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单词 Might as well
1 One might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 
2 You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
3 I suppose we might as well go home.
4 We might as well bunk down in this hotel.
5 The couple might as well have been strangers.
6 Business is terrible I might as well pack up.
7 Anyway,[] you're here; you might as well stay.
8 You might as well drink it, being as you've paid for it.
9 You might as well shoot for the moon and ask for a promotion as well as a raise.
10 I might as well give the sweet course a miss.
11 Since nobody else wants the job, we might as well let him have it.
12 For all the good it's done we might as well not have bothered.
13 We might as well finish the cake; there isn't much left.
14 If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him.
15 He might as well have been a million miles away.
16 I might as well learn another language, it's all grist to the mill when it comes to getting a job.
17 We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities.
18 I think we might as well pack up and go home.
19 I might as well be dead for all he cares.
20 You might as well ask for the moon as for a bicycle.
21 If we can't get any funding we might as well forget the whole thing .
22 They'll never offer you another job; you might as well face up to it .
23 They might as well have a badge on them saying 'Steal me'.
24 We might as well finish up the cake-there isn't much left.
25 You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
26 Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.
27 We'll have to spend the night here, so we might as well make the best of it.
28 It's no use giving him advice.He won't take any notice of it.You might as well save your breath.
29 If I'm going to be sent up for killing one guy, then I might as well kill three more.
30 There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow.
1 You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
31 I don't know why I bother speaking to him - I might as well save my breath.
32 'I might as well do something useful, seeing as I'm back,' she said.
