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单词 Real world
1 As a student you're cocooned against/from the real world.
2 Books were a form of escapism from the real world.
3 In the real world things don't always happen like they do in books.
4 The fashion world does not mind what the real world thinks.
5 In the real world, things are never quite so simple.
6 They are a couple in the real world as well as in the movie.
7 In the real world things are more complex.
8 In the real world, the science is inexact.
9 The real world would not be so forgiving.
10 Most lose interest once they enter the real world and find work in other areas. 6.
11 First, Temple confronted the life of the real world in all its complexity.
12 He was living in the real world beyond my contorting imagination.
13 But in the real world, you couldn’t really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child equally divided between. It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again. It was what you couldn't see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing, and their absence kept everything from being complete. Sarah Dessen 
14 The real world becomes the world above and beyond what I touch, smell, taste, feel, and see.
15 Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world.
16 When they eventually leave the school they will be totally ill-equipped to deal with the real world.
17 everything i do is just to weave my wings for my dream now so that it can hover in the real world.
18 I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again.
19 A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.
20 Christine, the play's bullying main character, wouldn't last a minute in the real world.
21 Unfortunately, the people making the decisions are out of touch with the real world.
22 Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.
23 To put that off,[] she needed to make headway that would be noticed in the real world.
24 No reality, he wrote, only images masquerading as reality, only dreams masquerading as the real world.
25 She could illustrate her arguments with clever examples drawn from the real world of commerce.
26 These are particularly important when considering the likely effects within the real world.
27 As they have often done, financial markets over-reacted to something that was going on in the real world.
28 Going outside would be a shock: I needed some time to decompress before facing the real world.
29 No, preserving a small majority was not a triumph for Mr Major in the real world.
30 Each of these is modified by a scale factor to adjust the agreement between the model and the real world.
1 Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world.
2 When they eventually leave the school they will be totally ill-equipped to deal with the real world.
3 I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again.
4 A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.
31 For many of these, memories of the country are so haunting that the real world has lost is charm.
32 In the real world, poetic justice is not so easily achieved.
33 I now think that only those who hate the real world do what I did.
34 The search algorithms commonly used in the real world are almost invariably the very simplest.
35 When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. Bill Clinton 
36 In the real world it did not require a superman to beat Mr Kinnock.
37 If ethical analysis in this context does not help in the real world, it is a waste of time.
38 I don't know what you do for a living but you obviously don't know much about the real world.
39 In the real world of business, marketing and sales people do not treat customers as resistors.
40 To assume that he responds directly to data from the real world is to oversimplify the relationship between his inputs and outputs.
41 So Ford must come out from under the fleet umbrella and make cars good enough to compete in the real world.
42 In the real world nature has an answer for every question.
43 These take place in the real world and those involved do not know that an experiment is being conducted.
44 I sit at the bar and watch the real world go by.
45 These pilot projects represent in principle a transition phase between research station and the real world.
46 In the real world political initiatives come a poor second to security considerations.
47 The Budget also marked a head-on collision between Conservative Party election promises and the real world,() however. Read their lips.
48 If the Prime Minister thinks that all that adds up to recovery, he is not living in the real world.
49 In the real world, political work goes on whether or not the public takes an interest.
50 If we recognize this possibility we may gain much valuable insight into the complex forces acting in the real world.
51 Experimentalists suggest that randomized assignment is much more possible in the real world than many people suspect.
52 The Budget also marked a head-on collision between Conservative Party election promises and the real world,[http:///real world.html] however.
53 In this real world of politics and journalism, there can be little room for the devolution of newspaper power to journalists.
54 The genre romance allows readers to temporarily suspend reality and enjoy the fantasy without jeopardizing their lives in the real world.
55 But union propaganda about unsafe workplaces bears scant relation to the real world.
56 They have accorded it blind respect while considering it totally irrelevant to the real world.
57 The movie's design conceit uses color for the dream, and black and white for the real world.
58 Although most upset the family has come to realise Mary has no place in the real world nor their own.
59 The analysis reveals the information that could or should exist if the model is a fair reflection of the real world activity.
60 Rather, the sociologist tries to clarify the complexity of the real world.
61 After all, when events unfold in the real world, they do so without musical accompaniment.
62 Mackenzie went on to produce fractal sounds from sampled real world waveforms.
63 Real world monopoly is a much less precise concept than that of theory.
64 This has led a number of commentators to argue that the unemployment trap is now of little importance to the real world.
65 They'd taken my girlfriend away from me in the real world, why must they take away her picture?
66 It is like looking through a magic window into the real world of natural irradiation.
67 Not surprising, you might think, in animals designed by Darwinian evolution to find associations in the real world.
68 You couldn't live in peace, playing adventures all day long, undisturbed by the real world.
69 He has been banished from the real world, we don't allow him to even glimpse at it any more.
70 Unilateral respect relationships in adolescence can postpone adaptation to the real world and integration into society.
