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单词 Khan
1. David Khan pointed his finger at Mary.
2. Marco Polo's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache.
3. In Europe, Aga Khan III presented himself in a completely different light.
4. That afternoon I was summoned to the Khan house.
5. The Khan boys were queuing up to play me.
6. Yaqub Khan commented on his visit during a speech broadcast on Jan. 30.
7. Now Rostov was amazed to see the Khan flex his hand so that the nails extended like claws.
8. Khan had topped the field for ten years and was a legend in his sport.
9. Gen. Khan Aqa, deputy head of state security, was killed by a car bomb in Kabul on Nov. 3.
10. Uncle Khan was a landlord with a relentless passion for raw, hard numbers.
11. In the film, Khan portrays a murderer who gets a deep sadistic thrill out of killing.
12. The Aga Khan has spent millions of pounds on the Aliysa case.
13. Uncle Khan later told me that it was his wife who had been determined to adopt me as her own.
14. Khan lost his seat in the 1991 elections, when a Hindu revivalist wave swept his constituency.
15. But Kubla Khan does not merely illustrate this creative power.
16. Carl Gunnersley, defending Khan, said his behaviour was also affected by drink and peer pressure.
17. Last month, as Perveen crouched outside the Gujar Khan courtroom, an elderly woman watched her silently and began to weep.
18. The exchanges between Bhutto and Ishaq Khan had grown sharper in the few last days of the electoral campaign.
19. Burun Khan may have told you that we know of such machines, but do not concern ourselves with them.
20. Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan after hearing it in a sleep stimulated by the opiate laudanum.
21. Ismaili Muslims believe that a bloodline joins the Aga Khan to Muhammed.
22. The Metropolis in Saltcoats, for example, recently pulled off a major coup by securing a live set from Chaka Khan.
23. A floor of matting had been laid, and the Tarvarian Khan was sitting cross-legged on a carpet at one side.
24. It is time for us to take our cue from Buku khan and tackle the linguistic landscape of the Tarim Basin.
25. The question of sailing the ship against winds or currents I submit the Khan ought to leave to sailors.
26. In spite of the firing 300 demonstrators succeeded in reaching the border at Chakoti, where Khan eventually agreed to call off the march.
27. The bill would take effect after receiving the assent of President Ghulam Ishaq Khan.
28. The government's political difficulties were compounded by growing differences with President Khan, who openly criticized its handling of the crisis.
29. When Coleridge got on one and let his imagination run riot, he came up with Kubla Khan.
30. Some say it is because of Baba Firdaus and his holy life, others say because Amanullah Khan paid his debt of gratitude.
1. Ismaili Muslims believe that a bloodline joins the Aga Khan to Muhammed.
2. Marco Polo's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache.
31. The offer was also denounced by Rashid Khan Menon, leader of a less powerful five-party Marxist-Leninist alliance.
32. Yet when Ruksana Khan was attacked, the Home Secretary visited her in hospital and everything.
33. The younger one turned out to be Waqar Mehboob Khan, Mehboob's seven-year-old son.
34. Before last year, Khan showed no interest in politics and turned down Cabinet posts in two interim governments.
35. When they played, the musicians and secondary singers seemed linked up with Rana Khan like nerves to a brain.
35. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
36. Top seed Jansher Khan dropped the opening game before disposing of fifth-seeded Peter Marshall, 12-15, 15-12, 15-6, 15-5.
37. Gen Khan was given command of the Lahore corps, his first corps command and still a powerful position.
38. In this strange mix of piety and bawdiness, they directly recall the world of Dargah Quli Khan and the Muraqqa'-e-Dehli.
39. Soon after the coup, Reza Khan became minister of war and defacto commander in chief of the armed forces.
40. Khan ji tooted the horn several times and everyone laughed and talked above everyone else.
41. But they don't hold any rank with the army unless the Khan chooses, and they command only their own guard.
42. Khan is a Pathan, the predominant group in the Northwest Frontier, although he grew up in Punjab.
43. That was why a landlord like Uncle Khan made offerings of roast ducks and steamed rice to one of his poorest tenants.
