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单词 Simpler
1. Is all this technology making our lives simpler?
2. His theory cannot be translated into simpler terms.
3. Nothing is simpler than a cool white shirt.
4. Ordering on-line couldn't be simpler.
5. He'd be better off starting with something simpler.
6. Back in Britain, things appear, on the surface, simpler.
7. They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life.
8. It was much simpler than that.
9. Minton's view of landscape is simpler and more harmonious.
10. It was much simpler and more basic.
11. The simpler the design,(/simpler.html) the better he liked it.
12. Visual formats make the drawing of conclusions simpler.
13. I think the plot is much simpler.
14. Life in pre-war Britain was simpler and less fast-paced.
15. Darwin's view was simpler and more ruthless.
16. This is often a far simpler and cheaper solution.
17. Conceptually more complicated, but experimentally simpler.
18. It was much simpler four years ago.
19. The great majority of the vessels made were simpler.
20. You can tackle the simpler problems yourself.
21. This is simpler than using the old text menus.
22. She is better able to focus on simpler pictures.
23. We could propose a simpler system.
24. We shall illustrate the effect with two simpler examples.
25. Comparisons are simpler to make when numerical data is presented in diagrammatic form and conclusions are easier to draw from it.
26. Those naive souls who have longed for a simpler and better way have had to consign their visions to pointless daydreams.
27. In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler.
28. We came to the island in the hope of finding a simpler way of life.
29. Thus, higher polynomials can always be constructed to improve the fit when the simpler model breaks down.
30. Medical advances in recent years have made male and female sterilisation simpler and more acceptable to many people.
31. In that year a new law was passed to make divorce easier and simpler.
32. It is exclusively a business concept although simpler versions of videoconferencing may one day enter the home as the first videophones.
33. In spite of this tendency towards complexity, some authorities have suggested that a simpler approach may yield benefits.
34. As well as being simpler, this allows us to follow a historical sequence which leads up to serialism.
35. If its previous currency has been effectively destroyed by hyper-inflation the problem is, paradoxically, simpler.
36. The new photocopier is much simpler to use than the one we had before.
37. The simpler forms are designed for less prestigious or valuable property.
38. His vocal range is amazing(http://), and used to convey unforgettable melodies that sound a lot simpler than they are.
39. It is much simpler and neater-though not necessarily cheaper-simply to start with raw sugar.
40. The objects and phenomena that a physics book describes are simpler than a single cell in the body of its author.
41. Broughton said the codes would make it simpler to build on small hillside vacant lots in older developed neighborhoods.
42. Fortunately, there are animals in which the process is not only much simpler but can be observed directly.
43. If the injection pipette is renewed between operations, solutions can be injected using the simpler in vitro injection pipette. 10.
44. Vivian may as well lose her wits; only something much simpler can help her.
45. The movie evokes a simpler time when life was less complicated.
46. These ownership forms are generally reflected by a simpler method of presentation of the equity section.
47. The simpler decorative style of the wide boats echoes that of the seagoing ships alongside which they were built.
48. A simpler and more pleasant way of achieving the same end was to use jade vessels for food and drink.
49. In cultures where arranged marriages were the norm, the task of marrying was probably psychologically simpler.
50. The Cathedral of S. Dimitri was begun in 1194 and has a simpler plan with four piers supporting a single dome.
51. More complex PEs in one layer respond to features picked up by simpler nodes in the previous layer.
52. As we will see shortly, it is much simpler to assure ourselves of gains from trade if it is true.
53. There are not many sets simpler than the unit disc!
54. Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler. Friedrich Nietzsche 
55. Conceptually, of course, cloning by embryo splitting is much simpler than cloning by nuclear transfer.
56. Nuisances: A streamlining of local authority procedures to make the tackling of noise nuisances simpler is proposed.
57. What need to import further obscure perplexities into an already complex situation - particularly when simpler and convincing explanations lay to hand?
58. Each then acts as a template to which other simpler molecules become attached until each has once more become a double helix.
59. For a modern view, which is no simpler, see the review by Kevan Martin, reference 10.
60. Although recognition of handwriting has received much less attention the task is simpler and promising results have been obtained.
61. Instead, some of the simpler computations are performed in the retina itself.
62. Some technological capabilities have been enhanced, but the main benefits have been restricted to the simpler parts of the industry.
63. Obviously in such a case predicting trade from factor endowments will be much more complex than in our simpler cases.
