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单词 Corrections
1. He made several corrections to the letter.
2. The text had already been marked up with corrections.
3. The dictionary is reprinting with minor corrections.
4. Make any necessary corrections before the text is printed.
5. I just need to make a few corrections , and then we can send it to the printer.
6. The corrections were marked in red .
7. All the corrections are made in red pencil.
8. I've marked the corrections in red .
9. We will then make the necessary corrections.
10. I've made a few small corrections to your report.
11. Teachers usually make corrections in red ink.
12. I've got to make one or two small corrections to the text before it's finished.
13. Make small corrections to achieve heading as necessary.
14. My essay was covered in corrections in red ink.
15. They muttered comments and corrections to each other.
16. To supply corrections to earlier work. 6.
17. Edit: Make any corrections to the text.
18. Corrections should be pencilled into the margins.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. Corrections to maintain the glide path are made with attitude changes of a quarter to half a bar.
20. In general, as already described, corrections will be twice the number of degrees that the aircraft is off the desired track.
21. If any corrections or additions are needed, go back to step 1 and repeat the cycle.
22. About that time, according to news reports, state corrections officials announced surprise plans to re-bid all private-prison contracts.
23. The suit alleges that unnamed corrections officials sought to have Wackenhut fire Wendler as early as 1992.
24. She was disappointed to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections in red ink.
25. Proof correction marks a standard set of signs and symbols used in copy preparation and to indicate corrections on proofs.
26. My Spanish teacher will point out errors, but we have to make the corrections ourselves.
27. The preliminary analyses of the survey were completed just after the discovery of the error and before corrections could be made.
28. Most of that time was spent on reams of navigational corrections.
29. And feminist psychologists are still predominantly concerned with making egalitarian corrections to traditional psychological theories, rather than working with their uncertainties.
30. You can manually rectify mistakes or ask the program to search the dictionary and list the probable corrections.
1. He made several corrections to the letter.
2. The text had already been marked up with corrections.
3. Make any necessary corrections before the text is printed.
4. I just need to make a few corrections , and then we can send it to the printer.
31. And they believe it made course corrections that no autopilot could make before it disappeared from radar.
32. Ask them to compare their papers in pairs and to make any corrections they think are needed.
33. He recalls Joe Scott blaming the problems on an improperly updated computer system, and pledging to make corrections.
34. The scattering-factor corrections for both the reference and the object waves and, are also included.
35. The only other study that made corrections for pyloric loss and duodenogastric reflux came to conclusions that are the same as ours.
36. When corrections are made to take account of these differences in crustal density the magnitude of gravity anomalies is significantly reduced.
37. With the model established and other corrections implemented excellent results have been obtained.
38. The probe focuses on vehicles that were intended to be stripped for salvage by the Arizona Department of Corrections.
39. He could carry out the intricate navigational corrections, and execute the necessary flight maneuvers when it was time to change course.
40. Either input the changes yourself, or have your editor make corrections directly on the computer.
41. Through her contacts with corrections and social welfare agencies, she had more than half a dozen different caseworkers.
42. Massachusetts closed its traditional, prison-like juvenile corrections institutions and moved its juvenile offenders into small, community-based group homes.
43. It just needs a few corrections before we can send it to the printer.
44. This means a number of small corrections to achieve a performance change in terms of either Pitch or Roll attitudes.
45. Arra said Corrections has frozen all purchases of surplus equipment until a review is completed.
46. She refused to think about Simon's skulduggery - or any corrections - now.
47. Though to be really professional she should make corrections in red as she did in the children's books.
48. As I have suggested, the corrections that are made in unplanned discourse are also made in the pursuit of optimal relevance.
49. Any means of correction may be used but all corrections should be neat and unobtrusive.
50. Inclusion of corrections for relaxation effects improves the accuracy of its predictions.
51. Friday, Corrections Department spokeswoman Gloria Isaac said the agency had agreed to cover the costs.
52. Check heading when compass has stabilised. 8. Make small corrections to achieve heading as necessary.
53. The meeting was called to answer criticisms and make mid-course corrections.
54. You have to initial any corrections you make to the form.
55. Perhaps some of her corrections are subjective-she just happens to like one style better than another.
56. What is required is a speedy and effective legal procedure which secures corrections and counter-statements by way of an alternative procedure to libel litigation.
