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单词 Practicality
1 I have doubts about the practicality of their proposal.
2 Victorian engineers combined practicality with beauty.
3 I was impressed by her practicality.
4 I'm not sure about the practicality of their plan.
5 He questioned the practicality of the proposal.
6 Jonathan has demonstrated enormous practicality in his successful management of the shop.
7 You need to think about comfort and practicality when choosing walking shoes.
8 I bought these shoes for their practicality not their appearance.
9 Some Congressmen doubt the practicality of the new legislation.
10 Philip laughed at the simple practicality.
11 Hence, Congress immediately perceived the practicality of creating a physical link between them,[] and approved the necessary funds.
12 Poole offered in return the benevolent strength and practicality which Coleridge was soon to value so greatly.
13 The photograph best describes the elegance and practicality of this feature.
14 Maybe not even cynical, maybe just female practicality which can stoop with clearest conscience below the level of the lowest stratagem.
15 However, it also questions the practicality of simultaneously lowering the consumption of natural resources and improving quality of life.
16 We asked our architect to consider the practicality of cleaning the stonework and re-locating the plaque.
17 Her practicality acts as a balance to this wild inventiveness.
18 Gray evokes somberness, authority, practicality and a corporate mentality.
19 For practicality, oxygen therapeutics also excel.
20 The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance.
21 The multifunctional spontoon has convenient operation and strong practicality.
22 Here practicality—some would say realpolitik—comes into play, sometimes frustratingly.
23 The practicality is the scientific development concept substantive characteristics.
24 Your suggestion is appealing in theory, but it lacks practicality.
25 All clients need individualised care: we need to question the practicality of clients undertaking bed rest and elevating limbs.
26 You must find the right balance of specificity and practicality between the two extremes.
27 Romances, then, appeal to a basic need for mental escape and to our sense of practicality.
28 Wives were given a say for the first time, and what they wanted was romantic practicality.
29 The young pedlar cast him a wary glance and apparently decided on practicality over valour.
30 Even excluding something so self-evident as parent motivation, there is also practicality at stake.
31 However it is always one of main problems for volume holographic storage which is made practicality that there are a lot of the complex noise sources in the recording channel.
32 The actual construction cost payout is controlled by contract construction cost budget norm or enterprise practicality consumption norm . Relationshi...
33 It displays the feature to unify rationality and irrationality, stability and openness, practicality and possibility, and definiteness and indefiniteness .
34 We have to take into consideration the parameter of practicality and artistry.
35 In this paper, innovation and practicality of mixed crowd of all public password system on the base of P public key was expounded.
36 The calculations indicate that the iterating calculation is converged and the calculated throat area of nozzle accords with practicality.
37 Apple's engineering ingenuity shows itself most plainly as consumer gimmickry with hidden practicality.
38 Is the only way to guarantee the authenticity of the evidence, practicality, and recoverable.
39 Objective:To summarize method and practicality to use skin-grafting technique of hypodermal vascular net flap of pars iliaca and abdomen to repair wounds of hand.
40 The numerical results obtained showed that the present reference surface element model has reliability and practicality to predict frequencies and mode shape of delaminated beam structures.
41 Basing on the index system this article gets the classification table and framework chart of the forest asset practicality.
42 The application in analysis of rice flood disaster damage indicates that SABP algorithm bas rapid velocity, overall optimization effect,[http://] better practicality.
43 By the look of practicality, it involves means and ways of image study of social organization.
44 Finally, through the battle damage assessment course of certain antiaircraft artillery, practicality and the validity of this criterion are verified.
45 Your idea seems inventive enough , but I doubt its practicality.
46 The system has been a good application on the Weijiabao Surface Mine which indicated that the system had the characteristic of practicality, easy operation and stabilization.
47 The statues have the features of authority, standard, stability, justifiability and practicality.
48 Designed safety production administration system to the best of one's abilities conciseness understandability and practicality.
49 Its short, sloping rear end looks droopy and, in a letdown for practicality, a small trunk lid makes loading large items difficult or impossible even though the trunk itself is huge.
50 Because the determination or each sub-system's input-output coefficient matrix is not needed, the new model has very good practicality.
51 The online Master Class ranks higher than any other mode of training when the categories of "effectiveness" and "practicality" are combined!
52 A person inflexibly attached to a practice or theory without regard to its practicality.
53 Entity analysis describes the essence of Indian nuclear technology by practicality.
54 Endowed with unique national features, Chinese painting theory is unparalleled in the world for its unique qualities of systematicity, exuberance, wholeness, practicality, and academicism.
55 In the course of high Q value state variable filter designing, the practicality has been simulated, verified, and we obtain satisfied results.
56 Its practicality effective aperture ratio has been improved to about 92.8%, consequently the concentration efficiency of microlens array is increased.
