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单词 Idealized
1. Man is tempted to live up to woman's idealized conception of himself.
2. He had one friend, Adam, whom he idealized.
3. Continuity is idealized as a family relationship and is symbolized in terms such as parent company or child subcontractor.
4. This idealized version is most imaginative as a teenager when any fantasy is possible.
5. What comes through is a totally idealized notion of the maternal, the maternal perhaps as envisaged by a Victorian.
6. I also have an idealized picture of myself - what I would like to be in an ideal world.
7. We commence with the idealized freely jointed chain, which may be described exactly and also by several very useful approximations.
8. It is certainly less idealized, and less given to black-and-white distinctions.
9. I can't compete with something idealized and you shouldn't demand that I do, either.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Feminine identity then was based on an idealized image of motherhood and domesticity.
11. It represents an idealized view of the information needs of an area of particular human interest or activity.
12. Reynolds was a great exponent of the idealized portrait typical of the day.
13. She always idealized her father, who had died when she was five.
14. The structures described below are idealized.
15. The dynamic equilibrium, The idealized state.
16. That is a very idealized view of human nature.
17. An idealized model of a string is a single long chain of molecules.
18. The old man idealized his early days on his father's farm.
19. Amidst the blaze of light in the clerestory, are the idealized sculpted heads of the patron saints.
20. It looks as if the concept of the isolated gene as a unit of selection is an idealized abstraction from reality.
21. The language learner needs to be able to handle language which is not idealized - language in use.
22. There were other religious accessories around the place and, on the walls, idealized renderings of New Testament scenes.
23. Goddesses giving birth while sitting serenely on thrones flanked by lions; temples shaped like an idealized outline of a woman.
24. The chameleon on a mirror riddle is best kept in idealized form as a thought experiment.
25. On their back panels are usually scenes from a Bengali film or an idealized landscape.
26. Technology has, it seems, transformed entirely academic discussions concerning idealized computing devices into matters which directly affect all our lives!
27. Like other forms of psychology, psychoanalysis tends to produce an idealized discourse of the subject.
28. After stages of theorization and legalization, legislation hearings are being practiced and idealized.
29. What this following hides is Biang abdicates facing time inextricability serious social question confusedness, attempted to finish this question with idealized processing.
30. They use "idealized cognitive models" to assign the case role, then draw the valency in the idealized and static sentence.
31. There's a famous Norman Rockwell painting titled "Freedom of Speech, " depicting an idealized American town meeting.
32. In the process of his seeking for his idealized love, the boy finally became aware of the grimness of the reality and great discrepancy between the real world and the ideal world in his mind.
33. The Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM) which contains stands-for relations is what we referred as metonymic models.
34. To shed light on their equivalence, we consider an idealized system of N molecules.
35. Idealized structural unit method is based on subdivision of the structure into the largest possible structural units.
36. The Roman Catholic Church has always condemned homosexuality because of its supposed unnaturalness - but it has long idealized celibacy, which, some might argue, is equally unnatural.
37. Her face he had idealized: it looked sweet and virginal, pure as a cough drop.
38. It can't be calculated if the analysis is limited to an idealized plane structure.
39. The simple idealized model was expressed by changeable mass model which made analytical study of the cycle feasible. The effect of the input state and cylinder geometry was obtained from the model.
39. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
40. This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the reflection of a sound pulse by the plane interface between the air and an idealized porous medium.
41. However, if the pressure is too great, our idealized model is no longer adequate.
42. It'should be remembered that the above simulations are definitely idealized.
43. There is a speciality of the electric motor used in the printing machine. And the frequency conversion speed governing is rather idealized and widely used method.
44. In the solvent-permeable and ion- penetrable porous surface layer of the particle, idealized hydrodynamic frictional segments with fixed charges are assumed to distribute at a uniform density.
45. A new method of obtaining automatically phase on the reference plane is proposed based on the theoretical analysis on idealized reference plane.
46. This, however, does not occur even in an idealized system.
47. There are three main methods by far, idealized structural unit method, simple method and nonlinear finite element method.
48. Using an improved ECOM model, designing an idealized strait and funnel-shape estuary, the impact of the estuarine funnel shape on the estuarine circulation and saltwater intrusion is studied.
49. The constraint of life makes people be thirsty for returning to the true life, and the idealized artistic creation in Jinyong's novels satisfies people in an aesthetic state.
50. After such an idealized process, dandy became the 19th century bourgeois ideology, anti-intellectual image of the most representative.
51. Observed behavior, even that which is ordinarily considered 'rational, ' possesses many elements of disconnectedness not present in this idealized picture.
52. Because perfect IF inferences donot involve modal concepts, idealized IF logic is analogous to classical propositional logic.
53. Baby boomer Bruce Springsteen idealized domestic cars, along with youth, in many songs, including "Thunder Road" and "Racing in the Streets".
54. While a number of people have requested "photo-realistic" avatars, in practice we have found that people prefer a less-realistic, more idealized representation of themselves.
55. He was idealized as an individualist by many poor or newly rich.
56. The Pheonix bird is idealized by glaring colours in a vortical drifting world.
57. The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own lives.
58. The Idealized Structural Unit Method (ISUM) has become a valuable tool for assessing the load carrying capacity at the structural system level.
59. Galileo was never able to duplicate the idealized experiment in the laboratory.
60. Although seen in the West as a ruthless autocrat, in Qaddafi's own mind he is an avatar of an idealized form of mass democracy, eschewing the confusing bureaucracy of a representative system.
61. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic plane wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
62. The water is idealized and assumed to be irrotational and non-viscous.
63. My idealized system is like bees searching for honey:they could not only fly in the small yard, but also the broad field.
64. Gaddafi's rise to power had roots in his belief in pan-Arabism, an idealized vision of a united Arab nation stretching from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean.
65. Real crystals exhibit a variety of departures from this idealized structure.
66. I argued, in sincerity, that in my opinion that was an unreal world, because it was arbitrarily made by taking an idealized form of behaviour and saying that that was the way to proceed.
67. I realized that the center of each fish in that picture was just like an idealized picture of the branch point of a six-arm junction.
68. America once idealized the businessman who amassed a vast financial empire - the business tycoon.
69. This obviously is the limiting case of the idealized monochromatic wave.
70. This idealized version provides a simple but useful approximation to the real situation.
71. In product design, the beauty of succinctness goes along with the social trends of today,(http:///idealized.html) and is also the idealized style sought by designers.
72. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
73. Mummifying was a way to keep the corpse lifelike, ready for this idealized form of everyday life.
74. Men want to look like the idealized men depicted in advertisements.
75. Reality has a way of diverging rather quickly from idealized plans.
76. These images expose a budding female sexuality, and call into question an idealized vision of femininity. 'Belle de Jour' was produced in 2002/2003.
77. Idealized models of distillation are essentially governed by Raoult's law and Dalton's law.
78. There are three main methods by far, nonlinear finite element method, idealized structural unit method and progressive collapse analysis method.




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