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单词 Buchanan
1) She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.
2) Buchanan has never held elective office.
3) And Buchanan goes after it like a heat-seeking missile.
4) Pat Buchanan still pads and snorts on the sidelines.
5) Sharpened up, it could be an antidote to Buchanan.
6) Buchanan began advertising on radio Wednesday.
7) Buchanan opposes abortion, affirmative action, immigration and imports.
8) See Here is compiled by Ian Buchanan.
9) Pat Buchanan has built a strong coalition of supporters.
10) Buchanan poses less of a problem for Dole.
11) Buchanan has tapped into the wellspring of middle-class angst.
12) Just as frequently,(http:///buchanan.html) Buchanan denies those accusations.
13) Buchanan is in error on that point.
14) Pat Buchanan raising a rifle over his head.
15) However, Buchanan said he would attend the convention.
16) Pat Buchanan got out the vote.
17) But Buchanan claims to have intellectual support from within the establishment.
18) All the Republicans except Buchanan support global free trade and oppose direct measures to discourage companies from moving manufacturing plants overseas.
19) No evidence of a Buchanan trust fund or yacht club membership, however.
20) Buchanan has said he would gradually eliminate all foreign economic aid and give only limited assistance in instances of humanitarian disasters.
21) If elected, Buchanan promised, he would end all hirings based on race and gender.
22) By the force of his own enthusiasm, Buchanan has a chance of grabbing some of the 21 delegates at stake.
23) Buchanan was a speech writer for Nixon and communications director for Reagan.
24) Gramm, Alexander and Buchanan all recognize that Forbes' rise imperils their own chances to win credibility.
25) Pat Buchanan not withstanding, trade is booming more than ever before.
26) Gramm said he had to win Louisiana, but was trounced by conservative commentator Patrick Buchanan.
27) Turn the gain down a bit and the reverb up and this translates into old Roy Buchanan - anyone remember Sweet Dreams?
28) Who will be brave enough to puncture the Reaganite dream, while blocking the Buchanan nightmare?
29) The Texan stumbled badly in Louisiana, which gave most of its support to Buchanan.
30) The poll showed Dole with 58 percent support and Buchanan with 15 percent among likely Republican primary voters.
1) She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.
31) Buchanan also called on independents and Democrats to flood the precinct meetings Monday night.
32) In the Republican contest Bush won 76 percent of the votes in Illinois, compared with 22 percent for Buchanan.
33) But the key difference, according to Buchanan and Gramm, is that investment income would not be taxed under Forbes.
34) Patrick Buchanan this week introduced an ad stressing his opposition to global free trade.
35) As a result, a heavy dose of reality has descended on the Buchanan campaign.
36) Angry populists like Pat Buchanan will exploit the disaffection of those left behind.
37) His biggest problem is the seemingly resolute determination of Pat Buchanan and Steve Forbes to hang in.
38) Television commentator Patrick J.. Buchanan, whose name was only on about two-thirds of the state ballots, came in third.
39) The large black population of those four biggest states will not turn out for Pat Buchanan.
40) Richard Lugar or commentator Pat Buchanan have yet to catch fire.
41) But Buchanan, Alexander and Forbes seemed intent on fighting over everything from immigration to the flat tax and education.
42) But this year, presidential candidate Pat Buchanan added two other issues: trade and economic insecurity.
43) In the 30-second spot, the first attack ad of his campaign, Buchanan accuses competitors Dole, Sen.
44) California holds its primary Tuesday, and Dole is expected to handily beat commentator Pat Buchanan.
45) The tone then was set by conservative commentator and unsuccessful presidential contender Pat Buchanan, who forecast a cultural and religious war.
46) But, like Buchanan, Sweeney creates problems as well as opportunities for his party.
47) Buchanan has only $ 2 million in the bank and only two paid campaign staffers in South Carolina.
48) Unlike Forbes, Gramm and Buchanan favor retaining the home-mortgage deduction and the deduction for charitable gifts.
49) Phil Gramm of Texas supports a single income-tax rate, as does commentator Patrick Buchanan.
50) Captain Steve Waugh had sharp words with Buchanan, telling him he had spoken out of turn.
51) But evangelical anti-abortion voters turned out in droves for Buchanan and the final count was Buchanan 13, Gramm 8.
52) Mainstream conservatives are pondering which single candidate they will unite behind to beat Buchanan.
