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单词 Altimeter
(1) I was detailed to get the altimeter.
(2) He watched the altimeter unwind and he blinked repeatedly as his Kittyhawk smashed through the tortured, blackened air.
(3) The Altimeter will be used to indicate that the pitch attitude is correct. 2.
(4) I looked at the altimeter, but it was too dim to read.
(5) The Altimeter will be the main pitch-support instrument in level flight.
(6) He watched the altimeter unwind and felt his straps grip as the desert floor swung up to face him.
(7) A laser altimeter will measure the distance to Eros, gradually assembling a detailed topographical map.
(8) Then I noticed my digital altimeter watch had gone blank, a casualty.
(9) Barometric Altimeter and Inertial Measurement Unit presentation.
(10) Characteristics of synthetic aperture processing in radar altimeter show that range correction should be done.
(11) Aimed at the pulse radar altimeter, two jamming modes, namely, track-gate barrage-jam and coercive capture jam are advanced.
(12) The three different schemes of radar altimeter combination were analyzed.
(13) The precision of radio altimeter directly affects the quality of the radio altimeter.
(14) The radar altimeter mounted on high speed vehicle demonstrateswideband doppler modulation characteristic.
(15) LOW RANGE RADIO ALTIMETER, A system that measures the vertical distance from the airplane to the terrain.
(16) It is known that the pulse radar altimeter is an important assembly in the terrain contour matching system(TERCOM).
(17) National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineers touted an experiment aboard Endeavour called the shuttle laser altimeter.
(18) Finally, the application of this kind of signal in the radar altimeter is discussed in detail combined with echoes characteristics of a radar altimeter, and simulation results are also given.
(19) The Tomahawk instead compares real time data from its altimeter and radar with satellite imagery from a stored database to make sure it's precisely on course.
(20) "MySpace was clearly the dominant player, but unfortunately never innovated and got complacent," said Jeremiah Owyang, a technology blogger and analyst at Altimeter Group in San Mateo, Calif.
(21) This image was generated the by Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or MOLA, an instrument that was aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
(22) The optimum design parameters and the applicable methods of radar altimeter jammer are provided to supply references to the designer or the user of radar altimeter jammer.
(23) It flew to the target at an altitude of 40-60 m using a radar altimeter at a high subsonic speed.
(24) In order to provide simulated data source for LFMICW radar altimeter height detection algorithm, terrain return of LFMICW altimeter needs to be modeled and simulated.
(25) The improving measures are proposed to make the missile possess a certain adaptive ability avoiding the failure of missile flight test when the missile borne radio altimeter is out of order.
(26) Summary : A design of a digital atmospheric pressure altimeter based on C 51 programming language is presented.
(27) This paper conducted a study into terrain return characteristics of LFMICW radar altimeter.
(28) The new probe was built using improved electronics and batteries, and an extra radar altimeter, a device that will fire microwaves at the Arctic and Antarctic ice to reveal its thickness.
(29) In order to provide a technique guide for the to satellite ocean radar altimeter, the ocean radar altimeter on board is developed, with the adaptive on control system as its core mechanism.
(30) The low-earth-orbiters(LEOs)have developed rapidly in recent decade due to the requirements of scientific researches such as gravity recovery, atmosphere exploration, radar altimeter and so on.
(31) A barometric altimeter indicates height above sea level or some other selected elevation.
(32) Atmospheric pressure altimeter is an important kind of aeronautical instruments, the main function of which is to offer carrier exact altitudinal information.
(33) Basic Barometric Altimeter simulink model a full source code, has been tested.
(34) Fortunately, it is possible to incorporate altimeter in the system and practically eliminate this difficulty entirely.
(35) The thesis is the further development on the research of 3 D - imaging radar altimeter.
(36) It is known the pulse radar altimeter assembly in the terrain contour matching system ( TERCOM ).
(37) An altimeter is used for measuring height above sea - level.
(38) Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking altimeter.
(39) So studying on a kind of waveforms adapting to airborne pulse Doppler radar altimeter and corresponding signal processing algorithms is major task in this dissertation.
(40) Spaceborne radar altimeter is an important active microwave remote sensor which is able to measure the oceans with high accuracy.
(41) The general principles of the radar altimeter with inclined antenna and combination of radar altimeter and other sensors were introduced in this paper.
(42) So studying on area target's detection algorithms for airborne pulse radar altimeter seem to be important.
(43) This paper mainly introduces a test method of altitude measurement in a static state for a new type of a pulse radar altimeter installed in a CK1E target drone model.
(44) If the view-area angle of seeker is changeless, the reducibility of the threshold of altimeter will avoid that remora keeps out the LOS of seeker. This helps to capture the target.
(45) A micro altimeter was developed for use in micro air vehicles ( MAVs ).
(46) Abstract : Deep - sea sonar altimeter is a depth sounder to equip deep - sea detection devices.
(47) Deep-sea sonar altimeter is a depth sounder to equip deep-sea detection devices.
(48) For the sake of the implementation of Embed real-time control software for microprocessor in the High-sky radio altimeter, reverse engineering technique is discussed in details in the paper.
(49) Classical terrain navigation systems usually consist of three parts: a barometer, a radar altimeter and an inertial instrument.
(50) This paper present the operational principle of ocean radar altimeter and the last development. The principle diagram of the radar altimeter is given.
(51) An ocean Return Signal Simulator (RSS) and the principles of the RSS with its means of testing and calibrating for a satellite altimeter were given.




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