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单词 wrap
释义  wrap1 /ræp/ ●●● S3 verb (wrapped, wrapping) [transitive]  1  COVER (also wrap up) to put paper or cloth over something to cover it 〔用纸或布等〕包,裹〔某物〕wrap something in something The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper. 礼物用金色包装纸包着,很漂亮。wrap something around somebody/something Ella wrapped a thick coat around her shoulders. 埃拉肩上围了一件厚外套。 He wrapped a bandage around my injured wrist. 他给我受伤的手腕包上了绷带。 I’ve still got a few Christmas presents to wrap up. 我还有一些圣诞礼物要包起来。2  HOLDif you wrap your arms, legs, or fingers around something, you use them to hold it 〔用手臂、腿或手指〕围住 〔某物〕wrap something around somebody/something He wrapped his arms around her waist. 他用双臂搂住了她的腰。3 wrap up phrasal verb a) PUT ON CLOTHESto put on warm clothes 穿上暖和的衣服wrap up warm/well Make sure you wrap up warm – it’s freezing. 你一定要穿暖和点——天很冷。be wrapped up in something She was wrapped up in a thick winter coat. 她裹了一件厚厚的冬装。b) wrap something ↔ upFINISH DOING something informal to finish a job, meeting etc 完成,结束〔工作、会议等〕 We’re hoping to wrap up the negotiations this week. 我们希望本周结束谈判。c) be wrapped up in somethingATTENTION to give so much of your attention to something that you do not have time for anything else 把全部精力放在某事上〔以至于没有时间关心别的事〕 → wrap somebody in cotton wool at cotton wool(2), → wrap somebody around your little finger at finger1(8)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswrap• Hank says our steps are wrapped around a phone pole two blocks down the beach.• Here she was, locked in a cupboard, and wrapped in a tablecloth.• So he presents his plan in fragments, and he wraps it in warm rhetoric aimed at pleasing moderate Democrats and independents.• Trent gathered it and wrapped it with ties to the boom before going forward to raise the storm jib.• And so, with her emotions wrapped up safely in a package of anger, Lisa proceeded to face the coming fortnight.• It is modern technology all wrapped up without the cable to trip over, and the restriction of power point locations.present ... wrapped• The presents were already wrapped and round the tree in the front room.• Like a present, all wrapped up.Related topics: Clothes, Foodwrap2 ●○○ noun  1. [countable]DCC a piece of thick cloth that a woman wears around her shoulders (女用)披肩,围巾 → shawl2. [uncountable]DF a type of thin clear plastic that is used to cover food 〔包裹食物的〕塑料保鲜薄膜 SYN clingfilm3  keep something under wraps SECRETto keep something secret 对某事保密;隐藏某事 The project has been kept under wraps for years. 这个项目保密了许多年。4. take the wraps off something to show or tell people about something new or secret 揭开某事物的面纱,把某事物展示出来[公之于众]5. [countable] a type of sandwich made with thin bread which is rolled around meat, vegetables etc 三明治卷〔用薄面包片包卷肉、蔬菜等制成〕6  [singular] the end of a day’s filming 〔一天拍摄的〕完成,停机 OK everybody, it’s a wrap! 好了,各位,收工!Examples from the Corpuswrap• Steam pancakes briefly to reheat or wrap in plastic wrap and heat in microwave.• Put in the dough and cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap or place the bowl inside a plastic bag.• The women wore evening gowns and light summer wraps.• Skoda will pull the wraps off their Fabia saloon, the Octavia 4X4 hatchback and a mystery concept car.wrap1 verbwrap2 nounChinese  paper Corpus it or put over cloth to to cover something




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