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单词 Financed
1. The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.
2. The terrorists financed themselves by robbing banks.
3. The project is financed by a charitable trust.
4. The scheme is partly financed by a government grant.
5. The band was financed by a mystery backer.
6. Most of it will be financed by government bonds.
7. The new roads will be financed privately.
8. Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing.
9. The concerts are financed by the Arts Council.
10. How is the programme to be financed?
11. Some suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by the US.
12. The building project will be financed by the government and by public donations.
13. The City Council had financed the new building to the tune of over 4 million pounds.
14. Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.
15. We financed the new house through the credit union.
16. What has this monetary expansion financed?
17. The channel tunnel is entirely privately financed.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. New product research is financed out of company profits.
19. This was to be financed without raising federal taxes.
20. It is financed by voluntary deductions from salaries.
21. How was John Bowes' great treasure house financed?
22. In turn this must be financed through taxes.
23. Table 16-4 shows that most government spending is financed through taxation.
24. It had been financed by blood money, blood money from the wealthy parents of Charles's dead wife.
25. They built and financed a whole new suburb, and they did it without a public subsidy.
26. In one sense, the fact that few new commercial buildings can be financed does not matter.
27. We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.
28. Consider in Figure 6.4 the situation where all of the social security benefits are financed by payroll contributions by the employee.
29. The public sector continued to grow through a process of bureaucratic accretion financed by economic growth.
30. The crisis surrounding the tunnel threatens to embarrass the Government, which insisted it be financed entirely by the private sector.
1. The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.
2. The terrorists financed themselves by robbing banks.
3. Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.
31. Table 8-15 describes the federally financed food assistance programs, including their purpose and objectives.
32. After investigating Rizvi's affairs, police claimed they had uncovered evidence that underworld money had financed his mercurial film career.
33. The budget for equipment and investments, wholly financed by external funds, would be balanced at 10,000 million Comoros francs.
34. The Progress and Freedom Foundation, another Gingrichrelated group financed with tax-deductible dollars, then picked up the funding.
35. Carpetright comes to the market with no borrowings and has financed the development of 116 stores from its own resources.
36. The import element of such schemes can be financed by foreign currency bank loans.
37. If more were financed privately then taxation could be reduced and incentives increased accordingly.
38. Of these, only ninety-five financed school meals out of rates, the remainder calling on voluntary contributions.
39. The money was not distributed fairly(), but too often financed artificial luxury on the part of a particular caste.
40. They financed a whole new suburb, Shaker Heights, early this century.
41. The decision to introduce a television channel financed by advertising was one which had to be taken by government.
42. To remedy this, a major restoration project is now under way, financed by an allocation of funds from the National Lottery.
43. Prosperity, too, had been the product of small enterprises and a lengthy consumer boom financed by credit.
44. The additional services needed therefore have to be financed from some other source.
45. Obviously, when capital is financed from revenue, the accounting takes place at the same time as the financing.
46. Borrowers with companies financed by the wholesale money markets are already paying rates of about 14.75 percent.
47. A few public goods are financed essentially on the basis of the benefits principle.
47. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
48. The increased deficit is to be financed by borrowing on the domestic market, largely from the domestic banking system.
49. In these times well financed companies can afford to tread water and pick off suitable acquisitions without pressure.
50. The capital cost is to be financed from a local property tax.
51. Open-enrollment charter schools draw students from across school district boundaries and are financed with state and local school dollars.
52. How will other members of society benefit from having expensively financed their being there?
53. Ruess financed his wanderings through Asia by selling his paintings.
54. Headed by Jack Kemp, this largely Republican commission was privately financed.
55. Renewable energy projects benefit from a price premium financed by a levy on the power industry.
56. In other words, it is compensation for assets financed from the farm overheads.
57. But such subsidies have to be financed out of taxation.
58. The expansion will be financed by an infusion of state money.
59. Therefore, fixed asset investment is normally financed through loans or leasing.
60. The community development corporation is legally incorporated and financed from various sources and runs an economic development programme.
61. The law requires a charge to be made in lieu of depreciation for all assets financed from loans.
62. Each Board was financed by a levy on the relevant industry.
63. Trade deficits need to be financed and it is simply impossible to borrow enough to keep up with compound interest.
64. Approximately 70 percent of development expenditure was to be financed from foreign assistance and loans.
65. Where capital is financed from grants, there will be no direct revenue effect.
66. Most of the mine-clearing programs are financed by foreign governments or the United Nations.
67. Several pounds of flesh Never before in history have the poor financed the rich on such a lavish scale.
68. Table 16-3 reminds us that some government expenditure is financed by borrowing.
69. Moreover, all Soviet art education was state financed and students got materials, free board and lodging, and pocket money.
