor (A) were obtained by using differential method to fit experimental data.
60. Basing on the study of progressive stress accelerated life test, a rapid evaluation method for electronic device's activation energy is proposed, and the theory model is constructed.
61. It can be inferred from activation energy that asphaltine is a complicated mixture formed with different molecular weights.
62. In this method, the activation energy is reduced during deaminization and the deaminizating rate and the retention of zeolite crystallinity after deaminization are increased.
63. The geometries, relative energies, and activation energy of the tautomer and transition state were determined.
64. The diffusion activation energy of carbon reduces remarkably with the increase of N _ 2 content.
65. The apparent activation energy of each stage was calculated using the Doyle - Ozawa and Kissinger methods.




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