33 You might as well apply for the job - you've got nothing to lose.
34 I'll come with you if you like. I might as well.
35 If we can't get any financial backing,[] we might as well forget the whole thing.
36 We are stuck here so we might as well make the best of it.
37 Now you're here you might as well make yourself useful - there's a lot of clearing up to do.
38 I thought I might as well get personal.
39 You might as well wear a blindfold.
40 You might as well go to a branch.
41 You might as well go straight to your funeral.
42 She might as well have saved her breath.
43 One might as well speak of even-handed socialism.
44 He might as well let him finish his sandwiches.
45 It might as well be now.
46 It might as well have been the last rites.
47 It might as well be under sedation.
48 And we might as well get used to it and resolve to cope.
49 You might as well take money and shovel it down the drain.
50 She might as well see how the enemy behaved themselves in a place like this.
51 We might as well stock up while we're here - it'll save us having to come back.
52 We might as well clear some of the underbrush, man to man, right now, though.
53 As if pleading helped - she might as well try to appeal to the better nature of a power-crazed tyrant.
54 He might as well have picked a family at random out of the telephone book and stayed with them.
55 You might as well watch a documentary about depressed women on Channel 4.
56 If they kept to themselves, the whole northern end of the area might as well be written off.
57 One might as well expect mercy from a killer shark or warmth from a cube of ice.
58 We'll never see that money again so we might as well write it off.
59 Given those odds, claims Salsburg, one might as well flip a coin.
60 My wife loves all that weird shit, so if I can support a friend, might as well support a friend.
61 The shattering plate might as well have struck him, for the pain and the misery on his face.
62 If investors would put money in low-quality bonds, they might as well buy the stocks.
63 Might as well pay attention, he reminded himself; it's your career they're talking about.
64 She might as well have had a tin whistle buried in that neck of hers.
65 Their Maria was going places,[] so he might as well keep her company.
66 If he was writing a bogus pamphlet, he might as well be a bogus native of Oswaldston to boot.
67 We might as well take our time and make quite sure where we'd like to have them.
68 She had looked everywhere else and, although it seemed a long shot, she might as well look in there.
69 Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins 
70 If you're not going to take this project seriously we might as well forget it.
71 But he might as well have been Napoleon in exile.
72 It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. J.K. Rowling 
73 You might as well hand out syringes at computer labs.
74 One might as well try and set limits to the sun and wind, or to the mythosphere itself.
75 One might as well try to measure how many grains of sand will be moved by a tidal wave.
76 He might as well have put a gun to my head.
77 Last minute, the father relented and went along, but he might as well have stayed away.
78 We might as well agree to differ and get along as well as we can.
79 They might as well have been armed with nerf warheads.
80 Might as well look the part, since all artists were considered crazy and bohemian.
81 That date might as well have been engraved in stone, because every time he planted earlier, he paid the price.
82 Shaw might as well have asked him if he preferred mustard or mayo on a sandwich.
83 But without critics to point the way, that money might as well be tossed into the wind.
84 While she was there, they might as well have added the charge of breaching the Trades Description Act.
85 He might as well have saved his breath - a sea of green benches confronted the Ulster members.
86 With the distress and disturbance it's going to cause, they might as well close it off altogether.
87 Their bonds might as well have been written with disappearing ink.
88 He might as well have descended on the Palace, announcing that he had come for a stay.
89 Without Nick, they might as well sit around all day popping bubble-wrap.
90 She might as well have been asking a hemorrhaging hemophiliac for blood.
91 If you have to buy a customer with lavish entertainment, you might as well buy your way out of every problem.
92 We might as well stick the seeds into gravel and feed them fertilizer from a factory.
93 Below once more, with everything as secure as she could make it, she decided she might as well have an early night.
94 The pollsters might as well ask them who will win the Derby and whether the weather will be fine.
94 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
95 He said we might as well go before his sister arrived, because once she came, it would be impossible.
96 We were dying of starvation anyway, so we might as well try to escape.
97 I might as well have been a convert, a Gentile.
98 It's not going to be fun, but we might as well make the best of it.
99 D.W. had come in over ocean and flown low as a drug smuggler over what might as well be called treetops.
100 If the traveler expects the high way to be safe and well-graded, he might as well stay at home.
101 If they keep you, they might as well keep me.
102 Rainbow says that if she has to wear tights or stockings, we might as well forget the whole damned thing.
103 She might as well go down, have a pre-dinner drink with Sally and see if her father was home yet.
104 But what is unavoidable may still be undesirable, and one might as well say so.
105 Besides, they cost so much, you might as well get some fun out of them.
106 She said that although it was all suggested, I might as well have been stripped naked.
107 Vologsky might as well try to take off and escape in a hot air balloon.
108 He might as well have gotten down on his hands and knees and begged for it.
109 And if you have to plough the field anyway, you might as well plant it at the same time.
110 If you want to survive, you shivering ninny, you might as well shoot off your big toe.
111 He reckoned now he was in, he might as well go the whole hog.
112 I got out of the passenger seat and turned to tell the driver she might as well go back to the airport.
113 I can not completely conform in this culture that prizes conformity so I might as well act as freely as I wish.
114 Her father is learned in the Torah, and his daughter might as well be a Gentile.
115 If he took to his bed now, he might as well stay there - permanently.
116 You might as well appeal against the thunderstorm as against these terrible hardships of war.
117 They might as well have a badge on them saying Steal Me in big black letters.
118 But it might as well be shouted from the housetops, that majestic pronouncement, proof or no proof.
119 Children might as well come from cabbage patches as far as most political and economic theory is concerned.
120 Might as well, since he has apparently completely forgotten how to make a good movie.
121 And, on reflection, she might as well come straight to the point.
122 He might as well capsize the dinghy and be done with it.
123 He might as well ask the reader to believe in those supremely credible terrorized musicians scraping and blowing through the small hours.
124 I might as well stay out all night as come home to you.
125 Why, given what had happened[/might as well.html], I might as well have beaten Papa to death with a club.
126 You might as well flush it down the toilet.
127 We might as well give it a try.
128 In 1994, it might as well have been the River Styx—a dank passageway to the underworld.
129 After sweeping the courtyard , we might as well clean the rooms.
130 Might as well buy an angel formative to place adorn article, put inside window edge or atelier , can strengthen its energy, conquer rival in love.
131 To parents, choose what kind of polychromy children, might as well listen to children oneself choice.
132 Change when aluminium alloy window, might as well also change floor slab windowsill for marble plank, and windowsill inside the edge curiums wear curve.
133 If you wanta knighthood, you might as well cry for the moon.
134 When Nansen and Johansen returned to Norway in the summer of 1896, they might as well have been returning from the dark side of the moon.