70. It was a simple but effective system of welfare financed partly by taxes and partly by other devices.
71. Money from extortion and drugs has reportedly financed a string of chic new restaurants and bars in Dushanbe.
72. In 1961, 78 percent of corporate business investment was financed by retained earnings.
73. Margaret Thatcher, too, realized the potential of having this major capital project financed by the private sector.
74. Archbishop Prospero Penados del Barrio has charged that some political parties have financed their activities with ransom money.
75. Beginning in the 1970s, petrodollars financed the propaganda that encouraged submission and repudiated reflection.
76. By the mid-1970s stipulated military needs could only be financed by cutting investment in the productive base as a whole.
77. The expenditure would be financed 22 percent from borrowing and use of government assets.
78. The investment financed by this borrowing stoked up demand for commodities, permitting sales to be maintained at higher and higher prices.
79. It has only one such site also at Mayak, and partly financed by the United States that meets international safety requirements.
80. Under the 1990 reforms, districts will be financed on a pure formula basis too.
81. Inventory is typically financed through blanket liens, trust receipts, or field-warehousing arrangements.
82. However, the groups are poorly financed, too few in number, and only found in major cities.
83. The whole system was financed by smuggling gold purchased by his clients' money, and the organiser made fat profits.
84. It is quite happy to hand the promises out, but not so happy to tell us how they will be financed.
85. This link also influences accounting for capital expenditure that is financed other than by borrowing.
86. The research and developmental work on which this advance depends is well financed and comprehensive.
87. Minatom remains evasive on the question of how the new storage sites will be financed.
88. As we noted earlier, these capital inflows have financed the current account deficits.
89. The film was financed by off-shore oil company money and there were no health and safety standards.
90. Some 90 percent of government debt is financed from domestic savings, leaving little capital spare for stocks.
91. Because the golf schools are held on courses financed by the sale of condominiums.
92. Deep Throat had been explicit in saying the withdrawals financed the Watergate bugging.
93. She became an independent student and financed herself through two scholarships, an equal opportunities grant and a state loan.
94. Gingrich shook hands with Clinton last June promising to appoint a commission to change the way congressional campaigns are financed.
95. However, the original stock of bankers' balances has financed an additional round of spending.
96. As with Cornish tin the profits were creamed by the London capitalists who financed a good many undertakings.
97. Projects financed by multilateral agencies, such as the World Bank, were and are far from immune from this process.
98. If we think of an individual asset to be purchased and financed from loan, then the authority begins with no capital.
99. Although we have made a repayment of principal, we have not yet financed that repayment.
100. Privately financed and provided group medical plans are assuming greater importance.
101. Assume also that running costs are financed with credit until receipts are received.
102. This was given nine months before the bank collapsed and financed Gasco's takeover of Cornish tin mining company St Piran.
103. The relationship between public investment and private development is important in considering how a canal would be financed.
104. They were to be established in all districts, financed by the Treasury, and would publish information about job vacancies.
105. In 1990, the federal Bureau of Health Professions financed geriatric education centers in 31 states.
106. It's hoped that more cameras will be installed, financed by local businesses.
107. Prior to his imprisonment, his burgling and dealing activities financed their heroin use.http://
108. However, he said there is an open issue of how such a construction project would be financed.
109. Some services are financed out of general taxation and are made available for all of us to consume.
110. The agency would be financed by the combined budgets of the existing food inspection programs.
111. The Roman catholic church is financed out of voluntary contributions.
112. In addition to public funding, much health care is financed privately by both companies and individuals.
113. As Arkansas governor, he had built public support for key legislation with television advertisements largely financed by corporate donations.
114. The Channel tunnel project is the largest enterprise of its kind to be financed from private sources.
115. In any case, this was not, by and large, the way state spending was financed in the boom.
116. Without that income, promises of better public services - that is, publicly financed services - are pure fantasy.
117. This leaves a balance which then has to be financed through locally levied rates.
118. This traditionally financed the samba schools, which spend six months preparing for carnival.
119. The flow of patronage towards them continued unabated, and some of their household expenses were financed by the king.
120. I got myself a job as typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine we thought was being financed from Moscow.