53) This week Pat Buchanan must feel a lot like his great-grandfather, a Confederate soldier captured by Gen.
54) What Buchanan is saying is that people who cross the southern border are enemies.
55) Regaining the initiative, King quipped that the other 2 percent are all voting for Pat Buchanan.
56) Buchanan, by contrast, has waged a vigorous Arizona campaign, wooing voters with his anti-immigrant, anti-corporate and anti-Washington themes.
57) Perhaps we have Pat Buchanan to thank for at least some of this raising of consciousness.
58) They hewed to a narrow ideological range, disdainful of progressives on the left and Patrick Buchanan on the right.
59) Buchanan made a special appeal to abortion opponents, a group of voters whose support he generally shares with Gramm and Keyes.
60) Like his rebel ancestor, Buchanan is fighting a lost cause with prideful determination despite overwhelming odds.
61) Buchanan had made inroads in Wisconsin, where one early poll had him tied with Dole.
62) The poll showed Dole with 37 percent, Forbes with 18 percent and Buchanan with 10.
63) If Dole is too old, and Buchanan too extreme, Alexander is the reassuring option.
64) In Iowa, where the antiabortion movement dominates Republican politics, Buchanan moved to stake out the strongest position on the subject.
65) Buchanan has been the most explicit in offering a diagnosis, and a cure.
66) Dole, Alexander and Forbes responded by accusing Buchanan of advocating a dangerous form of protectionism.
67) From the right, there remain the tireless attacks from Pat Buchanan.
68) But the Lexington goes to Bay Buchanan, sister and campaign manager of Pat, for her low-budget bravado.
69) Letterman said that Buchanan pledged to put a fence around her.
70) Mr Justice Buchanan frowned before asking if there were any chance of a unanimous verdict being reached if he allowed more time.
71) It is really quite incredible that, after ten months,(http://) Councillor Buchanan should still be unaware of such basic facts.
72) This time, Buchanan is not expected to get near the podium.
73) Clinton supporters joke about how nice it would have been had Buchanan been the opposing nominee.
74) Indeed, the latest polls show Dole leading Buchanan by 11 points in South Carolina.
75) Buchanan has confidence in her, and says he is going to glory or a grave in her.
76) Conservative Washington commentator Patrick Buchanan, 58, is a perennial contender, having mounted losing bids in 1992 and this year.
77) Buchanan was everywhere in the days before the primary, as opposed to Bob Dole who pretty much stiffed the state.
78) For all his odd and scary views, Buchanan has played the fear card like a snake oil salesman hawking eternal life.
79) But even as he continues to turn out enthusiastic crowds, surveys show Buchanan is losing some of his base to Dole.
80) Cadets in gray raincoats crushed against the iron gates and spilled into the street to cheer Buchanan.
81) Among the candidates, Buchanan has the most deeply committed supporters, the poll said.
82) Kauffman suggests that the end of the Cold War prompted Buchanan to re-examine his political values.
83) Lamar Alexander and news commentator Pat Buchanan, both of whom themselves are men of substantial financial means.
84) Patrick Buchanan has criticized Dole for not taking a stronger stance against abortion.
85) And Buchanan lacks cash, which becomes vital as the primary season rolls on.
86) Luntz recommends that Dole use welfare overhaul as a unifying issue, because it appeals to the Buchanan Brigades without offending moderates.
87) Though Demjanjuk was convicted and sentenced to death, Buchanan believed the charges were dubious and hammered at the case.
88) The registered Republicans of Arizona responded to all those front page pictures of Pat Buchanan in western garb.
89) Buchanan has been spending big money on prime-time television advertising in the New Orleans market.
90) Buchanan, armed with little more than expert oratory, can probably be sidelined by the Republicans.
91) Buchanan makes many Hispanics uneasy because of his tough statements against immigration.
92) If Pat Buchanan has a beef with trade policy, Iowa is a strange place to press his protectionist case.
93) They bolted at the hard-line views of Pat Buchanan and said Bob Dole lacked vision.
94) Buchanan is his own speech writer and ideas man; his sister Bay is campaign manager.
95) Voters' views on abortion ran even stronger against the Buchanan position.
96) Under no circumstances, however, should the Dole campaign let Buchanan speak during prime time at the Republican Convention.
97) But with the presidential election looming, the cries for protectionism from the ultra-conservative Buchanan are angering many business people.
