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单词 Taken over
1. He had taken over an old company verging on liquidation.
2. The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm.
3. They had taken over the tenancy of the farm.
4. Colin Lamb has taken over responsibility for this project.
5. What is good and useful should be taken over.
6. A new breed of film-maker has taken over Hollywood.
7. Has the party been taken over by extremists?
8. His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including six London theatres.
9. The agricultural surplus was taken over almost in its entirety by the ruler.
10. The whole of her being had been taken over by a desire to return to her homeland.
11. She has taken over the role vacated by her boss.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate.
13. Now that English has taken over as the main language, the country's native language has been marginalized.
14. The old official club website address has been taken over by cybersquatters.
15. The company he works for has recently been taken over.
16. I was taken over one by my History mistress.
17. The younger generation had taken over the reins.
18. The following month the insurer was duly taken over.
19. Now techno has taken over the city.
20. The company was taken over by Sony in 1989.
21. The company was taken over by Daimler in the late Twenties.
22. For some obscure reason you had to be taken over.
23. The family business has now been taken over by Anderson's eldest son.
24. He is leader in name only: his deputy has effectively taken over.
25. The command of all forces at Verdun was to be taken over at midnight.
26. We guarantee that you won't lose your jobs when the company is taken over.
27. Most stockbroking analysts believe it inevitable that the troubled electronics group will be taken over.
28. The new statute had set out the management arrangements governing the institutions which the county authority had taken over.
29. Speculation continues that the company may merge or be taken over by another company, such as Sun Microsystems or Oracle Corp.
30. They argued that a new racism based on arguments about cultural difference had largely taken over the arenas of public debate.
1. He had taken over an old company verging on liquidation.
2. The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm.
31. In the rest of Seoul it's often high-rises and nasty modern buildings that have taken over.
32. Taken over time, this series of systematic changes in the interconnected network of market decisions constitutes the market process.
33. The Salt River Project in Arizona was notable for having been all but taken over by speculators.
34. Since then, it has been taken over by the firm of Heber, who specialise in high tech electronics research.
35. The whole of the country has been taken over and destroyed by warring factions.
36. Or rather the house in Mouncy Street had been taken over by a succession of dead bodies.
37. However, its marketing has recently been taken over by Letraset and we await to see the outcome.
38. He told McMurphy this while we were all being taken over to the swimming pool.
39. Their public image is all important. Public relations and advertising gurus have taken over the dialogue.
40. The only constraint on writer input was that some care was taken over legibility.
41. All that is happening is that the story is taken over at various points by each of the members of the cast.
41. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
42. Access to the more fertile land taken over by foreign-owned companies?
43. The Mirror has been beset in recent weeks with rumours and reports that it was about to be taken over.
44. The plant was taken over just two months ago, and now the new owners have decided to relocate in the Midlands.
45. Haciendas have taken over lands previously used by their indigenous workers for domestic production and converted them to pasture.
46. He thought he was doing me a favor because it had taken over much of our tiny back garden.
47. The Tzeltal and Tojolabal in Chiapas were driven into the rocky highlands after their lush flatlands were taken over by wealthy landowners.
48. Investors savvy enough to pick REITs that subsequently are taken over by other REITs stand to make handsome profits.
49. Hospitals, which used to be almost exclusively not-for-profit institutions, are being taken over by large corporate chains.
50. Particular care needs to be taken over: i. accidents or surgical procedures where anaesthetics and appropriate pain relief must be given.
51. Miles of city streets are taken over by stalls offering tiny banknotes and articles of all kinds for sale.
52. They can be manipulated by minorities, taken over by extremists, motivated by the self-interest of organised millions.
53. The couple had taken over the shop six years previously and had achieved a healthy profit through hard work.
54. Bracknell reserve team manager Martin Benford has taken over first-team duties until the end of the season.
55. In recent years cropping had taken over from livestock particularly on part-time farms.
56. Instead, the pitch was taken over by massed Southend fans demanding the resignation of chairman Vic Jobson.
57. And those who change jobs or whose firms get taken over will now get extra protection.
58. Detective McCready had taken over; he didn't want us on his patch.
59. The bridge was pedestrian-only and had been taken over by assorted buskers playing jazz or folk music.
60. Nursing homes, student residences and preparatory schools of discreet reputation have taken over from the merchants.
61. In that event the players' registrations would be taken over by the League and transfer fees payable to Lytham.
62. By the time the star is sighted, octave passages have taken over and the excitement reaches fever pitch.
63. The firms have taken over many of the financial and information management jobs that companies used to do in-house.
64. These are corporations deliberately set up, taken over, or controlled for the explicit and sole purpose of executing criminal activity.
