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单词 With this
1. What's the approved way of dealing with this?
2. You could stuff the chair with this torn material.
3. Can you help me with this form?
4. I can't write with this pencil stub.
5. Scrape the mud off your shoes with this knife.
6. What's wrong with this stamp?It won't stick.
7. Is coffee included with this meal?
8. I'm not happy with this way of working.
9. How do you intend to deal with this problem?
10. I'm not going to put up with this!
11. I'll be through with this in a few minutes.
12. I'll ask my personal assistant to deal with this.
13. We will commence with this work.
14. You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. I am afraid I cannot cope with this.
16. I'd better bash on with this article.
17. Do you know how to deal with this problem?
18. We dealt with this in a previous chapter.
19. What should I do with this old computer?
20. Have you had any previous dealings with this company?
21. They fixed me up with this job.
22. I have no acquaintance with this book.
23. With this, the two companions wordlessly separated.
24. You can get in with this set of keys.
25. Can you measure accurately with this ruler?
26. There is something wrong with this window. I can't wind it down.
27. There's something wrong with this car; we have to lay it up.
28. With this you can pinpoint the precise location of the sound.
29. You can get a really close,() smooth shave with this new double-bladed razor.
30. I think it is fair to say that they are pleased with this latest offer.
1. What's the approved way of dealing with this?
2. You could stuff the chair with this torn material.
3. Can you help me with this form?
4. I can't write with this pencil stub.
5. Scrape the mud off your shoes with this knife.
6. What's wrong with this stamp?It won't stick.
7. Is coffee included with this meal?
8. I'm not happy with this way of working.
9. How do you intend to deal with this problem?
10. I'll be through with this in a few minutes.
11. I'll ask my personal assistant to deal with this.
12. We will commence with this work.
13. You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
14. I am afraid I cannot cope with this.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. I'd better bash on with this article.