98) Both suggest, either by statement or implication, that Buchanan is an extremist and warn of dire consequences to his nomination.
99) Buchanan and Forbes moved on Tuesday to the industrial states that will vote next week.
100) Buchanan, Campbell,(http:///buchanan.html) and Kingsmill were back in 1883 with a new prospectus for their restoration company.
101) Still, Buchanan appeals to abortion opponents, gun rights advocates and religious conservatives.
102) Buchanan, who did best among the three also-rans, got only 14 percent.
103) Commentator and presidential contender Pat Buchanan also supports a single income-tax rate.
104) Low turnout may benefit Buchanan, whose fervent backers are by far the most committed.
105) Buchanan and the pundits credit Forbes' early use of absentee ballots.
106) Buchanan wants to erect a fence on the nation Southwest border to stop illegal immigration.
107) I think the candidate has to reconcile with the Buchanan forces if we expect to win.
108) Robert Dornan and Patrick Buchanan -- to pledge to continue to include in the Republican platform a constitutional ban on abortions.
109) The almost certain one is a third party candidacy by Ross Perot or even Pat Buchanan.
110) Lamar Alexander and commentator Patrick Buchanan are all within striking distance of a respectable finish in either state.
111) Even Buchanan, who ignited the debate over layoffs, acknowledges he would have limited options as president.
112) But the Buchanan reality is still deeply uncomfortable for the Republican Party.
113) He complained bitterly after being surprised by Pat Buchanan in an early primary about a pollster whose predictions had been too optimistic.
114) Immediately on hearing the news from Pat Buchanan he had gone into his hideaway study.
115) Phil Gramm of Texas at 5. 7 percent and conservative commentator Pat Buchanan at 3. 9 percent.
116) The Buchanan trade plank is at odds with long-standing Republican endorsements of free trade.
117) The philosopher Scott Buchanan once observed in conversation that science resembles theater.
118) Dole acknowledged that Buchanan did a better job appealing to voters who are feeling economically insecure.
119) One whole day they stayed in Buchanan Street. Up and down with giggles and stares.
120) Buchanan successfully tapped the economic insecurity of blue-collar workers by slamming trade agreements embraced by most Republican leaders, including Dole.
121) Besides Clinton, the common denominator in the 1992 and 1996 races is Buchanan.
122) Buchanan, however, said she was pleased by the selection of abortion opponent Rep.
123) The paper endorsed commentator Pat Buchanan, who is running third in statewide polls.
124) But the final results placed him second and suggested that the Buchanan insurgency was ebbing.
125) Somehow, he managed to flank Pat Buchanan on the right, to no avail.
126) Warren Rudman, a much-respected political veteran, said just before the primary that Buchanan is unelectable.
127) This could be Pat Buchanan, beating the drum of working-class Republicanism.
128) A historian remembers the mid-'70s, as well as his struggles to complete a biography of President James Buchanan.
129) But with the significant exception of presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, few prominent Republicans have addressed those issues in recent months.
130) Two candidates, Buchanan and Alexander, arrived early for campaign appearances.
131) This time he mustered only 26 percent, a mere three points more than Buchanan.
132) Phil Gramm of Texas have now cast their lot with Buchanan.
133) Some leaders of these organizations have held Buchanan fundraisers, collected petitions for Buchanan and spoken at state Reform Party meetings.
134) "Writing is research" (James Buchanan).
135) And Mr. Thomas Buchanan, the athlete?
136) Shortly after, President Buchanan sent Congress a similar message.
137) Buchanan said he was insulted by the judge's remarks.
138) Did Bill Buchanan explain to you about Assad?
139) One afternoon late in October I saw Tom Buchanan.
140) It still remains to be seen whether Buchanan will be just a gadfly or a real threat to the president.
141) Under this pressure, President Buchanan made his decision. He would ask Congress to accept the pro-slavery Kansas constitution and make the territory a slave state.
142) 15th U.S. president James Buchanan is the only unmarried man ever to be elected president.
143) President-elect Lincoln rode to the ceremony with outgoing President James Buchanan.
144) Pat Buchanan , a speechwriter who considered himself Nixon's conservative conscience, was morose.
145) This is the wisdom of 1986 Nobel Laureate James Buchanan, one of the most prolific and original economists of the twentieth century.