121. This gap must be financed by borrowing or selling assets.
122. The overwhelming bulk of state spending, then, was financed by taxation.
123. The community health services then came to be financed wholly by central government.
124. Other Republicans argue that state bonds are financed by all taxpayers, not just property owners.
125. While in office he was most noted for his ambitious programme of public works financed by foreign debt.
126. Suppose first that T 0, so that the excess of interest over new debt is financed by a capital tax.
127. Political campaigns were financed by such groups, and political consensus was brokered between such organizations.
128. Drug money has financed ministers and members of parliament and co-opted thousands of policemen and border guards.
129. The 1980s have also seen the development of four military schools run by the army but privately financed.
130. They offer little protection against heavily financed, one-sided campaigns and special-interest propaganda efforts.
131. Leasing schemes will allow large-scale investments to be financed at relatively little cost to the public sector borrowing requirement.
132. The system is financed by higher prices paid for goods bearing the green dot symbol.
133. Certain protected expenses were to be financed in full from the budget, and submitted to the Supreme Soviet for approval.
134. These operations were largely financed by the building societies.
135. He in 1954 financed organizes Formosa Plastics Group Corporation.
136. Some companies are financed entirely by common stock.
137. All purchases shall be financed with the proceeds of loan.
138. Sam financed his studies at medical school by 1 abouring all summer.
139. A defeat for French Catholics,(http:///financed.html) the ruling was based on the fact that Czar Alexander II financed construction of the building.
140. Major oil companies and other big corporate interests are also playing this game, and have financed disreputable PR campaigns against climate science.
141. But by 2004, al Qaeda financed itself by raising money from "witting and unwitting donors, mosques and sympathetic imams, and nongovernment organizations such as charities, " says the report.
142. The UPFA was led by a government minister, Douglas Devananda, whose campaign was well financed.
143. This paper is financed by the National Defense Science foundation project" three-D Digital Design and Analysis System of Catered to Antenna".
144. In the UK and US, a sizeable foreign capital inflow financed both private and fiscal deficits.
145. In Ethiopia and Rwanda, more than 50% of government expenditures is financed by donors, and off-budget donor funding for health is more than 100% of government health expenditures.
146. Thus, the deficit has to be financed by reduced domestic investment or by increased foreign borrowing.
147. World War II forced huge deficit spending, financed almost entirely by bond issues sold to American citizens and corporations.
148. And the final remaining colonial deficits were normally financed on short-term credit, and American merchants usually purchased goods from England on one-year credit.
149. Vesper:I suppose you've given some thought to the notion that if you lose our government will have directly financed terrorism.
150. Less rosily , the fact that so much of the deal ($7 billion) is financed by debt is a negative: borrowing that looks cheap today could double in price tomorrow.
151. Part of the funding will go toward the Armenian Social Investment Fund, which has financed more than 600 micro-infrastructure projects and help raise living standards in rural areas.
152. But these purchases are being financed by the issue of Treasury bills.
153. It was financed in part ANEC, the European Organisation for Consumer Representation in Standardisation.
154. It is a British film, produced by Working Title, but financed by Studio Canal of France – because Universal were not prepared to take the risk – and directed by a Swede.
155. He left Dior in 1961 and opened his own couture house, financed by Berge, in 1962.
156. The study, financed by the federal Department of Education, tracked the reading habits and test stores of more than 1,300 Florida children from 17 low-income schools.
157. The NJP is financed by the authors (current article charge: EUR 870); current publication costs were covered by current income in 2006 for the first time.
158. Retail-bank bosses who had financed loan growth by tapping wholesale sources of funding are now targeting lower LDRs .
159. The first double deck financed trust estate financing products this week published new way?
160. The Spanish-American War of 1898 was financed by, among other things, a renewed estate tax and a telephone tax.
161. In El Salvador, the military was trained, armed and financed by the United States for 20 years, Their official target was the Marxist guerrilla force(), the FLMN.
162. The Jacobites were, from one perspective, (un)witting dupes of the French who financed and supported them as a way of causing troublesome distractions for the British.
163. Document setting up a limited company, giving details of its aim, the way it is financed and its registered office.
164. Vivendi had overpaid for some acquisitions and financed them by raising debt.
165. Financed by preferential export buyer's credit extended by China Eximbank, this project was designed to address the power supply imbalance and the north-south transmission bottleneck in Tajikistan.
166. Instead, Dubai has financed its economic diversification with international borrowing by the government and by government-controlled corporations.
167. This is a capital reserve in the Fed financed by the Treasury selling new debt, but its excess capital is "trapped" and does not immediately reach currency in circulation.