16. Do you know how to deal with this problem?
17. We dealt with this in a previous chapter.
18. What should I do with this old computer?
19. Have you had any previous dealings with this company?
20. They fixed me up with this job.
21. With this, the two companions wordlessly separated.
22. You can get in with this set of keys.
23. I think it is fair to say that they are pleased with this latest offer.
24. There is something wrong with this window. I can't wind it down.
25. There's something wrong with this car; we have to lay it up.
26. With this you can pinpoint the precise location of the sound.
27. You can get a really close, smooth shave with this new double-bladed razor.
28. I'll go with you when I get through with this pile of papers.
29. You can fix the toy plane's tail with this glue.
30. I can't put up with this awful machine any longer.
31. I'll go with you when I get through with this pile of papers.
32. With this polish you can give a good high gloss to the wood.
33. You can fix the toy plane's tail with this glue.
34. I can't put up with this awful machine any longer.
35. Patients should be made aware of the risks involved with this treatment.
36. The police need to be briefed beforehand on how to deal with this sort of situation.
37. Put a tick in the box if you agree with this statement.
38. Are you telling me you didn't have any help with this?
39. We can't go any farther / further ahead with this out-of-date policy.
40. A catalogue and order form are included with this mailing.
41. I need a new pair of trousers to go with this jacket.
42. May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?
43. You can stain the wood with this special liquid to give it a pleasing color.
44. The great majority of people seem to agree with this view.
45. There is something wrong with this machine, the wheels aren't meshing properly with each other.
46. With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country's leading director.
47. We need to deal with this problem right now.
48. There is a high failure rate with this treatment.
49. We've had nothing but trouble with this car.
50. I disagree strongly with this idea.
51. Stretch your brain with this puzzle.
52. Can you help me with this box?
53. Mop the floor with this old cloth.
54. I'm not getting on very fast with this job.
55. The manager landed me with this tedious task.
56. Don't palter with this question, answer it properly.
57. I'm up to here with this job; I'm resigning!
58. We've had no previous dealings with this company.
59. Don't worry, I'll deal with this.
60. She doesn't know how to reckon with this problem.
31. Patients should be made aware of the risks involved with this treatment.
32. The police need to be briefed beforehand on how to deal with this sort of situation.
33. Put a tick in the box if you agree with this statement.
34. Are you telling me you didn't have any help with this?
35. We can't go any farther / further ahead with this out-of-date policy.
36. A catalogue and order form are included with this mailing.
37. I need a new pair of trousers to go with this jacket.
38. May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?
39. You can stain the wood with this special liquid to give it a pleasing color.
40. The great majority of people seem to agree with this view.
41. There is something wrong with this machine, the wheels aren't meshing properly with each other.
42. With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country's leading director.
43. They may be excused from complying with this regulation.
44. You can't play around with this assignment; it's something that needs to be buckled down to seriously.
61. Our team walked away with this game.
62. I have some sympathy with this point of view.
63. I've dealt with this shop for 20 years.
64. There's summat wrong with this machine.
65. Be an angel and help me with this.
66. Does this jacket go with this skirt?
67. We are, unfortunately, stuck with this huge, ugly building.
68. Only 10% of the teenagers agreed with this statement.
69. I could never part with this ring.
70. There are several difficulties with this theory.
71. With this disease the patient bruises easily.
72. At college he rooms with this guy from Nebraska.
73. please help me up with this heavy trunk.
74. Can you deal with this customer?
74. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
75. Some people disagree with this argument.
76. We are fed up with this facade of democracy.
77. There are no half measures with this company.
78. With this comforting thought , Harry fell asleep.
79. We've achieved some marvellous results with this new drug.
80. Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue.
81. I need a top to go with this skirt.
82. He perplexed me with this problem.
83. You were going to help me with this. Remember?
84. Are you done with this magazine?
85. I entirely sympathize with this view.
86. The spokesman wrong-footed them with this question.
87. He is bound up with this matter.
88. We are immensely pleased with this result.
89. Could you just help me with this box, please?
90. I strongly disagree with this amoral approach to politics.
91. They may be excused from complying with this regulation.
92. Have a gargle with this mouthwash.
93. Certain people might disagree with this.
94. I was moving into uncharted territory with this relationship.
95. I can't envisage her coping with this job.
96. Help me with this baggage, will you?
97. Sue and John were especially thrilled with this award.
98. I am delighted with this computer.
99. Problems with this drug are now beginning to emerge.
100. My staff had nothing whatsoever to do with this.
101. I can't really taste anything with this cold.
102. Father assured his life with this insurance company.
103. What's the best way to deal with this?
104. Main Street won't be happy with this new program.
105. I am greatly embarrassed with this work.
106. New laws to deal with this abuse are in the pipeline.
107. With this upcoming deal we hope to establish a permanent foothold in the US market.
108. With this performance[/with this.html], she has notched up her third championship title.
109. There are two problems with this situation, one major, one minor.
110. She's really landed on her feet with this new job.
111. So many people have helped me with this book that it is hard to pick out the few for special mention.
112. With this insurance policy there is a maximum payout of £2500.
113. We need to bring in an expert to deal with this problem.
114. If you have any problems with this site, contact the webmaster.
115. My only quarrel with this plan is that it's going to take far too long.
116. You can pump up the tyres by hand or with this special machine.
117. They are digging into all the old files connected with this case.
118. Oh well, that's enough chatting. I suppose I'd better bash on with this essay.
119. There's no need to concern yourself with this matter; we're dealing with it.
120. That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.
121. I want a tie that will match with this suit.
122. Can you drop what you're doing and help me with this report?
123. I'm going to give your finger a little prick with this needle.
124. I want a pair of tights to go with this sweater.
125. Try not to get into a hassle with this guy.
126. In my judgment, we should let the solicitor deal with this.
127. I think he's just going to deal with this problem another day.
128. Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.
