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单词 Except that
1. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
2. She remembered nothing except that his hair was black.
3. They look very similar except that one is a little taller.
4. Clarissa could think of nothing to say except that she was so sorry.
5. I know nothing about him except that he lives next door.
6. The two books are the same except that this one has an answer key at the back.
7. Liz would have run, except that she didn't want to appear to be in a hurry.
8. I know nothing about him except that he knocked about South Africa for a while.
9. I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money.
10. His report is correct except that some details are omitted.
11. A date book would make a great gift, except that a lot of people already have one.
12. They have precious little in common, except that they both worked in the construction industry before journeying to London.
13. Except that Esther Kim stepped aside in the finals at the U.S.
14. For a moment nothing happened except that the figure of Cesar seemed to grow larger and fill the doorway.
15. Prescott, the administration building, looked the same, except that there were a dozen cars parked outside.
16. He knew nothing of her except that she was called Jenny Crawley and that she was extremely pleasing to the eye.
17. The basic search algorithm is as before, except that actions are of two sorts.
18. The same ideas apply in digraphs, except that all the edges must point in the same direction.
19. No one really disliked Tim, except that his teachers expressed considerable frustration with his performance.
20. This train ride felt like that - except that the station wouldn't have saved him from the nightmare.
21. The rough clientele of the pub, understanding nothing except that a formerly bad-tempered dispute was being amicably resolved, cheered noisily.
22. The house looked much the same, except that a sheaf of cream and red tulips had suddenly bloomed by the front door.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. It might have gone unnoticed except that the dictionary is quite unequivocal about it.
24. The first song, "Blue Moon", didn't go too badly except that everyone talked throughout.
25. Freddie would tell me nothing about what he was writing, except that it was to be a Christmas play.
26. There is a striking analogy here with crystal growth, except that it happens in two dimensions, not three.
27. That was about all that was known about it, except that the topography was awesome and the rainfall scarce.
28. The epidemiology in subtropical areas is basically similar to that in temperate zones, except that the seasonable timing of events is different.
29. It was like watching a postgame inter-view with an athlete, except that Roz was fully clothed.
30. She could have lifted it off the hook, she could have rung the police, except that fear had immobilised her.
1. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
31. A similar picture emerges in the case of women except that women's earnings at all levels are only two-thirds of men's.
32. She would have lain down except that the benches had iron arms every two feet.
33. Bosses are always equipped exactly as the rest of the unit, except that they are permitted one magic item in addition.
34. How it all happened I now don't quite know, Except that my nose stopped a terrible blow.
35. No recent change in status is apparent, except that some decline in autumn passage may have occurred.
36. No decision was taken at the meeting except that a further meeting on the subject would take place in the New Year.
37. In due course he was returned to normal health, except that the acids had removed all the pigmentation from his exposed skin.
38. Except that it seemed incongruous and yet traditional - we are overloaded with tradition.
39. Celia looks just like her sister, except that her sister has shorter hair.
40. I wasn't annoyed except that it was bitterly cold, freezing.
41. It has no other being except that which is bestowed upon it by human activity and consciousness.
42. There is no reason to wear your watch this way, except that your father told you to do so.
43. We bury our noblemen there, except that they have to lie at present without coffins.
44. Blood transfusions would transmit syphilis, except that blood-screening programs test all donated blood for evidence of the disease.
45. It's all over for another year except that Keith Ward and I must immediately set about seeking next year's sponsor.
46. Where the tip-off really came from could never be later established, except that it was a phone-in and anonymous.
47. And so it is, except that new applications are now being lodged at the rate of about 6,300 a month.
48. The bike agents have the same uniforms as other agents except that they wear shorts instead of pants.
49. Her face was like a beautiful landscape except that instead of changing with the weather, it changed with her moods.
50. All the paperwork seemed correct, except that most important paperwork of all - the baksheesh.
51. Except that he was losing barrels of grease from the back.
52. Elective 5: as elective 4 except that the maximum required value is specified.
53. Nothing wrong with that, except that on the end was speared a tuna fish sandwich.
54. Conservation Areas Rather like small urban AONBs except that they are designated by the local planning authority as part of their planning function.