65. A paper long allied to the Liberal tradition had been allowed to be taken over by the right-wing Mail.
66. It was his job to keep watch through the night, but boredom and tiredness had taken over.
67. This was then subsequently taken over by Oatridge College and this department was not involved at that time.
68. Her legal challenge has been taken over by another prospective Citadel cadet, Nancy Mellette.
69. Taken over an average hard disk this could give around a 15 percent saving in space.
70. Our TV screens have been taken over by so-called yob culture.
71. Throughout November and December a few big cod can be taken over low water from the end of the sandbar on night tides.
71. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
72. Imagine that when you come home from a holiday, your house has been taken over by squatters.
73. He has already taken over 12 million paces and worn out six pairs of tough walking boots.
74. If you are not on the inside track, then decision are taken over which you have no influence.
75. In their sorrow, the Sisters showed me several photographs of Bapi that had been taken over the years.
76. Ever since Donald had taken over the management of the company, Robert's role had been gradually whittled away.
77. It was surely only people of diminished responsibility who found their lives being taken over in this way.
78. K., and the numbers is expected to dwindle as many are taken over, merge or convert to banks.
79. Currys was taken over in 1984, two years before the unsuccessful £1.8billion bid for Woolworths.
80. It is a gut reaction to the sense of having been taken over by affluent and alien strangers.
81. Up stepped Purse, who had only just taken over the penalty duties, as 32,000 Brummies looked the other way.
82. But perhaps the machine has taken over from the individual.
83. On Christmas day they stopped sending aid to the country, because he had taken over its government yet again.
84. So once again technology had taken over from old-fashioned human intelligence.
85. She withdrew because her case has been taken over by the local authority, her solicitor Alistair Babbington said.
86. One of the biggest employers in Gloucestershire has been taken over.
87. By the fifteenth century the higher ranks of the nobility had taken over again.
88. Since the bottom fell out of the market for supercars and classic cars, hot-rods have taken over.
89. In 1960, young Democrats had taken over the party by nominating John E Kennedy for the presidency.
90. On Saturdays, it arrived with a stylish colour magazine, taken over from the Sunday Telegraph.
91. When taken over by London Transport in July 1933, at first these cars became 31E-55E still in Croydon livery.
92. Once again, the counter-revolution has taken over the key concepts of this approach and turned them on their head.
93. Claudia doesn't like the dry summer beards of the marguerites, Argyranthemum frutescens, which have taken over the centre bed.
94. Particular care must be taken over plastic packaging materials as these are frequently highly inflammable and can generate toxic fumes when burning.
95. Krayon's palace has been taken over by rebel forces and we are in the midst of this mix.
96. The company had grown, diversified, prospered, taken over other companies.
97. By May 1, twenty little tomato plants in sawed-off milk cartons had taken over the kitchen dinette.
98. Stuart Ward has taken over from Bill Davidson who retired at the end of last year.
99. The individual becomes apathetic and disinterested, reduces the speed of work and the care taken over work.
100. It was only at the end of McKerrows long tenure in 1940 that the Review was taken over by the Oxford Press.
101. Archelaus Archelaus, who was roughly contemporary with Diogenes, seems to have taken over Anaxagoras' system, with minor alterations.
101. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
102. The shop had recently been taken over and the existing stock had been brought in by the previous owner.
103. A complete floor in a central telephone complex in Belfast was taken over by army technicians.
104. When competitors pull out, get taken over or go bust, fares go up.
105. Time and again we have seen large country houses taken over for institutional use, whether as corporate headquarters or hospitals.
106. In 1915 the farm was taken over by Fauchons who ran it as a dairy farm.
107. It had a capacity of 20,000 tons in timber silos and was taken over by the Commissioners in 1906.
108. But no artist seems to have taken over the comic strip format whole until Art Spiegelman came along.
109. Thus ideas and principles are taken over, redefined, and reapplied in order to structure and manage discontent and political rebellion.
110. Unconsciously they create a smokescreen of confusion as a defence against the fear of being taken over.
111. Now James had taken over that role from Edward, and he had usurped a little of her function too.
112. Elephantiasis had taken over his legs and now one thigh was the size of two.
113. From neural imaging, doctors could see the inside of her head being taken over by cancer.
114. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Prince Hans Adam, who had taken over executive authority in 1984.
115. Without declaring for or against the coup, Sukarno issued an ordinance stating he had taken over command of the armed forces.