129. Stop farting around and give me a hand with this!
130. With this drill it's possible to adjust the speed of rotation.
131. It infuriates us to have to deal with this particular mayor.
132. I have been wrestling with this problem for quite some time.
133. Do you think it possible to patch up a piece of furniture or two with this wood?
134. They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials.
135. Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.
136. We can't cope with this overflow of patients from the other hospitals.
137. He has taken on some exciting new challenges with this job.
138. With this end in view they employed 50 new staff.
139. Have you got any cheese I can have with this bread?
140. I've never really got to grips with this new technology.
141. For the record I'd just like to say that I totally disagree with this decision.
142. Either he went through with this thing or he did not; it was all or nothing.
143. The company is moving into unfamiliar territory with this new software.
144. I've been fiddling about with this design for ages,[] but I'm still not happy with it.
145. Oh, brother - I really don't want to deal with this now.
146. Shall I wear the diamonds or the pearls with this dress?
147. I can't seem to get to grips with this problem.
148. Last year's riots pale in comparison with this latest outburst of violence.
149. With this software, the system will remind you when the bring forward date arrives.
150. Only other sufferers know what it is like to be afflicted with this disease.
151. I can see a few problems with this line of argument.
152. If anyone tampers with this door it trips the alarm.
153. I really picked a winner with this car it's always breaking down!
154. There's something wrong with this colour scheme but I can't quite pin it down.
155. We can warm the room quite quickly with this electric fire.
156. I'm really tempted to take up that job offer in Washington, but I don't want to burn my boats with this company.
157. I don't know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish.
158. The difference with this information service is that it's free.
159. I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this.
160. For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.
161. With this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck all in one.
162. You may have difficulty with this book at first, but you'll find it easier as you go along.
163. With this exercise plan you will notice an enormous improvement in your stamina.
164. You can't play around with this assignment; it's something that needs to be buckled down to seriously.
164. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
165. "You won't get away with this," he said with unexpected bravado.
166. I've had continual problems with this car ever since I bought it.
167. Barcelona will be a force to be reckoned with this season.
168. If you are dissatisfied with this product, please return it.
169. He wanted to make money and went abroad with this end in view.
170. She's been around a bit so she'll know how to deal with this type of problem.
171. The newspapers will have a field day with this story!
172. No-one likes conflict, but at the same time we have to deal with this problem.
173. Dealing with this dictator wasn't an option. He wouldn't have kept his side of the bargain.
174. Sit here beside me. Besides means 'in addition to something':What other sports do you play besides hockey? Do not use beside with this meaning.
175. With this type of camera, the shutter speed is fixed.
176. I am happy, indeed proud, to be associated with this project.
177. How fast can you post to the port with this urgent message?
178. That's a good dictionary, but it doesn't bear comparison with this one.
179. She has already expressed her dissatisfaction with this aspect of the policy.
180. With this one unexpected victory, the club now has a lifeline.
181. I can envisage difficulties if we continue with this policy.
182. The iron hand in the velvet glove approach seems to work best with this age group.
183. I think she's onto a real winner with this song.
184. My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line. Christopher Hitchens 
185. The strength of religion lies in its moral doctrines that are compatible with the instinctive feelings of the human heart. Believers or non- believers are all blessed with this kind of human feelings – a part of human nature. Dr T.P.Chia 
