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单词 Figuratively
1. Europe, with Germany literally and figuratively at its centre, is still at the start of a remarkable transformation.
2. She is, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head.
3. They have a taste - figuratively speaking - for excitement.
4. Figuratively or otherwise, they go rather well with the Schroeder hollow-stemmed champagne glasses.
5. Employees will be, figuratively speaking, in the driver's seat.
6. The word is used figuratively in the context.
7. English speakers like to use the word neck figuratively.
8. Figuratively, he could not kiss the hand that smote him.
8. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
9. The word in the sentence is used figuratively or in a transferred sense.
10. Figuratively, one may imagine the radiation of such a spherical maser as resembling a little hedgehog.
11. At times , both hands are figuratively tied behind my back.
12. After the attachment executes, the sandbox is figuratively raked smooth again, discarding any permanent file changes attempted by the attachment.
13. Notice in this sentence the word is used figuratively a transferred sense.
14. A few persist in southern Florida, where, literally and figuratively, they appear to be treading water.
15. The first was that the adjoining bungalow would not be overshadowed, either practically or figuratively, by the new house.
16. Both brought a revolutionary zeal to their work, literally and figuratively.
17. Council members took jabs and butted heads and bit off ears, figuratively speaking.
18. With some 22,000 employees in more than 30 countries. Aker Solutions's expertise breaches boundaries and figuratively.
19. Mrs. Doctor was a trim rosy-cheeked, silver-haired little lady who took Anne at once to her heart, literally and figuratively.
20. In this MCAI course ware, the potential energy surface of a bimolecular reaction system that is composed of three atoms has been described figuratively.
21. But the British people hated to see their spirited queen lagging figuratively, if not literally, behind priggish Prince Albert.
22. I know I'll spend time in Tennessee and mend some fences, literally and figuratively.
23. An Inner Critic can indeed roust you out of bed in the morning, get you on the treadmill (literally and figuratively) and spur you to finish that book or symphony or invention.
24. Our family traveled all over the Mid-Atlantic United States and figuratively speaking - all over the world - in search of "good soccer" for our son.
25. With some 23,000 employees in more than 30 countries. Aker Solutions's expertise breaches boundaries and figuratively.
26. With some 23,000 employees in more than 30 countries. Aker Kvaerner's expertise breaches boundaries and figuratively.
27. The upfront work is the secret to a million - dollar business and figuratively.
28. Wang Jian, the person in charge of the company, said figuratively: We have combined together two sheets of skin, science and technology with industrial development, in making a "body suit."
1. Europe, with Germany literally and figuratively at its centre, is still at the start of a remarkable transformation.




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