44. Does this shrill din really emanate from the top Praga Khan and Jade 4U?
45. In 1206, Genghis Khan established the Mongolian Khanate.
46. Isn't there a famous Mausoleum of Genghis Khan?
47. Why, it's the biggest fake since Cenghis Khan!
48. The Uzbek soldiers claimed mercy from Genghis Khan.
49. Kublai Khan welcomed Marco and his father.
50. At the Genghis Khan Mausoleum tourist site.
51. Qingre light dietLianzhi Khan, rehydration, also enhance the appetite.
52. Khubilai Khan established the Yuan dynasty in Central Plains.
53. Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire.
54. Genghis Khan is his title, not his name.
55. The dress was described by its designer Naeem Khan as a "sterling-silver sequin, abstract floral, nude strapless gown".
56. Genghis khan is Mongolia outstanding strategist, statesman, his Mongol the department at (1206 pushed for big sweat, establish the Mongol khanate.
57. Mr Khan dreams of leading a mass movement of motivated Pakistanis calling for an Augean clean-up of the country's abysmally corrupt politics.
58. Finally Mulan came riding up on her horse, Khan. Fa Li and I hustled her off to the bather , hairdresser, and dressmaker .
59. As for the God of public office , Alatan Khan has been living for future generations.
60. As is well known, A. Q. Khan, a Pakistani metallurgist working for the Dutch, stole the design and in 1976 fled to Pakistan.
61. Already in August 1709 the Khan offered Charles a Tatar escort of up to 40 thousand horsemen which would accompany him from Turkey via Poland to Swedish Pomerania.
62. And no one looms larger in its history than Temujin, who took the title Genghis Khan, or Universal Ruler, after forging the world's largest land empire in the early 1200s.
63. Here is Salman Khan in a promotional event for his upcoming film Veer sporting T-shirt combined with a waist coat and a topi .
64. What about Aamir and Shah Rukh Khan as the glamour faces of the strike?
65. By the time he died Genghiz Khan ruled from the Yellow River in the east to the banks of the Dnieper in southern Russia./khan.html
66. We prayed that Allah may give him 200 years to live, Khan said.
67. His poetic gift is confirmed in the three representative poems Kubla Khan, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Christabel.
68. "Iran's authorities still won't turn over a document, acquired from the A.Q. Khan network, on fabricating nuclear warhead components," Schulte said.
69. The commander of the ongoing operation in Bajaur, Major-General Tariq Khan, told a group of local and foreign reporters on Saturday that troops were now in complete control of the town of Loisam.
70. Muqtedar Khan, an associate professor of political science at the University of Delaware, said he was not sure the Islamic center dispute alone would radicalize anyone.
71. During the rule of Kublai Khan, more European began venturing toward China along the Silk Road.
72. Khan, Tamerlans in the fury of conquest exterminated all who resisted them.
73. It all started when Temujin (who was later known as Genghis Khan), vowed in his youth to bring the world to his feet.
74. On this date : In 1227 , the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan died.
75. Prep school kids have, as assistant professor at Columbia University Shamus Raham Khan says, "the ability to treat hierarchies as ladders(), not ceilings."
76. The large-scale music and picture tone poem play "Genghis Khan" officially will promote in 2007.
77. What about the popular accounts that insist, awe-struck, that even Genghis Khan was humbled by the Afghans?
78. Pakistan's Jansher Khan has won the men's final at the Singapore Open.
79. After school, Hassan and I met up, grabbed a book, and trotted up a bowl-shaped hill just north of my father's property in Wazir Akbar Khan.
80. The blast occurred at the Khan al-Khalili market close to the historic Hussein mosque in a medieval part of the Egyptian capital.
81. Behind the statue of arc "four khanate background is in the graph, " genghis khan presided over 700 years ago, the central army into central Asia and the west European prominent record.