168. The project is financed by companies including the Belgian chemicals and pharmaceuticals producer Solvay, the watchmaker Omega, and Deutsche Bank.
169. Unlike the BBC, which is financed by a licence fee paid by British viewers, the other networks, even state-owned Channel 4, had to live by selling advertising space.
170. The CSC is a non-profit institution with legal person status affiliated with the Ministry of Education, financed mainly by the states special appropriations for scholarship programs.
171. 'The extent to which growth has been financed with debt gives you an idea of how sustainable it is,' says Robert Horrocks, co-manager of Matthews Asian Growth and Income Fund.
172. Medicare, the giant health scheme for the elderly, is federally financed and run.
173. Pro-NATO former Czech President Vaclav Havel, who is chairman of the International Council of the George Soros financed Human Rights Watch, also joined in nominating Liu for the prize.
174. Beijing constructed and financed Pakistan's Gwadar port, opened in 2007, as part of plans to develop a road and rail transport corridor from China's northwest to the Arabian Sea.
175. The "Eastern Turkestan" terrorist forces are trained, equipped and financed by international terrorist organizations.
176. The smaller the deficit that needs to be financed by debt, the more the monetary authorities are on the upward sloping portion of the Laffer curve and accept inflation.
177. At the time, the Bank of Japan financed a large fiscal expansion by printing money.
178. The picture shows the road construction by Henan International Cooperation Group, financed by Bank.
179. New social spending could be financed by requiring major state companies to hand over more of their profits to the government, a step a Cabinet official said last month Beijing plans to take.
180. Financial matters - how your business is financed, levels of retained profit , the sales income generated and your cashflow.
181. The scheme is financed by a levy imposed on all employees' compensation insurance policies taken out by employers.
182. Although this was supposed to be financed by taxes on petrol and diesel, railmen saw it as a form of subsidy to a new competitor, the nationwide trucking industry.
183. Because we believe the performance of the company is not good enough to be financed, and there still some problems of management and financial especially the receivable turnover .
184. Keep them off of the International Space Station, that's been financed largely by the U. S. Europe, Russia, and Japan. Let China spend their massive money resources to build their own space station.
185. The College was to be financed by sequestered Cathedral funds and subscriptions.
186. They were financed by their local and regional banks, whose mission was to foster local enterprise.
187. Runaway inflation is usually the result of fiscal excess, financed by printing money, or rigid labour markets, which produce a wage-price spiral that the central bank fails to stop.
188. Nowadays, such deficits are usuay financed by Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) drawn at the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ).
189. PNHP believes this program should be financed by truly progressive taxation.
190. Social Security was to be entirely a self - financed insurance plan based on strict actuarial principles.
191. The net of long-term borrowings financed from overseas branches are treated as current liabilities.
192. The fund has also financed pilot programs to help provincial governments put actual assets, rather than notional credits, into personal accounts.
193. While railroads still maintained their own trackbeds, in effect the government had financed truckers' right-of-way.
194. After the middle of the nineteenth century land-grant colleges were established, and they disseminated information and technology through governmentally financed extension services.
195. He also co - financed Bredbandsbolaget ( B 2 ) , a provider of broadband and phone services.
196. Westgate Resorts often financed its growth by borrowing against the mortgages of time-share buyers, he said.
197. The project is financed through the International Development Association(), the arm of the World Bank that provides grants and no-interest loans.
198. This skittishness partly reflects uncertainty about how the government debt will be financed.
199. For if we hit the debt ceiling, the government will be forced to stop paying roughly a third of its bills, because that’s the share of spending currently financed by borrowing.
200. In repo agreements, the asset being financed serves as collateral for the loan, and the maximum amount of the loan is the current assessed value of the collateral less a haircut.
201. Our analysis of the guano project takes no notice of how that project is financed.
202. Some of its agencies have financed the redevelopment of their properties with capital from their staff.
203. However, the construction of the second Inga-Kinshasa line will be financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB).
203. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
204. Today equipment is financed equipment leasing than by bank loans or any other method of financing.
205. In St. Cloud, though, all that red ink from the states dimmed the hopes for more federally financed green jobs, for now.
206. A casino financed by Hong Kong investors was shut down when hordes of Chinese officials went to gamble away public funds.
207. Balance - of - payments deficits are increasingly financed by special drawing rights at the International Monetary Fund.
208. Cases in point: Bear Stearns and Lehman, both of which financed large investments in risky securities primarily with short-term borrowing.
209. Italy, Ethiopia and the European Investment Bank financed the project, according to Ethiopian media reports.




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