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单词 Phone call
1 I have to make a phone call.
2 I need to make a quick phone call .
3 Where can I make a phone call?
4 He is making a phone call.
5 I'll just make a quick phone call.
6 The phone call from Mike really made my day.
7 Sophie's curiosity was aroused by the mysterious phone call.
8 Is Derrick about? There's a phone call for him.
9 The phone call came after months of silence.
10 She made a tearful phone call to her family.
11 His mood lightened after the phone call.
12 I had a phone call from John.
13 I received a phone call from your mother.
14 She received a collect phone call from Alaska.
15 She responded to my letter with a phone call.
16 I had a phone call from Mary.
17 I got a phone call from someone called Mike.
18 I need to make a phone call.
19 I thought a phone call to the right person might set the wheels in motion.
20 You've been putting off making that phone call for days - I think it's about time you grasped the nettle!
21 Generally a brief note or a phone call will suffice.
22 You should follow up your letter with a phone call.
23 It only took one phone call to set the wheels in motion.
24 Hi Maggie! Is this phone call business or pleasure ?
25 Wait there for a minute. I have to make a phone call.
26 My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call.
27 Will you excuse me? I've got to make a phone call.
28 If there is no response to your press release, follow it up with a phone call.
29 Will you order for me while I make a phone call?
30 He felt a deep sense of relief after the phone call.
1 I have to make a phone call.
2 I need to make a quick phone call .
3 Where can I make a phone call?
4 He is making a phone call.
5 I'll just make a quick phone call.
6 Wait there for a minute. I have to make a phone call.
7 My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call.
31 The doctor came at once in answer to my phone call.
32 The new system can trace a phone call in a fraction of a second.
33 Make a phone call to check that you are writing to the right person.
34 His phone call was a welcome intrusion into an otherwise tedious morning.
35 Melissa had chain-smoked all evening while she waited for a phone call from Tom.
36 You should follow your letter up with a phone call .
37 I made a phone call to check out his address.
38 Why don't you invest in a phone call to find it out?
39 All he needs to do is make one phone call and I'm a marked man.
40 It would only take one phone call to blow their cover .
41 It is the company's proud boast that it can deal with all a customer's needs in one phone call.
42 Are we to place confidence in a minister who cannot remember a phone call he made last week?
43 Then he received a phone call that was to change his life.
44 You should follow up your phone call with an e-mail or a letter.
45 I made a phone call to the United States to talk to a friend.
45 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
46 A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted.
47 I got a phone call from her in the middle of the night!
48 This is so extraordinary, it rates a medal and a phone call from the President.
49 You seem very tensed up. Are you still waiting for that phone call?
50 Please remember to give me a phone call when you get there.
51 I've just got to make a phone call. I'll be with you in two shakes.
52 By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.
53 She was called away from the meeting to take an urgent phone call.
54 His failure to return her phone call told her that something was wrong.
55 I should like to make a phone call, if possible.
56 He received a long-distance phone call from his girlfriend in Colorado.
57 It would only take one phone call to blow his cover.
58 I'll join you in a minute but I need to make a phone call first.
59 A phone call can really boost morale.
60 Could I just make a quick phone call?
61 I listened while Ted made a phone call.
62 One phone call could save a lot of hassle.
63 Twenty-four hours later you make an anonymous phone call.
64 I've just had a serious phone call.
65 Cramer left the room to make a phone call.
66 Sherry's phone call really made my day.
67 I got the phone call at midnight.
68 Ernie put through a phone call to Rhonda.
69 One evening, Ham Robb received a phone call.
70 At nine thirty he made a phone call.
71 Then I got a phone call from Charlie Manganelli.
72 Ballater received a phone call from Rose at seven o'clock that evening.
73 He stopped dictating to take a phone call and I saw his face become shocked, then very grave.
74 The idea was to show Crawford making a phone call to warn police that a bomb was planted there.
75 The phone call was just a device to keep him from leaving.
76 As Marguerite left the room for a moment to answer a phone call,() Jenna looked up at Alain.
77 He was too eager to get back to his roll to ask how Zen had found out about the anonymous phone call.