55. Everything was perfect except that when I came to train experimentally naive monkeys, I discovered that they did not like peanuts.
56. Except that it was dead as well, long dead, and blind and rotting.
57. Nothing remarkable bout that, except that Orphans was nearly destroyed, when Film Four accidentally burnt most of it.
58. Injection pipettes are made in exactly the same way as holding pipettes except that they are broken off at a smaller internal diameter.
59. Limbs pliant, reason suspended, she lay in a universe where nothing mattered except that he should not stop.
60. I don't conclude anything from that either, except that fancying is a complicated business.
61. Except that there in no real thing: it creates illusion.
62. Patsy, looking like the faithful old black mammy slave in a film except that she was white and she was only twenty-five.
63. She would have closed the window, except that then Anna would probably be unable to sleep for the heat.
64. Except that there was the very disturbing thought lodged somewhere in her mind that she didn't want it to be harmless.
65. A 100% tax rate is assumed to discourage all output, except that for subsistence, again yielding zero tax revenue.
66. Except that, ironically, it had never happened to him then.
67. Little is known of this strikingly beautiful femme-fatale, except that her contribution to early aviation reporting was considerable.
68. Her head was so painful that she hardly knew what she was seeing, except that there could be no doubt of it.
69. Well, I have no other explanation except that my Sisters take every possible minute from me.
70. Except that in the past two weeks decision-making by committee has been proved fallible.
71. The same applied to traditional football except that in this case legislation merely banned the game from the public highway.
72. I have no regrets about the divorce - except that it didn't happen sooner.
73. Except that he ate venison and roast lamb, and drank milk laced with honey, or hot mead fragrant with herbs.
74. Herbert Wolff, London I saw a rainbow earlier this year-perfect except that it was upside-down.
75. She had no symptoms, except that no monthly showing of blood took place.
76. Perhaps it would have, except that she was nodding off, wearied by Anna, lulled by the sound of the waves.
77. He would have carried them between finger and thumb, except that they were too slippery.
78. Good news, except that it costs at least 10p more than other stoneground wholemeal loaves.
79. She cringed from the stare of those wide, black eyes that demanded nothing of her except that she not see him.
80. In practice the gliders became much like any other aeroplanes, except that they had no engines.
81. Except that Papa went white, his eyes started from his head, and his crutches broke!
82. There would have been nothing unusual about this except that she was almost three, much too old for a crib.
82. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
83. The house we were in was solid Victorian in style, both inside and out, except that it had a tin roof.
84. Except that the fire is definitely located in the nose cone, which would rule out any engine explosion.
85. All types of medicines reputed to be the equal of branded goods except that generally they were just a load of rubbish.
86. This is a similar conclusion to that of the neoclassical synthesis except that there is no scope for the Keynes effect to operate.
87. Nothing unusual in that, except that his trade-in was an S-class Merc.
88. I remember little about him except that he had a black beard flecked with grey, and gave me oranges.
89. In all this my life was not novel, except that it had no witnesses, because I was an only child.
90. I wouldn't have heard it except that Mitch let it drop one day when he was angry.
91. It was a kind of artistic engine room, except that it was silent.
92. She was alone in this isolated house and not a soul knew she was here except that wretched Marie.
93. I've just blocked it out and it hasn't changed my attitude to cars, except that they're not safe enough.
94. I don't honestly know why he agreed to do the film, except that all he wanted was a fifteen-minute death scene.
95. In this respect he is something like a general on a battlefield - except that the battle never comes to an end.
96. Next, a scene almost identical except that on the driver's face there was now a look of horror.
97. Thick gouache can give similar results to oil paint, except that the gouache often dries with a matt surface.
98. I glimpsed what she had written - nothing extraordinary except that she hoped she would soon find deliverance from her troubles.
99. This is also composed of hydrocarbons and is similar to oil except that the hydrocarbon molecules are smaller and thus more volatile.
100. Live without meaning is not life, it is death. It is like being in the graveyard except that you still have a breath. RVM 
101. It was almost impossible to tell them apart, except that Arthur was stone deaf.
102. The nursery tells it has experienced no problems at all, except that the composts are a bit more expensive.
103. It can not move and shoot in the same turn, except that it can be turned to face its intended target.
104. I'd seen it too and it hadn't told me anything except that Moira was battered to death with a tenor sax.
105. Champions are always equipped exactly like the rest of the unit, except that they are permitted one magic item in addition.
