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单词 Footwall
1. The platform deposits and rocks footwall are affected by fault tectonics.
2. The footwall consists of the Jurassic Bijiashan domal composite granite complex and Sinian low-grade metamorphosed strata in its exocontact zone.
3. If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane, it is a strike slip fault.
4. But footwall, the mineralization type transformed into altered rock type and quartz vein type.
5. The former is situated in footwall of west section of the fault, while the latter in upper wall of east section of it.
6. Density contrasts at intermediate depths would be expected to occur at footwall ramps, suggesting that detailed gravity studies might be rewarding.
7. The faults within the strike-slip thrust belts occur as structure in sectional view, thus direct correlation of strata between the hanging wall and footwall is impossible.
8. The heavy oil is distributed at handing wall, light oil and gas reservoir at the footwall.
9. Fault plane divides faulted rock into two blocks. The block above the fault plane is called hanging wall; the block below the fault plane is named footwall.
10. The clasts of the Jurassic strata, particularly the stromatolite-bearing, cherty limestone and purple quartzite, can be correlated with those in the footwall of the fault.
11. So the fault on the cliff is a reverse fault because the red rock layer in the hanging wall has moved up relative to that in the footwall.
12. Non-pillar sublevel caving may be used in the mining of gently inclined medium thick orebody when footwall cutting technology is adopted.
13. Based on practical experiences and analysis, the raise sites in footwall are suggested and discussed in this paper.
14. If a fault has a vertical fault plane. How do we determine its hanging wall and footwall ?
15. In structural geology the relative movement of the banging wait and footwall is a major factor to classify various faults.
16. The results show the great difference between the upper wall and footwall.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. The main Mg-carbonate body is hosted by Carboniferous limestone and dolomitic limestone, while footwall black schists contain thin carbonate lenses replaced by Fe-carbonates.
18. But to the region of nappe structure, by the reason of rising reverse fault top wall, so we just can calculate the fault geometry under the footwall breakpoint.
19. Therefore, the risk of fault rock burst when working face advances from the footwall to the fault itself is higher than that from the hanging wall to the fault itself.
20. The experimental phenomena indicate that there are the maximal stress destruction points in the hanging wall and the footwall.
21. They connect the hanging wall of one fault to the footwall of another fault, and have special deforming feature, beside them on the hanging wall there are transverse anticlines.
22. The results show that the stability of roof becomes poor with reduction of distance away from the fault whether the working face is mined in the footwall or hanging wall of fault.
23. Combining with the midsection haulage system reformation, the "V" type working face overall mining method, which draws ore from the bottom of footwall circle haulage laneway, is proposed.
24. The heavy oil is distributed at the handing wall, light oil and gas reservoir at the footwall.




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