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单词 Better-off
1. Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.
2. Congregationalism appealed to the better-off sections of industrial society.
3. Properly applied better-off tests would have highlighted how the lack of competition in an internalised link imposes extra costs.
4. Most people are better-off than ten years ago.
5. Glycuresis is being shifted toward average crowd by better-off crowd. On the world, 80%'s patient focuses on the middle low income country at present.
6. Better-off families spend more of their income on leisure products, so tend to benefit more from the falling prices for audio visual equipment as well as games and toys.
7. Germany and the other better-off countries blame the profligacy of Greece, Portugal and Italy and fear that an early bailout would relieve pressure on them to mend their ways.
8. We already know that better-off parents are more likely to access private schools and to monopolise the highest-performing state schools.
9. We all think better-off people should share with others but that's not something we are inclined to do when we are better off.
10. The tax on fuel will not have a serious impact on the better-off, but it will greatly affect the poor.
11. The result is a tax designed to raise cash from better-off voters in safe Tory areas and push it towards the marginals.
11. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
12. Council tenants become more and more marginalised as the better-off tenants are encouraged, by generous discounts, to buy their homes.
13. But the commune continued to act as a major obstacle to the emergence of any substantial stratum of better-off peasants.
14. The scheme was criticized by Second Division Clubs on the grounds that they had to share the onus equally with the better-off.
15. Pay cuts imposed on workers have benefited the profits of corporations and the pay packets of better-off.
16. Perhaps Labour was also unable to appeal to many voters in an increasingly better-off, more obviously middle-class Britain.
17. But after his first shot, Mr Smith will find it virtually impossible to raise much additional revenue from the better-off.
18. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.
19. China's development brings opportunities to the world and a better-off China benefits the world.
20. As these reports show, progress in individual countries tends to be greatest in the better-off populations.
21. As internet use rises in Brazil and reaches new social groups, better-off Brazilians are leaving Orkut for Facebook.
22. External circumstances are important: employed people are happier than unemployed ones and better-off people than poor ones.
23. Statistics reveal those from poor families are three times as likely to skive off than better-off pupils.
24. Throughout the world but especially in low-income countries, the poor are overwhelmingly net food consumers, while farmers are generally better-off net sellers.
25. Subsidies in rich countries, which invariably go to the better-off farmers, disrupt global markets and cut back the exporting prospects of poor farmers in poor countries.
26. However, it did show that the style was most common in better-off families and where parents were married.
1. Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.




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