78 But Harry can expect a big cake, a pile of cards ... and a special phone call from home.
79 Then we get a peremptory phone call telling us we've got twenty-four hours to arrange a local arrest squad.
80 Norma Foglio still remembers one special long-distance phone call from her husband in the middle of the night.
81 Eid got a phone call with a demand for a correction.
82 The other car had skidded into hers and made her forget the phone call.
83 If you have to make the dreaded phone call, prepare yourself.
84 My phone call was a perfect opportunity for you to go public with the information.
85 If you get an obscene or abusive phone call, don't say anything and hang up immediately!
86 Phone call from Education Office, re. dinner money summary sheets.
87 If you didn't have your fortnightly visit you were allowed a letter in lieu or sometimes a phone call.
88 He did not even wait to be told the subject of the phone call.
89 And that phone call ... Part of it was overheard by one of the village ladies waiting just outside the telephone box.
90 He wanted to dissipate his anger before making the next phone call.
91 I'd get a phone call from his secretary and then a limousine would be waiting for me down the lane.
92 Coincidentally they received a phone call from a double glazing company to see if a rep could call round.
93 Getting a phone call at the Writers' Club had so confused me that I became half deaf.
94 Joe Vignola was in jail eight days when his wife got a phone call.
95 After his first phone call he turned up at Lynsey's north London home only hours later.
96 And there was also the matter of the anonymous phone call, pointing the finger squarely at Amanda.
97 I served on the citizenship working party after receiving a phone call from David Blunkett's office.
98 The phone call sped my heart to happier times in Seoul seven years earlier.
99 It would only take one phone call to blow her cover.
100 Jim Feng has gone; the phone call has caused him to limp back across the square to the Telenews office.
101 I was pleased, too, but now I was worried about that phone call.
102 So if you dash to work unfed, you're more likely to forget that vital mid-morning phone call or dental appointment.
103 If you really want to be the rep for this account, you make the phone call.
104 As I mentioned in my recent phone call the best site for it is the Mill Yard, as last year.
105 What for? the Union said. Anonymous phone call, the company said.
106 But after months of silence, she's managed a phone call to him.
107 Female speaker I got a phone call to say what had happened.
108 This time, to make my phone call, I went into a sausage shop.
109 If you do not have a directory which includes specialist editors' names a quick phone call will soon elicit the information.
110 BReid, who is a former deputy district attorney, did not return a phone call seeking comment.
111 Now he too was waiting for a phone call, promised for the afternoon.
112 Being a cautious kind of chap, I decided to make a phone call before reaching before reaching for my cheque book.
113 But two years ago a London antiques dealer received a mysterious phone call.
114 About a week later Lilly got a phone call in the middle of a rainy night.
115 Carey works in the White House as a special assistant for legislative affairs; he did not return a phone call Monday.
116 Apart from your Internet access subscription, you pay only for the local phone call.
117 It started with the phone call asking to meet him.
118 I had a phone call about three quarters of an hour ago.
119 There would be no phone call from the mysterious informant.
120 Alain took her phone call with remarkable calm, his voice on the phone almost making her decide not to go.
121 However, a phone call from Mrs Meadows seemed to offer a temporary solution to their problem.
122 Will you accept a collect phone call from Beverly Hillman?
123 No one carries more than about $ 1, enough for a train or bus ride and a phone call.
124 With Autoseeker fitted you only have to make one simple phone call and Autoseeker's advanced technology does the rest.
125 As Mr McCrindle had demonstrated by his phone call, the main concern of farmers was that their fences should be tight.
126 I'll just make a phone call while you finish the dishes.
127 After the appropriate phone call, I am ask d to walk down an oak spiral staircase one floor.
128 But I got a late-night phone call from you, Doll.
129 He got a hysterical phone call from his mother in the middle of the night.
130 Also sort out the dinner money! 9.40: Phone call from Education Office re.
131 She made one phone call after another.
132 Even a cabin boy gets a phone call, right?
133 Also, the ease with which the government can collect all of it -- the calling and called party of every phone call in the country -- makes the balance very different.