71 Scientists for their part have tended to consider the layman's admiration as their right and the real world as irrelevant.
72 It wasn't about creating quirky objects for kitsch fashion victim consumers, it was about improving the real world.
73 The vague hankering for a pre-industrial utopia is the politics of sixth-form common rooms, not the real world.
74 But then that other manic voice was saying to him: But are you sure that the real world exists anymore?
75 In the real world, men actually lack respect for justice, and often treat others unfairly and unjustly. Dr T.P.Chia 
76 Some one whose name comes out of the real world.
77 Over the decades, the economic summits have had a dismal record of understanding what was happening in the real world.
78 It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you watch them on a screen. Anthony Burgess 
79 It's important to preserve the old, but we live in the real world.
80 Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals. Oscar Wilde 
81 My work is based on things remembered or imagined rather than the real world around me.
82 Even they realise, however[], that the real world makes that an increasingly forlorn hope.
83 For in the real world there is a nasty side to religion, and religious people can become ogres.
84 But this was the real world, and young women like Shelley just didn't fit in with men like Miguelito.
85 This is information that can be used in the real world.
86 The dateline doesn't alter the rules of engagement in the real world.
87 In the real world, money can't help but enter the equation.
88 With multiple transactions being the norm in the real world, service integration becomes critical.
89 Translating email pen pals into the real world of human contact, or even romance, is another matter.
90 Sport enjoys peculiar privilege, sometimes acting in isolation if not oblivion from the real world.
91 Abstraction and disinterest were prized over concern, or even fitness with the real world.
92 Looking back, that square was my gateway to the real world - and the gate could only work one way.
93 It's not the real World Series.
94 Combinatorial Theory is exceptionally useful in the real world.
95 After all are dream and real world had causal?
96 Morpheus : Welcome to the real world!
97 There are two basic relations of quantity in the real world: the relation of inequality and the relation of equality.
98 This escapist pelf has very little to say about the real world, much less American society.
99 It is time for China to step up as a real world leader. That is, it is time for China to lower the boom on the North Koreans.
100 More recent AR systems may superimpose graphics over a cell phone image or project an interactive display on a real world surface.
101 The symbolical setting focusing on the protagonist Amiyou reflects the writer's thought of the real world and the ideal world, implying of the writer's longing for human tenderness.
102 In the real world, results matter - whether you're a mechanic or a house painter or an accountant.
103 Sarcopterygians are a group of prehistoric fish which are traditionally classed as lobe-finned fishes, which in the real world include the modern day lungfish and the coelacanth, Latimeria.
104 In the real world of human action, virtually all historical events are unique and heterogeneous, though often similar, to all other historical events.
105 The overlapping window concept is good, but its execution is impractical in the real world.
106 Intro 2 : Biological Side of Computational Biology ; Central Dogma ; Comparative Genomics; Models & Real World Applications.
107 It conveys to the viewer a correspondence between the real world and transmission that can be sensually experienced.
108 They thought the whole thing was a side-show, tangential to the real world of business.
109 The classic rough set theory is based on equivalent relation, but rough set theory based on similar relation has wide applications in real world.
110 One dimensional bin packing problem has many important applications such as multiprocessor scheduling, resource allocation, real world planning, and packing and scheduling optimization problems.
111 In real world, off-the-peg law protects the inroad that the manufacturer prevents this kind to get.
112 Educated in a single sex school for many years,[Sentencedict] every student would feel at loose ends in the real world. A coeducational school shows a mini of the real world.
113 Communication scholars cannot insulate kaleidoscopic real world , hence the Communication and China - Fudan Forum comes into being.
114 Augmented Reality (AR) is a new research field derived from virtual reality. It is a technology that enables computer-generated information to be superimposed on the real world.
115 Our youth graduate from university into the real world, where relationships between people are complexly intertwined.
116 Rather, Holt believes in exposing children to real world problems of increasing complexity.
117 The technical manual connects concretely to the real world in the clever cryptonym of its final chapter, "PASIV Device Instructions."
118 He said the film's tone changed completely in response to the real world crisis.
119 The woman not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.
120 This allows an easy reproduction of the steps in a small environment before applying them to a real world model.
121 You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to see how this story parallels real world concerns about medicalization of human behaviour, privacy, civil rights, and privatization of government services.
122 Multiobjective optimization is a useful mathematical model in many areas, such as economics, engineering, and decision making, to solve real world problems with conflicting objectives.
123 Shifting an Internet friendship into the real world trickier a knuckleball.
124 Single channel Asymmetric mode . This mode is equivalent to single channelbandwidth operation for real world applications.