82. If you were a kid living in the Wazir Akbar Khan section of Kabul, you knew about Assef and his famous stainless-steel brass knuckles, hopefully not through personal experience.
83. Amir Khan believes in acting in less number of films and acting in good films.
84. Afghan International Transport Company: Wazir Akbar Khan Mena , POB 768 , Kabul.
85. He has been likened to A.Q. Khan, the Pakistani scientist who sold nuclear technology to North Korea.
86. This paper discusses the composition of the poem Kubla Khan by the English poet Coleridge, its revision and its meaning, especially its ideology.
87. More famous in the East than the West, Tamerlane led remnants of the original Mongol horde of Genghis Khan on a new round of conquest, invading Iran, Iraq and northern India.
88. During the rule of Kublai Khan , more Europeans began venturing towards China along the Silk Road.
89. Ismail Khan, also known as the Lion of Herat, had been in prison for three years.
90. At that time, China was RULED BY THE Yuan Dynasty Emperor , Kublai Khan.
91. The niece of the great Mongol leader, Kubla Khan, Princess Khutulun was described by Marco Polo as the greatest warrior in Khan's army.
92. Her politics are somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan.
93. Khan, the Pakistani metallurgist who built a huge network to spread Pakistani technology, convinced the Pakistanis that they needed better protections.
94. Targutai has usurped the tribe of Borjigin and named himself Khan, whilst Temujin, the rightful Khan of Borjigin , is in exile.
95. Genghis Khan conquered half of the world in his lifetime.
96. We set a unique steam bath beauty SPA Footbath Khan Fitness Room Dining Card in one large-scale performing arts, invites you to relax in this, the taste of life(), the feelings of passion.
97. Owners of the breed have included Queen Victoria, King George IV and Genghis Khan who supposedly took 30,000 of the dogs with his army in his bid to conquer Western Europe.
98. Genghis Khan appointed Mu Huani as a high official in the army.
99. So far I have investment products be said to be ignorant of Khan!
100. If there is bath crock in the home, now and then bubble bath, put two spoon saleratus , you can discover dripping wet of him kubla khan after 10 minutes, it is a poisonous tweak.
101. Another tribal elder, Haji Ahmad Jan Khan, said the ANA was well trained and that "95% of them are good people".
102. A 131-foot-tall statue of Genghis Khan sits on the steppes outside Ulan Bator.
103. A shop owner sits at the back of his metalware shop in the market of Khan el-Khalili in Cairo February 27, 2006.
104. "It's breathtaking hypocrisy," says Azfar Khan, with the International Labor Organization (ILO).
105. Sir Lancelot Khan gonna meet you on the air tonight in Taipei.
106. Amoy to the one finally, a look at labels, Meng Biao Khan.
107. Kublai khan prepared a great fleet and army with which to punish the recalcitrant ruler.
108. This seal was presented by a Mongol Great Khan to the Namo Grand Preceptor.
109. Nasrullah Khan ('the Butcher') assumed the Khanate in 1826 by killing his brothers and massacring 28 other relatives.
110. Genghis Khan , Genghis Khan, had no choice but to Biao horse back!
111. A seven-year-old might miss every nuance of Kubla Khan orOzymandias — but, learnt young, the poems will stay in the head for life, adding lustre to the good moments and illumination in the bad.
112. Other Brits in the list include actress Tilda Swinton and heiress Jemima Khan.
113. Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13 th century and served Kublai Khan ( 1254 - 1324 ).
114. "I had never heard of iodized salt, " said Haji Sajjawal Khan, a 65-year-old owner of a small salt factory here, near the capital of Islamabad.
115. His description of China, Xanadu and Kubla Khan is not aiming at drawing pictures of real scenes, but using China as an art space to fly the author's imagination and tinge the poem with exoticism.