57. Past Jobs: Corrections officer, garbage man, car salesman.
58. The user can apply corrections and attempt to resubmit.
59. Some additions and corrections to the fern genus Phanerophlebiopsis.
60. The composition was scored with corrections in red ink.
61. Manual startup not permitted, corrections in parameter assignment, submodule, etc. necessary.
62. Immediately publish corrections regarding these points and retract ALL the untruthful publications.
63. This method can also be applied for corrections due to the changing of temperature scale in other communities.
64. We investigate three different methods of the deviation of the tribimaxmal mixing matrix, including charged lepton section corrections, radiative corrections and right-handed sector corrections.
65. Corrections to entries should be dated and signed and leave the original entry still legible.
66. It is of great documental value, for according tocertain records of it, additions and corrections can be made to Song Shi and Yuan Shi.
67. All corrections that affect the whole image, such as color, saturation, level and contrast, should be made first, before starting to edit and retouch more in detail.
68. The founder of Politifact, another nonpartisan referee to the daily rumble, said two of the site's five most popular items on its Truth-o-meter are corrections of Glenn Beck.
69. The Department of Corrections says it is not considering introducing meditation programmes at a national level.
70. The memoirs are said to contain remarkable day-to-day detail written in a vivacious style as well as numerous corrections and spelling mistakes.
71. Offprints Regardless of the need to make corrections, please print out, complete and sign the enclosed Offprint Order Form and return it with your proofs to the address (or fax) given below.
72. His daughter only has a few weeks to live, but the Department of Corrections won’t let Charles see her because they feel he might still be a flight risk.
73. Manual stepping of the part program identifies any interference situations, halts machine movements and allows safe corrections to be made in advance of production.
74. In April 2008, a U.S. state's Department of Corrections leaked sensitive data as a result of the SQL column names being used in the query string.
75. Battered and twisted, the Department of Corrections van lays on its side next to the deserted roadway.
76. Corrections for chemiluminescence were also applied as needed but were minimized by the use of the luminescence suppressing cocktail Aquagel and dark equilibration of samples prior to counting.
77. According to NORINCO, the Red Arrow 9A missile uses an optical tracker and millimetre-wave command link to provide flight course corrections.
78. The paper also gives some corrections to several theorems and their proofs about the dimension of the modular lattice ih the books" Modern Algebra" by Wu and "Abstract Algebra" by Xu.
79. There are strict department of corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution.
80. PDF version of original papers, with corrections but without Shannon's 1949 modifications.
81. Therefore, long-term stability of hyperopic LASIK refractive corrections is uncertain.
82. Article 197. Securities companies which, in violation of relevant stipulations of this law and without approval, conduct trading of non?listed securities are to be ordered to make corrections.
83. Very accurate predictious of planetary orbits require corrections to the central - field approximation.
84. Michigan Department of Corrections Director Patricia Caruso argues that—money aside—this is actually a possible bright spot in their state budget crisis, because it allows them to rethink policy.
85. Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata.
86. For many years, a lot of discussions and corrections about Hotelling model have made strategic location theory to be completely theoretic system.
87. To recognize errors in original data entry and make corrections before release for further processing.
88. To the Georgia Department of Corrections he is inmate No. 544319, in prison on a five-year sentence for drug possession.
89. Proof corrections will need to be returned to the Editorial office within 4 days of receipt.
90. The variation of horizontal tail position due to the angle of attack should be taken into account when wall-interference corrections on the longitudinal stability are performed.
91. Teams of native speakers and university English students could take their laptops out to sites and make on-the-spot corrections, or develop English explanationsswheresnone now exist.
92. The effects of additional friction between pin and pin-hole and of the height of pin over the press-plate surface on the practically measured values was taken into account and their corrections were ...
93. Such corrections are not automatic: something a misadventure in Iran?
94. The dissenting registration and registration corrections have function to break the effectiveness of registration credibility.
95. Muchas gracias a todos mis 200 amigos ya quienes me ayudan con sus corrections.
96. The yard inmates look up when a Department of Corrections bus enters the sallyport.
97. Readers make the corrections pointed out in the table of errata.
98. The results show that the self-absorption corrections are not related to shape and size of the sources.
99. The effect of reser- ve fuel for diverting, holding and en route replenishing has been considered. The corrections for aerodrome pressure altitude and head and tail wind have also been done.