125 In this tutorial, we present a real world scenario and show an easy to use extension mechanism for the topology editor, which lets you quickly define your own technology domain with strong XML types.
126 In the process of his seeking for his idealized love, the boy finally became aware of the grimness of the reality and great discrepancy between the real world and the ideal world in his mind.
127 Women are inclined to ditch The Man-Child until he grows up a little bit and learns to live life in the real world.
128 These models, limited though they were, let their creators ask questions no simply tabulated data could answer, and see processes that the details of the real world obscured.
129 Some of the dream pool levels, or planes, are a carbon copy of the real world.
130 How do they know that the real world isn't just another simulation?
131 This is especially problematic when the team thinks you're an erratic, egomaniacal nutcase with little or no real world chops.
132 Although a messaging approach is natural, intuitive, and consistent with the real world, traditional approaches are based on libraries and method/procedure invocation (both local and remote).
133 Unfortunately, the real world is rife with exceptions and edge cases — duck-billed platypuses are furry and lay eggs.
134 The trouble with failure-prevention devices is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world.
135 The teens spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family.
136 Tiffin MSc in Criminal Justice (MSCJ), with a concentration in Forensic Psychology, is an outstanding example of how the real world meets the classroom experience.
137 Sigmund Freud once said that fear is a door that block way to the real world.
138 The first principle in Zhu Zi's theory is to establish the noumenal status of Li, which is regarded as the basis of real world and source of value.
139 The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world.
140 The pursuing of justice, harmony and order in the "real world" constitutes the main part of his "eidos world".
141 A fuzzy relational data model with fuzzy attributes, which could be used for truly modeling various fuzzy objects in the real world, is presented in the paper.
142 The greater the detail, the more representative the abstract model is likely to be of the real world I seek to understand.
143 Our goal is not just to teach you a language, but to teach you how to use it in the real world, flexibly and descriptively.
144 Unlike the real world the real three-dimensional space and the distance between the real space.
145 For the average person, common sense says that there is a real world of perceivable objects.
146 In the world-view of Achaean, individual was regards as a duplicate of the idea, and the world of ideas is the foundation and essence of the real world.
147 Now the mythical creature has made the leap into the real world, with a number of online retailers selling stuffed alpacas as grass mud horses.
148 In other words, it's the adolescent confusion and the exposure to the real world that make youthful days so special.
149 The real world running of system shows that the control system has good control effectiveness, and satisfies the control requirements of the high-speed sticking mouth of bag machine.
150 They start playing online, but often then arrange to meet over a gaming table somewhere in the real world.
151 Obviously my children should be able to tell the difference between Super Mario Kart and the real world.
152 The supposed inviolability of quantum cryptography rests on a set of assumptions that do not necessarily carry over into the real world.
153 Leave the clutter of vain carnality behind and get on the narrow way. Remember this, in the "real world" the losers get eternal life, whereas the winners go to Hell.
154 As one of the most important biometrics techniques, the development of palmprint recognition has a significant influence on real world.
155 At that point, Schmidt put an avuncular hand on Page's shoulder and brought him back to the real world. Now, with Page as CEO, that hand is less likely to be there.
156 The large-scale database or data warehouse is a huge amount of data in the real world, so data pre-processing must be done by attribute selection technology in Data Mining.
157 Shifting an Internet friendship into the real world can be trickier than hitting a knuckleball.
158 In the real world, the pacifying agent does not move freely; instead, it becomes tied up in the concrete and is not likely to reach the rebar .
159 Alice, a girl described by Lewis Carroll in one of his novels, went down a rabbit-hole in a dream and found a wonderland very different from the real world.
160 But because we, and our leaders, retreated into a Manichean fantasy, we understood the new complexities of the real world even less.
161 A novice user running through a tutorial can get a simple tele-operated robot going in around ten minutes - either in a simulated environment, or the real world.
162 It'seems like becoming a gravestone departing from the real world.
163 If we coddle them when they’re younger, what happens when they get into the real world?
164 Although all system was integrated in the scale-down demo house, they can be used in real world applications.
165 Belief crisis is born of the two way negative relation between human's purposive need and the natural world, and between human's purposive need and the real world.
166 The chief Stoic was Zeno . He was also a materialist, asserting the existence of the real world.
167 Monica: A wuss? Excuse me for living in the real world, okay?
168 When you're in a social situation and you stop to tweet it, that disconnects you from the real world (at least for 30 seconds while you tap out 140 characters on your mobile phone).
169 It is often a challenge to keep a model completely "clean". By this, I mean a true representation of "the real world".
170 To realize the function of workflow management, the business process must be abstracted from the real world and described by a kind of formal method.
171 This is an excellent Real World case study of how moving the free line pays off.
172 The criminal businesses that rely on spam are most at risk in law-abiding bits of the real world[Sentence dictionary], such as America.