116. Ms. Khan pleaded guilty to securities fraud, conspiracy and obstruction of justice, and is awaiting sentencing.
117. And the troops of Genghis Khan had fought all the way to the outskirts of Moscow.
118. That is the Genghis Khan Mausoleum. They are doing renovations inside.
119. Genghis Khan created a Mongolian nation's most prominent history, as their spiritual wealth Forever.
120. The great Khan gave them a fine welcome and they stayed in his huge marble palace.
121. The greatest number of dogs ever owned by one person were 5000 mastiffs owned by Kubla Khan.
122. Uzbek ancestors once believed in Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, from the Kipchak Khanate Uzbek Khan, the era began to believe in Islam.
123. The main force, led by Batu, a grandson of the legendary Genghis Khan, retreated to the Black Sea steppe.
124. In Khan Sheikhoun, security forces opened fire on a funeral procession, the LCC said.
125. And Samir Khan, the internet hipster raised in Queens, left his parents home in North Carolina in 2009 to join Awlaki in Jihad against America.
125. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
126. Despite his ruthless methods, Genghis Khan was not an impulsive killer.
127. Genghis Khan, the king on the horse has left startling quiver memory at the Eurasia with the iron heel like the whirlwind.
128. According to Dr. Khan, UPPP provided an improvement in oxygen levels and other parameters of sleep, as well.
129. In the thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan created the first Grand Lama, who was to preside over all the other lamas as might a pope over his bishops.
130. The Khan El-Khahili souk, the largest shopping area in Cairo.
131. Get your kicks on Route 66, an ancient Angkorian highway that runs due east from Angkor via Beng Mealea to the vast temple complex of Preah Khan.
132. The author of "kubla khan" from the analysis of the poem, to discuss the stylistic features of poetry.
133. He, in turn, was vassal to the Great Khan of China.
134. "Kubla khan, " a poem is a poet of his dreams of magic describes a poem.
135. His own to a different church from the "sweat drenched Bachelor, " and a carved a seal, name some humor, with a bit bitter, but more is that he worked very hard, knife knife Khan, Grapheme blood.
136. Mehmood Khan, a former Mayo Clinic endocrinologist who heads PepsiCo's nutrition group, said in an interview that it's outdated to think that snacks are dry and beverages are wet.
137. Army the same day the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and a safe stronghold south of Khan Yunis area a more farmland launch rockets, but causing no casualties.
138. Somewhere in the northeast is a man, named Temujin, son of Yesukhei Khan, who is roaming the steppes in hiding.
139. Genghis Khan didn't destroy it, this was by luck medium to have already destine as well.
140. The investments required for this resumption comes from the Aga Khan Foundation.
141. Brits in the list include actress Tilda Swinton and heiress Jemima Khan.
142. Did AQ Khan [a Pakistani scientist who confessed in 2004 to running a nuclear smuggling ring] have access to this, or is it another player?
143. In addition, Ali Khan in his home town, northwestern Swat Valley, Pakistan to open a religious school, children receive military training. The U.
144. Year in 1253, Kublai Khan ( Khan ) Nan Zheng Dali country, the troops had here.
145. Mausoleum of Genghis Khan in the dense jungle, lush herb, flowers.
146. Shiwan Khan needs a beryllium sphere to complete the bomb.
147. Having united the tribes of Central Asia, Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere.
148. At Peking was the Great Khan, and they were hospitably entertained.
149. Marquez plans to move forward if he can't get Pacquiao, with either a mandatory defense against Michael Katsidis, or a jump in weight for a shot at WBA 140-pound titleholder Amir Khan.
150. Azmat Hayat Khan, vice chancellor at Peshawar University, says the complexity of tribal alliances in both North and South Waziristan makes the Pakistani military's job much more difficult.
151. From Acre they traveled overland on horseback to Jerusalem to collect the oil for Kublai Khan.
152. Texture soft, comfortable, with the exception Khan, deodorant and other effects.
153. The prevalent brand of Islam, Ismailism, is moderate; its spiritual leader, the Aga Khan, is a billionaire society figure in Paris.
154. Dr Khan was due to become vice chancellor of the proposed Swat Valley Islamic University and had criticised religious extremism.




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