186. No good eggs with this drouth.
187. With this new invention, we're sitting on a goldmine.
188. Your children have infected you with this head cold.
189. Not everyone is hot and bothered with this problem.
190. We to come to grips with this critical situation.
191. With this shield, however the Fates may play, we march always in the ranks of honour.
192. It would be physically dangerous for Ann Coulter to proceed with this event.
193. With this parting admonition, he left Clyde to his thoughts.
194. I ended up living with this albino guy who was cleaning windshields.
194. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
195. The world community to come to grips with this reality.
196. China, the world's biggest financier, disagrees strongly with this goal.
197. The trouble with this alarmist view is that it's nothing new.
198. But it might be easier stick with this one and find a better confidante instead.
199. Soften and soothe your dry, chapped lips with this unique, dark chocolate peppermint lip butter.
200. You should adopt another way to deal with this hot potato.
201. The Referee Commission may disbar any official or competitor who does not comply with this regulation.
202. Mitchell - Netravali : With this antialiasing filter edges will be sharp but not crisp.
204. With this axe Ganesha can both strike and repel obstacles.
205. There was only one problem with this otherwise perfect picture : my conscience was both erring me.
206. Fashion and excitement come naturally with this 2 - piece bikini top and hot pants combo.
207. With this electric blanket, the grandpa won't feel cold in winter.
208. He wanted them to do away with this barbarous custom.
209. Till today, she still contrariwise makes raw material trade only, assure income with this.
210. His parents died and he was roaming around the streets with this bad eye infection.
211. Mary had expected the old woman to be heartbroken at having to part with this clock.
212. With this button the user can abort the audio sequence.
213. It has not anything to do with this walk, this is called a crepuscular walk.
214. More delicious dishes you will get when you cook with this condiment.
215. But even with this thought, she would pray fervently that he would remain indefinitely.
216. The coatings prepared with this curing agent will be of good erosion resistance, hardness and glossiness.
217. Then said Ahab, I will send thee away with this covenant.
218. Please see the flyer enclosed with this issue for details.
219. I already knew I wasn't going to be comfortable with this method - electrocution was faster and simpler.
220. With this customer, he felt himself , as it were, casting pearls before swine.
221. Glyph of Lava: Glyph of Earth Elemental removed and replaced with this glyph.
222. Can you help me with this earphone? I can't hear anything.
223. What would a teenage hussy want with this place, anyway?
224. I cannot let my father, Dracula,[http:///with this.html] to get away with this.
225. " Tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current, " he said.
226. She was scarcely able to familiarize herself with this strange reality.
227. However, the cymbals may start to sound painful with this added EQ.
228. With this effective wind deflector , owners can enjoy driving with the top down even in winter.
229. Every morning he shaves ( himself ) with this electric razor.
230. With this animistic background, it is natural that man is also a manifestation of the spirit.
231. With this extra large filing cabinet, my new filing system will be unstoppable.
232. I, Earth Mother, am working with this paradigm with the creation of the Masters Conclave.
233. Their excellent survival during autolysis in vitro and ischemia in vivo is consistent with this.
234. By analyzing the Gas Burner problem with this method, the parameter limit is improved to 3 non - leaking ≥76.
235. I'd like do dry run with this speech before I present it to the whole company.
236. Chinese endued with this happy temperament we believe to be by no means rare.
237. Will you help me with this crossword puzzle? It got me stumped.
238. With this method with dry wash, and maintain clothing not Diaose, deformation.
239. Closely allied with this new facility is the interactivity of electronic text.
240. Can you help me with this earphone ( headset headphone )? I can't hear anything.
241. Children with this condition often require many other services, including complex dental care and speech therapy.
242. I found their work very much consonant with this way of thinking.
243. With this trick, and the wood once again active in the baseball field.
244. With this simple sash, you fend off attacks against your body.
245. Rather, with this technique one can analyze arbitrary geometrically complicated structures.
246. Our Glutamine Powder is a simple way to supplement your diet with this key amino acid.
247. With this cement, water is necessary for the chemical reaction of hydration.
248. The substances with this applicator ( paint, thinners etc ) may contain hazardous, harmful, explosive or corrosive materials.
249. Now, here it is: What could I do, with this old timber I hobble on?
250. Fashion and excitement come naturally with this 2 - piece drawstring bikini with beads.
251. He shot the enemy's airplane with this antiaircraft machine gun.
252. Do You have some dharma experiences connected with this topic?
253. In the famine I got familiar with this famous family name.
254. He said: " We will be developing a way forward to deal with this diplomatically. "
254. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
255. And make a explain the safety, three wastes processing and the utilities with this ashe.
256. As a region we have hardly come to grips with this question yet.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:48:37