173 In UML terms, an archetype is nothing but a "stereo-typed" class that further abstract real world entities into truly reusable and easily extensible analysis/design and implementation artifacts.
174 I think net-love is a complete faithlessness in the real world.
175 The idea that what we take to be the real world could all be just a dream is familiar to many students of philosophy, poetry, and literature.
176 His grades in subjects other than math and English weren't great, but his breadth of real world knowledge was incredible, and his views were mature, way beyond his peers.
177 In the real world in many areas, such as automotive electronics, mobile communications, medical electronics and particle detectors are needed for data collection.
178 On image, CCP emphasizes abstractness while English verse tries to depict the real world.
179 He and the other shadow cabinet members of the millionaires row of the Tory front bench are hopelessly out of touch with what the real world worries of citizens.
180 As for the CDMA universe, 2.5G is referred to as 1XRTT, or just 1X. In the real world, it is known as EVDO and promises download speeds ranging from 600 kbps to 1.4 Mbps.
181 This is a real world, running parallel to our own.
182 In a real world application, the presence monitor server would have a configuration item for this.
183 The real world of this relationship Putin still exist, thereby trigonometrical function is a function of the most widely used.
184 Naive Bayes classifier is a simple and effective classification method based on probability theory, but its attribute independence assumption is often violated in the real world.
185 "It is actually what is happening now, what is happening in the real world, " said Albert Osterhaus, head of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center, who designed "The Great Flu" game with colleagues.
186 Geographics Information System(GIS) is based on data models, generated from the real world. Views vary with the viewpoint of studying the real world.
187 People will never know the transiency and difficulty of life until they step in the real world.
188 Demand purposefully sees traditional photography as a transcriber of the real world, and thus casts doubt on the objects he re-creates.
189 The real world is always far more complex than any most complicated analog computation.
190 Thus, the ego can be said to obey the reality principle, for example controlling the sex drive until conditions are right in the real world for its gratification.
191 The Barrymore of Camp Wigwam fended off two curious Barbizonians with elaborate legpulls; one girl returned to the real world convinced that he was a goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.
192 But in the real world, all too often personalities and emotions becloud objective thinking. People sometimes want vengeance, for example.
193 According to MOR, they were tested using 10-fold cross validation with two real world data sets, and compared with Bayesian network classifier based on MPE.
194 The world organization man perceives is a drastically simplified model of the real world.
195 While decompiler usually chop the chain of byte codes into meaningful pieces. In real world, it is like reading a book, one sentence and then the next sentence.
196 The film flip-flops between the real world and a fantasy dream world, in which the evil king pursues the girl he loves and her lover, a chimney sweep, only to be thwarted at every turn by l"Oiseau."
197 And like twilight shades its imaginings are long-drawn and vague(), making the real world seem like a world of phantasy.
198 Cherenkov radiation is predicted by the "standard model" of particle physics and is also observed in the real world, most often as a faint blue glow emanating from the cores of nuclear reactors.
199 "In the real world, the laws go unenforced and impunity is the norm, " she said.
200 The woman had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.
201 However, In the real world, there are often functional areas in any product set where overlaps exist.
202 Advocates liked the idea that the virtual world was a placeless datasphere, liberated from constraints and restrictions of the real world,[http:///real world.html] and an opportunity for a fresh start.
203 The youth graduate from university into the real world, where relationships between people are complexly intertwined.
204 The authors think that the virtual community is the community of interests, only under conditions of virtual existence. It is a retreat from the conflicts and antagonisms of the real world.
205 For example, an administrator can figure out what is the maximum number of database connections or optimum number for prepared statement cache size that should be used to handle a real world load.
206 A good algorithm to design such a hierarchical database consists of two steps, first, to describe real world in E-R model and then, convert it to the model supported by the DBMS.
207 Tiffin MSc in Criminal Justice (MSCJ), with a concentration in Homeland Security Administration, is an outstanding example of how the real world meets the classr...
208 The idea of behavior based architecture is applied in autonomous robots more widely to make robots work in real world.
209 Constraint satisfaction problems are a large category of complex problems in real world applications, noted for various constraints.
210 It is a real world, working program that builds up your money in a relatively short time but not over night, of course.
211 People used to the quick pace of on-line social networking may soon find the real world boring and unstimulating, potentially leading to more extreme behaviour to get that sense.
212 Although it began life as a classic adventure tale, "Laputa" became too entwined with weighty matters in the real world, and suffered for it.
213 But perfect in real world market price mechanism is nonexistent.
214 I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird in the real world.
215 In the laboratory, this is labeled confirmation bias; observed in the real world, it's known as pigheadedness.
216 Object Description is that human realize objects by researching attributes and actions of objects and modeling real world by describing attributes and actions.
217 I only hope that I can know the real world knowledge which we can learn in school.




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