116. Great care therefore needs to be taken over the completion of documents.
117. At the date of this book, 1569, the press had been taken over by Aldus's youngest son, Paulus.
118. Most of the city was aflame, and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs.
119. All the large houses have been pulled down, or taken over as nursing homes.
120. A few other authorities have taken over elements of the scheme.
121. Kobe shoots too little: selfish, should have taken over.
122. Existing economic system was taken over holus-bolus.
123. No, Obama hasn't taken over the Oval Office early. You're looking at a wax figure of the soon-to-be president that was unveiled in Germany.
124. The battalion had a new commander : Lieutenant Colonel William F. Harris, 32, Naval Academy 1936, who had taken over from Major Roach on 11 November.
125. Golden parachute: Contractual benefits that assure a high-level employee of generous payments if a company is taken over and he or she is dismissed as a result.
126. Beryl : What idiocy! If you do that, your body will be taken over by Metalia.
127. Within a few years, their country had been taken over by remorseless European settlers.
128. Where the consignee fails to declare with the Customs within 3 months from the date of declaration of the means of transport concerned, the goods shall be taken over and sold off by the Customs.
129. The company is taken over by a large international corporation.
130. In any case Porsche had personally taken over Hitler's bias for super - heaviness.
131. They are ready to be taken over by any witch doctor , guru, or dictator.
131. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
132. The new company has duly taken over all accounts outstanding and will take all responsibility for the settlement of accounts.
133. In 1974, Social Security insurance was taken over by the Social Security Administration, and in 1983 an amendment allowed partial taxation of the benefits given to upper-income recipients.
134. The governor of Quintana Roo denied that his state was being taken over by drug traffickers following the arrest and earlier detentions of other senior officials.
135. It reported that since 2007 an interest in the 1836 battle - where 1,500 Mexican troops lay siege to 200 Texans - had slowly taken over his life.
136. Papers are written about "activating stunned fish", his epigrammatic summation of the post-merger integration of the succulent but ill-managed morsels that Haier has taken over.
137. The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards.
138. Similar formulae hold for a line integral of the second type taken over a space curve.
139. Once-famous firms such as British Leyland(), GEC and ICI have fallen apart or been taken over and dismembered.
140. For example, the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer has vampires which are demons that have taken over the bodies of dead humans.
141. A random sample of 50 flights was taken over a 30 period.
142. Security at the bank was taken over by a small army of handpicked men wearing bank guard uniforms.
143. Because the company has been taken over, the contract has been invalidate.
144. One tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $1.25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, and is well on its way to the front door.
145. The markets of Kampala have been taken over with Obama - mania.
146. His second wife was fellow star Mary Pickford and in 1919 they joined Chaplin and DW Griffith in creating United Artists, giving rise to the quip that "the lunatics have taken over the asylum"
147. Saab has not made a profit since it was taken over by GM 20 years ago and estimated it would make a loss of 3 billion Swedish crowns ($427 million) this year and again in 2010.
148. After a brief wrangle in the bankruptcy courts, Britain's Barclays has taken over Lehman's American operations.
149. At the level of fantasy, Gates is a small-time, subversive hooligan who has taken over and dressed himself up as the respectable chairman.
150. The castle began as a Visigoth fortification in the sixth century and was taken over in turns by the Romans and the Moors.
151. This very safe agent has taken over from hexachlorophene, which had a tendency to neurotoxicity.
152. This control is taken over from the powerful subconscious mind.
153. Therefore, this work is taken over by PC, allowing PC to withdraw the Chinese fonts from Chinese character library and sending them to the single chip computer through the COM port.
154. The film is set in 13th-century Scotland, when Wallace returns to his homeland to find it oppressed and taken over by the brutal, pagan king of England, Edward I.
155. Sadr's Mahdi Army fighters had taken over the city and were using the Imam Ali shrine, one of the holiest sites for Shiites, as a base of operations.
156. On the vacant lot, under the huge old eucalyptus tree, Benny has taken over the digging.
156. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
157. The site of the museum was once taken over by the Japanese and used as a "comfort station" in 1942-44.
158. But here are some of my favorites taken over the past decade, as explained by Ron O'Dor, cephalopod biologist and senior scientist for the Census of Marine Life.
159. These machines are now obsolete as computer type setting has taken over.
160. There are so few critics and now an uneducated person like me has taken over, that's hilarious.
161. Sympodial Describing the system of branching in plants in which the terminal bud of the main stem axis stops growing and growth is taken over by lateral buds.
162. George Romero's "Dawn of the Dead", released in 1978, is ostensibly a story about a group of people struggling to survive in a world taken over by flesh-eating zombies.
163. As the population is taken over dangerous flesh-eating creatures, a peculiar division of classes evolves.
164. You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution.
165. The design starts with integration of technological interventions to emulate a treatment system, which then is taken over by nature to be managed with self regulation and low maintenance.




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