135 Since you're breaking the law anyway by smuggling contraband, you might as well trick out your starship with all manner of illegal modifications.
136 When I want to nitpick nowadays, I just keep in mind that if I want to go to the trouble of offering unrequested advice, I might as well suggest I do it myself.
137 The newspaper might as well talk loud about that as anything else.
138 Carry bright 1 if color of skin blackens apparently, become deep, might as well will slant the farinaceous cheek that pink moves is red change more transparent orange cheek red.
139 Scott's heart broke at the sound of her voice; save for a hint of Southlands Forager accent, it might as well have been that of Marlene Rush.
140 Thein Sein pseudo-democratic government to play the game, might as well just give the seat to the elected president Aung San Suu Kyi.
141 You might as well drink battery acid he said, the result will be the same stress on your blood pH.
142 If you're just going to poke at your food, we might as well go.
143 Since we were all in our PJ's, might as well just turn off the lights and party in the darkness.
144 For readers seeking illumination, this book might as well have been written in Serbo-Croatian.
145 We're never going to persuade them so we might as well throw in the towel now.
146 If disrelish oneself kitchen chaos, you also might as well try.
147 You might as well in the repair process the job location "the spot-check" several, had the question well to solve immediately.
148 Once lawman might as well, but is, ignores the law or plays with the law, it brings the serious consequence to continue is to by far law's injury.
149 D'Antoni on if McGrady will play right away: "Might as well, we've only got 29 to go. " McGrady will be in uniform vs OKC if physicals clear.
150 We might as well be in that cage with the team mascot.
151 If ( indeed ) you should have any opinion, you might as well tell us frankly.
152 One might as well have been at a battalion headquarters in the line.
153 But it was not far out of the restaurant that we found gone of the rest $ 25, there is a hole in the pocket of my short pants, ha ha, we might as well eat more.
154 If you want a Ph. D like that,[] you might as well cry for the moon.
155 The main ingredient of a semiconductor is silicon, but it might as well be pyrite, or fool's gold. That is because consistently making money out of chips is notoriously difficult.
156 You might as well ask the tree for help as request him to reduce the price.
157 From the black-and-white creepiness of early silent films to the campy kitsch of television series today, these bloodsuckers are so diffuse in popular culture that they might as well be real.
158 I might as well make a clean breast of it. I have been living as a woman since 1975.
159 But almost all useful math is heavily automatable , so you might as well get some automated servants to help you with it.
160 Therefore the might as well sacred keeps inviolably this plays in family's heart.
161 Method 3: When holiday, might as well or has the acceleration blood circulation plant volatile oil using the market condition in bath salt to put in the bathtub, soaks the thin leg bath.
162 You might as well erect a house without bricks and mortar as try to get on In life without education.
163 Downward inference, we might as well bold and suppositional , after network video media develops through these a few years, can divide a cup of a thick soup from inside TV medium.
164 People don't vote against James, and you might as well put that in your pipe and smoke it.
165 You might as well erect a house without bricks and cement as try to get on in life without education.
166 So I thought I might as well finish the job off.
167 Oh well , might as well stay home and have a good snooze.
168 Changing when you when aluminium alloy window, might as well also change floor slab windowsill subsequently for marble plank, and windowsill inside the edge curiums wear curve.
169 And you might as well remove the silver box , " The Thinking Machine continued. "There is no further need of the telephone connection. "
170 I nodded in mock agreement, but he might as well have been speaking Swahili.
171 We might as well deal with the problems by re-using the concept of WEN-TI.
172 " I'm not dead enough for you to pull down the shades -- though I might as well be.
173 And if Beck sounds like Travis, then I might as well look like Georgia O'Keeffe.
174 I thought, well, I'm a sex object anyway, I might as well have it out on the table.
175 She could not but think indeed that Mr. Crawford might as well have saved him trouble.
176 You might as well take another exam if you have time - it's all grist to the mill.
177 They might as well have dragged this thing through a car wash.
178 You might as well go out and repossess cars or work for a collection agency.
179 You might as well erect a house without bricks and mortar as try to get on in life with out education.
180 You might as well emerge at some future point as the owner of income-generating systems as opposed to a lifelong wage slave.




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