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单词 Athenian
1) Athenian public slaves never progressed beyond low-grade secretarial jobs.
2) The great Athenian hero was Theseus.
3) We discover Athenian women going on a three-day binge every autumn, gleefully burying models of male genitalia.
4) The one endeavor in which all Athenian citizens were considered equal was their capacity as citizens.
5) His ideal was to transplant the classical Athenian model of direct democracy to the new world.
6) So, fifty years after the Athenian raid on Sardis, the great Persian War ended in a compromise.
7) The choice of the Athenian for this work was made when the Peloponnese too had its great sculptors.
8) Aristotle and his Athenian contemporaries were well aware that some barbarians were very different in physical appearance from themselves.
9) Athenian politics will be the poorer without this charming and peculiarly idealistic buccaneer.
10) In fact most of the most famous Athenian philosophers and writers were critics and opponents of the democracy.
11) For Athenian citizens at least, theirs was a society governed by persuasion and consensus as opposed to force and coercion.
12) They were expelled, and replaced by an Athenian citizen colony, strategically placed to hold the straits of Artemision.
13) In Pericles' day,() the democratic Athenian Assembly actually voted to pay jury-duty fees to all attendees at those dramatic festivals.
14) In Athenian home politics too, democratic views had of late been regaining ground.
15) The first part analyzes why Athenian have developed navy.
16) You must be an Athenian or a Visigoth.
17) The Athenian agora was his teaching room.
18) An Athenian never forsook distress.
19) Lastly, it elected fifty councilors to the Athenian council.
20) Plato was born into an aristocratic Athenian family, and he grew up during the Peloponnesian War.
21) You will know the man by the Athenian garments he wears.
22) Editor's Note : Athenian Jury Court, established by Solon , was attached to the Assembly in the beginning.
23) Thirdly Peloponnesus War was a disaster to Athenian, made the citizens of Athens much poorer compared to before of pre-war, and weakening their capacity to gather land.
24) ' It was the story of an Athenian boy who grows to manhood during a 25·year war, but great, real figures such as Socrates and Alcibiades also strode through the novel's pages.
25) An Athenian saw Aesop in a crowd of boys at play with nuts.
26) It was a view not unlike that of the proponents of Athenian expansionism during the time of Thucydides.
27) First,(http:///athenian.html) Athens lost Boiotia in a rising which ended in an Athenian defeat at Coronea.
28) Both Aristotle and Plato, our major sources of information about the golden age of Athenian democracy, were deeply critical.
29) Why did the designer of the west pediment choose for subject the Thessalian Centauromachy in its new Athenian guise?
30) Thus the pleasant dawn of civilization began for the Athenian people.
31) It was in this period, too, that Athenian democracy reached its summit.
32) These factors are the essential conditions in which Athenian navy quickly rises.
33) Athenian tyrant ( 527 - 514 ) who ruled with his brother and assassinated.
34) After the death of Alexander the Great, Perdiccas expelled the Athenian settlers on Samos to Colophon .
35) In retaliation, Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial.
36) His tragic death was mentioned in the same breath with the death of Jesus in the afterworld and became the blot of Athenian democracy, which became a puzzle of ancient and modem scholars.
37) The decision by the Athenians in 454 BC to move the League treasury from the Panhellenic sanctuary at Delos to the Athenian acropolis points in the same direction.
38) The Athenian playwright Aeschylus tells us that among the Persian commanders who were killed during this war, was a cavalry leader 'on a mail-clad horse' called Arsaces ( Persians 996).
39) Under Athenian law, a large assembly is convened by lot to judge the case.
40) On the economy, developing the navy can protect the Athenian trade.
41) Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible efflorescence of Athenian imperial power, unencumbered by the depradations of the Peloponnesian War.
42) As Thucydides wrote, the tyranny that the Athenian empire imposed on others it finally imposed on itself.
43) So the study on the function of Areopagus will be useful for us to understand the Athenian democracy.
44) Demosthenes, Athenian statesman who laboured to improve his skills at oratory, would repeat to himself any lengthy speech he heard, revising and embellishing it.
45) No one is above suspicion. Socrates himself had been a close associate of a man named Alcibiades probably the most prominent Athenian in the generation after Pericles.
46) One young athenian nobleman defended his political reputation by saying he entered seven chariots in the Olympic chariot race.
47) ATHENIAN: And there was a delay of some ten years before Achaeans succeeded in sacking Troy.
48) His tragic death was mentioned in the same breath with the death of Jesus in the afterworld and became the blot of Athenian democracy, which became a puzzle of ancient and modern scholars.
49) When Socrates finally stood up to face his charges in front of his fellow citizens in a religious court in the Athenian agora, he articulated one of the great pities of human society.
50) A national Athenian spirit at last began to overtake tribal loyalties.
51) Athenian lawmaker ( 7 th century ) whose code of laws prescribed death for almost every offense.
52) Remains of the huge statue of Zeus at Olympia bear the signature of Phidias, the famous Athenian sculptor and architect.
53) Finally, Aristophanes commented Athenian law court system. He criticized that the jurors lacked of responsibilities, civic officials accepted bribe and orators hindered the justice.
54) Socrates has been accused by three Athenian citizens of certain offenses.
55) The true founder of Athenian democracy was probably Cleisthenes, a nobleman at odds with his class.
56) When they were grown and able to do for themselves, he joined the Athenian army.
57) ATHENIAN: Well, and is there not something else which is no less probable?
58) This is already the case in the Athenian and Roman property classes.
59) At the time of the battle of Marathon Pan met the Athenian messenger to Sparta.
60) Moreover, Orestes's journey from boyhood to maturity is a metaphor for the transformation of Athenian society itself.
61) Other states in the region were just as dependent on the trade with Pontus and were therefore prepared to contribute to the costs of Athenian naval operations.
62) She was encased in Athenian armor, safe from emotional injury.
63) The disease of empire, according to Thucydides, would finally kill Athenian democracy.




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