64. Labour offers to all those who want simpler local government a new tier of expensive regional government.
65. I was relieved to see her go, for everything was simpler with just the two of us.
66. Their utterances are syntactically simpler, contain a narrower range of semantic content, and less frequently refer outside the here-and-now.
67. We might proceed in this way, but a different approach is simpler.
67. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
68. Political cultures to refer to those in which there are significant proportions of both the simpler and more complex patterns of orientations.
69. The direct and lyrical method of the new poems creates the simpler aesthetic quality of humility.
70. In the superficially simpler terms of plate tectonics, these are the repeated effects of plates splitting and coming together.
71. To its credit, however, it's initially simpler to use than both the Carvin and the Marshall.
72. That is, he can attribute beliefs, desires, intentions, and so forth in giving a simpler account of a complex matter.
73. There is a much simpler explanation of the animal's behaviour.
74. For simpler work, the depth is adjusted merely by setting the cam lever.
75. As the infinite time horizon case is simpler to treat we begin with this.
76. It is more important in simpler forms of learning such as skill learning when it usually means repetition.
77. For the simpler tasks of cataloguing, none the less, the computer has a major contribution to make and is already making it.
78. MicroHenry is a simpler and cheaper off-line version of Henry, which should start shipping in the summer.
79. The eleventh method, behaviour modification, is less demanding in terms of complex causes and offers a simpler approach to tackling problem people.
80. But being simpler, the missions communicate a clearer essence of what the built environment in Southern California ought to look like.
81. The simpler level is a search for the correct output for some particular instance.
82. His children find European numbering simpler than the Chinese system.
83. Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler. Albert Einstein 
84. Both states have recently passed legislation to make securitisation simpler.
85. A naked property tax would be simpler, but it would not be as fair.
86. They make trading simpler and reduce the associated costs leading to increased employment and better quality goods for consumers.
87. One advantage of a rectangular reactor building will be a much simpler overhead crane.
88. Thus a reasonable expectation for the strength of a material would be: which could hardly be much simpler.
89. Coming from a group whose aim is the simpler life, such an entry into the market place raises some intriguing questions.
90. His parents, he knew, had followed a simpler moral code.
91. Fund raising campaigns are simpler to organise and sustain when they are short term sprints aimed at quickly achievable goals.
92. But there was a simpler reason than that: his hunch told him he was not in the mood for it.
93. You can upload through your Web browser but it's simpler with a dedicated program.
94. In these simpler methods no wrapping with linen was undertaken.
95. Controlling your craft couldn't be simpler - plug your joystick in port 2 and get going!
96. But simpler forms of the drugs, including pills combining more than one drug in a single dose, are becoming available.
97. The claim is based presumably on the notion that the new charging system will be simpler.
98. The simpler of the two is based on a resistive sheet,() often just heavy paper with a graphite coating.
99. He and I and Evander were in the trenches together when life seemed simpler.
100. Of course, complicated things consist of lots of simpler things.
101. For the cat to reason this out would require considerable mental agility, but there is of course a simpler explanation.
102. ChemWindow Classic is a simpler version of the program recommended to users who have less powerful systems.
103. The policy conclusions drawn from the simpler model will also still follow.
104. Debbie wore a much simpler dress this time: a cream-colored cotton number that showed off her blond hair and tan.
105. Transcription has the unfortunate tendency to make things seem simpler and more clear-cut than they really are.
106. This process is much simpler and quicker than cleaning a convection oven.
107. It was simpler to screen for antibiotics made by microbes than for antibiotics made by other organisms.
108. Many of the simpler commercial software simulations will be usable with this age group.
109. Only the simpler, uglier land mine has shed more blood.
110. In addition to the more or less complex pathways mapped histologically, several simpler pathways have now been analysed by electrophysiological recording techniques.
111. Manchester police have an even simpler explanation for the current rise in street crime.
112. Some recipes include hard-boiled eggs and spinach, but this version is simpler and more elegant.
113. Undoubtedly, life would have been simpler had Emilio been safely martyred.
114. The search facility has the practical value of making it quicker and simpler to find your place in the recording.
115. Even the simpler types, such as circular, or tubular, knitting is again a slip stitch.
116. The latter point is debatable and it may only be that the practical aspects of creep measurements are simpler.
117. As the last chapter argued, many feminist psychologists pass over signification, in favour of simpler objects.
118. The process demands simpler information than a collection of attainment target scores.
119. Even in the simpler Newtonian theory of gravity, one can solve the equations exactly only in the case of two particles.