100. And California corrections officials just released this photograph of convicted mass murderer Charles Manson.
101. With corrections by the baroclinic effect and funnel shape topography, the essential hydrological characteristics can be explained.
102. In most sport dog training, corrections are a finishing tool.
103. I was able to get another job training and working with dogs for the Kansas Department of Corrections, once again getting paid to do something that I enjoyed.
104. Corrections will be issued after the end of the session a corrigendum for each Committee.
105. Some corrections and improvements to the beat frequency model for the quasi-periodic oscillation phenomenon in X-rays binaries have been made in this paper.
106. Frequent demonstration of working code provides feedback mechanisms that allow course corrections to be taken as needed.
107. The delimitation of the scope of application of Community Corrections should be consistent with the nature of Community Corrections and the country's current penal system.
108. The method of setting synthetic corrections annoyingly,[sentence dictionary] and wastes many ammunitions.
109. The Department of Corrections is allowing you a one-hour visit with your son.
110. The Department of Corrections Web site, set up by convicts recovering from illnesses at a prison hospital, aims to give prisoners and their families advice and information.
111. Experts say that, young patients of spondylodynia are still in compensatory state, i. e their illness can release if they make constant and systemic corrections.
112. With powder sample being pressed into piece, a method for XRFA of fluorspar has been established on the basis of matrix corrections. The method proved to be rapid accurate and cheap.
113. She tells him that filing the petition with the Department of Corrections so Lincoln can see LJ was easy, but getting it approved will be the hard part.
114. Corrections to any of the accounting books must be made strictly following the working rules for accounting personnel.
115. In June 2005, FASB issued Statement no. 154, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections.
116. An automatic generation control ( AGC ) system with security corrections and control - in - advance is proposed.
117. Pilots must therefore ensure that any required corrections to indicated Mach are taken into account when complying with the True Mach number specified in the ATC clearance.
118. Check all the information you provided, make any necessary corrections, and then resubmit your request.
119. At this studio, the sketcher works out concepts and client corrections with the art director and designer.
120. The corrections peculiar to the Itala are attested by the quotations of Cyprian , and may have been derived from a Greek manuscript taken to Africa.
121. Good, that way you can just make your corrections online.
122. First he was made a Deputy Commissioner at the Department of Corrections, then Commissioner.
123. Prepare and post general ledger journal entries for corrections made.
124. Corrigenda: List of corrections in a book. See Errata slip.
125. Of course, huge volatility and corrections along the way are normal.
126. The corrections list is very Wikipedia-like, showing the original block of text on the left, and the corrected block on the right.
127. In this release the sequential portion of update and corrections.
128. By quantum jump method, we find that the corrections to its phase for the no-jump trajectory are different when considering adiabatic and nonadiabatic evolutions.
129. In particular, corrections on bilateral contract power exchanges, through a contract curtailment procedure, are assessed for security-constrained transmission management in a deregulated environment.
130. You needn't bother to rewrite it. Just make corrections in the original text.
131. This paper studies mainly the expression of electron-beam scanning field distortions and describes the method of optimal corrections.
132. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is adding nearly 23 megawatts of on-site solar-generated power at five state prison facilities in southern California.
133. Please refer to the errata for this document,[http:///corrections.html] which may include some normative corrections.
134. You are allowed to make corrections and your revised text will be taken as final.
135. Proof corrections will need to be returned Editorial office within 4 days of receipt.
136. Gataker made many and suggested many good corrections, and he also made a new Latin version...
137. He is prolific as well as versatile and writes on a number of subjects including philosophy religion and the state of medical care in the California Department of Corrections. Dr.
138. Corrections: An earlier version of this post misidentified the affiliation of Dr. Fuss and Dr. Gass; they are with the Central institute of Mental Health Mannheim and the University of Heidelberg.
139. The Community Corrections are the sign of the progress of human civilization, and an inevitable trend of the juristical globalization.
140. The time determination data in Chinese Joint System in 1977—1978 are tested. Both the internal and the external precisions of so obtained joint corrections are higher.




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