106. I am left literally nothing to worry about except that he will work too hard.
107. That leaves old-fashioned glue: except that gecko feet have no suitable glue-secreting glands.
108. In fact, no general pattern is discernible, except that almost all stop short of full accountability to Parliament.
109. The Carriage is set as for stocking stitch, except that the carriage must be reading the card and selecting the needles.
110. The murder is perfectly executed, except that the baseball bat left at the scene of the crime is sticky with fingerprints.
111. Except that one had reservations about what was genuine on a Petticoat Lane stall.
112. An ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.
113. Except that it was not just a domestic spat.
114. The disconnection behavior does not change in the recursive case, except that the slot calling sequence includes slot calls for all nested invocations of the signal.
115. Behind each of his inventions is a story about how it came to him, and Lemelson tells it in the manner of a standup comedian, except that instead of a punch line at the end there is an invention.
116. Fiat money has not only no particular value in use, it doesn't even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.
117. He kept it except that the renegotiation proved to be nothing like as "fundamental" as many hoped.
118. This is the same kind of information that you needed to capture for the business requirements; except that the subject area and level of detail are different.
119. He was lying on something that felt like a camp bed, except that it was higher off the ground and that he was fixed down in some way so that he could not move.
120. Except that the Revelation of John is still not part of the lectionary or canon in some Eastern and Middle Eastern churches.
121. While mid-wave antenna is mostly iron tower antenna, we do not use directional antenna except that we need special service in special area.
122. I responded to him that I wouldn't mind in the least, except that the Standish Group refuses to divulge the acronym's meaning.
123. Except that, the power transmission line obstacles feature and several modern mechanical design methods are introduced in the paper.
124. The results indicated that all of the samples were diploidy except that there were 23 triploid materials in the white mulberry and that the drug mulberry were 22-ploidy.
125. This would not be a problem in most circumstances, except that the operating system must make sure that there is always some pageable memory available to other applications.
126. They believed the dead soul entered a world similar to ours except that there is no death.
127. I decided to conduct my own experiment, running two miles every day to get a cinnamon roll, except that I didn't do any actual running because I don't like it.
128. Once an enterprise ascertains the method of depreciation of the fixed asset, it shall not change it randomly, except that the provisions of Article 19 of these Standards are meet.
129. The localized abacterial pustulosis may be an independent disease except that pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles may be regarded as a localized type of pustular psoriasis .
130. Once an enterprise decides the useful life or expected net salvage value of the fixed asset, it shall not change it randomly except that the provisions of Article 19 of these Standards are meet.
131. The full-depth method, which is similar to the transverse method except that the grinding allowance is removed in a single pass.
132. Except that in Latin a ship's prow was called a rostrum and the plural of rostrum was rostra so they called the speaking platform rostra.
133. Except that the glutenin and albumin in Huaimai 17 had some increase, the globulin and gliadin in Huaimai 17 and all protein components in Yangmai 12 were decreased under WL.
134. On its head it wore a gaudy rufous crown. In structure, Anchiornis's plumes were nearly identical to flight feathers, except that they were symmetrical rather than asymmetrical.
135. Fiat money has not only no particular value in use, it doesn't even really hxdye a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would hxdye.
136. This painting photographed at West Berlin's Kaltenburg Palace is very similar to a Watteau Chinoiserie engraving of 1719, except that the woman is holding a fan instead of an umbrella.
137. As Good as It Gets had a similar dramatis personae, except that the easygoing guy was gay.
138. It's kind of a dorm room except that there are no gender restrictions.
139. It's a country I know virtually nothing about, except that it is the birthplace of Joseph Stalin, and both Ray Charles and Gladys Knight have sung its praises.
140. A crowd of eager and curious schoolboys, understanding little of the matter in hand, except that it gave them a half-holiday.
141. The very phrases were worn so threadbare that they evoked no image except that of a turbaned "character. " leaking sawdust at every pore as he pursued a tiger through the Bois de Boulogne.