120. These will be simpler for the candidate to answer and will therefore help to keep the atmosphere relaxed.
121. I was stepping back in time, making the Mac emulate the simpler, though less useful, computer I had.
122. It is simpler to think about the problems outlined below in the context of controlled language indexing.
123. The complicated tariff system loosely based on distance, bandwidth and utility will be replaced by simpler mechanisms.
124. However, the parallel between a linear acceleration and gravitation is conceptually simpler.
125. Proponents of left-to-right strategy argue that it is much simpler, requiring far less bookkeeping, and thus leads to greater efficiency.
126. We do find that, as before, imaging or pattern classification networks are several orders of magnitude simpler to train.
127. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty,(http:///simpler.html) nor weakness weakness. Henry David Thoreau 
128. Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. Albert Einstein 
129. This advice from a simpler world had reached across centuries and gripped us both.
130. The creative ones turned their backs on conspicuous consumption and decided in favor of a simpler, personalized lifestyle.
131. Such a scheme is simpler as it avoids the necessity for a reduction of share capital.
132. Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards. Robert Orben 
133. She would prefer to put her trust in a plainer, simpler, hard-handed man.
134. There is a much simpler way to deal with low ratings.
135. As its name implies, it has affinities with Realism, while rejecting its simpler canons.
136. The register method is the simpler of the two.
137. The frequency polygon is simpler than its histogram counterpart.
138. There are simpler explanations for the executives'bonanza.
139. Can they not direct production under simpler conditions?
140. Isometric drawing is much simpler than perspective drawing.
141. For Aperture priority video, the procedure could not be simpler; just set Aperture Priority mode, select the aperture, press the Viedo button and you get that aperture.
142. There never was a simpler happier family until the coming of Peter Pan.
143. As a general rule, avoid using a more complex data structure where a simpler one will suffice.
144. Female erotica demonstrates how the detective agency operates—and how it differs from the much simpler male brain.
145. There is a limited amount of room in a bookmark URL field; this means that each bookmarklet is much simpler than a traditional program - usually they are only two or three lines of code.
146. Compared with an ash test, it is simpler and quicker, by which sample preparation can be greatly simplified, with an improved sensitivity and accuracy.
147. This type of drum brake has an application mechanism which is simpler, more reliable and insensitive to temperature.
148. The preparation technique is simpler and more convenient and the wall material is non-poisonous and biological degradable.
149. This cycloconverter is also provided with a novel detector of the output current polarity, which is simpler than other known methods.
150. In this case, I chose to give a simpler display that includes all the word forms for the synset in square brackets, the gloss, and then any further links to other synsets.
151. Compared with the ago stochastic model, this solution is simpler.
152. And it's hard to imagine a simpler program than this. So we very quickly realize that exhaustive testing is just never feasible for an interesting program.
153. I think there might be some simpler, more direct pathways than we envision.You've got this chemical just going, 'whap!'
154. Finally, by Mmatrix theory a simpler sufficient condition for the symmetric composite system with input saturation to be semiglobally decentralized stabilized is obtained.
155. Splitting is slow and requires expensive expertise, while cutting is cheaper and simpler, this makes American oak barrels cheaper.
156. This form of B vitamin supports and sustains the liver by catalyzing the break down of fats into simpler forms that are crystalline.
157. In this paper, we propose a method for making a one-step lensless single-ray rainbow hologram, which makes the system structure simpler while the area of hologram larger.
157. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
158. With a magnetic drive rotary valve instead of the conventional mechanical rotary valve, and two pulsed pots instead of four in the traditional pulser, the new one is better sealed and simpler.
159. Objective: To discuss the simpler and better therapy for chronic anal fissure.
160. Secondly, it is proved that monotonicity is equivalent to the law of proof by contradiction, and a simpler equivalent condition to monotonicity is given.
161. The modern electronic computer has been developed from the simpler calculating machine.
162. A simpler method for preparing haptoglobin from the waste residue of Rivanol- ammonium sulphate fractionation of human serum during the production of human immunoglobulin is described.
163. On the other hand, the 3D aspects of object give the information of object pose, which can make the matching procedure simpler.
164. getting properties from a managed object—seemed vastly simpler using VI Java than the VI SDK.
165. Most of these systems provide simpler and more rapid presumptive identification of Salmonella in foods.
166. Fecal elastase-1 is a test which documents exocrine gland function of pancreas by the content of elastase-1 in stool, a simpler one compared to other indirect exocrine pancreatic function tests.