146) In Washington, President Buchanan and Secretary of War John Floyd did not learn of the rebellion at Harpers Ferry until after ten o'clock that morning. The president wanted immediate action.
147) Right-wingers who follow Friedrich Hayek or James Buchanan will treat "social justice" and "social choice" as nonsenses.
148) He told President Buchanan that he did not want a job or money. He only wanted a chance to be useful.
149) This monthlong program is led by Nancy Leigh DeMoss of Life Action Ministries, a revival ministry based in Buchanan, in southwest Michigan.
150) This week on our series, we tell more about James Buchanan. And we discuss his influence in the Supreme Court ruling in the case of a slave from Missouri named Dred Scott.
151) As the waiter brought my change I caught sight of Tom Buchanan across the crowded room.
152) The first transatlantic cable was completed, and was opened by Queen Victoria and President Buchanan exchanging greetings.
153) Presidents James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce and William Henry Harrison ranked worst overall.
154) She had told him that she loved him, and Tom Buchanan saw.
155) Pierce's other opponent for the Democratic nomination was James Buchanan of Pennsylvania. Buchanan was a northerner who would probably leave the South alone.
156) But Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan; and they are'the very rich '.
157) Buchanan had written to him asking when the court would act on the Dred Scott case.
158) "Up until quite recently, even when you saw strong nominal wage growth, productivity growth was even stronger," Buchanan said. "More recently, that may no longer be the case."
159) And Pennsylvania was the home of the Democratic candidate(http://), James Buchanan.
160) A man named Thomas Kane asked President Buchanan to let him go to Utah. Kane was an old friend of the president.
161) He was angry, because he could get no help from the federal government. He sent his resignation to President Buchanan.
162) In 1858, a telegraphed message from Britain's Queen Victoria to President Buchanan was transmitted over the recently laid trans-Atlantic cable.
163) Two particular deals -- named after U.S. Presidents James Buchanan and Andrew Jackson -- were scanned by the investigators, the paper said, citing a person familiar with the matter.
164) So, in an effort to unite the party, Stephen Douglas offered to withdraw. James Buchanan got his votes and the nomination.
165) Buchanan pushed all the right buttons, appealing to Maher's loyalty and to his guilt.
166) I hadn't been there two minutes when somebody brought Tom Buchanan in for a drink.
167) President Buchanan appointed a new governor for Kansas. Buchanan told him that slavery in the territory must be decided on the votes of the people of the territory.
168) The election came. Mr. Buchanan was elected indorsement, such as it was, secured.
169) Another antebellum president, James Buchanan, is also taken to task for failing to avert the south's secession.
170) Millard Fillmore just stalled the Civil War — James Buchanan made it a near certainty.
171) Carol: Presumably important enough to make us miss Cross Fire with Pat Buchanan and Pewee Herman.
172) The president of the United States in eighteen fifty-nine was James Buchanan.
173) James Buchanan (1986) offers a less philosophical case against the bailouts.
174) In Washington, President Buchanan and Secretary of War John Floyd did not learn of the rebellion at Harpers Ferry until after ten o'clock that morning.
175) One southern member of the Supreme Court was James Catron, a good friend of James Buchanan.
176) Buchanan took her proffered hand and cupped it awkwardly in his.
177) " I believe we've met somewhere before, Mr. Buchanan. "
178) James Buchanan was sworn-in as president at the time of the Dred Scott case.
179) Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand.
180) Did Buchanan make a mistake by reinstating Morris too soon?
181) And that's what you're doing with Buchanan and O'Brian ?
182) A man named Thomas Kane asked President Buchanan to let him go to Utah.
183) James Buchanan was sworn-in as president on March fourth, eighteen fifty-seven.
184) A few days later, two representatives of President Buchanan arrived. They brought news that the president would not act against Mormons who accepted the rule of the United States government.
185) So Buchanan wrote to Grier. He told him that a strong decision in the Dred Scott case might do much to bring peace to the country.
186) The lifelong bachelor shared rooms in Washington for 15 years with a fellow bachelor senator, and future bachelor president, James Buchanan of Pennsylvania.
187) Michael Buchanan, of Goldman Sachs, estimates that since 2004 China's excess credit (the gap between the growth rates of credit and nominal GDP) has risen by less than in most developed economies.
188) Buchanan was suspended for a year from Georgetown University after brawling with police.
189) President Buchanan had promised the people of Kansas that they would have a fair chance to vote on their constitution.




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