142. Yes. A burning zone still functions normally except that it cannot be assigned damage.
143. The grammar uses the same EBNF notation as [ XML ] ( except that grammar symbols initial capital letters ) .
144. There is nothing particular about the knocker on the door,[http:///except that.html] except that it is very large.
145. Warehouse mixing is similar to the break bulk process except that several different manufacturer shipments may be involved.
146. Well, except that sometimes, when I really need a quick, fast snack that I can eat on the run, I toast a whole-wheat pita pocket and eat that.
147. Results 21 cases being not recurrent except that 1 case who was recurrent with 79 years old, pneumonectasis and prostatause hernia, which is satis factory.
148. After getting the labor insurance, the employee will get relevant legal rights, except that, the employee should not ask additional allowance from the company.
149. An enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world.
150. Mocha is aa hot chocolate except that a shot of Espresso is added.
151. The tag, if any, of a dollar-quoted string follows the same rules as an unquoted identifier, except that it cannot contain a dollar sign.
152. AIX uses all available memory, except that which is configured to be unallocated and known as the free list.
153. Except that the single product of small dose is taken as radiosensitizer, the product is not suitable to be applied together with radiotherapy generally.
154. The method is similar to light or optical aggregometry except that it can be done in whole blood, thus obviating the need for preparation of a platelet suspension.
155. The formula is some what the same except that the psychiatrist is now the seemingly crazy extravert and the client is the meek and submissive type.
156. It is tempting to identify the Roman Mithras with the Persian Mithra, except that there is no known Persian legend or text about Mithra killing a bull or being associated with other animals.
157. A read-only entity identifies an entity that is valid in every way, except that it is not associated with an actual entity set.
158. "We could have, " Cox added, "except that there is a 100-year-old bougainvillea just outside the kitchen.
159. It is very similar to an omelet, except that it is baked.
160. Except that he's the guy who invented the Rollerblade, changing the way Americans glide through streets and parks.
161. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane.
162. They use the same senses as we do and their feet and hands are similar to ours, except that chimpanzees still have opposable toes and can grasp things with their feet.
163. En enigmatical personage about whom little was known, except that he was a man the world.
164. This queue type is similar to a concurrent blocking queue except that the size of the queue is bounded.
165. The Swede stood quite still, except that his lips moved slightly.
166. We don't really know what to tell Oliver Google Kai's parents, except that, if you ask us, Oliver Topeka Kai would be a charming name for their little boy.
167. Except that LIF can get high precision for the laser frequency stabilization, it can makelaser frequency detune from one atomic resonance frequency easy and exact.
168. All the bones of facial cranium developed Intramembranously except that the hyoid bone, inferior nasal concha, processus pyramidalis and mandibular neck developed endochondrally.
169. Special Mount: The antipaladin's special mount is identical to the paladin's special mount, except that it is a crossbreed of mundane steed and nightmare and is utterly evil.
170. This has not changed in BCB, except that the granularity of reuse can be much larger.
171. Except that I like to open my room door for better air flow, so I need to buy a portiere for better privacy.
172. The Petrification effect resembles death, except that the victim is still alive, as if in suspended animation.
173. Similar to an undefined external error, except that the reference is via metadata.
174. The edge ranking problem can be defined analogously except that the mapping fis now from the edge set to the set of all nature numbers.
175. There were no significant differences between senile group and middle aged group except that senile patients showed less cohabitant and education and more auditory hallucinations.
176. Results All the 15 patients healed up and left the hospital except that one died from complicated lung contused wound and right main bronchial cracking.
177. The methodology allows customized digital niters remove information from the interferogram except that associate with frequencies characteristic of a target chemical species of interest.
178. A function declaration is like a procedure declaration except that it spec...
179. Except that in Hudson tomcod it frequently isn't. These fish generally have 1, 102 amino acids in their AHRs.
180. Basically apt-fast does pretty much the same thing as apt-get does, except that the download part of it is handled by axel.
181. With the exception that; except that. Used to introduce a dependent clause.
182. It was often hard to tell what our mother meant, exactly, except that we learned to flutter our lashes and say, "What's a girl to do?" in breathy little-girl whispers.