134 We have the meter reading for the phone call in question.
135 There was a girl making a phone call in the telephone booth.
136 The year after he made the first phone call,(http:///phone call.html) he set up the Bell Telephone Company.
137 Mansour al-Turki told AP in a phone call, "They had reached an advance stage of readiness and what remained only was to set the zero hour for their attacks."
138 No, he made the cell phone call to a land line -- specifically, to the land line of his chief competitor at Bell Labs.
139 Richard had come on a mission, however, and quickly revealed it as he pointed at me teasingly, while querying the principal "Did you know about her phone call?"
140 Or perhaps you surreptitiously make a phone call to your business partner.
141 There was a phone call from David Burton of Carter Steel Ltd. Of Chicago yesterday afternoon.
142 Also however be so, you why will think is that I make a phone call to call from joss-stick does the benefit come back?
143 Responsibility for the attacks was claimed by different groups. A phone call to a Dublin newspaper said the soldiers had been killed by the Real IRA, notorious for the Omagh bombing in 1998.
144 To make sure Intertek receive the requisition form, kindly follow up with a phone call.
145 Please gibe me a phone call when you get to the place safe.
146 Some people don't care about birthdays (or actually hate being reminded of them), while others feel slighted if they don't get a phone call or an e-card.
147 Officials are worried that tests may violate anti-trust laws. The Justice Department is reportedly focused on a phone call...
148 I re-route phone call.
149 In March C.C.F., its records lost, worked to track down students, one phone call leading to the next and finally to a parents' meeting in the wrecked school yard.
150 First, the audio signal is established in the same way that any phone call is made...only if the called subscriber also has a video phone set.
151 Ian returns a phone call to Sgt. 1st Class Gavino Barron, the commander at Ian's Army recruiting office, on June 1, 2007.
152 The ham shack here contacts a station in or near the destination of the call and the ham at the stateside end puts in a phone call to the callee.
153 F. While cleaning out her dormitory room on her last day at university, she received an unexpected phone call.
154 I say certainly...Who know Sunday me bed throat very painful, run at the nose wildly...I have to make a phone call to her at noon, alas, can postpone!
155 Record phone call conversations without beep sound and time limitation.
156 The probability is that he fell into a crevasse shortly after leaving his tent, not long after pulling on his boots, making a final phone call home and stepping out into the cold.
157 "Great Independence King Buddha! " When I took the phone call that time, I heard Laywoman Huang say: "Master Li, you certainly must help me! "
158 He made a quick phone call to pass on his congratulation.
159 I have to ring off now because many people are waiting to make a phone call.
160 I was denied my right to a phone call after I was arrested.
161 This telephonic coaching service provided to Intel SH, Xi'an and remote office's employees. The employee will receive coaching service via the phone call in the appointed time slot.
162 I had sold my condominium about a month before that eventful phone call.
163 We got a phone call from the lawyers and is was back to square one.
164 One phone call and half the city's police force will be around to arrest you.
165 A 10 - minute phone call at that rate would cost $ 5.
166 A phone call from Jackson,(http:///phone call.html) who attempted to convince Bryant to give the Lakers another chance and that the team would rededicate itself to an improved roster and not long-term rebuilding.
167 But any interruption, whether it's an e-mail, a phone call, or a walk-up, will break this flow and it takes time (15 minutes on average based on the statistics) to get back into the flow again.
168 The phone call to Mr. Schwartz capped a helter-skelter week -- and presaged another 10 days of chaos.
169 I make a phone call on ask, this landlord say:" I lift the gift to go to the to be released by you to come, know do I come out from your house how that day?"
170 Last week I got a phone call from Altoona, Pennsylvania , and the voice was very young, and the person said, "Thanks."
171 It's only propaganda and we completely deny these rumors, " Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in a phone call."
172 Have you ever put off a difficult phone call or a high-pressure task for days and days ... only to find it looming larger and larger in your mind?
173 If you can't handle this job by yourself, i'm just a phone call away.
174 But the phone call comes while Trotter is giving her two children a bath.




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