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单词 sea
释义  Related topics: Oceanography, Astronomysea /siː/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]HEO especially British English the large area of salty water that covers much of the Earth’s surface 海,海洋 SYN ocean Jay stripped his clothes off and ran into the sea. 杰伊脱光衣服奔入海里。n The sea came up to my knees. Most exports went by sea (=on a ship). 大部分出口商品都走海路。 a little cottage by the sea (=near the sea) 一座海滨小屋 He spent over 30 years at sea (=working on ships or boats on the sea). 他在船上工作了30多年。 They stood side by side looking out to sea (=looking at the sea). 他们并排站着眺望大海。 →4  See picture of 见图 RIVER2  [countable]HEO a large area of salty water that is mostly enclosed by land 内海 the Mediterranean Sea 地中海3  sea of something LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa very large number of people or things that all look similar 大量某物,一大片某物 He looked out at the sea of faces. 他放眼望去,人海茫茫。4  (all) at sea CONFUSEDconfused or not sure what to do 困惑,茫然不知所措 Living in a foreign country can mean you’re always at sea about what’s going on. 生活在异国他乡可能意味着你对周围的事总是茫然不知所措。5  the seas literaryHAAL the sea – used especially when you are not talking about a particular ocean 海,大海〔尤用于泛指〕across the seas (=far away) 遥远,远隔重洋 They came from lands across the seas. 他们来自遥远的国度。6. [countable]HA one of the broad areas that seem flat on the Moon and Mars 海〔指月球或火星表面的一片广阔平原〕n GRAMMAR: Patterns with seain the sea• You use in the sea to talk about things that happen in the water: We paddled in the sea.Whales are mammals that live in the sea. on the sea• You use on the sea to talk about things that happen on the surface of the water: The boat floated on the calm the sea• You use by the sea to talk about things that are on the land near the sea: They live in a cottage by the sea. COLLOCATIONSadjectivesblue 蓝色的The sun shone brightly upon the clear blue sea. 清澈湛蓝的海面上,阳光灿烂。calm 无浪的,平静的The sea was perfectly calm. 海面上风平浪静。rough (=with big waves) 浪大的The sea was too rough to swim in. 海上浪太大,不能游泳。choppy (=with a lot of small waves) 波浪起伏的The wind was starting to pick up and the sea was becoming choppy. 风大起来,海面开始微波荡漾。nThe yachts bobbed around on the choppy sea.heavy seas (=a rough sea) 汹涌的大海The tanker split apart and sank in heavy seas. 油轮船体断裂,沉入波涛汹涌的大海。a stormy sea 波涛翻滚的大海na picture of a battleship in a stormy seathe open sea (=the part of the sea that is far away from land) 公海,远海nRescuers are trying to drive the stranded whales back out into the open sea.nthe deep sea (=the water deep under the surface of the sea)The deep sea is the most unexplored area left on the planet.verbscross the sea 横渡大海Our ancestors crossed the sea in small boats. 我们的祖先驾着小船远渡重洋。go to sea (=go to work on a ship) 下海工作He went to sea when he was eighteen. 他18岁出海。put to sea (=sail a boat away from land) 驾船出海The refugees put to sea in rickety rafts. 难民们驾着破筏子驶入大海。be lost at sea formal (=be drowned in the sea) 葬身大海nHis father had been lost at sea three months swept out to sea (=be taken far away from land by the sea) 被冲入大海nThey had to rescue three young canoeists who were swept out to sea.sea + NOUNsea water 海水Removing salt from sea water is an expensive process. 海水淡化是个代价昂贵的过程。a sea view 海景All the bedrooms have a sea view. 所有房间都能看到海景。sea level 海平面Average sea levels are rising year on year. 海平面平均高度在逐年升高。the sea air (=the air close to the sea) 海边空气nHe breathed in the fresh sea air.the sea bed (also the sea floor) (=the land at the bottom of the sea) 海床nA lot of these small creatures feed on the sea bed. n THESAURUSthe sea especially British English the large area of salty water that covers much of the Earth’s surfaceShe lives by the sea.The sea was very rough.the ocean especially American English the large area of salty water that covers much of the Earth’s surfacea house by the oceanThe restaurant had a sweeping view of the ocean.waters a large area of water – used about an area of water that belongs to a particular country, or when describing what the water is likeboats fishing in Canadian watersBritish territorial watersthe calm waters of the harbourdangerous waterschoppy waters (=with a lot of waves)bay an area of sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the landI swam across the bay.the Bay of Biscaygulf a very large area of sea partly enclosed by landthe Gulf of Mexicooil from the Gulf (=the area of water near Iran, Saudi Arabia etc)tide the regular rising and falling of the level of the seaIs the tide going out or coming in ?High tide (=when the sea is at its highest level)is at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.low tide (=when the sea is at its lowest level)The rocks are visible at low tide.wave a line of raised water that moves across the surface of the seaThe waves were crashing against the rocks.Examples from the Corpussea• The war escalated, on the ground, in the air, and at the sea• Joe had discovered that at least twenty per cent of these water containers were gone, washed away by the sea.• Rex was captivated by the sea in a way that others might be avid golf players or inveterate bird watchers.• Our cottage lay on stubby cliffs close by the sea.• We bought a small cottage by the sea.• Eirias Park Spend your leisure time in Eirias Park - the park by the sea.• At Camasunary the bothy for walkers by the sea had a driftwood firelight glow coming through the window.• Long walks by the sea were needed to shake it all down and shake off the pounds that could so easily accumulate.• I find it very sad that the traditional weekend by the sea cam now be considered a health risk.Origin sea Old English sæsea noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   that large salty area water of Corpus the




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