183. Ancient Greek religion, what we call mythology, tells the same story as the Book of Genesis, except that the serpent is the enlightener of mankind rather than our deceiver.
184. I catch all small animals except that one; animals that merely go into the trap out of curiosity, I think, to see what the milk is there for.
185. It's like a Savings and Loan Association except that credit unions are created by some entity, some club or group, and they're not open to the whole public.
186. The shareholders of corporation want to withdrawal and disinvestment only by dissolving company except that by transferring of shares.
187. The utility model has a good decorative effect except that the utility model can endow certain temperature to the seat ring to resolve uncomfortableness of cool.
188. This is an arrangement similar to that found in opal (except that in opal the spheres are made of silica) and the result is, indeed, opalescent.
189. The decision variable for the growth period of the majoritity of 10 GMS rice line is temperature, except that for HS-3 and SE21S is photoperiod.
190. Nothing wrong with that, except that the leverage ratio explicitly excludes lending the banks undertake domestically from calculations of capital.
191. The results indicate these ABLs have the same background with ZS97B except that only one or few chromosomal segments derived from the donors affect grain shape.
192. ROM emulator acts very much like a debug monitor, except that it includes its own serial or network connection to the host.
193. The scp command works like the rc command, except that files are transferred using the SSH protocol.
194. A cursor (also called a puck) is similar to a mouse, except that it has a window with cross hairs for pinpoint placement, and it can have as many as 16 buttons.
195. The interspecific genetic distances are much greater than the intraspecific distances except that between P. albina and P. nigra.
196. If a program contains a violation of any diagnosable rule, a conforming implementation shall issue a least one diagnostic message, except that.
197. Grep works exactly like map, except that the elements only "pass through" if the expression or block returns true.
198. Traffic revenue reduces the capital income net of tax, which also reduces resident's income and expenditure except that of government.
199. This step is similar to that for the service interface document, except that the overviewDoc will contain the location of the WSDL service implementation document.
200. Except that I also have made some research on the special problems in this field, for example, how to allocate the risk when one of the party breach of faith and when the goods are uncertain, etc.
201. It's a 2-hour-plus gunfight at the O.K. Corral, except that the weapons are blazing on the streets of Mogadishu, where all lives are expendable.
202. This is similar to the IPOM approach[sentencedict .com], except that TAPP involves more dissection of the preperitoneal space.
203. Little is known about Sir John except that a gang frightened him into allowing ten barrels of woad to be removed from his keeping in Guildford Castle.
204. Indeed, that is how a radio antenna works, except that the weak current generated by the radio waves has to be amplified to do its job of carrying a signal round a radio.
205. A variable field in a class is similar to a global or function variable, except that it is scoped to the class and it can have various attributes governing its visibility and usage.
206. I except that he really good luck, what words can express joy after I met you?
207. Except that pneumatosis was only seen in transmural infarction, all the abnormal CT findings were found in different patterns and different degrees of ischemia.
208. I am nobody, sir , except that I have the honor to be your steward.
209. Except that information is not kept in a simple format.
210. It was good except that the connecting rod for the letter x was gone.
211. You can, for example, use a vector in much the same way as you would use an ordinary C array, except that vector eliminates the chore of managing dynamic memory allocation by hand.
212. Your dress shirt is fine , except that you are not wearing an undershirt.
213. Except that it was never here in the first place, any more than Hesiod's Golden Age, or the Britain of endless summers.
214. It is similar to an ACHENE except that the ovary wall is fused with the seed coat.
215. The historical origin of Vajrayana is unclear, except that it coincided with the spread of the mentalistic schools of Buddhism.
216. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer, ' except that you have actual responsibilities, " she said.
217. The Swede stood there still except that his lips moved slightly.
218. Ellen, sweetest sixteen, gave him everything except that. Her tended flesh is reserved for the marriage bed.
218. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
219. Furthermore, the AIX operating system will use all available memory, except that which is configured to be unallocated and known as the free list.
220. No serious side-effects were foupd except that xerostomia in 2 cases and hoarseness in 1 case were observed.
221. The morphological characteristics and elevation presented remarkable relativity between each organ of Tilia amurensis except that floriferous number was irrelevant with elevation.




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