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单词 disinherit
释义  Related topics: Lawdis·in·her·it /ˌdɪsɪnˈherɪt/ verb [transitive]  SCLGETto take away from someone, especially your son or daughter, their legal right to receive your money or property after your death 剥夺〔尤指子女〕的继承权 → inherit, will→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisinherit• For this deed he was disinherited.• When their daughter, another Maria, joined the Salvation Army she was disinherited.• In order to marry football hero Tom Harper, Kate endures being disinherited and estranged from her family.• But the racially excluded, the economically disinherited, and the psychologically wounded certainly do.• The poor, as Catholic conservatives were later to point out, were disinherited by liberal legislation.• First, she adopted a young woman, Chandi Heffner, only to disinherit her.• There is rumour abroad that King Henry disinherited Matilda on his death-bed.• Louis the Pious decided to disinherit Pippin's sons, though the older, also called Pippin, was by now fifteen.dis·in·her·it verbChineseSyllable  especially away Corpus son or daughter, take your from someone, to




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