167. The column of reactive distillation was improved from compound tower to sieve tray tower which is famous for its lower cost of equipment and simpler operation and cleaning .
168. These were consolidated and refined to allow simpler and more precise refinements of the base language.
169. In the banking system most transactions are short transactions. Transaction management methods are simpler.
170. These new walkways, however, were essentially a single conveyor moving from A to B, far simpler than the earlier many-ringed, multispeed systems with multiple points of entry and exit.
171. By using selection menu item in dimensional windows, and the gradual disappearance of menu bar, illustrated to make a more beautiful, simpler stronger motion picture effect.
172. It's about providing front-end services that can access back-end services written in PHP in a much simpler and more intuitive manner.
173. Set frontal and back inching switch, etc humanization device to make operation simpler and safer.
174. We reprove the following theorem with a simpler means:Theorem: let A is the solvable algebra, then A is the local nilpotent algebra.
175. The pyrogallol autoxidation assay for superoxide dismutase(SOD)was partly improved to make it simpler, save time and reagents. The kinetics of this reaction was also primarily studied.
176. Some of his finest works were in the 1750s and 1760s, when the Baroque style was be replaced by simpler styles but popular at the time and afterwards.
177. But Mr Najera Ponce chose a simpler way to remunerate musicians and labels.
178. It is a great question for study whether the semantic relation between verb and object is getting more and more complex or simpler and simpler in Chinese long developmented history.
179. But the idea they embody, that a near-permanent connection to the internet permits simpler technology, is already changing the economics of the PC business.
180. I already knew I wasn't going to be comfortable with this method - electrocution was faster and simpler.
181. Subprocess encapsulates a process to allow simpler modeling by reusing definitions.
182. Haha, obviously you haven't seen the phones they have down there. Believe me it'll be a lot simpler in this way.
183. It is the basis of Occam's razor as well as Einstein's maxim that "everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler".
184. A new microcomputer-based, open capillary isotachophoresis instruments has been developed. Compared with conventional capillary isotachophoresis analyzer, it is simpler in structure and cheaper.
185. NEW YORK - Back in the simpler, more innocent mid-1990s, Internet searches were seen as a loss leader.
186. In this paper, by application of matrix elementary operation, we give the method of solving for plane projective collineation. The method presented in this paper is simpler and clearer than used one.
187. Now, a much simply ( simpler ) physical test to predict Alzheimer's risks has been developed.
188. Occam's Razor is an intellectual tool that basically states that, given any two solutions to the same problem, the simpler solution will be the best.
189. The euro makes business much simpler as it eliminates foreign exchange risk.
190. Life is more wholesome: there, a throwback to simpler times.
191. Calculation example shows that fatigue check and computation of steel truss bridge becomes simpler and more convenient by employing approximate formula.
192. CWM specifications bring up a common standard, which makes the integration and management between different metadata simpler and more effective.
193. Configuration got radically simpler—no more grovelling around for the system MDA and user's mailbox, no more worries about whether the underlying OS supports file locking.
194. The method is simpler and more convenient, and the result is more precise and reliable, the method is excellent in the design of auto kinetic control system.
195. By using this chip, there will be fewer I/O pins, and simpler hardware and software circuits than that of the ordinary dynamic scanning circuit.
196. Box - office figures do have one major advantage: They make historical comparisons simpler.
197. As effective and simpler therapeutic approaches develop, the primary care physician is likely to play an increasingly important role.
198. In this paper, a simpler and direct coupling method, i. e. finite element method coupled with singular solution of infinite plane with a hole, is proposed for the analysis of underground engineering.
199. You still need to handle this exception of course, but writing a catch block to handle a detected error is much simpler than writing code to detect all possible errors.
200. Life can be made simpler by a wise choice of coordinate axes.
201. In addition, our scheme supports divisibility and transferability of digital coins in a simpler way.
202. This algorithm is simpler than analytic simulation programming[http:///simpler.html], and needs lesser storage and has higher precision in contrast to the discrete simulation.
203. Let the simpler, more fashionable and more elegant symbolic structure of Paris stand in your home, and enjoy the easy taste.
204. Perhaps the most important questions are whether simpler and more inclusive conservation laws exist.
205. A lot of systems and service can invade Zhang date ascribe is insecure with impertinent password, some virus software and vermian virus can guess a simpler password.
206. Using a present value of an annuity table is a simpler approach.
207. A few artifacts and some Arabic texts suggest that simpler geared calendrical devices had existed, particularly in Baghdad around A. D. 900.




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