57 This overcomes the shortage of data waiting in DOS (Disk Operating System). The tests of real-time display system indicate feasibility and practicality of this research.
58 The future of file law-making should be focused on the unity of its compatibility, prospect, manipulation and practicality .
59 The method presented in this paper has merits as: high efficiency, rapid access, simplicity and practicality, and high reliability.
60 The software package has the advantages of high efficiency, convenience and practicality.
61 Link of main practicality education: Include curricular exercitation, graduation field trip , general arrangement 10 - - 12 weeks.
62 In the study of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), knowledge base system is viewed as a choke point that restricts its effectiveness and practicality.
63 This paper designs CAPP of rectangle spline broach in detail in order to realize its advantages and practicality.
64 It's structure is given by the recurrence formula, which is simple and strong practicality.
65 For those who love practicality mixed with modernism or even for those who live in tight spaces, the geniuses at Bonbon have a treat for you!
66 Against other styles, TKD is the least effective in practicality!
67 The result showed that the prediction passed the accuracy test with validity and practicality.
68 The tests will examine the alcohol-detection reliability and the functionality and practicality of the breathalyser in standard daily-operating vehicles.
69 Meanwhile, the clock system also a power consumption and low cost features, has a strong practicality.
70 In the practicality, the paper provides two matching rule idea of choosing appropriate rules.
70 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
71 The practicality of achieving this has, of course, not been considered, let alone the desirability.
72 An imitated chemical fiber alpaca yarn was developed to keep up with vogue and meet practicality.
73 Connecting to notebook PC, it can make movable online fault diagnosis and analysis and process, so it has upper value of practicality and popularization.
74 Beauty, cheapness and practicality are my three principles when buying things.
75 As our tenet says, "Develop with Quality, live on Honesty", we always focus on delicate appearance, proved quality and practicality and decorativeness.
76 The mans need has practicality, consciousness , limitless enrichment and social historicity, etc.
77 Presents design of power parameter monitor system in software, and emphatically discusses software's methods to these problems about how to achieve its producibility and practicality.
78 Compared with conventional electric relay control system, PLC control can run more safely and reliably, and can be operated more practicality, simply and conveniently.
79 Hongmu furniture inherits Ming and Qing Dynastiesfurniture style. The description is given in regard of itsartistry, valuableness and practicality.
80 The mathematics experiment is one kind of late-model, open type teaching way, which has the very strong pertinence and practicality.
81 According to the analysis on test data, achieved the stationary characteristic and dynamic output characteristic, established the foundation on practicality research for PEMFC generator.
82 The battery and charger and other relevant data, please refer to practicality.
83 The emphasis in discussing technology is firmly on maturity, practicality, operational efficiency, enterprise scalability, business continuity, international scope, and regulatory considerations.
84 According to the engineering practice, the arithmetic of edge check can decrease the supposititious edge pairs and image noise, and has high precision and practicality.
85 Objective To investigate the methylene blue staining exploration ischial rectal abscess in the mouth of practicality and safety.
86 The aim of accounting also becomes assets valuation instead of income determination. It requires a logical theory to resolve practicality of GAS in as...
87 Prose in the Northern Dynasty has two bright characters, which are not only homeliness and vigorousness of the style but also it's practicality.
88 The result of thermograph series of material surface with bottom flat hole verifies the correct of the model. It proves that this approach has high practicality for engineering.
89 The goal of the pilot is to allow FDA to determine the practicality of developing a secure supply chain program.
90 The meaning of life reflects teacher professional development as wholeness, purposefulness, practicality and transcendence, each of which requires teachers have specific methods and strategies.
91 However, the limitations of existing designs, most of the program storage of small, complex structure, practicality is not high.
92 Dogmatics of law comes more closely to social life because of its openness and practicality.
93 Considering the necessary design tradeoff between practicality and security, we put forward a novel architecture of joint fingerprinting and decryption for digital rights management(DRM).
94 Searching for practicality and balance between brand marketing and design planning is the extraordinary of Yippee as an integral commercial design team.
95 Searching for practicality and balance between brand marketing and design planning is the extraordinary of Work Design Partnership as an integral commercial design team.
96 So long number to expressing empirical formula that appears not only lengthy but also less practicality.
97 Compared with the simple integrity in the the goals of fault-tolerant design, it is of greater adaptability and practicality.
98 It can guide administration of white ant prevention directly and has powerful pertinence, validity and practicality.
99 We always stick to the business philosophy:" Scrupulousness, Practicality, Aggressiveness, Creativeness" and dedicate ourselves to provide our clients with comprehensive transportation service.
100 The experiment progress and results for multiple modal damping control show its effectiveness and practicality.
101 This paper announces the practicality of research of language unit.
102 This software integrated visualization and universality synthetically, and have the merits of intuition,[] simplicity and practicality.
103 The stress restoring method has many advantages, such as simplicity, expeditiousness, economy and practicality, and it can be used to systemically test and study the slope stress field.
104 The translation of a poem proves the practicality of such a proposition and the congruity of language and universe.
105 The integrity of the Marxist theory can be understood from such five aspects as growing point of organism, nonreducibleness, criticalness, perceptual practicality and liberation of human beings.
106 The aim of accounting also becomes assets valuation instead of income determination. It requires a logical theory to resolve practicality ...
107 And its expressivity and practicality make it unique and profession in sanitaryware field.
108 Aluminum alloy is used to cast the shell for its beauty and durableness . Tricolor energy-saving lamps and transparent lampshades are used for enjoyable appearance and good practicality.
109 When addressing other Virginia planters, he spoke in the cold, hard voice of practicality, whereas when dealing with Revolutionary comrades, he blossomed into an altruist.
110 The practicality of the analysis results for airborne PD radars clutter simulation and clutter suppression is apparent.
111 The motto of the company is unity, practicality, conscientiousness and aggressiveness.
112 The sustainable development theory has several basic characteristics such as comprehensiveness, social historicity and practicality.
113 China takes practicality seriously not quite, methodological stale, devoid originality, over homiletic .
114 The language characteristic is the practicality and the phatic , knowledge grasping with the verbal skill formation only then depending on the massive language practice.
115 Tricolor energy - saving lamps and transparent lampshades are used for enjoyable appearance and good practicality.
116 Status Offline Apple's engineering ingenuity shows itself most plainly as consumer gimmickry with hidden practicality.
117 Sometimes, the determining factor was practicality : Chanel wore bell-bottom trousers in Venice, the better to climb in and out of gondolas and started the pants revolution.
118 The free-drop examination with practicality is a vital item of environmental examination of mobile phone products, the examination is always performed in the anaphase of product development.
119 An imitated chemical fiber alpaca yam was developed to keep up with vogue and meet practicality.
120 Its practicality effective aperture ratio has been improved to about 92.8%, consequently the concentration efficiency of microlens array...
121 I remember that the most early practicality of shark head was appeared in Mongolia and strips in tumulus from Liao dynasty, its back has two shark apices !
122 The work principle of electric power press brakes based on transducer was given. As a result of the wide practicality of the press brake, a control system based on electromotion was developed.
123 Level diagram example shows the practicality and effectiveness of the construction theorem and counting theorem, which is a simple and easy method to construct a complete graph of the spanning tree.
124 The unique feature of this book is its down-to-earth practicality.
125 This moderate personality has such advantages as pragmatism, practicality and harmony, but it also has some negative elements including reconciliation, conservatism, fogyism and self-preservation.
126 The surface induction quenching test on gray iron and spheroidal graphite cast iron indicated that the equipment was easy to operate, and had strong stability, it was provided with practicality value.
127 Eighthly , we should pay attention to the creating of the policies which can embody practicality and characteristic.
128 Practicality and neatness go hand in hand for the Goat as well as for you.
129 The Sun Yat-sen's party ethics has three characters, respectively combines, revolutionary and the thought transference advances together and the practicality.
130 Coreference resolution is very important subtask of anaphora resolution and has quite widely practicality value and society value.
131 On the basis of refuting such views, the paper discussed the natures of legal method, such as Criterion, practicality,[ ] and character of dogmatics.
132 The actual construction cost payout is controlled by contract construction cost budget norm or enterprise practicality consumption norm . Relat...
133 The innovative thinking of Comrade Deng Xiaoping possesses the characteristics of negativeness , breakthrough, multi dimensionality, converse, prediction, succession and practicality.
134 Newly fitted wardrobes Milton Keynes can be the ideal space saving addition to any room that will provide you with hogan shoes, functionality and practicality.
135 At last, it introduced the improvement research for the NetEase advertising effectiveness evaluating by using this model, and it proved the feasibility and practicality of this model.
136 This system obeys to principles of standardized system of testing and assessment elements with the character of strictness, conciseness, exactness, practicality and maneuverability.
137 He is the go-between, representing the development team for the client and balancing client satisfaction with practicality.
138 This paper describers the procedures of well log curve automatic sorting in layers and several calculation models in terms of practicality and feasibility.
139 To study the treatment efficacy and practicality of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation ( PRFA ) to hepatic neoplasm.
140 Marketing Strategy Management is an administrative science combining wide practicality and high complication.
141 The optimum sought super zwitterion polymer drilling liquid is with the aim, practicality, advantage and economy.
142 The political assistant of research-type has such good features as practicality, introspectiveness and respecting the individuality.
143 Theoretical analysis and simulation results confirm the high practicality and accuracy of the proposed channel estimation algorithms in the cooperative communication system.
144 In addition, the author suggests that the reform of SBE reflect the latest developments of the times and practicality and concentrate on innovation.




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